EXHIBIT 99.445.01


                                                                CALIFORNIA POWER
                                                                EXCHANGE (CALPX)

                                                              September 17, 1999



This proposal to the California Power Exchange (CalPX) is the property of Perot
Systems and contains confidential and/or proprietary information of Perot
Systems. It shall not be disclosed outside of CalPX and shall not be duplicated,
used, or disclosed--in whole or in part-for any purpose other than to evaluate
this proposal. CalPX's review of this material is considered acceptance of this
Disclosure Protection Notice. Should this be unsatisfactory, please return this
material to Perot Systems. This response and any contract subsequently awarded
to Perot systems as a result of in connection with-this submission shall be
subject to the agreed confidentiality, proprietary rights, and nondisclosure
provisions of the resulting contract.

Perot Systems and the perotsystems logo arc trademark of Perot Systems.

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Copyright (C) 1999 Perot Systems corporation, All rights reserved.

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Perot Systems Confidential     September 17, 1999                        Page ii

California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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We submitted a proposal on August 31, 1999 to provide IT program management,
applications development and computer operations services to CalPX. This
revision reflects changes to our original proposal based on discussions with
CalPX executives regarding the scope of services ad CalPX baseline IT budgets.
Based on these discussions, we have revised our proposal to better reflect
CalPX's budget plans regarding baseline IT services. Our revised proposal calls
for increasing the scope of our services at CalPX to also cover applications
testing and desktop support and procurement services, It also entails changes in
implementation timeline, baseline staffing and baseline pricing by Perot

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California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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We propose to provide IT program management, applications development, computer
operations, applications testing and desktop support and procurement services to
CalPX for a period of 36 months beginning with the execution of the "Services
Contract", which is expected to be around November 1, 1999, Our proposal calls
for a phased transfer of CalPX IT services to Perot Systems according to the
following timetable.


MONTH       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  TO  36
< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  >

- -    CalPX accepts the proposal
     -    Contract negotiation and due diligence review
          -    Contract is signed
               -    Transition period for Program Management and Applications
                    -    Program Management and Application Development By PSC
                    -    Study Computer Ops, Apps Testing & Desktop Support &
                         -    Transition Period for Computer Ops and Apps
                              -    Computer Ops, Apps Testing by PSC

                    -    Transition period for Desktop Support & Procurement

                              -    Desktop Support & Procurement by PSC

According to our proposal:

         1.       CalPX and Perot Systems will start negotiation of a Services
                  Contract immediately after the acceptance of the proposal by

         2.       We foresee contract negotiations to last about one month
                  during which time Perot Systems will conduct a due diligence
                  study under the existing Task Order 5 between CalPX and Perot
                  Systems. All

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California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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                  funds collected for the due diligence study will be credited
                  against the fees to be paid by CalPX under the Services
                  Contract if it is executed by both parties. Once signed, the
                  Services Contract will supercede Task Order 5.

         3.       We would start the transition of all program management and
                  applications development services to Perot Systems as soon as
                  practical after the Services Contract is signed. This
                  transition, described in the proposal, is expected to last one

         4.       At the end of the transition time period IT program management
                  and IT applications development services for CalPX will be
                  provided by Perot Systems.

         5.       We will conduct a study of the computer operations,
                  applications testing and desktop support and procurement
                  services starting in month three and complete this study in
                  month six. In the same time period we will conduct a series of
                  studies as indicated in Appendix B ("Additional Projects") of
                  the proposal. At the end of this study, either party may
                  decide not to proceed with the transfer of computer operations
                  services, applications testing services or desktop support and
                  procurement services to Perot Systems. Failure to reach an
                  agreement by both parties to transfer computer operations
                  services, applications testing services or desktop support and
                  procurement services, will have no bearing on the transfer of
                  program management and applications development services to
                  Perot Systems.

         6.       Should both parties agree to transfer computer operations and
                  applications testing services to Perot Systems, we would
                  transition these services to Perot Systems over a one month
                  time period starting in month six. At the end of the
                  transition period, computer operations and applications
                  testing services for CalPX will be provided by Perot Systems.

         7.       Should both parties agree to transfer desktop support and
                  procurement services to Perot Systems, we would transition
                  these services to Perot Systems over a one month time period
                  starting in January 2000. At the end of the transition period
                  desktop support and procurement services for CalPX will be
                  provided by Perot Systems.

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California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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Our pricing is meant to help CalPX with predictability of its IT expenditure
while improving its business systems' reliability and enhancing services
provided to CalPX. In short, our pricing is as follows:

  1. Subject to verification of our pricing assumptions during the due diligence
     period, CalPX will pay Perot Systems $770,000 per month for the services of
     up to 40 Perot Systems' associates and contractors who will provide program
     management and applications development services. This fee will be adjusted
     annually based on an IT Salary Index. This fee includes all travel costs to
     the Los Angeles area for these associates and contractors -- but does not
     include travel costs to locations outside the Los Angeles area on CalPX
     business. Services of additional Perot Systems' associates (including
     associates who perform the studies enumerated in Appendix B of the
     Proposal) will be charged on a time and material basis using Perot Systems'
     standard commercial rates for such resources, minus a 25% discount.

  2. Subject to verification of our pricing assumptions during the due diligence
     period, CalPX will pay Perot Systems $1,090,000 per month for the services
     of up to 60 Perot Systems' associates and contractors who will provide
     program management, applications development, computer operations and
     applications testing services. This fee will be adjusted annually based
     on an IT Salary Index. This payment includes all travel costs to the Los
     Angeles area for these associates and contractors -- but does not include
     travel costs to locations outside the Los Angeles area on CalPX business.
     Services of additional Perot Systems' associates will be charged on time
     and material basis using Perot Systems' standard commercial rates for such
     resources, minus a 25% discount.

  3. Subject to verification of our pricing assumptions during the due diligence
     period, CalPX will pay Perot Systems $1,240,000 per month for the services
     up to 65 Perot Systems associates and contractors who will provide
     program management, applications development, computer operations,
     applications testing services and desktop support and procurement services.
     This fee will be adjusted annually based on an IT Salary Index. This
     payment will cover an annual expenditure up to one million dollars by
     Perot Systems for procurement of desktop hardware, operating system
     licenses and

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California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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                  software licenses for CalPX, CalPX will own all hardware and
                  software procured by Perot Systems for CalPX. This payment
                  includes all travel costs to the Los Angeles area for these
                  associates and contractors -- but does not include travel
                  costs outside the Los Angeles area on CalPX business. Services
                  of additional Perot Systems associates will be charged on a
                  time and material basis using Perot System standard commercial
                  rates for such resources, minus a 25% discount.

We will develop specific baseline staffing numbers for each area of program.
management, applications development and maintenance, computer operations,
applications testing and desktop support and procurement as a part of our
contract negotiation.

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California Power Exchange                                      Proposal Revision
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Our proposed solution will enable CalPX to have predictable IT performance and
costs and to have the flexibility to address CalPX business requirements in
California and beyond. In addition, we believe that our solution will allow
CalPX to meet its budgeted goals for IT services.

The following table presents the baseline cost of our solution along with
CalPX's IT budget numbers for the proposed IT services.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   YEAR 1          YEAR 2           YEAR 3          TOTAL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CalPX budget for proposed       $ 15,230,000    $ 15,230,000     $ 15,230,000     $ 45,690,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Baseline payments to Perot      $ 11,480,000    $ 14,580,000     $ 14,580,000     $ 40,940,000
Systems for proposed services
and timeline
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We believe that there may be substantial additional savings that can be realized
if we are selected to perform these services. These savings include:

         -        Savings due to possible restructuring of CalPX's MCI and IBM:

         -        Savings due to a potential earlier transfer of desktop support
                  and procurement services to Perot Systems;

         -        Savings due: to potentially moving the entire CalPX IT staff
                  to Pasadena;

         -        Savings due to potential elimination of backup disaster
                  recovery site at Folsom; and

         -        Savings due to consolidation of all IT services and
                  elimination of "phantom IT organisms" throughout CalPX,

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