Policy Assessment Corporation 14604 West 62nd Place [LOGO] Arvada, Colorado 80004 Office: (303) 467-3566 Fax: (303) 467-3576 e-mail: gbackus(boulder.earthnet.net Energy, Environmental, Economic Planning December 31, 1998 Mr. Ed Smith, Vice President Perot Systems Corporation 12377 Merit Dr. 11th Floor Dallas, Texas 75251 Dear Ed: Attached are the travel expense receipts for the meeting at your office on December 30, 1997 with you and Hemant Lall. Because of the rescheduling of the meeting, an extra $75.00 transfer fee was charged by the airlines to make the total ticket costs sum to $500.00. Because the ticket was an e-ticket, I do not have a receipt showing that $75.00 charge. Local airport parking was $10.00. One person-day was used for this effort at a cost of $2000. The total value of this invoice is then $2510.00. Please make the check payable to Policy Assessment Corporation. The employee identification number for Policy Assessment Corporation is 41- 1516395. Sincerely, /s/ George Backus