EXHIBIT 99.175 YENDT, JOHN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Paul_A_Thibodeaux@calpx.com SENT: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 08:38 PM TO: John.yendt@ps.net SUBJECT: Black Pearl Meeting Minutes [ATTACHMENT] - ---------------------- Forwarded by Paul A Thibodeaux/users/PX_CALIF on 03/28/2000 05:35 PM ---------------------- Max S Bulk 03/28/2000 01:53 PM To: Black Pearls Scheduling cc: Subject: Black Pearl Meeting Minutes Enclosed you will find minutes from last week's meeting. I apologize for delay in sending them, but I have been out of the office and unable to remotely access Lotus Notes. For those of you unable to attend tomorrow's meting you may dial the following number to conference in: 800-779-4683 Passcode: 981539 A reminder that we have scheduled a meeting with Julius from OM at 12:30 on the trade floor on Wednesday to review the configurability of Click. Thank you Max (See attached file: 3-23.doc) 1