EXHIBIT 99.472 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA POWER EXCHANGE (CALPX) CUSTOMER PLAN CONFIDENTIAL THE BUSINESS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Provision of IT services for three years - Program management - Computer operations - Applications maintenance - Applications development -- we have exclusivity and will own the IP on all new developments - - Provision of Business Consulting Services for three years: - Energy industry consulting - Business process consulting - Technology consulting 2 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] THE BUSINESS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Perot Systems Staff: - 8 associates providing account management and program management services - 19 associates providing computer operations services (12 in LA and 7 in Dallas) -- services provided by GIS - 14 associates providing applications maintenance services - Varying number of associates providing business consulting and applications development services with minimum level of services - 14 associates in year 1 - 10 associates in years 2 and 3 3 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] THE CONTRACT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - We have had a presence at CalPX since September of 1997 in different capacities - - The outsource contract was signed February 17, 2000 - Term: February 28, 2000 to February 27, 2003 - renewable - Transition: we are at the last stages of the transition period - - REVENUE STREAM: - Year 1: $13.07M with a gross margin of 30.9% - Year 2: $11.7M with a gross margin of 33.3% - Year 3: $11.7M with a gross margin of 33.3% - Services not covered by the current IT Services agreement shall be performed on T&M basis using Perot Systems' Standard Commercial Rates, less a 25% discount 4 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP - "NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - Strategic: - Partnership: - Due to the size of the customer and its heavy reliance on IT we are virtually partners with the customer - High visibility: - CalPX is the first and largest energy exchange in the world -- we have gained good visibility due to deal announcements - Our relationship with CalPX has generated strong interest in the industry and we have received invitations from various corners of the world to discuss our service offerings - CalPX large customers base can be tapped into as potential new customers 5 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP - "QUALITY OF RELATIONSHIP" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - Excellent relationship at officer level - - Relationship at department level being established and/or strengthened - - Scored 8.7 out of 9.0 in 1999 customer survey - prior to the current outsource contract - - Customer relationship a challenge in GIS related services 6 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] WHO IS CALPX? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - Non-Profit Organization founded in 1997 as the result of restructuring of electric power industry in California - - Responsible for all forward market energy trading in California - - Scheduling coordinator with California ISO (CAISO) on behalf of their energy traders - - CalPX is responsible for 85% of all energy scheduled through CAISO -- around $10B per year - Three major IOUs in California must trade via CalPX - - Around 90 customers - - Annual revenue of about $65M - - 150 employees 7 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] <Table> <Caption> WHO IS CALPX? ==================================================================================================================================== - - American Electric Power Service Corporation - MIECO, Inc. (GRAPH) - - AES Placerita, Inc. - Modesto Irrigation District - - Auqita Power Corporation - Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc - - Arizona Public Service Company - Nevada Power Company - - Automated Power Exchange - Northern California Power Agency - - Avista Energy, Inc. - PacifiCorp - - Bonneville Power Administration - PacifiCorp Power Marketing, Inc. - - British Columbia Power Exchange Corporation - Pacific Gas & Electric Co.-Demand - - California Department of Water Resources - Pacific Gas & Electric Co.-Grid Cust - - California Polar Power Brokers - Pacific Gas & Electric Co.-Supply - - Cargil-Alliant, LLC - PECO Energy Services - - Citizens Power Sales - PG&E Energy Services Corporation - - City of Anaheim - PG&E Energy Trading-Power - - City of Seattle - Portland General Electric Company - - City of Riverside - Power Resource Managers, L.L.C. - - City of Vernon - Public Service Company of New Mexico - - Comision Federal de Electricidad - Reliant Energy Services, Inc. - - Coral Power, L.L.C. - Sacramento Municipal Utility District - - Duke Energy Trading & Marketing, LLC - Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District - - Dynergy Marketing and Trade - San Diego Gas & Electric - Demand - - Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, Inc. - San Diego Gas & Electric - Supply - - Edison Source - Sempra Energy Trading Corporation (AIG Trading Group) - - El Paso Power Services Company - Sierra Pacific Power Company - - Engage Energy U.S.L.P. (Coastal Corp) - Silicon Valley Power - - Enron Energy Services, Inc. - Southern California Edison-Demand - - Enron Power Marketing, Inc. - Southern California Edison-Sched Coord - - FPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc. - Southern California Edison-Supply - - Idaho Poer Company - Southern Company Energy Marketing, L.P. - - Hafslund Energy Trading, LLC - Statiol Energy Trading, Inc. - - Idaho Power Company - Sunlaw Cogeneration Partners I - - Illinova Energy Partners, Inc. - TransAlta Energy Marketing (California) Inc. - - Koch Energy Trading, Inc. - Tucson Electric Power Company - - LG&E Energy Marketing, Inc. - TXU Energy Trading Company - - Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - Western Area Power Admin-Sierra Nevada Reg. - - Martinez Refining Company - Western Area Power Admin-Colorado River Storage Project - - Merchant Energy Group of the Americas, Inc. - Williams Energy Services Company - - Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company </Table> 8 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] WHO IS CALPX? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GRAPH] [ ] ISO - BILATERAL MARKET [ ] ISO - REALTIME [ ] PX - DAY AHEAD [ ] PX - HOUR AHEAD [ ] RMR 9 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] CUSTOMER PLAN RELATIONSHIP MATRIX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATIONSHIP TYPE CUSTOMER PEROT SYSTEMS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporate CEO: George Sladoje Ken Scott & Dariush Shirmohammadi - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *(Strategic Bus. Partner- ship) ======================================================================================================= CEO/SPONSOR COO: John Yurkanin Ken Scott & Dariush Shirmohammadi - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Strategic Bus. Rela.) ======================================================================================================= ACCOUNT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Contract Compliance/ Service Delivery) CIO: Dan Yee Dariush Shirmohammadi & Jim Cribari ======================================================================================================= BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *(Innovative Bus. Sol.) COO: John Yurkanin Ken Scott & Dariush Shirmohammadi - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VP of Strategic Dev: John Flory, Ken Scott & Dariush Shirmohammadi ======================================================================================================= SR. TECHNICAL ADVISOR - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *(Technical Part- ner/New Technology Sol.) Trading Director: Mike Kane Dariush Shirmohammadi & Directors - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setts Director: Ken Czarnecki Dariush Shirmohammadi & Directors ======================================================================================================= INDUSTRY ADVISOR ? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *(Knows my business) ======================================================================================================= SERVICE LINE/PRACTICE ADVISOR ? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *(New Technology Solutions) ======================================================================================================= - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> 10 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] FINANCIAL INDICATORS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Current financials details: - Year 1 (28 February 2000 to 27 February 2001) - Total Revenue $13.07M - Gross Margin 30.9% - After Tax Martin 10.8% - After Tax Income $1.4M - Year 2 and 3 (28 February 2001 to 27 February 2003) - Total Revenue each year $11.7M - Gross Margin each year 33.3% - After Tax Margin averaged per year 12.45% - After Tax Income averaged per year $1.46M - Customer's 5 Year growth and revenue plan: - Presently Unavailable - Account Growth Revenue/Margin beyond year 3 - Presently Unavailable 11 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] BUSINESS DRIVERS + CAPABILITIES = NEW OPPORTUNITIES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Business Drivers: - Ability to create of market products and services in order to expand customer base vertically and horizontally -- guarantee survival beyond market transition period - Introducing several financial products in California market - Planning to create energy exchanges in Alberta, New England and Mid-West - Planning a clearing business in partnership with OMT and Altra - Planning a "retail trading business" with Perot Systems, etc. - Ability to react to market changes in California - Ability to shape the California energy market - Stability of its current market: both size and underlying infrastructure 12 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] BUSINESS DRIVERS + CAPABILITIES = NEW OPPORTUNITIES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CAPABILITIES: - CalPX runs a liquid market -- mainly as a result regulatory mandate - A steady number of customers for the foreseeable future - A steady source of revenue for the foreseeable future - CalPX has limited financial resources -- and many aspirations - Lack of enterprise thinking within the organization -- difficulties in governance - CalPX is under close regulatory oversight for most of its current service - Infrastructure requires immediate and serious attention 13 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] BUSINESS DRIVERS + CAPABILITIES = NEW OPPORTUNITIES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - New Opportunities for PSC: - PSC is highly respected at CalPX as the enabler to make its future plans come to realization - As a service provider PSC can develop some of the products needed to realize CalPX plans -- may increase revenue above budgeted values - As a partner PSC may help CalPX to create new market products - PSC may benefit from CalPX expanding its market and needing PSC to provide additional infrastructure and project services - PSC may capitalize on its relationship with CalPX to help market services to CalPX customers - PSC may be able to use its relationship with CalPX to help market services to the energy marketplace - National ISO data warehouse project 14 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP - CUSTOMER SURVEY ACTIONS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Survey Results: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Number of previous surveys Part of standard CalPX IT survey Date of last survey 2Q1999 Date of next survey May-00 Date of last improvement plan creation and customer review N/A Last Action Plan focus: Facilitate the resolution of NERC Policy issues that hinder decision making 15 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO] CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP PLAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 Activities Calendar and Relationship Report Cards: - - We will complete the transition phase as soon as possible and stabilize the current CalPX infrastructure - - We will develop as many of the products and services as CalPX needs to extend its market - - We will proactively participate in CalPX market development activities - - We will rely on CalPX expansion of its markets so that we could expand our services and revenues - - We will proactively participate in CalPX interfaces with its market participants - - We need to ensure that we look at this customer more than a IT customer as our actions will be scrutinized by the entire much of the energy marketplace - to us help desk may be a mundane activity but it could seriously impact our credibility in the energy marketplace 16 [PEROTSYSTEMS LOGO]