EXHIBIT 99.260 MISSION o Review various options for the future market place in California and the west to develop scenario responses for either the PX as an institution, Project Peace, or other combinations of PX assets, talent and market position. o Develop a shut down plan for the PX should orderly transition to new market prove infeasible 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 2 Four Scenarios Considered o Reintegrate at IOU level self-scheduling of generation and new built capacity for further security of default load, abandoning current market structure -- leaves ISO in charge of grid o Stay the course but allow IOU rates to increase and deny PX special status past 2 Q 2001 o Integrate PX spot functions into new State managed integrated grid business (removes ISO) o Regionalize grid under FERC but integrate IOUs with Muni's in a State managed reliability, market coalition 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 3 o Reintegrate at IOU level self-scheduling of generation and new built capacity for further security of default load, abandoning current market structure -- leaves ISO in charge of grid [CHART] REMAINING PROCUREMENT PROPORTIONS WILL LIKELY BE 3/4 FORWARDS -- DIRECTLY SCHEDULED TO LOAD AT ISO SC SERVICE ONLY -- QUESTIONABLE NEED OF REASONABLENESS REVIEW RISK -- WACOP 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 4 Reintegrate at IOU level self-scheduling of generation and new built capacity for further security of default load, abandoning current market structure -- leaves ISO in charge of grid Project Tomorrow -- No Partners o Must secure SC service commitment from one of two major IOUs or abandon SC service by 2 Q 2001 o Must attract broker feed to forwards and gain muni deal flow o Must gain market functions including real time (Alberta auction type) and ancillary from ISO -- maintain spot auction -- maintain reasonableness o Reduce extra-regional focus to win WSCC only o Reduce OPEX and CAPX to less than $40 M total Project Peace o Develop WSCC eTransMart with SC commitments from area IOUs, including CA, and larger munis (probably less than 10 cents a MWH) o JV with large western broker to run forwards exchange and bilateral o Pursue clearing with partners o Explore derivatives market o Focus on IOU marginal markets in CASC business probably not winnable in 2001 from big two o Minimize PX reasonableness exclusivity -- continue with exchange based advantages 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 5 o Stay the course but allow IOU rates to increase and deny PX special status past 2 Q 2001 [CHART] IOUs WILL LIKELY SEEK PORTFOLIO DIVERSITY OVER 100% RELIANCE ON PX. OTHERS WILL COMPETE WITH UNBUNDLED SERVICES AND LOWER PER TRANSACTION FEES. REDUCED ISO ROLE IS BEST OPPORTUNITY FOR PROJECT PEACE. PROJECT TOMORROW VULNERABLE TO INABILITY RAISE CAPITAL FOR NEW SERVICES. NO NEED FOR IOU TO FUND TOMORROW. 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 6 o Integrate PX spot functions into new State managed integrated grid business (removes ISO) LOAD ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE INTEGRATED STATE MARKET [CHART] STATE MANAGED INTEGRATED GRID MARKET OPERATOR (PJM LIKE) RUNS IMBALANCE AND SPOT MATCHING MARKET. PRICE DISCOVERY BASED ON PAY AS BID AUCTION OF LMP MODEL USING COST REFERENCE. OOM STILL NEEDED IN SHORT TERM. SUPPLY ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE INTEGRATED STATE MARKET 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 7 Integrate PX spot functions into new State managed integrated grid business (removes ISO) Project Tomorrow o Keeps MOPS function o Combines settlements and finance o State focus only o Normal corporate integration o Drops CTS Project Peace o Exits Ca in near term for eTransMart option o Competes for CTS and forward business o May allow specialties -- green and muni links o Service contract unlikely but feasible to operate for State the combined market features o PX business base least valuable here 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 8 o Regionalize grid under FERC but integrate IOUs with Muni's in a State managed reliability, market coalition [CHART] Regional RTO Imbalance energy Reliability Transmission Mgmt Transmission market o Procurement o Load balancing o SC services to RTO o AS self-supply & trades 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 9 Regionalize grid under FERC but integrate IOUs with Muni's in a State managed reliability, market coalition Project Tomorrow o Run CA specialty spot market auction o CTS may still be viable o Offer SC services to RTO o Compete with in-house solutions may be very difficult o Consumer slant and muni culture makes PUC role diminished and PX value less certain o Reduced fees a must Project Peace o eTransMart is very viable o SC services to integrated State focus can be competitive -- delink from old PX may be helpful o Forward exchange viable o Specialty spot exchange service between and among various entities possible also o Credit for spot not valued [Notes and Graphics Omitted] 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 10 Favorability of scenarios to Tomorrow & Peace - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCENARIO Tomorrow Peace - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REINTEGRATE AT IOU LEVEL SELF-SCHEDULING Difficult but Favorable OF GENERATION AND NEW BUILT CAPACITY FOR feasible FURTHER SECURITY OF DEFAULT LOAD, ABANDONING CURRENT MARKET STRUCTURE -- LEAVES ISO IN CHARGE OF GRID - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAY THE COURSE BUT ALLOW IOU RATES TO Cost base Very favorable INCREASE AND DENY PX SPECIAL STATUS difficult to PAST 2 Q 2001 sustain -- current lack of funding could be fatal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGRATE PX SPOT FUNCTIONS INTO NEW Loss of identity Least attractive STATE MANAGED INTEGRATED GRID BUSINESS certain Ca skills (REMOVES ISO) limited value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGIONALIZE GRID UNDER FERC BUT Feasible Feasible & INTEGRATE IOUs WITH MUNI'S IN A STATE favorable MANAGED RELIABILITY, MARKET COALITION 12/9/00 PROJECT TOMORROW CONFIDENTIAL 11