[ABB LETTERHEAD] ABB Or. John G. Redef Exmutv Voe Presidenr (919) 212.45 October 28, 1997 Fax: 972-383-5733 Perot Systems Corporation Attn: Mr. Ed Smith 12377 Merit Drve, Suite 1100 Dallas, Texas 75251 RE; California ISO Dear Ed: As you know. ABB Power T&D Company's President, Ake Almgren, was sent a copy of the letter dated October 22. 1997 from Jeffrey D. Tranen, President of the California Independent System Operator, to Mr. H. Ronald Nash of Perot Systems Corporation. ABS is deeply concerned about the allegations in the ISO letter and must request certain information and assurances from Perot We have taken note of the fact that te ISO's letter was addressed to Perot and not to the ISO Alliance LLC. Based on this fact, and the allegations contained in the letter, We believe that the issues that have prompted the ISO's letter relate solely to actions allegedly taken by Perot and not to any actions of ABB, Ernst & Young, or the ISO Alliance. Nevertheless, the ISO's allegations concerning the erosion of the integrity of the Calfornia energy market and the compromise of the work being performed by the ISO Alliance, suggests that ABB's interests could be adversely affected by the possible resolution of Issues raised by the letter. These interests of ABB are both its long term interest in the successful completion of the work under the ISO Contract and the short term interest of avoiding the cost and disruption to the work of the ISO Alliance that could result from compliance with some of all of the immediate demands set forth in the ISO's letter. In order for ABB to understand the full implications of the ISO's letter, we propose that we meet together promptly In order for you to provide the following information and assurances to ABB: ABB Power T&D Company Inc. Information Systems Division 201 S. Rogers Lane Telephone; Telema Flalolgh, NC 27610 919-212-4700 919.212-4821 1. Confirmation that Perot Systems has not Introduced or influenced the introduction of any changes or modifications to the Scheduling Applications design or Implementation that would create opportunities for profiting from Inefficiencies, congestion, or other potential weaknesses or shortcomings in the ISO systerns: 2. Confirmation or denial, with full supporting documentation and explanations, of the allegations In the ISO letter concerning the contact with a representative of San Diego Gas & Electric; 3. A list of all other persons and companies. if any, to whom any representative of Perot has offered assistance In profiting from Inefficiencies, congestion, or other potential weaknesses or shortcomings in the ISO systems; 4. Confirmation that Perot Systems, has not, in malding any offer of the type described in the preceding paragraphs, disclosed any information which is required to be maintained as confidential under any of the provisions of ISO Contract, as those terms are incorporated into the ISO Alliance Subcontract with Perot Systems. Although we regard the allegations of the ISO letter to be of an extremely serious nature, we fully understand that the allegations have not been documented or otherwise proven. Nevertheless, if those allegations are documented or proven, there is a risk that Perot would be In breach of its obligations as a Subcontractor to the ISO Alliance. By proposing a meeting to address the points noted above, we wish to give Perot every opportunity to demonstrate to ABB either that the ISO's allegations are misplaced or, if based in fact, that Perot will take every action necessary, at its sole expense, to provide whatever remedy to which the ISO may be entitled. I will be able to meet with you on Thursday, November 6, 1997. Please let me know if you can meet at that time. Sincerely, /s/ John G. Reckleff cc: Perot Systems Corporation Attn: General Counsel 12377 Merit Drive, Suite 1100 Dallas, Texas 75251 Ake Almgren Philip Curtis