Exhibit 99.268 A COMPARISON OF THE SCHEDCO AND APX FOR MARKETING USE Services, Systems and Perot Systems APX (Externally, we can call Qualifications this category (other service providers) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scheduling DA, HA, Ancillary Services, Supplemental DA, HA, Ancillary Services, Energy, ETC/FTR, Bilateral, Inter-SC Adjustment Supplemental Energy, Bids ETC/FTR(?), Bilateral Settlement ? Billing All PX participants (over 70 in CA alone) Few participants Dispute Tracking Fully functional Never mentioned Trading Bilateral trading ISO System Interface Automated data communication of all ISO ? schedule and settlement data. Settlement and Billing data Web based Web based access ISO Public Market Information Provided ? Handling of ISO charges No sharing between SCs Uplift spread over participants Service Schedule 7 by 24 Capable of 7 by 24 operation, not sure offered in California IT Team Experience Provided IT support to CalPX that handled 80% 5% of California market? of California electric energy market. Developed a majority of improvement applications in PX trading and settlement systems. Made all PX system changes to accommodate ISO market and system changes. Runs a Program Office applying proven project management technologies. IT project success (on schedule, under budget) rate close to 95% Business Team Experience Involved in the design, implementation and ? operation of ISO and PX from day one. Intimately familiar with energy market and utility financing and operation. Team experts published widely on major market issues. Handled 80% of California energy market. Operation Team Experience Handled 80% of California spot market ? and long term contract market (yearly, quarterly and month). Conducted Web based real-time energy auction for the Alberta Balancing Power Pool Company Financial Strength See Annual Report. See Annual Report Interface with Participant Web based, initially file based. Web based GUI Web based, limited GUI Systems available by April 1, 2001 System Plat Forms NT, MS SQL databases NT, MS SQL databases Participant System Requirements PC compatible workstations running PC compatible workstations Windows 85, 98, 2000 and NT running Windows 85, 98 and NT Data transmission security SSL, 128 bit encryption SSL, 128 bid encryption Pricing Volumetric and/or subscription Volumetric Clearing and Credit Management Not offered in California so as to insulate Offered to certain extent. participants from the current credit crisis Can lead to similar failures as the PX has experienced with large participants default. Large California utilities will have difficulty to trade with credit self-management participants due to the utilities current credit standings Fee Lower than APX's (we will match any Higher competitors?)