Distribution: Dariush Shirmohammadi, Paul Gribik, Al Suding, Jeff Amlin Subject: SCE project Author: gbackusgboulderearthnet.netsmtp at x400po Date: 5/7/97 12:07 PM Paul, William Heller has asked me to put together a smart gaming system that looks at the present and past conditions, find patterns, and determine moves (day, hour and spot) that maximize profits for generation and minimize costs for the UDC. One component of the system needs to analyze the (probabilistic spectrum of) impacts of a move before hand. Is your L-P model (as in your paper) THE model that the ISO will use. Is the model (in theory) fully available to all those who participate in the California system? To SCE? Have any information on the run time for you model? (Is each run an hour or a day of hours?) I would need to make 40-100 runs for each hour to determine the possible outcomes and the correct portfolio of bids. Thanks George From: Paul.Gribik-pscmail.ps.net To: gbackus-boulder.earthnet.net Subject: Re: SCE project Date: Wednesday, May 07, 1997 2:08 PM George: The paper describes the model that the ISO will use to allocate and price interzonal transmission capacity to the various Scheduling Coordinators for their energy transactions. There are some as yet incompletely defined protocols that will be used to allocate and price interzonal transmission capacity for ancillary service transactions. The paper does not address these. The paper also does not describe the procedures that will be used to adjust energy schedules to relieve intrazonal congestion and the settlements for this. The software that solves the interzonal congestion management LP is being developed by PCA in Arizona. This will not be public domain softeware. I also don't think that SCE will be just given a copy; however, SCE does own a license for PCA's OPF. This is the package from which the congestion management software is being developed with many significant changes. I am sure that PCA will sell to others, but they won't give it away. In any case, for your probabilistic analysis, I think that a much smaller LP would give acceptable results (many fewer nodes in the transmission network model). This could be developed using a commercial LP package. The ISO will solve each hour in isolation. Base software to solve the intemporal problem was not available and modeling 24 interrelated hours was considered too risky. Paul Subject: Re: SCE project Author: gbackus-boulder.earthnet.net%smtp at x400po Date: 5/7/97 5:54 PM Thanks for getting back. How do the utilities check to make sure the PX or ISO is not screwing them if they don't have the model themselves to at least run tests on? We want to check what did happen (we need to see what data is going to be public off the PX and ISO) with what could happen. The "aggregate" model would need to be close or have a well defined bias. If we can't have the "real" model would you be available to "make" the "gaming" version? This implies you would have the data set from the real model. G From: Paul.Gribik-pscmail.ps.net To: gbackusgboulder.earthnet.net Cc: Alan.Suding(pscmail.ps.net Subject: Re[2]: SCE project Date: Thursday, May 08, 1997 8:09 AM George: I don't think that ABB, E&Y, etc. agreed to give licenses to use the ISO's software to anyone other than the ISO. If someone wants to use the software to check the ISO operations, I believe that they must make arrangements with the vendors to obtain licenses. The vendors are under no obligation to provide access to their intellectual property to anyone for free. Let's look at the aggregate model. The interzonal congestion management model will include a DC OPF model that can handle several thousand buses in the WSCC system model (approx. 6000 buses I think). I am not convinced that the probabilistic analyses you may want to run will need this level of detail. We may be able to get by with a model that uses only around 100 buses. This will of course require some analysis of the transmission network to see what we can do. Another part of the problem is just dealing with the volume of data to model the 6000 bus network. Shrinking the network will reduce this problem. The interzonal congestion management model will also include a market separation constraint for each scheduling coordinator. In phase 1, the ISO want to be able to treat 1000 SCs. In phase 2, 4000 SCs. For your gaming analyses, I don't think that we will need to treat this many SCs. We may be able to get by with treating approx. 100 SCs. There won't be anywhere near this many major players in the energy trading arena. Because of this, I think that writing a small interzonal congestion management model in MINOS, CPLEX or other LP solver should be a fairly cheap and relatively quick. Definitely cheaper and quicker than waiting for PCA to develop their software and buying a license. The 6000 bus model will probably be needed for intrazonal congestion management. For this model, we will use a full AC OPF without market separation constraints. This will be solved using a minor extension of PCA's off the shelf OPF. Running full AC OPFs can be very tricky. Just defining a reasonable case can take weeks of effort. I don't know if the effect of intrazonal congestion will be worth the effort to analyze. I am afraid that it will offer gaming opportunities so it probably will be an area to analyze. The gaming opportunities will arise since the number of resources that can relieve an "intrazonal" constraint violation will be very limited in may cases. This will give rise to locational market power. At present, I don't know what my availability will be. My time may be fully booked on the ISO Alliance systems build. Personally, I think that your project is more interesting. It could also be more in line with my abilities and background. However, PSC has a lot riding on the ISO systems development and if they want my full or nearly full time, I'm sure that they would get it. I wish that I could give you a better estimate of my availability, but this is as clearly as I can see into the future. I personally think that building the gaming version of the interzonal congestion management software would be doable and interesting. It could also give a valuable back-up to the full model being developed by PCA. Paul Subject: Re: Re[2]: SCE project Author: gbackusgboulder.earthnet.netsmtp at x400po Date: 5/8/97 12:19 PM Paul, Thanks much for this one. You gave me great information. I agree with your assessment and understand it. I would like to find a way to make it worth PSCs while to have you help on this project. From an intellectual point of view I like to think about the AC gaming just because it is such a tough problem. As a follow on to what I hope we can do DC in phase 1, AC could be looked at in phase 2. In phase 1, I am actually trying to get the CPUC to recognize the mess they are causing with their pricing and marketing rules and relieve some of the restrictions so that the market can actually behave like a market (as in supply and demand cause the price the customers see). It should also help SCE survive until the CPUC changes its perspectives. In phase 2, it would seem to be worth money for SCE to look at AC issues and I just want to satisfy my own curiosity on the dynamics. (In that I see SCE probably as a big loser before deregulation is done, helping them game the system doesn't seem all that predatory -- maybe it's just my rationalization.) George Subject: Re[4]: SCE project Author: Paul Gribik at PSC-LADWP Date: 5/8/97 3:10 PM George: The project definitely is interesting. It should also have good follow-on potential. I think that several areas of the protocols have large potential for gaming. I don't know if we want to try to get the CPUC, FERC, ISO and PX to try to plug the holes. I am afraid that it may be too late. It may be best to help SCE guard against attacks and develop profitable strategies under the existing protocols. I hope that we can get together on this. It should be fun and profitable. I look forward to talking about this more. Paul Author: George Backus: Glad to hear of your interest. I didn't mean affecting the CPUC directly. It's just that once the CPUC sees the gaming they may rethink things and in a few years get the system cleaned up to work better. G Subject: Re[5]: SCE project Author: Alan Suding at PSC-LADWP Date: 5/8/97 5:25 PM First order of business is the project proposal then. In the meantime e-mail discussion can continue as it has been regarding the work. How about a conference call on Monday with the intent of getting the proposal out? If everyone would toss out suitable times and phone numbers, I'll coordinate the call. I'm open all day Monday. Another option is to use Kinko's video conferencing facilities (if one is convenient to everyone). PSC will cover $. Not so much to see each other but to see documents/drawings at the same while talking goes on. PSC has a proposal outline that I can send to all as a starting point. In addition, I'll sort thru the e-mail todate send a summary of the conversation and suggestions in the form of meeting minutes (kinda) such as; planning for subsequent marketing to other companies, ISO model availability and options, computational needs, pending coordination, priority, and approval questions within PSC and such. George, who's jamlingearthlink.net? Subject: Re: Re[5]: SCE project Author: gbackusgboulder.earthnet.netsmtp at x400po Date: 5/9/97 12:53 PM Jeff is my business partner and the head of Systematic Solutions, Inc. They primarily do the model development and client support/project work. Jeff already has many of the bases covered for model design and functionality. We do need Paul's smarts on the ISO submodel. We have a good PX submodel but would surely take the "real" California model. We also need the good technical analysis "wall-street" PSC consultant to make sure that we are not deceiving ourselves on what to look for and what it means. The "consulting" here is mostly cross-check and fatal flaw stuff because, unlike the stock market analysis tools, we will be having an affect on the out come (we cannot assume our acts are independent of the market). Nonetheless, if we go "co" on a product then the "stock market/commodity" folks of PSC will be needed in marketing and training. I need to talk to Jeff on our thoughts of going in with you to sell the product elsewhere jointly. I am positively inclined but we need to think clearly here. (Jeff and I have already touched bases with other clients on the product and are a few steps ahead of your here.) Also the gaming Al stuff we bring along with the systems dynamics techniques raises many long term business issues with us should they become "yours." I think we can easily work this all out but I need to think of what it means. Paul is far superior to us in the models of the ISO and PX, and crucial to the California work. But SCE will make sure we can only work for them in California. PERIOD, PERIOD! !!! This may bring some "exclusivity money" but we would want to market elsewhere for better $. We can do "elsewhere" ourselves (Jeff and I) including the ISO model, but having you guys on board would certainly increase what we could do (given our size) and take advantage of Paul's expertise and productivity (as compared to ours). I have a conference call with the SCE lawyers at 10:00 AM your time on Monday to determine what we can put on paper and how hard nose SCE will be about residual rights. We need to have some contact among us before then to see what our mutual needs are -- before I inadvertently give the "farm" to SCE. Can we talk early Monday AM your time and then get into the proposal thing later Monday? I can do Kinko's video conferencing if you think it would help. At the moment I am not so sure we have much to "see." The proposal has to phased I think because we need to see along each step what high-cost tasks may have been overlooked and whether we are smart enough to be sure we can successfully complete the next step (as in producing money making decisions/gaming for SCE). We will need to study the CPUC rules to determine all significant gaming strategies/loop-holes, we will need to have some early play with humans to see if the system works and whether "real" people do things we have overlooked. We also need to test out the data crunching and run time of the software so that it gives an answer before it's needed. We will then have to test the Al/statistical algorithms to see if it finds the gaming information and plays well against humans. Then we have the real January-plus tests where we need to be on-site closely watching and fine- tuning the model -- jumping in if we see the model do something stupid and stop Art Charming from doing what the model said. If we find overbooking useful, the model may be betting on over $50 million per day. A few days of big losses may be frowned upon by SCE management - - and their contract lawyers. George (Intermediate discussion regarding conference times and flights deleted). Author: George Backus If I flew in, I would not be able to get to SCE until 10:00 for their "meeting." We would not have time to talk before hand. I could "call" them from your offices for the conference call but still we would only have a few minutes to get our act together. I hope Hemant can be on the Monday morning "chat" as well. Sounds like he has some good experience at making SCE responsive. As such, the telephone may give us the most time. Should we start early as possible on the telephone Monday morning with others coming in as they arrive? I am open to the flight (I think) but it's not clear it helps the Monday problem. I am gone the next Thursday through the next Thursday I am in San Francisco on Thursday but the day is full. I can make some contact over those days but not much. That does mean that next Monday through Wednesday are proposal go-nuts days. I think I really do need to get something to Heller next week. I would guess we need to strike while the iron is hot. Depending on how we agree on Monday AM, I am open to PSC being the lead. I can then load up the laptop and head your way for Tuesday to work on the proposal or I can emial my parts on Monday and Tuesday. If we can somehow assume we WILL make this work, I could come out on Monday to work on the proposal and have the SCE legal stuff as just a side show. Given everything else I am doing and needs to be done yesterday, I can only be in LA for one day, however. I'm now confused. What's your perspective. George