EXHIBIT 99.332 Rich Miller 07/25/97 05:01 PM To: Sarah Leedy/ISO@ISO cc: Subject: [ATTACHMENT] Here's the latest... SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX Total No. of Charges IN SCOPE = 31 OUT OF SCOPE = 12 <Table> <Caption> INPUTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Day-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0001 Spinning Reserve Spinning Reserve MW / trading Zonal Spinning $/MW due SC Accepted Bid Quantity interval Reserve Capacity [per SC, per location] Market Clearing Price for Trading Interval 2 0101 Spinning Reserve Non Self-Provided MW / trading Zonal Spinning $/MW due ISO Spinning Reserve interval Reserve Capacity Requirement [per SC, Market Clearing per zone] Price for Trading Interval 3 0002 Non-Spinning Non-Spinning Reserve MW / trading Zonal Non-Spinning $/MW Reserve Accepted Bid Quantity interval Reserve Capacity due SC [per SC, per location] Market Clearing Price for Trading Interval 4 0102 Non-Spinning Non Self-Provided MW / trading Zonal Non-Spinning $/MW Reserve Non-Spinning Reserve interval Reserve Capacity due ISO Requirement [per SC, Market Clearing per zone] Price for Trading Interval 5 0003 AGC/Regulation AGC/Regulation MW / trading Zonal AGC/Regulation $/MW due SC Accepted Bid interval Capacity Market Quantity [per SC, Clearing Price for per location] (Sum of Trading Interval Absolute Positive & Negative Bid Qty) 6 0103 AGC/Regulation Non-Self Provided MW / trading Zonal AGC/Regulation $/MW due ISO AGC/Regulation interval Capacity Market requirement [per SC, Clearing Price for per zone] (Sum of Trading Interval Absolute Positive & Negative Bid Qty) <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- Day-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0001 Spinning Reserve SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual due SC Trading Interval, Work Capacity (Billable) Around Quantity, Price, Amount Due 2 0101 Spinning Reserve SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change due ISO Interval, Capacity Request (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due 3 0002 Non-Spinning SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual Reserve Trading Interval, Work due SC Capacity (Billable) Around Quantity, Price, Amount Due 4 0102 Non-Spinning SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change Reserve Interval, Capacity Request due ISO (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due 5 0003 AGC/Regulation SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual due SC Trading Interval, Work Capacity (Billable) Around Quantity, Price, Amount Due 6 0103 AGC/Regulation SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change due ISO Interval, Capacity Request (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ Day-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0001 Spinning Reserve During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 2 due SC units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 2 0101 Spinning Reserve Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 1 due ISO Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable Quantity(FERC)]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC)) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) 3 0002 Non-Spinning During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 2 Reserve units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund due SC the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 4 0102 Non-Spinning Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 1 Reserve Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable due ISO Quantity(FERC))]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) 5 0003 AGC/Regulation During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 2 due SC units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 6 0103 AGC/Regulation Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 1 due ISO Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable Quantity(FERC))]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) </Table> Page 1 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- 7 0004 Replacement Replacement Reserve MW / trading Zonal Replacement $/MW Reserve Accepted Bid interval Reserve Capacity due SC Quantity [per SC, Market Clearing per location] Price for Trading Interval <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- 7 0004 Replacement SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Final Reserve Trading Interval, due SC Capacity (Billable) Quantity, Price, <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ 7 0004 Replacement Daily 2 Reserve due SC </Table> Page 2 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Day-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 0203 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal SC Scheduled Energy MWh / trading Zonal MCP (Reference $/MWh Congestion Settlement Quantity [per SC] interval Price, (lambda)) (Sum of Net Import into the Zone) = (L - G + Transfer) 9 0204 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal TO Percentage MW / trading Day-Ahead Congestion $/MW Congestion Refund due Ownership on interval Price of the TO Interface X Interface intertie location Loading [per SC, per (Shadow Price, (mu)) Intertie Location] 10 0201 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal Accepted Day-Ahead MWh / trading Bid Price $/MWh Congestion Incs/Decs Incremental / interval Settlement Decremental Bid Quantity 11 0202 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal Sum of SC Scheduled MWh / trading Intra-Zonal $/MWh Congestion Load & Export for interval Congestion Charge Charge/Refund (DA Zone for Trading Price = Sum All SC's Grid Operations Interval Day-Ahead Charge) Intra-Zonal Congestion Settlements (inc/decs) for Zone for Trading Interval / Total MW Load + Exports Energy in the Zone for Trading Interval <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- Day-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 0203 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal SC, Zone, Trading SC's MW flow SC's MW Need to Congestion Settlement Interval, Billable is in the flow confirm Quantity, Price, direction of relieves with SI/SA Amount Due the congestion congestion 9 0204 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal SC, Intertie Location, N/A ISO revenue Final Congestion Refund due TO % Ownership, from TO Loading, Trading Day-Ahead Interval, Billable Inter-zonal Quantity, Price, Congestion Amount Due Settlement 10 0201 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal SC, Location, Zone, Dec Bid Inc Bid Final Congestion Incs/Decs Bid Id, Inc/Dec Type, Settlement Trading Interval, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 11 0202 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal SC, Zone, Trading Inc Inc Change Congestion Interval, Total Settlements + Settlements Request Charge/Refund (DA Congestion Management Dec + Dec Grid Operations Settlements for Settlements Settlements Charge) Trading Interval, is negative = is positive Total MW Scheduled ISO Cost = ISO Energy for Zone (Total which must be revenues Load & Exports), Sum collected which must SC Day-Ahead Scheduled be Load & Export for Zone distributed (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ Day-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 0203 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal Billable Quantity = (Sum of Net Import into the Zone) = Daily 3 Congestion Settlement (L - G + Transfer). Assume SI/SA will provide BQ because the "transfer" information is not available in Settlements. ACTION: Users to follow up with SI/SA to ensure BQ is provided. 9 0204 Day-Ahead Inter-Zonal ACTION: Users need to follow up with SI/SA to ensure Daily 18 Congestion Refund due that the proper "loading" (NOT "rating") information is TO passed to Settlements. 10 0201 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal No production data will be available in Phase I. Daily 4 Congestion Incs/Decs Settlement 11 0202 Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal CHANGE REQUEST: Replace "Export" with "Generation". Daily 5 Congestion Charge/Refund (DA Grid Operations Charge) </Table> [INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Page 3 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Hour-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 0051 Spinning Reserve Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Spinning $/MW due SC Spinning Reserve interval Reserve Capacity accepted bid Market Clearing quantity [per SC, Price for Trading per location] Interval 13 0151 Spinning Reserve Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Spinning $/MW due ISO Non-Self Provided interval Reserve Capacity Spinning Reserve Market Clearing requirement [per SC, Price for Trading per zone] Interval 14 0052 Non-Spinning Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Non-Spinning $/MW Reserve Non-Spinning Reserve interval Reserve Capacity due SC accepted bid Market Clearing quantity [per SC, Price for Trading per location] Interval 15 0152 Non-Spinning Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Non-Spinning $/MW Reserve Non-Self Provided interval Reserve Capacity due ISO Non-Spinning Reserve Market Clearing requirement [per SC, Price for Trading per zone] Interval 16 0053 AGC/Regulation Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Regulating $/MW Reserve AGC/Regulation interval Reserve Capacity due SC accepted bid Market Clearing quantity [per SC, Price for Trading per location] (Sum of Interval Absolute Positive & Negative Bid Qty) 17 0153 AGC/Regulation Hour-Ahead Non-Self MW / trading Zonal Regulating $/MW Reserve Provided additional interval Reserve Capacity due ISO AGC/Regulation Market Clearing requirement [per SC, Price for Trading per zone] Interval <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- Hour-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 0051 Spinning Reserve SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual due SC Trading Interval, Work Day-Ahead Quantity, Around Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 13 0151 Spinning Reserve SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change due ISO Interval, Day-Ahead Request Quantity, Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 14 0052 Non-Spinning SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual Reserve Trading Interval, Work due SC Day-Ahead Quantity, Around Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 15 0152 Non-Spinning SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change Reserve Interval, Day-Ahead Request due ISO Quantity, Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 16 0053 AGC/Regulation SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Manual Reserve Trading Interval, Work due SC Day-Ahead Quantity, Around Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 17 0153 AGC/Regulation SC, Zone, Trading A/S Buy Bid N/A Change Reserve Interval, Day-Ahead Request due ISO Quantity, Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ Hour-Ahead A/S Capacity Reservation Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 0051 Spinning Reserve During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 6 due SC units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 13 0151 Spinning Reserve Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 7 due ISO Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable Quantity(FERC))]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) 14 0052 Non-Spinning During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 6 Reserve units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund due SC the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 15 0152 Non-Spinning Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 7 Reserve Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable due ISO Quantity(FERC))]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) 16 0053 AGC/Regulation During Phase I, those SCs that use generation/load Daily 6 Reserve units within the FERC jurisdictional area must refund due SC the ISO the difference in settlements using (MCP - bid price). ISO must use Manual Line Item Entries to capture these refund amounts. 17 0153 AGC/Regulation Price = average MCP = {(SIGMA) [(MCP * Billable Daily 7 Reserve Quantity(Non-FERC)) + (Bid Price * Billable due ISO Quantity(FERC))]} / (SIGMA) (Billable Quantity(FERC) + Billable Quantity(Non-FERC)) </Table> Page 4 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- 18 0054 Replacement Hour-Ahead additional MW / trading Zonal Replacement $/MW Reserve Replacement Reserve interval Reserve Capacity due SC accepted Bid Quantity Market Clearing [per SC, per location] Price for Trading Interval <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- 18 0054 Replacement SC, Location, Zone, N/A A/S Sell Bid Final Reserve Trading Interval, due SC Day-Ahead Quantity, Hour-Ahead Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ 18 0054 Replacement Daily 6 Reserve due SC </Table> Page 5 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Hour-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 0253 Hour-Ahead Hour-Ahead revised MWh / trading Zonal MCP (Reference $/MWh Inter-Zonal Congestion scheduled Quantity interval Price, (lambda)) minus Day-Ahead scheduled quantity [per SC] (Sum of Net Import into the Zone) = (L - G + Transfer) 20 0254 Hour-Ahead TO Percentage MW / trading Hour-Ahead $/MW Inter-Zonal Ownership on interval Congestion Price of Congestion Refund due Interface X Interface the intertie TO Capacity Loading location (Shadow Deviation [per SC, Price, (mu)) per Intertie Location] 21 0251 Hour-Ahead Accepted Revised MWh / trading Bid Price $/MWh Intra-Zonal Hour-Ahead interval Congestion Incs/Decs Incremental/Decremental Settlement Bid Quantity 22 0252 Hour-Ahead Absolute difference MWh / trading Intra-Zonal $/MWh Intra-Zonal between [(the Sum of interval Congestion Charge Congestion Hour-Ahead Scheduled Price = Sum All SC's Charge/Refund Load & Export) minus Hour-Ahead (HA Grid Operations (the sum of Day-Ahead Intra-Zonal Charge) Scheduled Load & Congestion Incs/Decs Export)], [Out of Settlements for Zone scope: (|G(ha) - G(da)| + for Trading Interval |Lha - L(da)|)] / The Sum of all SC's billable quantity (absolute differences) <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- Hour-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 0253 Hour-Ahead SC, Zone, Trading SC's MW flow SC's MW Need to Inter-Zonal Congestion Interval, Hour Ahead is in the flow confirm Quantity, Day Ahead direction of relieves with SI/SA Quantity, Billable the congestion congestion Quantity, Price, Amount Due 20 0254 Hour-Ahead SC, Intertie Location, N/A ISO revenue Final Inter-Zonal TO % Ownership, DA to be Congestion Refund due Loading, HA Loading, refunded TO Trading Interval, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 21 0251 Hour-Ahead SC, Location, Zone, Dec Bid Inc Bid Final Intra-Zonal Bid Id, Inc/Dec Type, Congestion Incs/Decs Trading Interval, Settlement Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due 22 0252 Hour-Ahead SC, Zone, Trading Inc Inc Change Intra-Zonal Interval, DA Load & Settlements + Settlements Request Congestion Exports, HA Load & Dec + Dec Charge/Refund Exports, Total Settlements Settlements (HA Grid Operations Congestion Management is negative = is positive Charge) Settlements for ISO Cost = ISO Trading Interval, which must be revenues Total MW Scheduled collected which must Energy for Zone (Total be Load & Exports), distributed Absolute Difference Quantity (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ Hour-Ahead Zonal Congestion Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 0253 Hour-Ahead Billable Quantity = (Sum of Net Import into the Zone) = Daily 8 Inter-Zonal Congestion (L - G + Transfer). Assume SI/SA will provide Billable Quantity because the "transfer" information is not available in Settlements. 20 0254 Hour-Ahead ACTION: Users need to follow up with SI/SA to ensure Daily 19 Inter-Zonal that the proper "loading" (NOT "rating") information is Congestion Refund due passed to Settlements. TO 21 0251 Hour-Ahead No production data will be available in Phase I. Daily 4 Intra-Zonal Congestion Incs/Decs Settlement 22 0252 Hour-Ahead CHANGE REQUEST: Replace "Export" with "Generation". Daily 10 Intra-Zonal Congestion Charge/Refund (HA Grid Operations Charge) </Table> Page 6 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Ex-Post A/S Energy Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 0301 A/S Energy And Ex-Post A/S (Bid in MWh / trading Ex-Post (ISO $/MWh Supplemental Energy and self provided) interval Imbalance) Zonal due SC Energy and Market Clearing Price Supplemental Energy Quantity [per SC, per location] 24 0302 Supplemental Reactive Ex-Post Supplemental MWh / trading MAX[0, (Ex-Post $/MWh Power due SC Reactive Power called interval Zonal Price - upon Quantity Adjustment Bid Price)] 25 0353 Contracted Black Ex-Post Black Start MWh / trading Black Start Contract $/MWh Start due SC called upon Quantity interval Energy Price 26 0304 Replacement Reserve R.R.undispatched MW / trading R.R. Day-Ahead $/MW due ISO (Undispatched) interval Market Clearing Price (OUT OF SCOPE: Zonal Replacement Reserve Capacity MCP for trading interval) <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- Ex-Post A/S Energy Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 0301 A/S Energy And SC, Zone, Location, N/A A/S Sell Bid Issue Supplemental Energy Trading Interval, due SC Energy (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due 24 0302 Supplemental Reactive SC, Zone, Location, N/A A/S Sell Bid Final Power due SC Trading Interval, Adjustment Bid Price, Energy (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due 25 0353 Contracted Black SC, Location, Trading N/A Short Term Final Start due SC Interval, Energy Contracted (Billable) Quantity, Black Start Price, Amount Due Bid 26 0304 Replacement Reserve SC, Trading Interval, R.R. Buy Bid N/A Issue due ISO (Undispatched) Zone, Dispatched Quantity, Total Quantity Required, SC NSP Requirement, Total NSP Requirement, Energy (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ Ex-Post A/S Energy Settlements (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 0301 A/S Energy And Price = Ex-post energy price. AGC/Regulation component Daily 13 Supplemental Energy is included in this calculation; however, data for due SC AGC/Regulation is not available. 24 0302 Supplemental Reactive Daily 15 Power due SC 25 0353 Contracted Black Daily 14 Start due SC 26 0304 Replacement Reserve Issue: Change in price calculation. Daily due ISO (Undispatched) </Table> R.R.(undispatched) = Undispatched Qty * R.R. Day-Ahead MCP * [SC scheduled nonself provided Replacement Reserve Requirement / Total SC scheduled non-self provided Replacement Reserve Requirement] Page 7 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- 27 0303 Replacement Reserve R.R.(dispatched) MW / trading R.R. Day-Ahead $/MW due ISO (Dispatched) interval Market Clearing Price (OUT OF SCOPE: Zonal Replacement Reserve Capacity MCP for trading interval) <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- 27 0303 Replacement Reserve SC, Trading Interval, R.R. Buy Bid N/A Issue due ISO (Dispatched) Zone, Dispatched Quantity, Imbalance Quantity, SC NSP Requirement, Total NSP Requirement, Total Allocation Quantity, Energy (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ 27 0303 Replacement Reserve Issue: Change in price calculation. Daily due ISO (Dispatched) </Table> R.R.(dispatched) = Dispatched Qty * R.R. Day-Ahead MCP * {SC[MAX(0,imbalance)] * [SC Non-Self Provided Replacement Reserve Req/ (SIGMA) (SC Non-Self Provided Replacement Reserve Req)] / (SIGMA)[Total SC[MAX(0,imbalance)] * (SC Non-Self Provided Req/(SIGMA)(SC Non Self Provided Replacement Res. Req))]} Page 8 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 0351 Monthly Grid SC Measured Energy in MWh / month ISO Administrative $/MWh Management Charge due the Control Area for Charge Price ISO the Month (Load + Exports) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheeling [Amount Due = Billable Quantity *Price] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 0351 Monthly Grid SC, Date (Last Date in ISO Costs to ISO revenue Change Management Charge due Month), SC Load & be collected to be Request ISO Export MW in Control refunded Area (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 0351 Monthly Grid CHANGE REQUEST: Replace "Export" with "Generation". Monthly 11 Management Charge due ISO </Table> <Table> <Caption> REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Wheeling (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 0352 Wheeling Out / Final Accepted MW / trading TO Tariff at Exit $/MW Wheeling Through due Wheeling Scheduled interval Point or TO Weighted ISO Quantity at the Exit Tariff Rate at the Point Point (Multiple Owners) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Unit Charges [Amount Due = Billable Quantity *Price] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 0352 Wheeling Out / SC, Location, Trading SC usage of N/A Final Wheeling Through due Interval, Billable TOs' ISO Quantity, Price, transmiss'n Amount Due line <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29 0352 Wheeling Out / Daily 16 Wheeling Through due ISO </Table> <Table> <Caption> REF ID Charge Name Billable Quantity Units Price Units --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- Per Unit Charges (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 1000 - Per Unit Charges SC Energy Quantity MW or MWh/ Per Unit Price = $/MW 1999 (Include Supplemental for the [Control trading interval Total Amount / Total Reactive Power & Area, Zone or UDC MW in the [Control Contracted Black Territory] Area, Zone or UDC Start) Territory] (Control Area for Black Start, Zone for Suppl. Reactive Energy) <Caption> Due ISO Due SC REF ID Charge Name OUTPUTS Positive Negative Status --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 1000 - Per Unit Charges SC, Per Unit Charge ISO costs to ISO revenue Final 1999 (Include Supplemental ID, Charge Date, Total be collected to be Reactive Power & [Control Area, Zone or refunded Contracted Black UDC Territory] Start) Quantity, Total Cost, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due <Caption> Batch Job Data REF ID Charge Name Comments Frequency Window --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ ISO Administrative Charge (Amount Due = Billable Quantity * Price) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 1000 - Per Unit Charges Monthly 17 1999 (Include Supplemental (Charge Reactive Power & calculated Contracted Black when measmts Start) are final and included in next available prelim. statmnt.) </Table> Page 9 EXHIBIT 99.144 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- REF ID CHARGE NAME BILLABLE QUANTITY UNITS PRICE UNITS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- IMBALANCE SETTLEMENTS (Non Instructed Deviations) (AMOUNT DUE = BILLABLE QUANTITY * PRICE) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 0401 Imbalance Settlement Generation/Import MWh / trading Ex-Post Energy $/MWh Deviation Quantity - interval Market Clearing Load/Export Deviation Price for the Quantity + SC trading UFE(logical) interval (Stage 1 & 2 hourly trading interval) <Caption> DUE ISO DUE SC REF ID CHARGE NAME OUTPUTS POSITIVE NEGATIVE STATUS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- IMBALANCE SETTLEMENTS (Non Instructed Deviations) (AMOUNT DUE = BILLABLE QUANTITY * PRICE) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 0401 Imbalance Settlement SC, Zone, Trading Negative Positive Change Interval, Imbalance Imbalance Request Generation/Import Deviation, Load/Export Deviation, SC UFE, Imbalance Quantity (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due <Caption> BATCH JOB DATA REF ID CHARGE NAME COMMENTS FREQUENCY WINDOW --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ 31 0401 Imbalance Settlement CHANGE REQUEST: See clarification in next section: Daily 12 "Future Enhancements". (1) Replace "Export" with "Generation"; (2) Add "Import Deviation" component; (3) Include Generation term in SC UFElogical calculation; (4) Separate this calc. into 4 line items. </Table> <Table> GENERATION DEVIATION QUANTITY (G(s) * GMM(f)) - [(G(a) - G(adj)) * GMM(a) - G(a/s) + Suppl. Energy] (Clarification: G(adj) includes Inc/Dec from real time congestion, over generation, etc.) (Clarification: G(a/s) + Suppl. Energy only includes Spin, Non-Spin, Replacement Reserve, Black Start, and Supplemental Energy) SC UFE(LOGICAL) SC UFE(logical) = SC UFE(physical) * [SC Load UDC(logical) / Total Load UDC(logical)] SC UFE(physical) = [(SC LoadUDC + SC ExportUDC SC {OUT OF SCOPE: Generation UDC}) / (Total LoadUDC + Total ExportUDC {OUT OF SCOPE: Generation UDC})] * UDC UFE(physical) UDC UFE(physical) = [(ImportsUDC - ExportsUDC) + GenerationUDC] - RTM LoadUDC - CM LoadUDC - Actual Transmission Loss Actual Transmission Loss = (SIGMA)[Ga * (1 - GMMa)] LOAD DEVIATION L(s) - [(L(a) - L(adj)) - L(a/s + Suppl. Energy)] </Table> (C) COPYRIGHT 1997 ERNST & YOUNG LLP Page 10 SETTLEMENT CHARGE MATRIX <Table> <Caption> REF ID CHARGE NAME BILLABLE QUANTITY UNITS PRICE UNITS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMBALANCE SETTLEMENTS - REVISED (Non Instructed Deviations) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNAL ZONE IMBALANCE ENERGY SETTLEMENT = (GENERATION DEVIATION - LOAD DEVIATION + UFE) * EX-POST ZONAL MCP - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Generation Deviation Zonal Generation MWh / trading Ex-Post Zonal MCP $/MWh Deviation Quantity interval [per SC, per Zone] Generation Deviation Quantity = (Gs * GMMf) - [(Ga - Gadj) * GMMa - Ga/s + Suppl. Energy] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Load Deviation Load Deviation [per MWh / trading Ex-Post Zonal MCP $/MWh SC, per UDC, per zone] interval Load Deviation Quantity = Ls - [(La - Ladj) - La/s + Suppl. Energy] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 SC Unaccounted for UFE Quantity [per SC, MWh / trading Ex-Post Zonal MCP $/MWh Energy (UFElogical) per zone] interval SC UFE(logical) = SC UFE(physical) * [SC Load UDC(logical) / Total Load UDC(logical)] SC UFE(physical) = [(SC LoadUDC + SC ExportUDC) / (Total LoadUDC + Total ExportUDC)] * UDC UFE(physical) UDC UFE(physical) = [(ImportsUDC - ExportsUDC) + GenerationUDC] - RTM LoadUDC - CM LoadUDC - Actual Transmission Loss Actual Transmission Loss = (SIGMA)[G(a) * (1 - GMM(a))] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL ZONE IMBALANCE ENERGY SETTLEMENT = IMPORT DEVIATION * EXTERNAL ZONAL MCP - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Import Deviation Import Deviation MWh / trading External Zonal $/MWh Quantity [per SC, per interval MCP zone] Import Deviation Quantity = (I(s) * GMM(f)) - [(I(a) - I(adj)) * GMM(a)] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> DUE ISO DUE SC REF ID CHARGE NAME OUTPUTS POSITIVE NEGATIVE STATUS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- IMBALANCE SETTLEMENTS - REVISED (NON INSTRUCTED DEVIATIONS) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Generation Deviation SC, Zone, Trading Change Interval, Generation Request Deviation (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due ISO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Load Deviation SC, Zone, Trading Change Interval, Load Request Deviation (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 SC Unaccounted for SC, Zone, Trading Energy (UFElogical) Interval, UFE (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL ZONE IMBALANCE ENERGY SETTLEMENT = IMPORT DEVIATION * EXTERNAL ZONAL MCP - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Import Deviation SC, Zone, Trading Internal, Import Deviation (Billable Quantity), Price Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> BATCH JOB DATA REF ID CHARGE NAME COMMENTS FREQUENCY WINDOW --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ 1 Generation Deviation As shown in Charge #31 (Imbalance Settlement), this Daily component is not calculated separately. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Load Deviation As shown in Charge #31 (Imbalance Settlement), this Daily component is not calculated separately. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 SC Unaccounted for As shown in Charge #31 (Imbalance Settlement), this Daily Energy (UFE(logical)) component is not calculated separately. Revised Calculation must change the term "export" to "generation". Also, SC UFElogical term must include the "generation" term. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Import Deviation This is a new component in the Imbalance Settlement Daily calculation. (I(s) = I(a)) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (C) COPYRIGHT 1997 ERNST & YOUNG LLP Page 11 <Table> <Caption> REF ID CHARGE NAME BILLABLE QUANTITY UNITS PRICE UNITS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- ----- WHEELING - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Wheeling Charge Wheeling Charge MW / trading TO Tariff Rate at $/MW Refund due TO Billable Quantity interval the Exit Point - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EX-POST CAPACITY SETTLEMENT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Contracted Black Hour-Ahead Black MW / trading Black Start Contract $/MW Start due SC Start Quantity - interval Price Ex-Post Revised Black Start Quantity - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Real-time Intra-Zonal Real Time Inc/Dec Bid MWh / trading Bid Price $/MWh Congestion Inc/Dec Qty interval Settlement - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Real-time Intra-Zonal Sum of SC Measured MWh / trading Intra-Zonal $/MWh Congestion Load & Generation for interval Congestion Charge Charge/Refund (Grid Zone for Trading Price = Sum All SC's Operations Charge) Interval Real-time Intra-Zonal Congestion (Incs/Decs) Settlements for Zone for Trading Interval / Total Measured MW Load & Generation Energy in the Zone for Trading Interval - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Day-Ahead Black Start Black Start Accepted MW / trading Black Start Capacity $ / MW due SC Bid Quantity [per SC, interval MCP for Trading per Location] Interval - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Day-Ahead Black Start Black Start MW / trading Black Start Capacity $ / MW due ISO Requirement [per SC, interval MCP for Trading per Total Control Interval Area] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Hour-Ahead Black Black Start MW / trading Black Start Capacity $ / MW Start due SC Additional Accepted interval MCP for Trading Bid Quantity [per SC, Interval per Location] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Hour-Ahead Black Black Start MW / trading Black Start Capacity $ / MW Start due ISO Additional interval MCP for Trading Requirement [per SC, Interval per Total Control Area] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> DUE ISO DUE SC REF ID CHARGE NAME OUTPUTS POSITIVE NEGATIVE STATUS --- ---- ---------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------- WHEELING - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Wheeling Charge TO, SC, Location, Refund due TO Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EX-POST CAPACITY SETTLEMENT EX-POST CAPACITY SETTLEMENT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Contracted Black SC, Location, Start due SC Hour-Ahead Quantity, Ex-Post Quantity, Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Real-time Intra-Zonal SC, Zone, Bid Id, Congestion Inc/Dec Trading Interval, Settlement Billable Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Real-time Intra-Zonal SC, Zone, Trading Dec Bid Inc Bid Congestion Interval, Total Charge/Refund (Grid Congestion Management Operations Charge) Settlements for Trading Interval, Total MW Scheduled Energy for Zone, Sum SC Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy for Zone (Billable Quantity), Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Day-Ahead Black Start SC, Trading Interval, N/A A/S Sell Bid due SC Capacity (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Day-Ahead Black Start SC, Trading Interval, A/S Buy Bid N/A due ISO Capacity (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Hour-Ahead Black SC, Trading Interval, N/A A/S Sell Bid Start due SC Capacity (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Hour-Ahead Black SC, Trading Interval, A/S Buy Bid N/A Start due ISO Capacity (Billable) Quantity, Price, Amount Due - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Caption> BATCH JOB DATA REF ID CHARGE NAME COMMENTS FREQUENCY WINDOW --- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------ WHEELING - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Wheeling Charge Daily Refund due TO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EX-POST CAPACITY SETTLEMENT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Contracted Black Daily Start due SC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Real-time Intra-Zonal Daily Congestion Inc/Dec Settlement - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Real-time Intra-Zonal Daily Congestion Charge/Refund (Grid Operations Charge) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Day-Ahead Black Start Required in Phase II. Daily due SC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Day-Ahead Black Start Required in Phase II. Daily due ISO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Hour-Ahead Black Required in Phase II. Daily Start due SC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Hour-Ahead Black Required in Phase II. Daily Start due ISO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES: 1. Location = Generation, Load, Control Intertie, Zone Intertie, UDC Intertie (C) COPYRIGHT 1997 ERNST & YOUNG LLP Page 12