EXHIBIT 99.199

                                 PAUL R. GRIBIK


     PEROT SYSTEMS CORPORATION, DALLAS, TX                       1995 TO PRESENT

      Apply operations management techniques and information technology to the
      complex market and regulatory issues facing electric and gas utilities in
      a variety of planning and operating areas. Projects include:

      -     Developing methodologies and functional specifications for a system
            that an Independent System Operator will use to manage and price
            limited transmission capacity in the post-1998 restructured
            California electric utility industry to give equitable access to the
            parties competing for transmission services.

      -     Performing a cost-benefit analysis of an information system for
            managing a utility's power purchase and transmission contracts.

     MYKYTYN CONSULTING GROUP, INC., SAN RAFAEL, CA                 1990 TO 1995

      Led the Company's Operations Research & Economics Practice for gas and
      electric utilities. Managed project teams engaged in developing
      methodologies and information systems to evaluate the market potential of
      new business areas, to improve utility operations and to meet new
      regulatory requirements. Presented results in regulatory workshops.
      Projects included:

      -     Developing financial models to evaluate the market potential for new
            natural gas services (natural-gas-vehicle fueling stations and fuel
            cell generation).

      -     Developing a methodology for auctioning power purchase contracts to
            qualifying generation facilities and implementing the required
            systems for two California electric utilities.

      -     Designing and conducting an auction by which a gas utility awarded
            contracts for insulation and repair of low-income housing.

      -     Designing an integrated information system for a utility for use in
            planning and tracking the utilization of its gas supply contracts,
            transportation contracts and storage contracts.

      -     Formulating new definitions of system reliability and implementing
            an approach to setting gas storage targets that explicitly considers
            uncertainties in supply, demand and storage field performance.

     ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC., SAN FRANCISCO, CA                      1989 TO 1990

      Worked with utilities, transportation companies, and their suppliers in
      addressing changes in their business environments, assessing the markets
      for new services, and improving their resource allocation and planning
      functions. Projects included:

PAUL R. GRIBIK                                                            Page 2

      -     Assessing the market for high-voltage substation equipment and
            turn-key substations for a multi-national manufacturer of electrical

      -     Assessing the market among electric and gas utilities for an
            advanced decision support system and aiding the client in recruiting
            partners to develop applications based on their technology.

      -     Designing a yield management system for a transportation company.
            The project included designing a system to forecast demand and
            designing methods to control availability of product offerings to
            enhance profits.

      During my ten years at PG&E I held the following four positions:


            Led the Analytical Tools Group of the Fuels Policy Department in
            developing methodologies and information systems to improve the
            operation of PG&E's gas system and assess the impacts of new state
            and federal regulations. Projects included determining the amount of
            gas storage that could be used to provide a new gas banking service
            and an appropriate price for the service.


            Led a team of seven engineers in developing analytical techniques
            and conducting studies for system planning, rate design, power
            control center operations, and power contract negotiations. Projects
            included developing an approach to setting rates for electric power
            wheeling transactions that allocates costs based on the facilities
            used by each transaction.

      -     FUELS PLANNER

            Coordinated the efforts of several departments in analyzing the fuel
            oil requirements of PG&E's steam generation units. Devised an
            optimal oil inventory policy and developed testimony to support the
            policy before the California Public Utilities Commission.


            Developed systems to solve PG&E's planning, operating, and
            forecasting problems. Supervised three analysts. Projects included
            developing methods for determining the marginal costs related to
            generation operation and capital expansion.

     POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW                                            1976 TO 1979

            Investigated the properties of large-scale optimization problems.
            Studied their use in determining optimal expansion plans for
            telephone networks and evaluating the marginal cost of serving
            additional calls.

            Co-developer of a new undergraduate curriculum in Operations
            Research. Taught the initial undergraduate OR course. Developed a
            self-paced optimization course and wrote the text for the course.


      Ph.D. Industrial Administration (Operations Research), Carnegie-Mellon
      University, May 1976.
      M.S. Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, May 1973.
      B.S. Electrical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, May 1971.

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      "Designing an Auction for QF Generation Resources in California,"
      Electricity Journal, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 14-23, 1995.

      "Learning from California's QF Auction," Public Utilities Fortnightly,
      April 15, 1995.

      "Simulating Gas Storage and Purchase Policies under Uncertainty," American
      Gas Association Operating Section Proceedings, 1994, pp. 774-779.

      "Optimal Power Flow Sensitivity Analysis" (with Dariush Shirmohammadi,
      Shangyou Hao, and Chifong L. Thomas), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
      August 1990, pp. 969-976.

      "Evaluation of Transmission Network Capacity Use for Wheeling
      Transactions" (with Dariush Shirmohammadi, Eric T. K. Law, and James H.
      Malinowski), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, November 1989, pp.

      Extremal Methods of Operations Research (with K. O. Kortanek), Marcel
      Dekker, Inc., New York, 1985.