[THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] ENERGY STRATEGY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (APRIL 27TH VERSION) THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What are we trying to accomplish and, over what time frame? The Challenge... [CHART] <Table> <Caption> 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Annual Revenue ($M): 54 63 98 98 118 141 169 203 Base Revenue ($M): 38 43 40 50 60 101 116 146 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Backlog ($M) 332 291 280 260 420 390 550 460 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Rev Growth Rate (%): 25 17 55 0 20 20 20 20 Base Growth Rate (%): 25 13 (16) 25 20 68 15 26 Operating Margin (%): 23 24 24 25 22 23 24 25 </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 2 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What are we trying to accomplish and, over what time frame? IT and Services Portfolio... <Table> HIGH ACCELERATING OUR CLIENTS' TO MARKET CAPABILITIES PROCESS DESIGN & ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPING NEW MARKETS, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, SOLUTIONS ARCHITECTS, & & SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PROCESS OUTSOURCING [CHART] [CHART] + BUSINESS IMPACT + [CHART] [CHART] REDUCING IT COSTS MANAGING COMPLEXITY & INTRODUCING NEW ENABLING TECHNOLOGY DATA CENTER MANAGEMENT DESK TOP, NT LOW LEGACY MAINTENANCE LAN/WAN TRADITIONAL + TECHNOLOGY + TRANSFORMATION </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 3 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] How Is This Different From What We Are Doing Today? PSC's Current Energy Practice... o Formulated 1992 o Accounts 5 (EME, SCE, C&SW, ISO, PX) o People 750 o Growth CAGR 27% o 1997 Highlights - Growth 55% - Revenue > 10% PSC - Account of Reference o Significance - First Outsource in U.K. - At the "pit face" of U.K. deregulation - Built USA's first retail ISO in California - Heavily involved in forefront of Calif deregulation - leading US market - Highly visible industry subject matter experts THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 4 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] How Is This Different From What We Are Doing Today? Developing Our Sales and Services Pipeline... <Table> HONE & CREATE IT PROCESSES DEVELOP NEW OFFERINGS [2] [3] + BUSINESS IMPACT [1] [4] OPTIMIZE TRADITIONAL IT [ILLEGIBLE] TECHNOLOGY + OUR PIPELINE [1] [2] [3] [4] LG&E EME LG&E Retail Systems [ILLEGIBLE] Shell Calif PX Shell, LG&E - ISCM National Gas Clearing ISO work Clearing & Settlements Sempra - ServCo EnerACT/OnSight </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 5 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What is Our Vision of the World? The Energy Market Place... o COST DRIVEN o COMMODITY MKT [CHART] ANNUAL IT SPEND (RATE) o Chemicals 3.5 (7%) o Oil 4.5 (8%) o Mining 1.5 (2%) o Utility 6.0 (20%)* o Capital Intensive o Financially Solid o Global Change o From Monopolistic to Open Markets o Consolidation o New Entrants Emerging o Processes Unbundling * "COMPLIANCE", OR MARKET RESTRUCTURING EFFORTS, CAN BE EXPECTED TO SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE UTILITIES' IT SPENDING PATTERNS THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 6 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What is Our Vision of the World? A Propensity for Change which will yield Opportunities... $ The future shape of things to come: Utilities will be forced to spend significant IT moneys to meet statutory market restructuring "compliance" requirements- e.g. "Rule of Thumb": $100 for @ customer. These expenditures are over and beyond normal annual IT spends. [CHART] <Table> <Caption> 1995 2000 2005 2010 USA 4000+ Companies 80 Million Customers ($8 Bn over 10 years) Europe 3800 Companies 51 Million Customers ($5 Bn over 15 years) UK 15 Companies 23.5 Million Customers </Table> Markets are deregulating on a global basis... THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 7 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] Our New Approach & Why We Feel it Will Succeed Our Focus... o Exploit our knowledge of the deregulatory markets in U.K. and California to design & roll-out (4) integrated service offerings focused on developing significant replicable transaction-based services & annuity enterprises o Design and develop multi-industry strategic service offerings e.g. Integrated Supply Chain Management, Settlements & Clearing, etc., building upon PSC's strategic competencies o Create Incubators for developing PSC's competencies in strategic delivery capabilities e.g. Software factory and off-shore application development production o Find and close a long-term anchor contract creating backlog to balance our service portfolio and providing a commercial platform from which we can build and develop our teams o Leverage our present relationships winning more of the business and technology services from our existing clients o Build information systems & infrastructures enabling our clients to adapt rapidly to market changes increasing their competitiveness and securing high return on IT investments o Select and develop 5 leaders to be delivered as Corporate leadership resources THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 8 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] Our New Approach & Why We Feel it Will Succeed A Market Entry Strategy... CHANNELS TO MARKET <Table> <Caption> SERVICE OFFERINGS EXISTING NEW - ----------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------- EME C&SW PX ISO SCE SHELL LG&E ENRN SEMPRA --------------------------------------- --------------------------------- SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE SETTLEMENTS & CLEARING [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] RETAIL [X] [X] ISCM [X] [X] MARKET RESTRUCTURING COMPLIANCE ENGINE [X] TRADING [X] OPTIMIZATION & MODELING [X] PRODUCTS & SERVICES INNOVATION ENERSHOP(ENERACT) [X] ENERSHOP(ONSIGHT) [X] RETAIL [X] [X] </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 9 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What Effect Will This Have On Our Clients? The Value Proposition Or "What's In It For Me?" <Table> <Caption> CEO PSC --- --- 1. SERVICE o REDUCED "TIME TO MARKET" o CREATION OF DIGITAL COMMERCE INFRASTRUCTURE: I/P. TRANSACTION ENGINE o LARGE SCALE COST REDUCTIONS o LONG TERM SERVICE CONTRACTS & BACKLOG o CASHFLOW IMPROVEMENTS o FOUNDATIONS FOR INFO CLEARINGHOUSE & OTHER VALUE-BASED ENTERPRISES 2. MARKET o STATUTORY LEGAL o CREATION OF BLUEPRINT FOR RESTRUCTURING COMPLIANCE REPEATABLE PROCESSES - HIGH REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES o LEVERAGING ASSETS o POSITIONING FOR FUTURE TECH O/S o BUILDING "GROWTH" ACQUISITION ENGINES o HIGH MARGIN & PERFORMANCE SHARING SERVICE OFFERINGS ENERGY TRADING o SIGNIFICANT & RISK MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE o BASIS OF ALLIANCES WITH MARKET IN "HIGH STAKES" GAME MAKERS o RISK MITIGATION 3. PROD & SVC o NEW REVENUE SOURCES o CREATE & OPERATE ANNUITY SERVICES INNOVATION o NEW MARKET ENTERPRISES o NEW SERVICE ENTERPRISES - ORGANIC GROWTH ENGINES </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 10 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] What Are The Risks and Our Plans for Dealing With Them? Our Issues and Our Responses... <Table> <Caption> ISSUES RESPONSES * Create Predictable Future * Develop (4) Strategic service offerings focused on market change & Revenue & Growth multi-industry applications - Compliance Engine: ServCo - Integrated Supply Chain Management - Settlements & Clearing - Retail Systems & Infastructure * Jointly develop "Enterprises" with our clients creating leveraged Intellectual Property & serving as future organic growth engines e.g. EnerACT, OnSight * Develop Processes to Produce * Create at EME "incubators" for developing PSC's delivery capabilities Predictable Delivery Results e.g. Software factory & off-shore application development Leveraged Across PSC * Leverage the replicable & repeatable processes formed around the strategic service offerings * "Source" the Resources & Talent * Develop a leadership pipeline for the industry group & the Corporation Required to Build and Lead the Business * Develop "solution" provider alliances * Create recruitment strategies & competency development plans focused around our strategic service offerings * Address our Financial Exposure in * Sign new "long-term" European business e.g. Remu, Eastern Group Having one client Comprising such a Large % of our Business * Sign an anchor account in USA with long-term revenue (5-10 years) * Establish a balanced portfolio of businesses across geographic and IT continuums </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 11 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] [THE ENERGY INDUSTRY LOGO] How Long Will It Take, & What Will It Cost? Summary... <Table> <Caption> WHAT ARE THE CHANNELS RESKILL & INVESTMENTS? TO MARKET REALIGN ------------ --------- --------- o Create Strategic Service Offerings: 1. Compliance Engine o Develop ServCo with o Incorporate ECOS & Web NT Sempra, SAP or Oracle 2. Integrated Supply Chain o Develop with Shell o Establish a Supply Chain Competency Management 3. Settlements & Clearing o Target Calif Industry Mkt o Leverage Benton's payments & clearing expertise 4. Retail Systems & Infrastructure o LG&E (RAS); NGC, Shell o ECOS structures & services o Develop "Enterprises" & supporting service infrastructures for: 1. EnerACT with EnerShop o Joint Venture o Real-time SCADA talents 2. "OnSight" with EnerShop o Consortium/Perot Group o Doblin, web-technology; ECOS 3. "Home" Retail Services Advisor o Consortium Shell, NGC, o Doblin, web-technology; ECOS LG&E, MCN, etc. o Develop an "Anchor" Account in o LG&E, Sempra, NGC o Technology infrastructure & delivery the US o Investigate Development of o LG&E, LD, NGC o Trading Infrastructure Trading Back Office Service Offering </Table> THE CHALLENGE IT & SERVICES PORTFOLIO OUR CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICE THE SALES & SERVICE PIPELINE THE ENERGY MARKETPLACE A PROPENSITY FOR CHANGE YIELDS OPPORTUNITIES OUR FOCUS A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY THE VALUE PROPOSITION OUR ISSUES & OUR RESPONSES SUMMARY 12 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO]