Exhibit 99.388 FROM: Fortney, Elizabeth SENT: Monday, September 20, 1999 5:41 PM TO: 'Frank Stewart,' CC: McManus, Terry SUBJECT: FP Baseline Proposal - questions RFP E208901 - function point counting IMPORTANCE: High Frank, Received the list of questions. Opened and reviewed as well. We will be prepared to meet on Thursday. I will call Carolyn in the morning, first thing. Thanks, Liz LIZ FORTNEY PEROTSYSTEMS CORPORATION VOICE: (626) 537-3006 CELL: (626) 705-4135 FAX: (603) 849-7989 Pager: (800) PAGEMCI pin #1938735 ELIZABETH.FORTNEY@PS.NET - -----Original Message----- From: Stewart, Frank J [mailto:STEWARF1@sce.com] Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 4:25 PM To: 'elizabeth.fortney@ps.net' Subject: RFP E208901 - function point counting Attached, in a MS-WORD document, are 10 questions asking for additional information or clarification about your firms response to RFP E208901. I would like written responses and a brief meeting to clarify any questions that we might have about your answers. I would like to meet on Thursday in the morning. Please call Carolyn McAuliff at 626 302-1648 to schedule the meeting here at SCE. (Supplemental Questions 990920.doc) > Frank J. Stewart > Manager - Y2K CPMO Test Office > Southern California Edison > 626 . 302 . 7308 (2-7308) > FAX : 302 . 7113 (2-7113) > stewarf1@sce.com >