EXHIBIT 99.247


Perot Systems Corporation(1) is very pleased to present this proposal to
develop, integrate, and operate business and Information Technology (IT) systems
and services for California Department of Water Resources' (CDWR's) scheduling
and settlement function.

We understand the enormous challenge that CDWR is facing in leading California
out of its current energy crisis. And we understand the tremendous technical
challenge that your organization is facing in provide scheduling and settlements
services to CDWR in order for it to meet its challenge. The solutions presented
in this proposal will go a long way to completely mitigate your technical and
business challenges.

In our proposal, we present CDWR with three solution options. Each of these
solutions has its own specific characteristics. They enable you to optimize
between your competing objectives of risk mitigation and cost control.

We do not see a need to talk much about our qualifications in providing the
systems and services that you need. Suffice it to say that:

     -  Perot Systems was part of the team that designed, developed and
        implemented scheduling and settlements business and IT solutions for
        both the California ISO (Cal ISO) and the California PX (CalPX).

     -  Perot Systems developed and integrated the scheduling and settlements
        system that is currently being used at CalPX. We believe that it should
        be clear to all that the scheduling and settlements solutions that would
        meet CDWR's needs are very similar to those currently being used by
        CalPX. In fact we know of no other solution provider in the marketplace
        who has such a complete solution as we do to meet your immediate and
        long-term needs - please see our comparison table at the end of this
        executive summary for better illustration of this point.

     -  Perot Systems staff that will be engaged in this "process" has been
        operating all the IT infrastructure, applications and business processes
        that CalPX currently uses for its scheduling and settlements functions:

As indicated earlier, we propose three solution options to CDWR to meet its
scheduling and settlement needs:

- ----------
(1) For the purpose of this proposal, Perot Systems includes its subcontracting
    partners such as PresetMeter, Inc.

SOLUTION 1: Provide CDWR with scheduling and settlements operations services.

SOLUTION 2: Provide CDWR with scheduling and settlements applications hosting
services. In this solution, CDWR would run scheduling and settlements business
processes using its own staff.

SOLUTION 3: Provide CDWRT with a software solution for scheduling and
settlements and integrate the same into CDWR current infrastructure. In this
solution, CDWR would run scheduling and settlements business and IT processes
using its own staff.

We describe these solution options in further detail below where we will attempt
to highlight their main benefits from CDWR's point of view.

We must emphasize that for all our solution options, CDWR will be the official
Scheduling Coordinator vis-a-vis Cal ISO and rest of the marketplace. Perot
System will solely act as an agent of CDWR in providing the essential services
that it needs.


In this solution option, Perot systems will provide scheduling and settlements
operations services to CDWR on 7X24 basis. To implement this solution, we will:

     -    design interfaces between your business operation processes and
          systems and our scheduling and settlements operation processes and

     -    implement a file based interface to your existing systems;

     -    register your resources with the ISO;

     -    operate the scheduling and settlements processes -- send your forward
          market and real-time schedules to ISO and return final schedules back
          in the file format;

     -    interface with the ISO on scheduling and settlements process and
          questions or concerns;

     -    operate the ISO settlements system - we will present the ISO
          settlements statements in the file format;

     - track ISO processes and system changes and adapt our processes and
       systems to meet such changes as necessary - you may need to modify your
       file interface in response to some of these changes; and

     - track and facilitate settlements disputes with the ISO.

As we will describe later in this proposal, we price these services based on a
subscription fee and a volumetric charge.

The benefits of this solution are obvious. Above all, our proposed Solution 1
practically eliminates all risks associated with setting up and running your
scheduling and settlements operations and allows you to concentrate on building
and operating your other much needed services. Furthermore, this service can
start practically immediately after Perot Systems and CDWR have entered into
agreement for such services.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In this solution, CDWR would operate its scheduling and settlements services
using an application hosting service provided on 7X24 basis by Perot Systems.
For this purpose we will:

     - design the interface between your business systems and our scheduling and
       settlements systems;

     - implement a file based interface to your existing systems;

     - provide your operators with access to our scheduling and settlements
       systems and applications - you will interface with the ISO on scheduling
       settlements processes, questions or concerns;

     - present ISO settlements statements in the file format; and

     - track ISO system changes and adapt our systems to meet such changes as
       necessary -- you need to modify your business processes and file
       interfaces in response to some of these changes.

As we will describe later in this proposal, we price our applications hosting
services based on a subscription fee and volumetric charge.

The benefits of this solution are also very clear. Our Solution 2 eliminates
almost all risks associated with setting up and running scheduling and
settlements systems and applications. Furthermore, this service can start
almost immediately after Perot Systems and CDWR have entered into agreement for
such services(2).


In this solution, we will install and integrate our scheduling and settlements
systems and applications into CDWR current infrastructure. For this purpose we

     -  specify your hardware and system software needs;

     -  design the interface between your business systems and our scheduling
        and settlements systems;

     -  install our ISO scheduling and settlements application on your hardware

     -  implement a file based interface between your business systems and the
        installed ISO scheduling and settlements subsystems - you will run these
        applications and interface with the ISO; and

     -  track ISO system changes and adapt our systems to meet such changes
        based on upgrade fee - you need to modify your business processes and
        file interface in response to some of these changes

Should you use this solution option, you will pay us a license fee for our
systems and software. Integration services will be provided on time and
material (T&M) basis. All major system and application changes will be made on
T&M basis.

The main feature of this solution is that it keeps all business and IT
operations under your control. Installation and integration services will start
in earnest immediately after Perot Systems and CDWR have reached an agreement
for this solution. Since our knowledge of your current systems is limited, we
cannot propose a timeline for implementing solution. We foresee a minimum of
two months before this solution is fully implemented.

- --------------

(2) It seems that CDWR is hiring many of the CalPX past staffers. Since the
systems and applications that we will provide in this solution are the same
systems and applications currently used by CalPX, there will be very short
learning curve to bring your staff up to speed while implementing this solution.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In addition to the services described earlier for each of our proposed
solutions, Perot Systems can provide you with the following additional services
and solutions to improve the efficiency of you solution. These are:

     -  Transparently integrating our scheduling and settlements processes and
        systems with your existing processes and systems (your processes and
        systems permitting);

     -  Integrating your "participants" into the scheduling and settlements
        processes and systems including allocating and invoicing your
        participants' share of charges (based on your required formulas);

     -  Developing interfaces between your scheduling and settlements systems
        and those of additional Control Area Operators (CAOs) with minimum
        possible changes to your processes and systems;

     -  Managing your real-time resource dispatch and tagging needs;

     -  Processing and validating your meter data;

     -  Providing energy trading services - WITHOUT taking title in the power or
        clearing such trades; and

     -  Consulting on RTO developments around the nation.

As we will describe below, depending on your selection of these options as an
operation service, application hosting service or software installation, our
pricing mechanism will vary. Regardless of the pricing option, our approach
allows you to only take on the services you need and disregard the ones that
have little or no value to you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once you accept any one of our solutions, we will start our engagement at CDWR
through a three stage process:

STAGE 1 - REQUIREMENTS STUDY: We will immediately enter into contract
negotiations with you while in parallel and based on a letter of intent we will
start providing requirements analysis and design services to you.

and execution of the services agreement, we will start our integration design
and implementation (the nature of which will depend on the selected solution).

STAGE 3 -- OPERATION: Finally, depending on the selected solution we will
either enter into an operation service, an application hosting service or an
installation effort.

The timeline for any of these activities can only be developed after Stage 1
requirements study is completed.


As indicated above, our pricing will vary depending on the selected solution.
In the following we present our pricing options.


In this solution we will charge a monthly subscription fee and a monthly
volumetric fee for our scheduling and ISO settlements operations services.(3)
There will also be separate T&M charges for our services in Stages 1 and 2 of
the proposal. However, these charges will be fully refunded if CDWR enters into
a minimum two year agreement to receive scheduling and settlements operations
services exclusively from Perot Systems. Under this solution Perot Systems will
track ISO business process and systems changes to ensure compatibility with such

STAGE            PRICING            RATE                     COMMENTS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.             T&M             $200/hr       Will not exceed $100K. Will be
Req study                                        fully refunded if a minimum 2 year
                                                 exclusive operation service is

    2.             T&M             $200/hr       Will determine a cap based on Stage
File based                                       1. Fees will be fully refunded if
Integration                                      a minimum 2 year exclusive
                                                 operation service is purchased

    3.         Subscription     Subscription:    - Subscription fee covers 2.5
- ------------
(3) 20% discount will apply to subscription and volumetric fees if 7X24
    operation is not required.

Business        plus        $550,000/month       TWh per month of energy and
Operation    Volumetric      Volumetric:         250 GWh per month of capacity
                             2.5-5 c/MWh         scheduling and ISO settlements
                               Per side

                                              -  Volumetric fee is 5 c/MWh per
                                                 side for the second 2.5TWh of
                                                 energy and the second 250 GWh
                                                 per month of capacity
                                                 scheduling and ISO settlements
                                                 per month

                                              -  Volumetric fee is 2.5 c/MWh per
                                                 side for energy and capacity
                                                 scheduling and ISO settlements
                                                 exceeding 5 TWh per month for
                                                 energy and 500 GWh for capacity


In this solution we will charge a monthly subscription fee and a monthly
volumetric fee for our scheduling and ISO settlements application hosting
services(4). There will also be separate T&M charges for our services in Stages
1 and 2 of the proposal. However, 50% of these charges will be refunded if CDWR
enters into a minimum two year agreement to receive scheduling and settlements
application hosting services exclusively from Perot Systems. Under this solution
option Perot Systems will track ISO systems changes to ensure compatibility with
such changes.

STAGE          MECHANISM      RATE                COMMENTS
- -----          ---------      ----                --------
  1.             T&M          $200/hr            Will not exceed $100K. 50% of
Req. study                                       such fees will be fully
                                                 refunded if a minimum 2 year
                                                 exclusive application hosting
                                                 service is purchased

  2.             T&M          $200/hr            Will determine a cap based on
File based                                       Stage 1. 50% of the fees will
Integration                                      be refunded if a minimum 2 year

- --------------
(4) 20% discount will apply to subscription and volumetric fees if 7X24
operation is not required.

                                                      exclusive application hosting
                                                      service is purchased
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       3.        Subscription      Subscription:      - Subscription fee covers 2.5 TWh
  Application        plus         $300,000/month        per month of energy and 250 GWh per
    Hosting       Volumetric                            month of capacity scheduling and ISO
                                    Volumetric:         settlements
                                    1.5-3 c/MWh
                                      Per side        - Volumetric fee is 3 c/MWh per side
                                                        for the second 2.5TWh of energy and
                                                        the second 250 GWh per month of
                                                        capacity scheduling and ISO settlements
                                                        per month

                                                      - Volumetric fee is 1.5 c/MWh per side for
                                                        energy and capacity scheduling and ISO
                                                        settlements exceeding 5 TWh per month
                                                        for energy and 500 GWh for capacity


In this solution we will charge a license fee and an annual maintenance fee for
our scheduling and ISO settlements applications at CDWR. There will also be
separate T&M charges for our services in Stages 1 and 2 of the proposal. Under
this solution Perot Systems will track ISO systems changes to ensure
compatibility with such changes. CDWR will pay for installation and integration
of such changes.

    STAGE           MECHANISM      RATE                      COMMENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1.                T&M        $200/hr          Will not exceed $100K.
  Req study

     2.                T&M        $200/hr          Cap will be determined at the
 File based                                        end of Stage 1.

     3.       Upfront and    License Fee:   All major system/application
License fee  annual license   $2,000,000    changes due to ISO will be priced
                                            on T&M basis.


The following present the price menu of our optional services. All three options
of operations services, application hosting and solution provision are available
for these optional services. CDWR may choose one or more of these services and
the method of delivery in conjunction with one of the solutions offered
earlier. It is necessary the delivery option for optional services to be
consistent with that of the selected solution option.

     OPTIONAL              OPERATIONS            APPLICATIONS             SOFTWARE
     SERVICE               SERVICE(5)             HOSTING(6)              SOLUTION
- -------------------   --------------------    --------------------    ---------------
Integration with        Subscription:           Subscription:         App. License:
       CDWR              $70,000/month           $40,000/month            $500,000
"participants" and    (for 3 participants)    (for 3 participants)
allocation of all                                                      App Maintenance
  charges among        $10,000/month per       $5,000/month per         $100,000/year
these participants         additional             additional
                          participant             participant           Integration:

Real-time Dispatch     $25,000/month per         Subscription:            License:
   and Tagging               staff               $25,000/month            $250,000


     Trading:           2c/MWh per side        1.5c/MWh per side          License:
 Clearing Auction        (No clearing)                                    $500,000
Bilateral Matching                                                      Maintenance:

- ---------------
(5) Integration services are included.
(6) Integration services are included.

   Pay as bid                                                                      $100,000/Year

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Transparent                      N/A                         N/A                    $200/hr
integration with
existing and new
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Meter data                 Subscription:               Subscription:                 N/A
 processing and               $45,000/month               $25,000/month
   validation              (for 3 participants)        (for 3 participants)
                                    &                           &
                             $5,000/month per            $3,000/month per
                                additional                  additional
                               participant                 participant
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following table compares our services with those of another scheduling and
settlements services provider in California. This table, which has been
developed based on available information on the services of this provider,
clearly indicates the completeness of our solution offering.

Scheduling                    DA, HA, Ancillary Services,             DA, HA, Ancillary Services,
                              Supplemental Energy,                    Supplemental Energy, Bilateral
                              ETC/FTR, Bilateral, Inter-SC
                              Adjustment Bids
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real-time dispatch and        Available upon request                  Not mentioned
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HUB locations                 25 Zones                                8 hubs
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Settlements and               All ISO charge types for over           Few participants
Billing                       70 in CA alone
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metering                      Processed and Validate meter            None
                              data from and provide
                              Settlement Quality Meter Data
                              to ISO
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dispute Processing            Developed a fully functional            Not mentioned
                              dispute processing and tracking
                              system. The model is
                              expandable to provide
                              predictive disputes
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISO System Interface          Automated data communication            Not mentioned
                              of all ISO schedule and
                              settlement data.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Settlement and Billing        Web based                               Web based
data access
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISO Public Market             Provided                                Not mentioned
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Handling of ISO               No sharing between SCs                  Uplift spread over participants
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service Schedule              7 by 24                                 Capable of 7 by 24 operation
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IT Team Experience            Provided IT support to CalPX            Handling less than 5% of
                              that handled 80% of California          California market?
                              electric energy market.
                              Developed a majority of
                              improvement applications in PX
                              trading, settlement, metering
                              and finance systems. Made all
                              PX system changes to
                              accommodate ISO market and
                              system changes. Conduced
                              numerous Market Simulation
                              including ISO and IOUs to
                              provide End to End integration
                              test before introducing change.
                              Provide complete help desk and
                              computer operation services
                              using Perot's pool of resources.
                              Runs a Program Office applying
                              proven project management
                              technologies. IT project success
                              (on schedule, under budget) rate
                              close to 95%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Business Team                 Involved in the design,                 Not mentioned
Experience                    implementation and operation
                              of ISO and PX from day one.
                              Intimately familiar with energy
                              market and utility financing and
                              operation. Team experts
                              published widely on major
                              market issues. Handled 80% of
                              California energy market.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operation Team                Handled 80% of California spot          Not mentioned
Experience                    market and long term contract
                              market (yearly, quarterly and
                              month). Conducted Web based
                              real-time energy auction for the
                              Alberta Balancing Power Pool
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company Financial             See Annual Report.                      See Annual Report
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interface with                Web based, initially file based         Web based, limited GUI
Participant Systems
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
System Platforms              NT, MS SQL databases                    NT, MS SQL databases
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Participant System            PC compatible workstations              PC compatible workstations
Requirements                  running Windows 85, 98, 2000            running Windows 85, 98 and
                              and NT                                  NT
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data transmission             SSL, 128 bit encryption                 SSL, 128 bid encryption
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pricing                       Volumetric and subscription             Volumetric
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clearing and Credit           Not offered in California so as         Offered to certain extent. Can
Management                    to insulate participants from the       lead to similar failures as the PX
                              current credit crisis                   has experienced with large
                                                                      participants default. Large
                                                                      California utilities will have
                                                                      difficulty to trade with credit
                                                                      self-management participants
                                                                      due to the utilities current credit
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee (based on 7.5                  5.83 c/MWh                              6.25 c/MWh
TWH per months)                     per side                                per side
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We are confident that one of our proposed solutions will meet all of your
immediate and long-term technical and business objectives of providing
scheduling and settlements services in California. In fact, we believe that only
our solutions can meet your very aggressive timeline while at the same time
remaining cost effective. Finally, our operations or applications hosting
solution option will mitigate your ongoing risk of keeping up with Cal ISO's and
market's ongoing business processes or systems changes.(7)

- -----------------
(7) We must mention that last year alone, CalPX spent $3.5M in software
development to keep pace with Cal ISO business process and system changes.

                                                                  SHM 02/12/2001

                               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


CLIENT NAME:  California Department of Water Res.    REVIEW TYPE:  Qualification/SMR/Pre-Contract

INDUSTRY:     EI/Energy                              REVIEW DATE:  12-Feb-01

GEOGRAPHY:    Alhambra/Sacramento                    SPONSOR:      Ken Scott

DEAL LEADER:  Dariush Shirmohammadi                  START DATE:   01-MAR-01


California Department of Water Resources, a state agency, has taken over some of
the responsibilities of CalPX in California - by an act of legislation. They do
need to develop a lot of capabilities in a very short time period.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DWR will become capable of delivering scheduling and settlements services for
its new found customers (California IOUs) by using systems and processes
operated by Perot Systems in the timeline that they are mandated to provide such
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Perot Systems will primarily provide business process outsourcing to DWR for
base fee of $550,000 per month and an additional revenue of about $250,000 in
volumetric fees (total of $800,000/month). Perot Systems will also offer an
application oursourcing option for base fees that are exactly half of the values
above ($400,000/month) in case DWR wants to run its own business processes. In
this case the cost will also reduce since no business process operations staff
will be needed. Finally, as a third option we will offer a
development/integration option for $3,000,000 fee (including integration) with
annual fee of $500,000 to maintain the applications.



APX and internal IT are our main competitors. Due to urgencies involved, APX
will be in a better position than internal IT to compete with us.

                                                                  SHM 02/12/2001

                                  FEB 12, 2001


YEAR                               AVG SALARY       1         2         3         4         5
- ----                               ----------    ------    ------    ------      ----      ----
Account Manager                     250,000        0.74      1.00      1.00      0.00      0.00

Manager -Scheduling/Settlements     150,000        0.74      1.00      1.00      0.00      0.00

IT Manager                          150,000        0.74      1.00      1.00      0.00      0.00

Admin Support - CEO                  50,000        1.50      2.00      2.00      0.00      0.00

Admin Support - Sett/Sch/Mrkt/IT     30,000        1.47      2.00      2.00      0.00      0.00

IT - Support                         95,000       12.00     15.00     15.00      0.00      0.00

Scheduling/Settlements               85,000       10.00     13.00     14.00      0.00      0.00

Legal                                     0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Marketing - Business Product
  Dev/Support R                      70,000        2.40      3.00      3.00      0.00      0.00

J                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

K                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

L                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

M                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

N                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

O                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

P                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Q                                         0        0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
                                                 ------    ------    ------      ----      ----
Total Staffing (Years)                            29.58     38.00     39.00      0.00      0.00
                                                 ------    ------    ------      ----      ----
Total Staffing (Months)                          354.90    456.00    468.00      0.00      0.00
                                                 ======    ======    ======      ====      ====

Explanation of Staffing Requirements:

Explanation of Capital Requirements:


                                                                  SHM 02/12/2001

                                  FEB 12, 2001

                                                  1st                            2001         BACKLOG
                                                  YEAR           TCV            IMPACT         ADDED
                                               ---------       -------          ------       ---------
  Revenues                                     $ 9,163         $29,163          $ 7,500      $21,663
  Gross margin                                   4,047          11,464            3,402        8,062
  Gross margin %                                  44.2%           39.3%            45.4%        37.2%

  Pretax                                         3,096           8,173            2,639        5,534
  Pretax margin %                                 33.8%           28.0%            35.2%        25.5%
  After-tax income                               1,858           4,904            1,584        3,320
  After-tax %                                     20.3%           16.8%            21.1%        15.3%

NET CASH FLOW                                      (75)          4,904             (380)
PEAK NEGATIVE CASH                              (2,163)         (2,163)          (2,163)
CAPITAL COSTS                                    1,033           1,037            1,004
TOTAL STAFFING (FTEs)                            29.58


  - Salaries and staffing numbers are estimates.







  -  New P&L based on most recent data on DWR scheduling (no Clearing)

  -  All staff requirements filled with existing PSC account staff (no
     upfront recruiting)

  -  Located in Alhambra facilities

  -  Startup period only one month

  -  Only DWR business/revenue modeled

  -  All travel is pass-thru

  -  2 Year Fixed Price deal assumed.
