EXHIBIT 99.321

FROM:       Avila, Joseph
SENT:       Friday, November 12, 1999 4:14 PM
TO:         McManus, Terry; Fortney, Elizabeth; Lenfestey, Russell; Young, Carl
SUBJECT:    FW: CDW Follow - up meeting


- -----Original Message-----
FROM:       Avila, Joseph
SENT:       Friday, November 12, 1999 4:15 PM
TO:         'perryjm@sce.com'
CC:         Vane, Jim; Srivastava, Ravi; 'PATAS@sce.com'; 'avilaj@sce.com'
SUBJECT:    CDW Follow - up meeting


Hopefully you have had an opportunity to review the initial draft of our
proposal letter by now. Following receipt of the prospective stakeholders list
from you on Wednesday, we refined the service delivery timeline and will revise
and return the Requirements Gathering proposal to you. At this time, we would
like to arrange a follow-up meeting with you and the rest of the CDW team next
week. I will give you a call on Monday to arrange a mutually convenient time and

Best regards,

Joe Avila
Perot Systems Corporation
(626) 302-2904
Pax 22904