perotSYSTEMS(TM) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWERSTAR CAPABILITIES REVIEW: EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES TO FORGE AN EDF & PEROT RELATIONSHIP November 17th, 1998 Presentation Perot Systems Confidential and Proprietary OBJECTIVES & AGENDA FOR TODAY'S WORKSHOP - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> The Relationship Process: L'Atelier: First Step - Qualification of Capabilities 1ere Etape: Valider les solutions Next - Setting the Commercial Model Puis... - Construire le Modele Commericial Then - Launch Proof of Concept Enfin... - Tester le Concept sur un pilote Agenda: Agenda: Introduces & Backgrounds Introduction & Historique Perot "The Company" Perot Systems "Qui sommes-nous?" Perot's Energy Experience/Qualifications Experience & References en Energy Establishing Shared Definitions & Mind Map Definitions Description of PowerStar's Capabilities Description des Fonctionalites de PowerStar Issues Problemes a resoudre PowerStar Demonstration & Discussion PowerStar: Demonstration & Discussion Existing versus Future Functionality & Modules Powerstar: une plate-forme evolutive To the Market Commercial Services Models Modeles de Services Commerciaux </Table> 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE CONVENTIONAL THINKING 3 INTRODUCING PEROT SYSTEMS: OUR CORPORATE VALUES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR VALUES WE SERVE OUR CLIENTS... with innovative, responsive solutions to their needs. WE TREASURE OUR PEOPLE... by attracting, developing, and recognizing outstanding people, and INTEGRITY caring for them and their families. WE OPERATE WITH INTEGRITY... CLIENTS by treating our clients, people, and suppliers in a fair and honest manner - as we want to be treated. PEOPLE WE REWARD OUR STAKEHOLDERS... by producing strong financial STAKEHOLDERS performance from which everyone benefits. COMMUNITY WE CONTRIBUTE TO OUR COMMUNITY... by using our talents and resources to better the conditions in the diverse communities in which we work [GRAPHIC OMITTED] PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) 4 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) INTRODUCING PEROT SYSTEMS: OUR BUSINESS DESIGN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIES-FACING (PRIMARY TO-THE-MARKET CHANNEL) <Table> <Caption> FINANCIAL TRAVEL & TELECOM MANUFACTURING ENERGY SERVICES HEALTHCARE TRANSPORTATION & MEDIA & OTHER DOMAIN EXPERTISE COMMERCIAL DESIGN BUSINESS & ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE IMPLEMENTATION TECHNOLOGY EXPERTISE [GRAPHIC OMITTED] & CAPABILITIES PROCESS & FUNCTIONAL OUTSOURCING CORPORATE HUMAN MARKETING SERVICES LEGAL RESOURCES FINANCE FACILITIES & COMM. </Table> 5 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS INTRODUCING PEROT SYSTEMS: OUR GROWTH HISTORY ... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEROT SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES [BAR CHART OMITTED] 6 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) INTRODUCING PEROT SYSTEMS: OUR "ENERGY" CREDENTIALS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. LPP/GAS PIPELINE GAS DEREGULATION STRATEGIC OPTIMIZATION o Unbundling - nominations; scheduling; balancing; settlements o Marketing prod. & svc development EUROPE ELECTRICITY & GAS: PRIVATIZATION, DEREG & COMPETITION (U.K., GERMANY, 1st European Utility Technology Outsourcing - 3rd largest UK REC SWEDEN) Nationally Branded Service Guarantee- tech & process innovation Retail Electricity & Gas Service & Infrastructure o Commercial systems & tools (retail) o Billing and trading sys o Cust svc systems & centres U.S. ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER 1st Deregulated Energy and Transmission Clearinghouse (Calif.) 1st Commercial Market Clearing Exchange (Calif.) Largest Municipal Utility in the U.S. - Calif. 1st U.S. Market 2nd Largest of U.S. Investor Utilities - Calif. 1st U.S. Market Lead Architects of North America Market Clearinghouse Joint Enterprise development - Technology Innovation EnerAct Companies o Unbundling of services - interexchange of information / [ILLEGIBLE] & customer between [ILLEGIBLE] o Development & training of marketing department o Upgrade and design of new cust. svcs o Market validation - [ILLEGIBLE] ESCO'S [ILLEGIBLE] ACCELERATE CHANGE 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 7 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS ESTABLISHING A SHARED MIND-MAP: THE ENERGY VALUE CHAIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The term "Energy" is used to include: ELECTRICITY- KWH; GAS- BTU OR THERMAL UNIT; PROPANE- BTU OR THERMAL UNIT; STEAM- BTU OR THERMAL UNIT; CHILLED WATER- BTU OR THERMAL UNIT; ETC. <Table> OUTSOURCING DEMAND SIDE VALUE-ADDED SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT PURCHASE ENERGY PRODUCT & SERVICE FACILITIES MGT & SERVICES & PERFORMANCE COMMODITY INNOVATIONS CENTRAL PLANT (BILLING, ETC) CONTRACTING [SUPPLY] 3RD PARTY SERVICES ELECTRICITY & "OTHER" SALES EDF OUTSOURCING SALES & SERVICES MARKETING BILLING SERVICES Services Around the Load Curve: RTP, Aggregation </Table> [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 8 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) ESTABLISHING A SHARED MIND-MAP: ENERGY VALUE CHAIN DEFINITIONS PURCHASING ENERGY: procurement of energy to meet customer's needs with delivery normally provided through trading and/or power marketing organizations. DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT: consultancy provided to improve customer's energy efficiency and/or to shift load profile to match more favorable price or rate period. PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING: assessment and implementation of energy management technology e.g. variable speed drives; HVAC; lighting, etc., to optimize the customer's overallenergy use. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: billing, report analysis, forecasting, etc. OUTSOURCING FACILITIES MNGT & CENTRAL PLAN OPRNS: assuming oper. & mngt responsibility for customer's maintenance forces & its energy related equipment. VALUE-ADDED PRODUCTS & SERVICES: Content services designed to create new customer value combinations across the energy value chain ACHAT D'ENERGIE: fourniture de l'energie necessaire a satisfaire les besoins d'un client et livree par I'intermediaire d' organisations de trading et/ou de marketing GESTION DEMANDE ET COURBE DE CHARGE: services de conseil & analyse des consommations energetiques d'un client en vue d'agir sur ses charges pour beneficier de tarifs ou periodes plus favorables CONTRATS DE PERFORMANCE (MDE): etude et mise en oeuvre de technologies specifiques telles que: variateurs (vev), climatisation-chauffage ou eclairage en vue d'optimiser l'utilisation de l'energie consommee par le client et reduire ses couts SERVICES ADMINISTRATIFS: facturation, analyse, previsions, etc. EXTERNALISATION DE LA GESTION ET DE L'EXPLOITATION responsabilite de gestion et d'exploitation des activites et equipemments d'un client PRODUITS & SERVICES A VALEUR AJOUTEE: services nouveaux concus pour creer de nouvelles configurations generatrices de valeur ajoutee pour le client tout au long de la chaine de valeur 9 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) ESTABLISHING A SHARED MIND-SET: THE CUSTOMER'S VALUE PROPOSITION - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER NEEDS BUSINESS SERVICES REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION O ENERGY VOLUMES O UTILITY TRANSACTION CHARGES: TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION CUT UNIT PRICE PAID FOR ENERGY o PURCHASING & REAL TIME PRICING; AGGREGATION OPTIMIZE ENERGY USE o DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT & PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS o BILLING ADMINISTRATION REDUCE EQUIPMENT & PEOPLE COSTS o OUTSOURCING FACILITIES MNGT & CENTRAL PLANT OPERATIONS 10 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) WHAT IS POWERSTAR?..... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWERSTAR [GRAPHIC OMITTED] o Continuous real-time simulation modeling & optimization of energy use o Knowledge-based value-added synergies across the whole of the Energy Value Chain ALL DEFINITION FULL SPECTRUM "LIGHTS OUT" SERVICE [GRAPHIC OMITTED] LEVERAGED RESULTS SERVICING THE ENERGY VALUE CHAIN CUSTOMER COSTS ARE A FUNCTION OF: <Table> [GRAPHIC OMITTED] = [GRAPHIC OMITTED] + [GRAPHIC OMITTED] + [GRAPHIC OMITTED] + [GRAPHIC OMITTED] + [GRAPHIC OMITTED] ADMIN COST OF OPERATIONS: AMOUNT OF ENERGY USED UTILITY TRANSACTION ENERGY PURCHASE COSTS PEOPLE & EQUIPMENT OR EFFICIENCY FEES COSTS </Table> 11 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR'S VALUE PROPOSITION... AN OVERVIEW OF CAPABILITIES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT POWERSTAR'S SERVICE PORTFOLIO OFFERS [GRAPHIC OMITTED] % SAVINGS - CLIENTS ANNUAL ENERGY EXPENSE SPEND 12 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PEROTSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR CAPABILITIES REVIEW: COMPONENT TEMPLATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- business capability addressed solution functional description technical description summary benefits/application in france pan europe benefits/application distribution company industrial customer commercial customer Issue for discussion 13 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR CAPABILITIES REVIEW: COMPONENT TEMPLATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> NEED WHAT BUSINESS TO: CAPABILITIES? SOLUTION BENEFITS/SUMMARY - --- ------------------ -------- ---------------- 1) Reduce o Know current consumption o Provide means to gather o Recognize anomalies energy & when consumed (load profile) info to a common platform o Make on going changes consumption o Info from many facilities for o Provide common interface aggregation 2) Cut unit o Profile of energy use o Provide real-time 2 way o Aggregate load for best Price o Control of facility systems communications to facility unit price o Provide drivers for all o Re-act to unit price in facility systems real-time 3) Optimize o Real time information o Provide real-time 2 way o Aggregate load for best energy o 2 way communication with communications to facility unit price use facility o Provide real-time o Re-act to unit price in o Predictive model of facility predictive, learning model real-time 4) Reduce o Gather meter data in real-time o Provide meter accuracy o Accurate bills admin o Check accuracy of bills check o Reduced cost processing costs o Aggregate paying bills o Provide central management bills of energy bills 5) Reduce o Monitor on real-time basis o Provide 24x7 monitoring of o More efficient equipment equipment o Manage maintenance facilities by energy o Reduced people costs & people automatically engineers o Reduce repair cost costs o Have expertise monitoring all o Centrally keep maintenance facilities records and dispatching </Table> 14 POWERSTAR CAPABILITIES REVIEW: COMPONENT TEMPLATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> CUSTOMER NEEDS Information Predictive acquisition Aggregation Profiling Optimization analytics Control REDUCE ENERGY USE X X X X REDUCE UTILITY TRANSACTION FEE X X X X X X CUT PRICE PAID PER UNIT X X X X X OPTIMIZE ENERGY USE X X X X X REDUCE EQUIPMENT & PEOPLE COSTS X X X X REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS X X X X </Table> 15 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) X-INDUSTRY GO-TO MARKET SERVICE..... CUSTOMIZED VALUE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Industry Service Lines [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Hospital EACH INDUSTRY SERVICE LINE [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Commercial Client [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Management Industrial [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Marketing Retail & Sales [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Grocery Future [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Products & Education Services Launch [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Airport PowerStar [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Customized Government Module [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Service Other Market Channels Utility Bureau [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Power Marketer [GRAPHICS OMITTED] Energy Services Company (e.g. Honeywell) [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 19 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWER STAR . . . A VALUE-ADDED SERVICES ENTERPRISE ADDRESSING ENERGY MANAGEMENT [GRAPHICS OMITTED] HOTEL HEALTHCARE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL GROCERY RETAIL EDUCATION AIRPORT GOVERNMENT Information Acquisition Aggregation Profiling Predictive Decision Analytics Optimization Control Common Interface Warehousing Mining Proprietary Modeling, Simulation, and Methodology Web-Based Interface and Services Data Acquisition Control Communications Reports Presentation Mid and Back-Office Services and Infrastructure PRODUCTS AND SERVICE PORTFOLIO FEATURES Base Service A (Main Metering): Acquisition + Aggregation + Profiling B (Sub Metering): Acquisition + Aggregation + Profiling + Optimization (historical data -- neural net model) Extended Service (communicate with existing energy management system) Levels of Service; advisory intervention or on-site customer access and control Acquisition + Aggregation + Profiling + Predictive Analysis + Optimization Premier Service (includes remote "lights-out" optimization and control) Arrangements defined by service level agreements Acquisition + Aggregation + Predictive Analysis + Optimization + Control BENEFITS o Knowledge to negotiate BEST ENERGY RATE -- both regulated & deregulated markets o Identify anomalies & abnormal patterns FOR COST SAVINGS o Benchmark & assess to VALIDATE FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS o MAXIMIZE SAVINGS thru real-time optimization of equipment & energy o REDUCE EQUIPMENT DOWN-TIME by identifying potential failures o RESOURCES OPTIMIZED thru actual run-time predictive maintenance o REDUCE OPERATING STAFF through remote "lights out" service o Optimize SAVINGS ACROSS THE BOARD through dynamic service level modeling & interaction 20 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR: EMCC DESIGN AND LAYOUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 21 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR TECHNICAL CONFIGURATION [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 22 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR: EMCC DESIGN AND LAYOUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 23 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) PAN-EUROPEAN MARKET REQUIREMENTS: ICH, A NEW ENTERPRISE INITIATIVE The International Information ClearingHouse administrates, facilitates and monitors EDF's domestic and EU activities for seizing opportunities in the opening of the electricity & gas markets to competition. This evolving service concept includes direct responsibility for: o the clearing service for the registration and switch-over of customers between energy suppliers; o the measurement data management e.g. initial validation, resolution, quality and exchange of meter information between the utility and market participants, plus the creation & submission of load profile schedules to the ISO or other designated entities as may be required; o the administration of contracts e.g. metering, billing, payments, settlements & other related services to the end customer, as well as between market participants and intermediaries such as the resident utility distribution companies, power marketers & ISO's and other agencies as required; o the design and supporting operation of an underlying foundation of Financial Services e.g. credit management, securitization, monetization, insurance, payments, etc., complementing the flow of energy units (*) exchanged between international entities ICH acquires a key international position with Roles and Functions to be defined. [CHART OMITTED] (*) Electricity or Gaz 16 Perot Systems Confidential and Proprietary PAN-EUROPEAN MARKET REQUIREMENTS: Simplified View of Clearinghouse Concept - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restructuring Challenge Conversion & Integration (each one to every one) Mechanism [GRAPHIC OMITTED] [GRAPHIC OMITTED] 25 PEROT SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY perotSYSTEMS(TM) POWERSTAR REVIEW: EXISTING VS. FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY & MODULES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> Core to Required Pan-European Functionality PowerStar Existing Future Other for France? Requirement - ------------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----------- ------------ Metering Services No Alliance Yes Yes Communications Design/ No Alliance Yes Yes Installation EMCC - ---- Information Acquisition Yes Yes Yes Yes Meter Data Management Yes Web X Yes Yes Aggregation & Analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Profiling Yes Yes Yes Yes Optimization Yes Yes Yes Yes Predictive Decision Analytics Yes Partial X Yes Yes Control Yes No Yes Yes Reports Capabilities Yes Web Yes Yes Customized Industry Sets Yes Partial X Yes Yes Mid-Office - ---------- Call Center Yes No X Alliance Yes Yes Help Desk Yes No X Yes Yes Service Management Yes No X Yes Yes </Table> 17 POWERSTAR REVIEW: EXISTING VS. FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY & MODULES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> Core to Required Pan-European PowerStar Existing Future Other for France? Requirement --------- -------- ------ ----- ----------- ------------ Information Clearinghouse - ------------------------- Service Switch-out No Enterprise ? Yes Registration Contract No Enterprise ? Yes Management Billing & Payments No Enterprise ? Yes Settlements (UDC & PM) No Enterprise ? Yes Call-outs/Service No Enterprise ? Yes Coordination & Escalation Commercial Office - ----------------- Sales Order Entry No Develop or Yes Yes License Portfolio Management No Develop or Yes Yes License Rates Analysis & Pricing No Develop or Yes Yes License Product & Service Design No Develop or Yes Yes License Risk Management No Develop or Yes Yes License Modeling & Assessment No Develop or Yes Yes License </Table> 18 POWERSTAR: CREATING A LAUNCHING PLATFORM FOR THINGS TO COME A HIERARCHY OF POTENTIAL INNOVATIONS [GRAPHIC OMMITTED] 26 Perot Systems Confidential and Proprietary PEROTSYSTEMS(TM)