EXHIBIT 99.164 YENDT, JOHN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yendt, John Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 01:56 PM To: 'Fulin_A_Zhuang@calpx.com' Cc: 'Thrinaynee_A_Reddy@calpx.com' Subject: RE: Compliance Monitoring Unit Data Requirement --- Emergency Service Request #505 Status --- Addendum Thrinanee changed the input data. I've sent the program to here to run against the newest data. - ----- Original Message ----- From: Fulin_A_Zhuang@calpx.com [mailto: Fulin_A_Zhuang@calpx.com] Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 18:02 To: Robert_L_Earle@calpx.com Cc: Paul_A_Thibodeaux@calpx.com; Seth_E_Wilson@calpx.com; Shangyou_A_Hao@calpx.com; John_A_Rinaldi@calpx.com; john.yendt@ps.net; Ning_A_Yang@calpx.com; trinaynee.reddy@ps.net Subject: Re: Compliance Monitoring Unit Data Requirement --- Emergency Service Request #505 Status --- Addendum Robert, Per our conversation 20 minutes ago, I have added two files to \\csiapapp1a\dataset. These two files are "RESOURCE_INFO.XLS" and "RESOURCE_INFO.CSV". Both contain the same resource-participant-zone data in different formats. Please review and let me know if you have questions. Fulin - ---------------------- Forwarded by Fulin A Zhuang/users/PX_CALIF on 04/10/2000 02:52 PM ---------------------- Fulin A Zhuang 04/10/2000 02:17 PM To: Robert L Earle/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES cc: Paul A Thibodeaux/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, Seth E Wilson/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, Shangyou A Hao/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, John A Rinaldi/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, john.yendt@ps.net, Ning A Yang/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, trinaynee.reddy@ps.net Fax to: Subject: Re: Compliance Monitoring Unit Data Requirement --- Emergency Service Request # 505 Status (Document link: Fulin A Zhuang) Robert, Attached please find a data set reference showing the status of various items that you requested. For each item ready for your review and use, a "Ready" is indicated in the "Status" column. The actual data is in \\csiapapp1a\compliance\dataset or its sub-folders. All the data ready for your review and use are in CSV format with column headings. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any questions or comments. Fulin (See attached file: ESR505_DataRef1.doc) 1 Robert L Earle 04/10/2000 01:08 PM To: Fulin A Zhuang/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES cc: Seth E Wilson/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, Shangyou A Hao/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, John A Rinaldi/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, john.yendt@ps.net, Ning A Yang/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, trinaynee.reddy@ps.net Fax to: Subject: Re: Compliance Monitoring Unit Data Requirement --- Emergency Service Request # 505 (Document link: Fulin A Zhuang) Hi. I've annotated the list below. Thanks for your help. Fulin A Zhuang 04/07/2000 01:06 PM To: Robert L Earle/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES cc: Seth E Wilson/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, Shangyou A Hao/users/PX_CALIF@PYNOTES, John A Rinaldi/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, john.yendt@ps.net, Ning A Yang/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES, trinaynee.reddy@ps.net Subject: Compliance Monitoring Unit Data Requirement --- Emergency Service Request # 505 Robert, I want to confirm once more with you on what data you would need for the MMC meeting towards the end of April. These data items are listed below, in the order of priority provided by you: 1. Dayahead energy bid curves by portfolio as well as aggregated to the participant level 2. Day-Of or hourahead energy bid curves by portfolio as well as aggregated to participant level and aggregated to market level. 3. Day ahead unconstraint PX energy market clearing prices and quantities 4. Day-Of unconstraint PX energy market clearing prices and quantities 5. Day-Ahead Initial Preferred Schedules, at resource level and aggregated to participant zonal supply and participant zonal demand leves 6. Day-Of or hourahead initial preferred schedules, at resource level and aggregated to participant zonal supply and participant zonal demand levels 7. Day-Ahead energy zonal market clearing prices and quantities 8. Day-Of or hour-ahead zonal market clearing prices and quantities 9. Day-Ahead Final Schedules, at resource level and aggregated to participant zonal supply and participant zonal demand leves 10. Day-Of or hourahead Final schedules, at resource level and aggregated to participant zonal supply and participant zonal demand levels Please e-mail me as soon as possible with your correction or confirmation. Please do not wait over the weekend. Thank you, Fulin 2 06/14/02 CALPX COMPLIANCE MONITORING UNIT -- EMERGENCY DATA REQUEST #505 DATA SET STATUS AS OF April 10, 2000 <Table> <Caption> # Item Aggregation Level From To File Status - ---- ----------------- ---- -- ---- ------ 1a DA energy bid curves Portfolio 1b DA participant aggregate Participant, Supply or Demand 04/01/98 02/06/00 DABid.txt Ready energy bid curves 1c DA Market aggregate PX Market energy bid curves 2a HA energy bid curves Resource 07/30/98 04/07/00 \zip\DayofBid_ Ready Resource.zip 2b HA participant aggregate Participant, Supply or Demand energy bid curves 2c HA market aggregate PX Market energy bid curves 3a DA UMCP, UMCQ PX Market 04/01/98 02/08/00 DAUnconstPrice.txt Ready 3b DA Partipant UMCQ Participant, Supply or Demand 04/01/98 02/06/00 DAUnconstQty.txt Ready 4a HA UMCP, UMCQ PX Market 07/30/98 04/07/00 HAUnconstPrice.dat Ready 4b HA Participant UMCQ Participant, Supply or Demand 5a DA IPS Resource 04/01/98 02/09/00 \DAIPS Ready 5b DA Aggregate IPS Participant, Zone, Supply or \DAIPS_Aggregate Ready Demand 6a HA IPS Resource \zip\DayofUnconst Ready Qty_Resource.zip 6b HA Aggregate IPS Participant, Zone, Supply or Demand 7a DA ZMCP Zone 04/01/98 07/21/99 DAConstPrice.txt Looking for missing data 7b DA ZMCQ Zone 8a HA ZMCP Zone 8b HA ZMCQ Zone 9a DA FS Resource 04/01/98 02/17/00 \DAFS Ready </Table> <Table> <Caption> # Item Remark - ---- ------ 1a DA energy bid curves 1b DA participant aggregate AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 1a. energy bid curves Data incorrect for 10/14/99 through 10/23/99, 8/18/99 and 1/20/00 1c DA Market aggregate energy bid curves 2a HA energy bid curves Hour index is actual hour- beginning, not hour- ending 2b HA participant aggregate AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 2a energy bid curves 2c HA market aggregate energy bid curves 3a DA UMCP, UMCQ 3b DA Partipant UMCQ 4a HA UMCP, UMCQ 4b HA Participant UMCQ AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 6a 5a DA IPS 5b DA Aggregate IPS AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 5a 6a HA IPS 6b HA Aggregate IPS AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 6a 7a DA ZMCP Expected to be ready by COB 4/10 7b DA ZMCQ 8a HA ZMCP 8b HA ZMCQ 9a DA FS </Table> <Table> <Caption> # Item Aggregation Level From To File Status - ---- ----------------- ---- -- ---- ------ 9b DA Aggregate FS Participant, Zone, Supply or \DAFS_Aggregate Ready Demand 10a HA FS Resource 10b HA Aggregate FS Participant, Zone, Supply or Demand </Table> <Table> <Caption> # Item Remark - ---- ------ 9b DA Aggregate FS AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 9a 10a HA FS 10b HA Aggregate FS AGGREGATE FROM ITEM 10a </Table>