EXHIBIT 99.181

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FROM:                      dariush shirmohammadi
SENT:                      Tuesday, November 04, 1997 2:18 AM
TO:                        Jim Cribari; Jim Napier; Jim Robertson; Herb
                           Zimmerman; Terry McManus
CC:                        Andy Goletz; Steve Ingram; herb_zimmerman@oaot.com;
SUBJECT:                   Re: Note from Ziad on Variances

         We managed to address/close most of these variances tonight. And should
         be done with all the critical ones by tomorrow noon.

         I think that the ISO/BBS folks are going to take it easy on us on the
         Settlements subsystem. I negotiated a solution with them that should
         let us off the hook, if we get the right resources from ABB to perform
         some major bugs.

         However, what surprised me tonight was the large number of SI to
         Settlements data transfer errors. Energy schedules would not show up or
         turn into A/S schedules, etc. I thought we had tested this path
         carefully all of last week (Herb/Jim N. please confirm) . Tonight, I
         was verifying the hand-shake between SI and BBS as a means of ensuring
         (even showing off to ISO folks) the correct transfer of data between SI
         and Settlements. Unfortunately this step turned mainly into an
         embarrassing exercise. Thanks to Mel we climbed out of several jams
         but the data transfer is still flawed. As it stands, ISO will take over
         the machines around noon tomorrow.


_______________________________ Reply Separator ________________________________

Subject:      Note from Ziad on Variances
Author:       Terry McManus at PSCMerit6
Date:         11/2/97 11:55 PM

In addition to all outstanding Integration and ISST class 1 variances, the
following Integration and ISST class 2 variances must be completed prior to the
start of ODR scenario 3. ODR scenario begins at 6pm on Tuesday, 11/4. In order
to test these variances, they should be completed by noon on Tuesday, 11/4.
Those with "C" in the far left column have been prioritized as the most critical
class 2 variances.

Integration class 2 variances:
   144   A resource was assigned to two SCs (ready for retest by ISO)
   206   Midnight procedures not set up in DBMS_JOB (ready for retest by ISO)
   221   DBMS_JOB submission script (ready for retest by ISO)
C  226   SI to BBS transfer (ready for retest by ISO)
C  236   Unable to purge HA schedules
   243   SC specific event file for event notification to WEB (ready for retest
         by ISO)
   247   Ancillary services gen spin reserve bid template - validation
   264   Oracle database privileges present security risk for SI (targeted
         completion of 11/3/97)
C  285   ISO MKT INFO - UDC load forecast - needs pull down for UDC IDs

ISST class 2 variances:
     3   DA preferred schedules error in SCWS
    10   Bid flag changes as DA becomes HA
    13   SCWS data needs to be cleared when resource associations are changed
    15   BEEP core dump on SI (ready for retest by ISO)


C 97&31  COI downrating transfer error / DPF is note using branch group
         limits from OS
C   20   DPF convergence in the two--day forecast
C   21   Congestion management prices
    25   Unit quality codes in BEEP do not appear to be correct
    26   BEEP 5 minute ex-post pricing doesn't appear to be correct
C   27   CONG has a problem with calculating congestion zone prices
    30   SI generation quantity validation error on resources
    32   OS data entry problems
C   33   Network application controller (NAC) error
    37   BEEP failure during real time processing (this variance has
         not reoccured since approx. 14:30 on 11/1; will re-evaluate
         status on 11/3)
