EXHIBIT 99.292 SCE'S UDC BUSINESS IN THE RESTRUCTURED CALIFORNIA ENERGY MARKET DISCUSSION POINTS FOR MEETING WITH STEVE MCMENAMIN OF SCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1997 ROSEMEAD, CA 06/27/02 1 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] IMPACT OF RESTRUCTURING IN CALIFORNIA ON UDC BUSINESS - - Financial risks to UDC due to developing utility business protocols in California - - Keeping in synch with changing business protocols - - Impact on the reliability of distribution system operation - - Impact on distribution power quality 06/27/02 2 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL ASPECT OF UDC BUSINESS CREATING RISK EXPOSURE - - Payment to PX for energy received - Potential overpayment to PX - - Payment from customers for energy delivered - Potential undercollection from customers - Direct Access Customers (DACs) - "Bundled Retail Customers" (BRCs) 06/27/02 3 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX - - Day-ahead settlement - Paper transaction based on forecasted loads - Generators gaming of the PX will flow though to UDC - Could result in overpayment by UDC that may not be recoverable under PBR - UDC may be able to develop strategies to counter gaming by generators - - Hour-ahead settlement - essentially same as day ahead settlement - - Real-time/imbalance settlement - Accuracy of evaluating energy received would impact financial settlement - Evaluation based on balancing energy deliveries at UDC boundaries - Evaluation based on state-estimation method - Evaluation based on energy metering at UDC boundary with transmission 06/27/02 4 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY EVALUATION USING UDC BOUNDARY ENERGY BALANCING - - Use energy transactions at all boundary points to calculate energy received from PX - Current thinking at WEPEX - UDC largely unable to verify energy received - Strong probability of erroneous results due to: - Errors in accounting for transmission losses - Errors due to load profile errors for transmission level DACs - - Could result in overpayment or underpayment by UDC to PX - Some or all of the overpayment may not be recoverable due to PBR - Some or all of the underpayment could be kept by UDC due to PBR - Magnitude of overpayment/underpayment may be estimated 06/27/02 5 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY EVALUATION USING UDC BOUNDARY ENERGY BALANCING [CHART] 06/27/02 6 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY EVALUATION USING STATE-ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES - - Use known analytical methods to estimate energy received from transmission system - Straightforward and inexpensive - - Accuracy of models, data and measurements may NOT be acceptable for energy metering and payment purposes - Further studies required to verify suitability for revenue metering in specific situations - State-estimation results could be used to verify energy received 06/27/02 7 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY EVALUATION USING STATE-ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES [CHART] 06/27/02 8 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY METERING AT UDC BOUNDARY WITH TRANSMISSION - - Installing revenue metering at all interfaces between the UDC and transmission system - Will accurately know energy received from PX - Minimizes potential for overpayment/underpayment - Major expenditure for installation and operation of metering equipment - Who pays for this cost? - SCE could study costs and benefits 06/27/02 9 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] PAYMENT TO PX: ENERGY EVALUATION USING UDC BOUNDARY ENERGY BALANCING [CHART] 06/27/02 10 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] REVENUE FROM UDC CUSTOMERS - - Principal components of UDC rate - Energy Charge (EnC): Payment to PX (demand charge?) - Customer Service Charge (CSC): Cost of call centers, meter reading, outage management, energy theft, etc., etc. - Distribution Wire Charge (DWG): distribution system losses, distribution facilities depreciation - Transmission Access Fee (TAF) - Competitive Transition Charge (CTC) - EnC + CSC + DWG + TAF + CTC < PBR - 06/27/02 11 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] REVENUE FROM UDC CUSTOMERS - - Each UDC rate component could cause over/under-collection by UDC due to: - Inaccurate load profiles for DACs - Most components of UDC rate are affected by profile - Ability of "profiled" DACs to game their forecasts - Transfer cost impacts of uncertainty in actual load variation to UDC - Unpredictable energy consumption patterns by BRCs - "Unfavorable/inconsistent" allocation of rate components to DACs and BRCs 06/27/02 12 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] REVENUE FROM UDC CUSTOMERS - CONTINUED - - UDC may have to absorb all or part of over/under-collection due to PBR - - SCE could study the impacts on individual rate components and identify mitigation strategies 06/27/02 13 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] CONCLUDING REMARKS - - Utility industry restructuring will impact all aspects of SCE's UDC business - - Some of these impacts could have negative financial ramifications for SCE - Overpayment to PX - Undercollection from customers - PBR mechanism that would not allow recovery of part or all of "lost revenues" or cuts into the CTC collection 06/27/02 14 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] CONCLUDING REMARKS - CONTINUED - - Strategies, methodologies, and information systems could be developed to mitigate adverse impacts faced by UDCs: - Influence still ongoing restructuring process in California - Perot Systems can advise - Influence developments of rules and protocols related to the technical and financial operation of the UDC - Perot Systems Corporation (PSC) and Policy Assessment Corp. (PAC) Corp. can advise - Study potential market operating scenarios that could adversely influence the financial health of the UDC and develop counter measures - PSC and PAC can help with study and development work - Improve on the accuracy of energy forecast and measurements - PSC and PAC can help here with study and development work - Establish and enforce the correlation between cost/revenue and DACs' loads - PSC can help here with study and development work 06/27/02 15 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO]