Author: Steve Ingrain at dalpark Date: 8/4/97 10:37 AM Priority: Normal TO: PSC-ISOArchive at PSCTX01 Subject: Re: Change Order Freeze - Latest Analysis will end 9/30 rather than 9/19. . .otherwise this is ok Reply Separator ____ Subject: Change Order Freeze - Latest Author: at x400po Date: 8/1/97 12:39 PM Attached is a slightly revised copy of the Change Order Freeze memo. It is marked DRAFT, but is ready to be officially filed. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions. Assuming it is okay, we need to distribute it ASAP through normal channels (whatever those might be). If the document is reformatted before it is officially filed, please send me a copy. Thanks, Mike (See attached file: CHG ORD.DOC)