CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT 99.259 Perot Energy Division & PX Future Options MISSION o Review Perot strategic focus on energy o Review various options for the future market place in California and the west to develop scenario responses for either the PX as an institution, Project Peace, or other combinations of PX assets, talents and market position. 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 2 Perot Focus o Overview of Perot focus in energy -- especially electricity and nat gas o Perot -- beyond outsourcing and application development o Perot investment interests 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 3 Four Scenarios We Might Consider o Reintegrate at IOU level self-scheduling of generation and new built capacity for further security of default load, abandoning current market structure -- leaves ISO in charge of grid o Stay the course but allow IOU rates to increase and deny PX special status past 2 Q 2001 o Integrate PX spot functions into new State managed integrated grid business (removes ISO) o Regionalize grid under FERC but integrate IOUs with Muni's in a State managed reliability, market coalition 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 4 o Reintegrate at IOU level self-scheduling of generation and new built capacity for further security of default load, abandoning current market structure -- leaves ISO in charge of grid [CHART] REMAINING PROCUREMENT PROPORTIONS WILL LIKELY BE 3/4 FORWARDS -- DIRECTLY SCHEDULED TO LOAD AT ISO SC SERVICE ONLY -- QUESTIONABLE NEED OF REASONABLENESS REVIEW RISK -- WACOP 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 5 o Stay the course but allow IOU rates to increase and deny PX special status past 2 Q 2001 [CHART] IOUs WILL LIKELY SEEK PORTFOLIO DIVERSITY OVER 100% RELIANCE ON PX. OTHERS WILL COMPETE WITH UNBUNDLED SERVICES AND LOWER PER TRANSACTION FEES. 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 6 o Integrate PX spot functions into new State managed integrated grid business (removes ISO) LOAD ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE INTEGRATED STATE MARKET [CHART] STATE MANAGED INTEGRATED GRID MARKET OPERATOR(PJM LIKE) RUNS IMBALANCE AND SPOT MATCHING MARKET. PRICE DISCOVERY BASED ON PAY AS BID AUCTION OF LMP MODEL USING COST REFERENCE. OOM STILL NEEDED IN SHORT TERM. SUPPLY ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE INTEGRATED STATE MARKET 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 7 o Regionalize grid under FERC but integrate IOUs with Muni's in a State managed reliability, market coalition [CHART] Regional RTO Imbalance energy Reliability Transmission Mgmt Transmission market o Procurement o Load balancing o SC services to RTO o AS self-supply & trades 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 8 Main Question Where Can We Go From Here? 12/11/00 CONFIDENTIAL 9 [Handwritten Notes] Corp IT Skill o O/S o SI o SA o Consulting