EXHIBIT 99.200 SECTION 9: COST BASED TRANSMISSION PRICING (C) Shir Consultants 1 OUTLINE - - General cost based transmission pricing process - - Transmission pricing schemes - - Transmission pricing models (C) Shir Consultants 9-2 TRANSMISSION PRICING PROCESS [FLOW CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-3 TRANSMISSION PRICING PROCESS [FLOW CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-4 TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES - - The basic process of translating transmission costs to charges for transmission customer - - The distinguishing features of various transmission pricing schemes are based on the the following features: - Cost responsibility - Spatial resolution for transmission prices - Time resolution for transmission prices - Payment responsibility for transmission prices (C) Shir Consultants 9-5 COST RESPONSIBILITY - - Rolled-in pricing scheme - All transmission costs are rolled ????? - - Incremental pricing scheme - - Composite embedded/incremental pricing scheme (C) Shir Consultants 9-6 ROLLED-IN PRICING SCHEME [FLOW CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-7 INCREMENTAL PRICING SCHEME [FLOW CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-8 COMPOSITE EMBEDDED/INCREMENTAL PRICING SCHEME [FLOW CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-9 SPATIAL RESOLUTION FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - - System-wide pricing - Cosntrant transmission prices system wide - - Zonal pricing - Constant transmission prices in selected zones - - Nodal pricing - Transmission prices change for every node (C) Shir Consultants 9-10 TIME RESOLUTION FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - - Annual pricing - - Seasonal pricing - - Daily pricing - - Hourly pricing (C) Shir Consultants 9-11 TIME RESOLUTION FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - --------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ATTRIBUTE ANNUAL PRICE SEASONAL DAILY PRICE HOURLY PRICE PRICE ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ability to differentiate based on the Low Medium High High level of service ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ability to recover transmission revenue High High High High requirement ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Acceptability to regulators High High High High ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ease of implementation High Medium Medium Medium ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ability to maximize the utilization of Low Low Medium High existing transmission resources ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ability to provide efficient economic Low Low Medium High signal to select least cost transaction ============================================= =============== =============== ============== =============== Ability to provide efficient economic Low Medium High High signal for locating generation and load - --------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-12 PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - - Load pays for transmission services - - Supplier pays for transmission services - - Both load and supplier pay for transmission services (C) Shir Consultants 9-13 ATTRIBUTES OF TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES The criterial why a particular transmission pricing scheme may be selected for a paticular application - - Ability to differentiate based on the level of service - - Ability to recover transmission revenue requirement - - Acceptability to regulators - - Ease of implementation - - Ability to maximize the utilization of existing transmission resources - - Ability to provide efficient economic signal to select least cost transaction - - Ability to provide efficient economic signal for locating generation and load (C) Shir Consultants 9-14 SELECTING COST RESPONSIBILITY FEATURE - ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ---------------- ATTRIBUTE ROLLED-IN INCREMENTAL COMPOSITE SCHEME SCHEME SCHEME ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ability to differentiate based on the level of Low High High service ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ability to recover transmission revenue requirement High Low High ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Acceptability to regulators High Low Medium ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ease of implementation High Low Low ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ability to maximize the utilization of existing Low High High transmission resources ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ability to provide efficient economic signal to Low High High select least cost transaction ======================================================= ================== ================== ================ Ability to provide efficient economic signal for Low High High locating generation and load - ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ---------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-15 SELECTING INCREMENTAL COST RESPONSIBILITY FEATURE - ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------ ATTRIBUTE SHORT RUN COSTS LONG RUN COSTS ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ability to differentiate based on the level of Medium High service ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ability to recover transmission revenue requirement Low-High Medium-High ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Acceptability to regulators Medium Medium ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ease of implementation Medium Medium ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ability to maximize the utilization of existing High High transmission resources ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ability to provide efficient economic signal to High High select least cost transaction ====================================================== =========================== ======================== Ability to provide efficient economic signal for Medium High locating generation and load - ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------ (C) Shir Consultants 9-16 SELECTING THE SPATIAL RESOLUTION FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ATTRIBUTE SYSTEM-WIDE PRICE ZONAL PRICE NODAL PRICE ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ability to differentiate based on the level Low Medium High of service ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ability to recover transmission revenue High High High requirement ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Acceptability to regulators High High High ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ease of implementation High Medium Low ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ability to maximize the utilization of Low Medium High existing transmission resources ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ability to provide efficient economic signal Low Medium High to select least cost transaction ================================================= ========================== ================== ================== Ability to provide efficient economic signal Low Medium High for locating generation and load - ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ (C) Shir Consultants 9-17 PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSMISSION PRICES - ---------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ATTRIBUTE LOAD PAYS SUPPLIER PAYS BOTH PAY ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ability to differentiate based on the High Medium High level of service ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ability to recover transmission revenue High High High requirement ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Acceptability to regulators High Low Medium ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ease of implementation High High Medium ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ability to maximize the utilization of Medium Medium High existing transmission resources ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ability to provide efficient economic High Medium High signal to select least cost transaction ============================================== ===================== ====================== ====================== Ability to provide efficient economic Medium Medium High signal for locating generation and load - ---------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-18 EXAMPLES TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES - ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ENTITY PRICING SCHEME SOME IMPLEMENTATION ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- DETAILS COST SPATIAL RESOLUTION TIME PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY RESOLUTION RESPONSIBILITY - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- WEPEX: California's Composite: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: - Applicable to all Transmission - Embedded costs - System-wide - Annual - Loads? transactions. Pricing (proposed) based on demand (utility specific) Incremental costs: Incremental costs: - Embedded costs are (access fee) and Incremental costs: - Annual for - Both loads allocated using postage energy (use fee) - Nodal for losses and suppliers pay stamp model - Incremental costs losses - Hourly for for short run - Losses assigned to based on short run - Zonal for congestion costs suppliers according to costs (including congestion - Daily for - Loads for average marginal values ancillary services) - Zonal for most ancillary ancillary - Congestion assigned ancillary services? services (some services? based on SRMC model to hourly)? both suppliers and loads - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- PJM (preliminary Composite: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: - Applicable for all proposal) - Embedded costs - Zonal and - Annual - ? transactions based on demand based functional Incremental costs: Incremental costs: - Embedded cost reservation charge Incremental costs: - Hourly for - ? allocation based on - Incremental costs - Nodal for short run costs postage stamp or PFBCA based on short run short run costs (MW-mile) method costs (including (congestion and - Non-firm users pay 10% ancillary services) losses) of embedded costs - Congestion (and losses?) assigned based on SRMC model - ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-19 EXAMPLES TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES - ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ENTITY PRICING SCHEME SOME IMPLEMENTATION ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- DETAILS COST SPATIAL RESOLUTION TIME PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY RESOLUTION RESPONSIBILITY - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- UK: National Grid Composite: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: - Applicable to all Company (in place) - Embedded costs - System-wide for - Annual - Both loads transactions based demand only security fee Incremental costs: and suppliers - Transportation fee (security fees) Incremental costs: - Hourly for Incremental costs: assigned based long run - Incremental costs - Zonal for short run costs - Both loads incremental cost model based on short run transportation fees - Annual for and suppliers (MW-km) costs (including - Nodal for short long run costs (incl. ancillary - Security fee (embedded) ancillary services) run costs - Daily for services) based on postage stamp and long run costs - Zonal/system-wide most ancillary model (transportation fee) for ancillary services (some - Incremental costs services annul) (congestion, losses) assigned based on SRMC model - ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-20 EXAMPLES TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES - ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ENTITY PRICING SCHEME SOME IMPLEMENTATION ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- DETAILS COST SPATIAL RESOLUTION TIME PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY RESOLUTION RESPONSIBILITY - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- ARGENTINA Composite: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: - Applicable for wheeling - Embedded costs - Nodal - Annual - ? transactions allocated based on Incremental costs: Incremental costs: Incremental costs: - Embedded cost demand ("connection - Nodal - Hourly - ? allocation based on fee") PFBCA model - Incremental cost - Short run costs based on short run assigned based on SMRC costs model - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- CHILE Composite: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: Embedded costs: - Applicable for wheeling - Embedded costs - Nodal - Annual - Load and transactions allocated based on Incremental costs: Incremental costs: supplier - Embedded cost demand ("additional - Nodal - Hourly Incremental costs: allocation based on toll") - Load and PFBCA model - Incremental cost supplier - Short run costs based on short run assigned based on SRMC costs ("transmission model rent") and long run - Long run costs assigned costs ("transmission based on LRIC model toll") - ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-21 WEPEX'S TRANSMISSION PRICING SCHEMES [FLOW CHART] 22 TRANSMISSION PRICING MODELS - - Presents prevailing and promising transmission pricing models - - Present models in the context of evaluating, assigning and allocating transmission costs - Models for evaluation and assignment of incremental system costs - Methods for partitioning of transmission revenue requirement to rate components - Models for allocation of the revenue requirement (C) Shir Consultants 9-23 TRANSMISSION PRICING MODELS FOR INCREMENTAL COSTS EVALUATION AND ASSIGNMENT - - Short run (operating) costs - - Long run (reinforcement) costs (C) Shir Consultants 9-24 EVALUATION OF SHORT RUN COSTS - - To ensure short run efficiencies - - Cost of generation redispatch resulting from potential congestions and losses caused by the transaction - - Short run costs may be negative - - Requires chronological simulation of the transmission system (C) Shir Consultants 9-25 EX-ANTE VERSUS EX-POST EVALUATION OF SHORT RUN COSTS - - Ex-Ante evaluation - Timely economic signals - Price certainty - Inaccuracies may blunt usefulness - - Ex-post cost evaluation - Ensures accurate results - Too late to help transmission customers make optimal use of the transmission system - - Often both ex-ante and ex-post price calculations are carried out in order to true up costs in the long run (C) Shir Consultants 9-26 EX-ANTE VERSUS EX-POST EVALUATION OF SHORT RUN COSTS - --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------- ATTRIBUTE EX-ANTE EX-POST SHORT RUN COST EVALUATION SHORT RUN COST EVALUATION ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ability to differentiate based on the High Medium level of service ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ability to recover transmission revenue High High requirement ============================================= ============================= ================================= Acceptability to regulators High High ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ease of implementation Low-Medium Medium-High ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ability to maximize the utilization of High Medium existing transmission resources ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ability to provide efficient economic High Low signal to select least cost transaction ============================================= ============================= ================================= Ability to provide efficient economic Medium Medium signal for locating generation and load - --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------- (C) Shir Consultants 9-27 PROXIES FOR SHORT RUN COSTS Short Run Marginal Cost Pricing Model (Transmission Pricing Model 1) - - Estimates the short run costs by multiplying the marginal operating cost ($/MW) by the amount of transacted power (MW) - - The marginal operating cost is the cost of accommodating a marginal increase in the magnitude of transacted power - - Alternatively: [FORMULA OMITTED] - - The hourly costs can be summed up for the duration of a transaction (C) Shir Consultants 9-28 PROXIES FOR SHORT RUN COSTS Short Run Marginal Cost Pricing Model (Transmission Pricing Model 1) - - Advantages of the SRMC pricing model - Straightforward - - Disadvantages of the SRMC pricing model - The dispatch model can be very complex - The dispatch model may not represent the actual behavior of the power system - The dispatch model may not converge - SRMC based prices can be very volatile - SRMC pricing model can work based on the approximate formulations of SRMC pricing model (C) Shir Consultants 9-29 EVALUATION OF LONG RUN COSTS - - To ensure long run efficiency in investment and operation of the transmission system - - Reinforcement costs (cost of adding new system facilities) and long run operating costs - - Normally system reinforcements are only considered (C) Shir Consultants 9-30 ACCURATE EVALUATION OF LONG RUN COSTS - - Compare the least cost (optimal) transmission expansion plans for the system with and without the transaction - - Optimal transmission expansion plans 1. Simulate the operation of the system over many years. 2. Evaluate the cost of system operations 3. Relieve system congestion through least cost transmission reinforcements [SYSTEM OPERATING COST CHART] (C) Shir Consultants 9-31 ACCURATE EVALUATION OF LONG RUN COSTS - - Extremely complex, tedious, data intensive and subject to potential dispute - - Has been successfully deployed for radial transmission and distribution configurations - - Transmission planners have been practicing an approximate version of this process (C) Shir Consultants 9-32 PROXIES FOR LONG RUN COSTS Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) Pricing Model (Transmission Pricing Model 2) - - Roughly estimates the long run cost - - Studies the impact of a marginal increase in the magnitude of transacted power on the "flows" on transmission facilities - - Calculation of LRMC based prices: - Marginal long run cost [FORMULA OMITTED] - The proxy for long run cost is then calculated as: [FORMULA OMITTED] - - Similar to UK's NGC minimal "spanning tree" approach (C) Shir Consultants 9-33 PROXIES FOR LONG RUN COSTS Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) Pricing Model (Transmission Pricing Model 2) - - Advantages of the LRMC pricing model - Evaluation is straightforward and robust - - Disadvantages of the LRMC pricing model - Only rough proxies of the actual long run costs (the value for economic efficiency?) (C) Shir Consultants 9-34 PARTITIONING OF THE TRR INTO RATE COMPONENTS - - To differentiate between the prices charged to transmission users with the similar demands but with different load factors - - Traditionally, based on the experience and judgment of the rate designer (C) Shir Consultants 9-35 TRANSMISSION PRICING MODELS FOR ALLOCATION OF TRR - - Allocate the access charges based on the "extent-of-use" of the transmission system - - Two broad family of models - Extent-of-use based on demand on the entire system - Extent-of-use based on demand on individual transmission facilities (C) Shir Consultants 9-36 POSTAGE STAMP PRICING MODEL (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 3) - - It is assumed all parts of the transmission system are used by all transmission transactions - - Allocates the transmission revenue requirement (embedded costs) according to the MW demand of the transmission users - - Postage stamp pricing model for use charges is the same (C) Shir Consultants 9-37 POSTAGE STAMP PRICING MODEL (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 3) - - Advantages of the postage stamp pricing model - The advantage of this method is its simplicity - - Disadvantages of the postage stamp pricing model - No capability to differentiate among various types transmission transactions (C) Shir Consultants 9-38 POWER FLOW BASED COST ALLOCATION METHOD (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 4) - - Conceptually, allocates the TRR to transmission users one facility at a time: "FACILITY-BY-FACILITY APPROACH" - - Allocation based on the change in flow on a transmission facility with and without the transaction - - Actual implementation uses the concept of facility by facility cost allocation to develop an extent-of-use measure - - Dimension of extent of use is power (MW) and distance (mile): "MW-MILE METHOD" (C) Shir Consultants 9-39 POWER FLOW BASED COST ALLOCATION METHOD (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 4) - - Advantages of the PFBCA pricing model POWER FLOW BASED COST ALLOCATION METHOD (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 4) - - Different implementations: - Embedded versus replacement costs - System versus facility loading condition - Coincident versus non-coincident peak load conditions - Nodal (zonal) versus point-to-point transactions - Time differentiated versus fixed prices (C) Shir Consultants 9-40 POWER FLOW BASED COST ALLOCATION METHOD (TRANSMISSION PRICING MODEL 4) - - Advantages of the PFBCA pricing model - Ability to differentiate among transmission transactions even when used to implement a rolled-in transmission pricing scheme. - - Disadvantages of the PFBCA pricing model - Somewhat complex to implement (C) Shir Consultants 9-41