EXHIBIT 99.174 YENDT, JOHN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Thibodeaux, Paul SENT: Friday, March 17, 2000 11:35 AM TO: Yendt, John SUBJECT: CALPX Black Pearl Scheduling Application IMPORTANCE: High FYI - here are the functional specs. Take a quick look and ans see if it scares you away. - ----- ORIGINAL MESSAGE ----- FROM: Shirmohammadi, Dariush SENT: Friday, March 10, 2000 12:50AM TO: Rodgers, Alan CC: Thibodeaux, Paul; Zhuang, Fulin SUBJECT: Black Pearl scheduling Application IMPORTANCE: High Alan Please work with Dan and Mike to take this project to go through the entire PM process. Dariush Paul: Please work with Fulin/Shangyou/others to learn about this project. We need to quickly develop a preliminary cost estimate for the project. - ----- Original Message ----- [ATTACHMENTS] Max S Bulk 03/08/2000 08:29 AM To: Dariush X Shirmohammadi/users/PX_CALIF@PXNOTES cc: Subject: BP Docs Dariush, Please call me if you require further information. Max (See attached file: External Presentation - SDGE.ppt)(See attached file: BP-Schedule- V-10.zip) 1