REVISED ON 7/20/98

                                                                 EXHIBIT 99.265


             Summary of ISO SI Template Changes and Validation Rules

The I_INTRCHNGE templates will be adapted to support A/S imports (self provided
with ETC, self provided without ETC, bids with ETC and bids without ETC) by
implementing the following functionality:

1.   To the I_INTRCHNGE template we will add the following fields:

     1.1  CAP_RES_PRC: Ancillary Service reservation price ($/Mw)

     1.2  RAMP_RATE: Ancillary service ramp rate (MW/min). (This field will be
          added in the future and will not be included in the July delivery.)

     1.3  SYNC_TIME: Ancillary service time to synchronize (min). This field
          will be added in the future and will not be included in the July

2.   Present I_INTRCHNGE fields will be used as follows to provide functionality
     for A/S schedules and bids:

          FIRM/NFRM/WHEEL/DYN is used for energy type and CSPN/CNSPN/CRPLC is
          used for ancillary service imports/exports. Regulation from external
          areas is not supported. Export BIDS and self-provided exports without
          ETC will not be supported.

2.2  HRLY_MW = MW energy schedule or MW capacity offer for A/S (Negative for
     import and positive for export).

     (internal to ISO SI database, not a template field) (internal to ISO SI
          database, not a template field)2.5 CONTRACT_REF = Reference to
          existing transmission contract for energy schedule or capacity for

     2.6  CNGS_MGT_FLG = Identifies adjustment bid is provided for the energy
          schedule for congestion management (if YES there is an adjustment bid,
          if NO there is no adjustment bid). Identifies whether A/S bid or
          self-provided schedule (if SELF is self provision, if BID is a bid).
          The corresponding price curve in ADJ_BID is assumed to be the energy
          price curve for A/S.

     2.7  PRIOR_TYPE = Only used for energy schedules

     2.8  MW1,..MW11, PR1,..,PR11 (in (MW,PR) pairs) are used to specify the
          energy adjustment bid curve for energy schedules or the energy price
          curve for A/S schedules. The curve will be validated. This curve
          should be monotonically increasing for imports and monotonically
          decreasing for exports. The energy price curve is considered relative
          to the energy schedule if any.

     2.9  Besides the above mentioned keys the following keys will be used in
          the same way: SC_ID,TIE_POINT, INTERCHG_ID along with ENGY_TYPE.

3.   For outgoing templates ADJ_I_INTRCHNGE and FIN_I_INTRCHNGE:

     3.1  CNGS_MGT_ADJ = Will indicate if either the hourly MW amount has been
          changed or if the contract id was valid. The values will be "NO"
          ([both] amount was accepted and contract [were] was valid or no
          contract submitted by SC), "CNT" (amount accepted but contract was
          invalid), "MW"(valid contract but amount modified),"YES"(modified
          amount and [invalid] contract was accepted or no contract submitted by
          the SC). Energy entries will have either NO, [CNT], MW or YES. A/S
          entries will have NO, YES or MW only since no A/S imports with invalid
          contracts references will be accepted. NOTE: For A/S bids, if HRLY_MW
          = 0, then CNGS_MGT_ADJ flag has no meaning since the bid was not


REVISED ON 7/20/98

4.   Validation rules for SI:

     4.1. The CONTRACT_REF will be validated as in the case of energy

     4.2. The A/S price cost-curve will be validated. The HRLY_MW for ancillary
          import will have negative sign. The price curve validation rule is
          similar to that of spinning/non-spinning/replacement generation
          reserve price-curve except HRLY_MW will be considered with an absolute

     4.3  The MW schedule will be validated against the ramp rate and the time
          to synchronize. However, no validation will be done for the ramp rate
          itself since the resource may come from many units in the external
          areas. (This validation will be included along with the synch_time and
          ramp_rate fields in a later release).

     4.4  CNGS_MGT_FLG will be validated with ENGY_TYPE to ensure
          non-conflicting data.
