Exhibit 99.225

Congestion Management Reform - July 11, 2000 Proposal

Stakeholder Comment Template


1.    Which fundamental market design features and principles identified in the
      proposal should be kept? Why?

2.    Which fundamental market design features and principles identified in the
      proposal should be removed? Why?

      The ISO is to be congratulated for its commitment to minimize its role in
      the forward markets. The comments here in are intended to assist the ISO
      live up to this commitment.

      The ISO should not expand the number of markets that it runs to meet
      reliability and efficiency goals, nor should it advance the time at which
      it runs markets. Rather, it should provide the information and products
      that the SCs would need to meet these needs. In this vein, the ISO should
      remove the 2 day-ahead LRS market from the CMR proposal. This 2-day head
      market will not only insert a new ISO run market, it will distort the SC's
      existing day-ahead energy markets in the process.

      The ISO's scheduling of LRS energy in the two day ahead market will likely
      satisfy the associated nomogram and eliminate any congestion into the
      affected area. This will seriously reduce the value of FTRs into the area.
      Only when ISO mis-forecasts area loads will ISO not procure enough energy
      to satisfy the nomogram thereby resulting in a value to the associated
      FTRs. This puts FTR buyers in the position of speculating on the ISO's
      ability to forecast demand, which is not appropriate.

      LRS should be recognized as a reliability service like other Ancillary
      Services, and combined into the A/S rational buyer program. The LRS market
      should be moved to the day-ahead and treated similar to Replacement
      Reserves as will be expanded upon below, and the FTRs should be nomogram
      FTRs which can be used by ESPs/SCs that are supplying LRA demand to hedge
      against import limitations.

      The recallable transmission rights (RTRs) could be sold in an annual
      auction as for FTRs, and should be tradable in a secondary market as for
      FTRs. Revenues from the sale of the RTRs could be handled as for FTRs.

      The ISO has dismissed with virtually no justification or real explanation
      a physical rights approach and use-or-lose FTRs. These features would also
      help reduce the role of the ISO in forward markets without compromising
      reliability and should be considered for incorporation.

Stakeholder Comment Template

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1.      INTRODUCTION.....................................................................1

      General Comments:

2.      THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT REFORM PROCESS.........................................3

      General Comments


      General Comments:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.1     DESIGN FRAMEWORK................................................................15

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Keep the emphasis on decentralized decision making in the markets. This
      allows the markets to innovate to meet the needs of suppliers and
      consumers. A free market with competitive pressures will be much more
      innovative in developing new products and services than a bureaucracy.
      Market separation is the foundation that allows decentralized decision
      making and competition between SCs.

      Consistency between real time operations and ISO support of forward
      markets is essential. If CONG is retained (I.e. no shift to a physical
      market) it should include all nomograms or other restraints on real time

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why: Both that are listed.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: Affirmative declaration of
      intent to minimize role of ISO in forward markets, and intent to take
      actions that would actively encourage secondary markets and self

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      provision of LRS and ancillary services. An escalating surcharge on
      purchases in the ISO market to reduce the GMC is a possible approach.

4.1.2   FUNCTIONAL UNBUNDLING...........................................................16

      Features that should be kept; Why: Separation of transmission and energy

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: Strengthen incentives and
      opportunities for private parties to construct new transmission. Support
      such efforts positively at FERC and elsewhere. Get the missing A/s markets
      jump started; e.g. reactive poer, black start, etc.

4.1.3   DECENTRALIZED DECISION MAKING...................................................17

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: Inter-SC adjustment bids
      (assuming again, that CONG is kept and a physical rights model is not


      Features that should be kept; Why: Maintain the present system that does
      not have ISO produce a central dispatch in the forward markets. LMP can be
      obtained through a flowgate and shift factor approach as is currently

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how: The alternative
      Design Approach which would adopt point-to-point approach to energy and
      FTR pricing should not be considered. The shift factor approach and FTRs
      that do not obligate the holder to schedule is preferred. The ISO should
      not be in the business of forward sale of counter-flows that based on the
      assumption that an FTR holder will always be obligated to schedule its use
      or face financial risks.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.2     DESIGN CRITERIA.................................................................19

      Features that should be kept; Why: Keep the criteria listed. In
      particular, reliance on market incentives rather than rules that need to
      be policed and enforced with penalties, etc.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.2.1   RELIABLE OPERATIONS -...........................................................19

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

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      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.2.2   ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY -...........................................................19

      Features that should be kept; Why: A statement that the ISO's role in
      efficiency does not extend to central dispatch in forward markets. Real
      time is sufficient to sweep up any gains not realized in the private
      market through private transactions where superior efficiency is expected
      as compared to central command and control.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.2.3   MARKET EFFICIENCY -.............................................................19

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

4.2.4   INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS...........................................................20

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why: All. However, SH 8 should not extend to
      intrusion into private markets and commercially sensitive data.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

5.      REAL-TIME OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS..............................................22

      General Comments: Bringing real time locational pricing in line with
      forward markets is an important step in the right direction.

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      All operating rules and procedures, including operating nomograms, should
      be made available.

      Clarify the proposal regarding use of BEEP. It is stated that the
      simplified commercial model would be integrated with a more traditional
      EMS using an OPF for real time operation. The 7/11 document still talks at
      some points in terms of BEEP.

      Provide some concrete examples to show how the ten-minute market would
      work absent the target price mechanism.

6.4 What is meant by scheduling at the node level as they do today. Scheduling
today is not at the node level for demand.

Will west of river and east of river nomograms be sold? SCIT nomogram? Four

Take out the language saying CONG will not produce resource specific final

How would the rule about reverting to the original schedules work? Suppose
congestion increases on one path and decreases on another? How will "increase"
be measured, dollar value? How will reservation for A/S be factored in?

6.5 There is no reason to require an LRS schedule to be matched in the LRA with
demand. Concerns about reverse congestion are misplaced. The PX is large enough
that this will not be a problem, and inter-SC trades also act to reduce any
concerns in this regard. If an SC makes a stupid mistake and matches LRS gen.
with external load across the COI interface and is dec'd as a result, it should
be penalized as discussed for failure to schedule LRS energy. The likelihood of
actually having this occur is so small, it should not be allowed to cause
imposition of unnecessary rules on the market that could reduce efficiency in
the market or constrain trade.

6.6 As noted above, the recallable rights should be sold forward. Any RFTRs and
any FTRs not scheduled in the DA market would then be sold in the ISO CONG
recallable market. Per the ISO proposal, unused SABs could be used in this
market. FTRs would be use or lose in the HA market instead of the DA market.
Recall would be based on a cost minimization approach.

7.      THE LONG-FORWARD MARKET.........................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why: None.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how: All.

      Features that should be added; Why and how: It should be shifted into the
      day-ahead market. The ISO should then only purchase the amount needed and
      not self provided.

7.1     LPA DEFINITION AND CREATION.....................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how: There does not
      appear to be any reason to have a shift factor correlation criteria if the
      shift factors are calculated using the simplified

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      commercial model and there are no loops. Absent loops all resources in an
      LPA or zone must have identical shift factors, specifically, 1.0.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.1.1   INTRODUCTION....................................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.1.2   LPA DEFINITION..................................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: DEFINING LPAS USING NOMOGRAMS...................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.1.3   CREATING NEW LPAS...............................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: LPA-CREATION CRITERIA...........................................................35

      Features that should be kept; Why: Please explain and justify use of
      equivalents for the external WSCC grid. Explain why this is necessary.
      Please explain in term of present scheduling rights.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.1.4   OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................36

      Features that should be kept; Why:

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      Reject the joint optimization of transmission allocation and dispatch of
      energy. The joint optimization would effectively take control of the
      day-ahead and hour ahead energy markets from the SCs and give it to the
      ISO. This is counter to the goal of fostering decentralized decision

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.1.5   OPEN ISSUES.....................................................................38

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.2      FIRM TRANSMISSION RIGHTS.......................................................39

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how: 3 years for 50%
      is too long for the initial sale.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.2.1   BACKGROUND ON CURRENT FTR PRODUCT...............................................39

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Modify the priority of allocation of day-ahead transmission capacity to
      reflect the actual contracts rights. Not all ETCs give higher priority
      access to the ETC holder as compared to other who are using NFU. ISO
      should correct its software to accurately mirror the contract provisions.
      FTR holders are using NFU capacity. Those ETCs that have the same priority
      as other NFU should be curtailed pro-rata with FTR holders.

      Features that should be added; Why and how: 100% RELEASE....................................................................40

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: FTR TERM AND AUCTION............................................................40

      Features that should be kept; Why:

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      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      The ISO's proposal for 3 year FTR capacity and possible yearly updates of
      LPAs increases the uncertainty surrounding the value of FTRs. In
      particular, the ISO's description of how it will define and allocate new
      FTRs to holders of FTRs when the LPAs are changes is fuzzy. To eliminate
      the uncertainty and improve the ability of participants to forecast the
      value of FTRs, ISO should make the term of the FTRs 1 year and only update
      LPAs yearly.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.2.3   IMPACT OF AND ISSUES REGARDING PROPOSED CHANGES.................................40

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: FTRS UNDER A LOOPED NETWORK MODEL...............................................40

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: FTR MONITORING..................................................................41

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how: FTRS AND LPA CHANGES............................................................41

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified;

      Why and how: The proposed methodology will increase the uncertainty that
      participants face in valuing FTRs. ISO should eliminate the uncertainty by
      making the term of FTRs and changes to LPAs compatible at 1 year.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.2.4   OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................43

      Features that should be kept; Why:

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      ISO should keep the definition of FTRs as capacity on the transmission
      that forms zonal interfaces and the right to collect usage charges on
      those interfaces. ISO should not move to point to point FTRs as considered
      in one of the rejected alternatives. Defining FTRs as capacity on
      interzonal transmission interfaces allows participants to buy FTRs that
      give them the option to schedule flows and/or collect congestion usage
      charges. They will not face the possibility of paying congestion fees if
      they do not schedule the use of their FTRs. This latter possibility would
      make it much more difficult to determine the value that a participant
      should bid for a 1 year (or 3 year) FTR. A participant is unlikely to want
      to schedule a flow on the FTR capacity in each hour for 365 days a year.
      The point to point FTR would require the participant to evaluate the
      potential risk it would face when it does not schedule a flow in some
      hours of the year.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.2.5   OPEN ISSUES.....................................................................43

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

      Preference among stated options (Primary FTR auction revenues and Usage
      Charge revenues allocated to PTOs and FTR holders vs. path-specific
      transmission upgrade fund vs. loads within the congested LPA):

      Revenues should be allocated to PTOs and FTR holders.

7.3     LOCAL RELIABILITY SERVICE.......................................................44

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      ISO should sell FTRs directly on the nomogram constraints. For example,
      suppose that ISO had a nomogram that specified minimum in-area generation
      as a function of load

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      ISO could sell the capacity on the various segments of the nomogram. This
      would allow the participant to schedule in-area load and schedule in-area
      generation that would meet its share of the nomogram based requirement.
      That is, the SCs could determine their share of locational energy
      requirements that result from the nomograms and incorporate them in their
      energy schedules.

      ISO could incorporate the nomogram constraints in CONG. The dual
      information would provide the marginal value of the various segments of
      the nomogram constraints. That is CONG could price the nomograms. As a
      result, ISO could pay the nomogram FTR owners the "usage charge"
      associated with the nomogram thereby providing the FTR owner a financial
      hedge for the cost of enforcing the nomogram. It would also enable one SC
      to schedule more than its share of the locational energy requirement which
      would then be priced by CONG and sold to another SC. This would be
      analogous to the counterflows that CONG currently trades between SCs.

      ISO could also provide information on the capacity requirements in the
      location that must be available to meet N-1 contingencies. The SCs could
      then self-schedule their share of the locational capacity requirements.
      Any shortfall in scheduled capacity from an SC not self-providing could be
      procured by ISO as an ancillary service. This should be integrated in the
      ISO's existing rational buyer A/S mechanism to avoid the pitfalls that
      resulted when ISO ran sequential A/S markets. If the SCs energy

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      schedules in the area do not meet the ISO's forecast requirements, ISO
      could procure more capacity in the area which it could dispatch in
      real-time if its forecast proves correct. This is analogous to the ISO's
      purchasing replacement reserves when the SCs' energy schedules fall short
      of the ISO's load forecast.

      In general, ISO should rely on the markets rather than introduce new ISO
      run markets that can distort the existing energy and A/S markets.

      ISO could place caps on energy bids and capacity bids for resources
      in-area that have market power and can be used to meet the nomogram
      constraints. These bids could be made available to all SCs who would then
      be free to arrange purchases from these resources in their IPSs.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.3.1   INTRODUCTION....................................................................44

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

7.3.3   THE EXISTING RMR APPROACH.......................................................45

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Replace the RMR approach with the LRA/nomogram approach. However, the ISO
      should sell FTRs directly on the nomogram and provide the SCs with the
      information that they need to schedule sufficient in-area generation and
      capacity to meet the requirements for their in-area load.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

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      Preference among stated options (Existing RMR Approach vs. Two-Day-Ahead
      LRS Auction vs. LRS Energy Payment Only):

      None of these. Sell FTRs on the nomograms and provide the SCs with the
      ability to schedule to meet the nomograms (energy and capacity). Enhance
      CONG to include the nomogram constraints, price the nomogram constraints
      and sell trades or nomogram "counterflows" between SCs.

      Preference among stated options (LRS bid cap based on incremental costs of
      a new generator vs. variable costs of highest-cost resource within the

7.3.5   OPEN ISSUES.....................................................................51

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

      Preference among stated options (LRS costs allocated to PTOs, Loads within
      the LRA, Loads within a larger area):

      With the proposal above, there would be much less LRS costs to allocate
      since SCs would have the information needed to meet their share of the
      requirements. Any SC that does not schedule sufficient energy would be
      allocated a share of the additional capacity that the ISO purchased. ISO
      would purchase capacity as an A/S for any SC that does not self-provide
      its share of the capacity requirement. The cost of this would be allocated
      to the SC.

      Preference among stated options (Minimum reliability (MR) energy is
      required to be scheduled in DA market vs. MR energy procured through

      Preference among stated options (Energy bids for unloaded MR capacity
      capped vs. receives applicable real-time energy price):

      Preference among stated options (Bid caps expire at the end of a sunset

      Preference among stated options (Bid caps escalated over time?):

8. THE DAY- AND HOUR -- AHEAD MARKET....................................................51

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1     DAY-AHEAD CONGESTION MANAGEMENT.................................................51

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

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      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.1   INTRODUCTION....................................................................51

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.2   SIMILARITIES WITH THE EXISTING DA CM APPROACH...................................51

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      ETCs should not be given higher priority access to transmission than FTRs
      if the contract calls for pro rata access. ISO should modify congestion
      management to accurately track contracts and not give higher priority to
      ETCs than FTRs when not required by contract.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.3   NEW FEATURES OF CONGESTION MANAGEMENT...........................................52

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      ISO should not run 2-day-ahead market to procure LRS and require it be
      scheduled by SCs in day-ahead. Rather, ISO should sell FTRs on nomograms,
      include nomogram constraints in CONG thereby providing the SCs with the
      information and tools to schedule LRS energy in their own markets as
      described in the previous comments.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.4   THE COMMERCIAL MODEL............................................................53

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.5   NETWORK REPRESENTATION..........................................................53

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      The simplified commercial model is an important feature that will
      contribute to vital forward energy markets run by the SCs. It should be

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

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      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.6   THE MODELED CONSTRAINTS.........................................................54

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Keep the market separation constraints. They are necessary to allow the
      SCs to run forward energy markets in the day-ahead and hour-ahead. Without
      the market separation constraints, ISO will effectively take control of
      those markets. This would squelch competition between SCs and innovation.

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      The nomogram constraints should be included in CONG as ISO has described.
      However, the ISO should also price the nomogram constraints and set
      marginal usage charges on these constraints.

      Features that should be added; Why and how: OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................56

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Voluntary relaxation should not be allowed. If ISO does decide to allow
      it, ISO should not simply give the SCs the option of having their
      adjustment bids placed in a common pool or not. ISO should let each SC
      specify the other SCs with whom it is willing to trade.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.7   PRICING (INCLUDING COST ALLOCATION).............................................56

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.8   OPEN ISSUES.....................................................................57

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.1.9   OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................58

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

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      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.2     HOUR-AHEAD CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AND DAY-OF LRS.................................59

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.2.1   HA CM...........................................................................59

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.2.2   DAY-OF LRS......................................................................59

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.2.3   OPEN ISSUES.....................................................................59

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.3     ANCILLARY SERVICES IN CONGESTION MANAGEMENT.....................................59

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.3.1   BACKGROUND......................................................................60

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.3.2   AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH.........................................................60

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      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.3.3   OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................60

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.4     RECALLABLE TRANSMISSION.........................................................62

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

8.4.1   OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED........................................................64

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

9.      THE REAL TIME MARKET............................................................65

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

9.1     NETWORK REPRESENTATION..........................................................65

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

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      Features that should be added; Why and how:

9.3     PRICING AND COST ALLOCATION.....................................................68

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


10.1    INTRODUCTION....................................................................71

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:


      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

10.3.1  FEASIBILITY OF SCHEDULES........................................................74

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

10.3.2  LOCATIONAL PRICE SIGNALS........................................................74

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how: The 2-day ahead
      LRS market does not provide locational price signals to loads in the LPA
      upon which the loads can act. The ISO procures LRS based on its forecast
      of loads in the LRA. If the ISO purchases of LRS cause the price of energy
      to the loads in the LPA to rise, a load may decide to curtail consumption.
      How would ISO take this into

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      account? Is ISO going to try to forecast the final price seen by each SCs'
      loads and the price elasticity of the loads in producing its load
      forecast? This seems to be very problematical. It seems likely that the 2
      day ahead LRS market will significantly blunt the price signals to price
      sensitive loads.

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

10.3.3  UNRESOLVED ISSUES...............................................................76

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

        AND NEW GENERATION INTER-CONNECTION POLICY......................................76

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

10.4.1  LONG-TERM GRID PLANNING.........................................................77

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

10.4.2  NEW-GENERATOR INTERCONNECTION POLICY............................................78

      Features that should be kept; Why:

      Features that should be removed or modified; Why and how:

      Features that should be added; Why and how:

11.     FERC'S ORDER 2000...............................................................80

11.1    ORDER NO. 2000 AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT........................................80

      Overall Comments:

11.2    ORDER NO. 2000 AND INTERREGIONAL COORDINATION...................................81

      Overall Comments:

11.3    ORDER NO. 2000 AND THE RECOMMENDATION PACKAGE...................................82

      Overall Comments:

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12.     CONCLUSION......................................................................83

      Overall Comments:


      Definitions that should be modified; Why and how:

      Definitions that should be added; Why and suggested definitions:


      General Comments:

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