Author: Steve Ingrain at dalpark Date: 8/7/97 6:23 PM Priority: Normal TO: Stephen.callahan(R) at x400po CC: PSC-ISOArchive at PSCTX01 Subject: Change Orders steve this message went to Ziad today ... apparently he is "adamantly opposed" to some of the changes proposed ... hope we're not wasting valuable time here steve _________________________ Forward Header Subject: Change Orders Author: ali vojdani at PSC-LADWP Date: 8/7/97 6:03 PM If some of the "Settlement" change orders that affect SA/SI are not acceptable to you (as you stated this morning), could you please contact Calahan and let him know, and suggest to him to' retract them. I hate to waste ABB'S time to evaluate something that is unacceptable to you in the first place.