EXHIBIT 99.284


                                              (SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON LOGO)
                                             AN EDISON INTERNATIONAL(SM)COMPANY

                                                   Demand Relief Program System
                                                         (DRPS) For Edison CSBU

                                                               February 6, 2001


Southern California Edison
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         This proposal to Southern California Edison is the property of Perot
         Systems Corporation and contains confidential and/or proprietary
         information of Perot Systems Corporation. It shall not be disclosed
         outside of Southern California Edison and shall not be duplicated, used
         or disclosed -- in whole or in part -- for any purpose other than to
         evaluate this proposal. Southern California Edison's review of this
         material is considered acceptance of this Disclosure Protection
         Notice. Should this be unsatisfactory, please return this material to
         Perot Systems Corporation. If, however, a contract is awarded to Perot
         Systems Corporation as a result of -- or in connection with -- this
         submission, this proposal shall be subject to the confidentiality,
         proprietary rights and nondisclosure provisions of the resulting

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Southern California Edison
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PROJECT INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND....................................         1

   INTRODUCTION......................................................         1
   BACKGROUND........................................................         1

PROJECT SCOPE........................................................         2

   SCOPE OF PROPOSED SOLUTION........................................         2
   OUT OF SCOPE......................................................         2

PSC'S RELEVANT QUALIFICATIONS........................................         3

PROJECT APPROACH.....................................................         4

   WORK PROCESS FLOW.................................................         4
   PROJECT STATUS REPORTING..........................................         4
   PROJECT DELIVERABLES..............................................         4
   PROJECT SCHEDULE..................................................         5
   PROPOSAL VALIDITY.................................................         6
   ASSUMPTIONS.......................................................         7
   RISKS.............................................................         7


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Southern California Edison                    Project Introduction & Background
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         In response to a request from Southern California Edison Company
         (SCE), Perot Systems Corporation (PSC) has prepared this "Scope of
         Work" proposal that outlines the scope and cost to develop and
         implement a Demand Relief Program System (DRPS). This new System will
         allow Edison to monitor, manage, calculate and prepare monthly Reward
         / Penalty statements for the selected 300 customers based on their
         demand (kW) reduction during Peak hours of weekdays of summer months
         of June, July, August and September 2001. The Demand Relief Program
         may be extended in future years as well by regulatory agencies, i.e.
         California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and California
         Independent System Operator (Cal-ISO), as Capacity and Energy
         shortages are expected to continue in the near term in California.


         The Demand Relief Program (DRP) offers Southern California Edison's
         (SCE's) non-residential customers, with a load demand of greater or
         equal to 300 kW and a commitment to reduce at least 100 kW of their
         load, the opportunity to receive an incentive payment for reducing
         their power consumption on certain summer weekdays from June 1, 2001
         through September 30, 2001.

         By offering this Cal-ISO initiated DRP, customers and SCE, gain
         experience in learning how to respond to high-energy demand and prices
         by reducing their load demand and energy consumption, thus managing
         their energy needs more efficiently.

         Under the program, SCE will aggregate customers demand reduction and
         will receive a capacity payment and an energy payment from Cal-ISO to
         fund the program. SCE retains a portion of this payment to cover the
         costs associated with the program. For participating in the DRP,
         Customers will receive a reward payment of $18,500 per MW of demand
         reduction per month and also an energy payment of $500 per MWh from
         SCE, however, in case of failure to reduce the demand / consumption,
         customers will also be assessed a penalty of $12,000 per MW per month
         if their performance is less than 25% of their commitment to the DRP
         in any month. Additionally, if a customer increases energy consumption
         in a period of a DRP event, a penalty of $500 per MWh per month

         PSC believes it has the resources and capabilities to develop and
         implement the DRP System for SCE's use.

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Southern California Edison                    Project Introduction & Background
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         The scope of the DRPS project includes the following items:

         1.       The system will have the capability to access the hourly
                  demand and energy consumption of up to 300 pre-selected large
                  usage Edison customers from SCE's CDAS data files

         2.       The system will calculate 10-Day Rolling Average hourly
                  energy consumption for each of these customers, excluding
                  holidays, weekends and any prior DRP events and also, the
                  customer's metered usage for the hour the DRP event is called

         3.       The system will determine the hourly demand (KW) and energy
                  usage reduction for each of the 300 pre-selected customers
                  for all DRP event days during the summer months of June,
                  July, August and September, 2001

         4.       The system will prepare and print a monthly incentive billing
                  statement, including a reward / penalty amount, for each
                  customer based on hourly demand and energy usage reduction

         5.       The system will prepare and print a consolidated monthly
                  report for all 300 customers for review and final auditing

         6.       The new system will be implemented on two workstations with a
                  common data base

         OUT OF SCOPE

         The scope of the DRPS project excludes the following items and
         therefore these will be out of scope of the proposed system:

         1.       The system will not have any links to Edison's Email or Pager
                  system to communicate with any of the customers selected for
                  the Demand Relief Program.

         2.       The system will not provide any interface for any DRP
                  customer to view or modify their DRP related data or

         3.       The system will also not have any interface or integration
                  with any other Edison systems, except hourly data reads from
                  CDAS for the selected 300 DRP customers.

         4.       The project does not include acquisition of any hardware or
                  third party software tools for the implementation of the
                  system and these will be provided by Edison

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Southern California Edison                        PSC'S Relevant Qualifications
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         Perot Systems Corporation (PSC) is prepared to develop the proposed
         DRPS system as soon as Edison receives CPUC approval to proceed with
         the Demand Relief Program and engages PSC to initiate the DRPS
         development project.

         PSC believes it is uniquely qualified to successfully implement this
         project as evidenced by the following key attributes and facts:

         --       PSC has resources who are experts in electric utility
                  business and are also familiar with Edison's IT
                  infrastructure, processes and methodologies.
         --       PSC has designed, developed and implemented many new
                  application system projects for various business units in
                  Edison since November 1994.
         --       All application systems, developed by PSC are in extensive
                  use by various business units staff. Some of these key
                  application projects are:
                  1.       The Wholesale Energy System (WES) for managing QFs
                           and Resale Cities billings and payments
                  2.       Metered Data Management and Acquisition (MDMA)
                           System to access and manage metered data of direct
                           access customers owned by Energy service providers
                  3.       Customer Revenue and Reporting Information System
                  4.       Substation Data Collection and Reporting System
                  5.       Integration Bus System (IBS) and
                  6.       Events Logging System (ELS).
         --       PSC also currently maintains the Wholesale Energy System
                  (WES) for Edison's QF Resources organization.
         --       Shashi Pandey, the proposed PSC Project Manager, has worked
                  on most of these Edison application projects in the past, and
                  most recently, on SDCRS, IBS and ELS projects
         --       David Hughes, Senior Application Architect / Developer, will
                  be available to contribute his talents to the DRPS project
                  team. Mr. Hughes also worked on the WES development project
                  as a Technical Lead and as an Advisor during its maintenance
                  phase from December 1998 to the present.

         The PSC team brings many years of valuable utility business analysis
         and project management experience to the project as well as six years
         of direct experience with SCE's business practices and operations, and
         IT infrastructure environment, business data, integration, and service
         levels. PSC is confident of its resources in constituting a cohesive
         project team for the DRPS project in order to complete this project
         successfully on time and within budget.

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Southern California Edison                                     Project Approach
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         The proposed project will be managed using PSC's proven methodology
         which includes disciplined process controls in line with SCE
         standards. The PSC project manager will be responsible for developing
         the Statement of work (SOW) document including all business and system
         requirements, and validating the various tasks and deliverables
         contained therein in close coordination with the SCE Project Manager.


         --       A project initiation meeting will be held to plan the
                  parameters for the conduct of the project and to have PSC and
                  SCE project managers agree on a procedure that will ensure
                  swift resolution of any new items and change issues.
         --       The PSC team will interview CSBU management staff associated
                  with the Demand Relief Program to establish all business and
                  system requirements involving data, user interfaces, menu
                  sub-systems, DRP rewards / penalty statements, and reports,
                  and will validate them before designing and developing the
                  system. These requirement details, related tasks and
                  deliverables will be part of the base line DRPS system and
                  will also be documented.


         PSC Project Manager will work closely with SCE Project Manager and
         will be responsible for providing a weekly status on the project.


         1.       DRPS Requirements Document

         2.       DRPS Design Document

         3.       DRPS Testing Document

         4.       DRPS Implementation on two workstations

         5.       User Documentation

         6.       Training

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Southern California Edison                                     Project Approach
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         Under this proposal, the project work is scheduled to begin on March
         15, 2001 and will be completed by the PSC team no later than May 15,
         2001 based on the tasks and deliverables set forth herein.


         The estimated labor cost to complete the Demand Relief Program System
         (DRPS) Project, based on the deliverables defined herein, is $135,100
         and is comprised of the following resources:

                                                                   PSC Hourly     Estimated Hours  Estimated Charges
                  DRPS Project Resource Requirements            Billing Rate ($)                          ($)
         Shashi Pandey, Project Manager and                           $180              120              $21,600
         Requirements Specialist
         Dave Hughes, Senior Specialist, Architect & Designer         $160              160              $25,600
         Kris Freyermuth, Manju Shivaswamy, Duane Sawyer,             $135              460              $62,100
         Specialists, Development, Coding, Testing and
         Richard Dickson, Senior Specialist, Testing scripts          $145              100              $14,500
         and documentation
         Bob Winner, Senior Specialist, Roll-Out                      $160               20              $3,200
         Robert Rubino, Specialist, Training &  Implementation        $135               60              $8,100
         TOTAL                                                                          920             $135,100

         PSC will bill SCE on the first day of every month for the previous
         month's labor hours, payable within 30 days. PSC's estimated
         professional fees are provided for SCE's budgetary purposes. PSC Fees
         are based on the above resource usage and the corresponding PSC labor
         hourly rates. Business flexibility may require replacement of a
         specific resource with equally qualified PSC associate.

         PSC will perform this work on a time and material basis.

         PSC will employ its standard change control methodology to record and
         track all material changes and/or modifications to the current project
         scope in consultation with Edison

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Southern California Edison                                     Project Approach
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         Project manager. Absent any documented material changes and/or
         modifications, PSC agrees not to exceed the current project cost
         estimate by more than 10%.

         PSC agrees to notify the SCE Project Manager when project costs reach
         80 % of the total fees. Should additional work be required on the
         project, PSC Project Manager will inform SCE's Project Manager to
         negotiate and request additional funding or modify the project scope
         as required to complete the project.

         PSC does not expect any expenses related to transportation (plane and
         car), hotel and food for this project, unless use of out-of-town
         resources becomes necessary. PSC will inform the SCE Project Manager
         if such resources are required before they are assigned to the

         The General Terms & Conditions currently in effect between SCE and PSC
         will apply to this project.

         The professional fees for developing and implementing the Demand
         Relief Program System (DRPS) Project for Edison can be paid using any
         of the following three options:


                  --       $ 135,100 - PSC will bill SCE on the first day of
                           every month for the previous month's labor hours,
                           payable within 30 days.


                  --       $ 125,900 FIXED BASE AMOUNT - PSC will bill SCE on
                           the first day of every month for the previous
                           month's labor hours, payable within 30 days.

                  --       Transactional Fees beginning at a guaranteed Minimum
                           of $4,000 / Month and up to a Maximum of $10,000 /
                           Month to be paid in four installments on August 1,
                           September 1, October 1, and November 1, 2001. This
                           is based on a minimum guaranteed payment of $4000
                           per month for any demand reduction up to 100 MW or
                           less, and a payment of additional $60 transactional
                           fees per MW demand reduction over the 100 MW and
                           beyond, subject to a maximum of $10,000 per month,
                           under the DRP in each month during 2001 Summer.

                           BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA

                           --       25 % Discount to Edison in the maximum
                                    monthly amount of $10,000 transactional
                                    fees (under Option #2), resulting in a
                                    reduced transactional fee of maximum of
                                    $7,500 / month, provided PSC can
                                    successfully market the DRPS to a second
                                    utility in California and sign up that


         In an effort to meet the proposed project schedule, this PROPOSAL IS
         VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) WEEKS from the date of submission.

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Southern California Edison                                     Project Approach
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         1.       SCE will issue a Letter of Intent by March 1, 2001 of
                  engaging PSC for the DRPS project or sooner the CPUC approves
                  the Demand Relief Program for the summer of 2001. Also, SCE
                  will sign a Purchase Order by March 15, 2001 so that the
                  project team can begin the work of developing the system.

         2.       SCE will pay and provide the two workstations and the
                  selected MS Access software for developing and implementing
                  the DRPS system.

         3.       Development and testing work can be performed on Edison
                  premises (GO Complex) or at PSC Alhambra facilities. In case
                  of Edison premises, SCE will provide site access to the
                  project team, and office space with workstation and phone
                  facilities. No additional costs will be charged to Edison in
                  case PSC project team develops the system at its Alhambra

         4.       PSC will provide training in the use of the DRPS system to
                  two staff members of Edison, associated with the Demand
                  Relief Program management duties in CSBU organization.

         5.       Edison's CDAS staff to provide all data format details and
                  calculation methods related to the DRP customers to PSC
                  project team.

         6.       In order for Edison to initiate the Demand Relief Program on
                  06/01/01 for selected customers, Edison project manager will
                  coordinate with other Edison organizations including IT to
                  provide the necessary inputs and support in a timely manner
                  so that PSC team can complete system requirements,
                  development, testing and implementation within the assigned
                  project time of two months (from 3/15/01 to 5/15/01)


         Since PSC will require a minimum of two months of the development time
         for the successful completion of the DRPS project, it is essential for
         Edison to obtain the regulatory approval for the Demand Relief Program
         from CPUC by March 1, 2001 and sign the PO to engage PSC for the
         project before March 15, 2001.

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Southern California Edison                                     Project Approach
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         Company Name: Perot Systems Corporation


         Name: Mike Kenealy

         Title: PSC Account Manager               Date:
                --------------------------------       ------------------------

         Fed. Tax I.D. # 75-2230-700

         Company Name: Southern California Edison


         Name: Marvin Clark

         Title: Marketing Manager, CSBU, SCE      Date:
                --------------------------------       ------------------------

         Fed. Tax I.D.

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Perot Systems Confidential       June 27, 2002                           Page 8

Southern California Edison                      Attachment A - Confidentiality &
                                                        Nondisclosure Agreement
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         This Nondisclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between
                                   , a                     corporation
         --------------------------    -------------------
         ("Company") and Perot Systems Corporation, a Delaware corporation
         ("Perot Systems") as of                       , 199  .
                                 ---------------------      --

         In order for the parties to discuss a business relationship, each
         party may need to disclose confidential or proprietary information to
         the other regarding its business activities and plans (the
         "Confidential Information"). The parties agree to protect each other's
         Confidential Information disclosed within thirty days before or within
         180 days after the execution of this Agreement on the following terms.

1.       Each party shall use at least the same degree of care, but no less
         than a reasonable degree of care, to avoid unauthorized disclosure or
         use of the other party's Confidential Information as it employs with
         respect to its own Confidential Information of like importance.
         Receipt and disclosure of Confidential Information will be coordinated
         for the parties by:

For Perot Systems:

For Company:

2.       Neither party has any obligation with respect to any Confidential
         Information which (a) was previously known by such party without
         obligations of confidentiality; (b) that party independently develops;
         (c) is or becomes publicly available without a breach of this
         Agreement by either party; or (d) is disclosed to it by a third person
         who is not required to maintain its confidentiality. The party
         claiming any of the above exceptions has the burden of proving its

3.       Each party may disclose Confidential Information only to its own
         officers, directors and employees and to its consultants and advisors
         who reasonably need to know it. Each party shall be responsible to the
         other for any violation of this Agreement by its own officers,
         directors, employees, consultants or advisors.

4.       Neither party may print or copy, in whole or in part, any documents or
         other media containing any Confidential Information without the prior
         written consent of the other party other than copies for its officers,
         directors, employees, consultants or advisors who are working on the
         matter. Neither party will remove or deface any notice of

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Southern California Edison                      Attachment A - Confidentiality &
                                                        Nondisclosure Agreement
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         copyright, trademark, logo or other proprietary notice of the other
         party appearing on any original or copy of the other's Confidential

5.       Neither party may use the other party's Confidential Information for
         competing with the other party or for any purpose not in furtherance
         of the business relationship between them.

6.       Each party's Confidential Information shall remain its own property.
         Upon the request of the other party, each party shall return all of
         the other's Confidential Information, or destroy it and provide the
         other party with written certification of such destruction, except for
         archival and backup copies that are not readily available for use and
         business records required by law to be retained.

7.       If either party becomes legally obligated to disclose any of the other
         party's Confidential Information, the party subject to the obligation
         shall notify the other party in writing promptly and shall cooperate
         with the other party at the other party's expense in seeking a
         protective order or other appropriate remedy.

8.       Each party agrees that in the event of a breach or threatened breach
         by either party, including its officers, directors, consultants or
         employees, of the provisions of this Agreement, the non-breaching
         party will have no adequate remedy in money damages and, accordingly,
         shall be entitled to seek an injunction against such breach, in
         addition to any other legal or equitable remedies available to it.

9.       Each party is disclosing Confidential Information solely on an "AS IS"
         basis, with no warranties. The disclosing party will not be liable for
         any damages arising out of the use of Confidential Information
         disclosed hereunder.

10.      If any Confidential Information originating in the United States is
         authorized by this Agreement to be disclosed outside the United
         States, the receiving party agrees to ensure that it or any materials
         derived from it are not disclosed or communicated to any individual or
         entity in any country to which the export of such information is
         prohibited by U.S. export laws or regulations.

11.      This Agreement is governed by the laws of Texas without regard to its
         rules on conflicts of law. Neither party may assign its rights or
         obligations under this Agreement. No modification or waiver of any
         provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and
         signed by the party sought to be bound. This Agreement is the entire
         agreement between the parties on nondisclosure of confidential
         information and supersedes all prior representations and agreements
         between the parties on that subject. This Agreement shall expire two
         years after the last receipt of Confidential Information by either

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Southern California Edison                      Attachment A - Confidentiality &
                                                        Nondisclosure Agreement
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                                             PEROT SYSTEMS CORPORATION

         By:                                 By:
            ----------------------------        -------------------------------

         Name:                               Name:
              --------------------------          -----------------------------

         Title:                              Title:
               -------------------------           ----------------------------

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