Exhibit 99.402 Ancillary Service Issues - - Inter-SC Trades of A/S - - Self-Provision of A/S by PX Participants - - PX Day-Ahead and Hour Ahead A/S Markets - - Congestion Management - - PX Block Forward A/S Markets INTER-SC TRADES OF A/S What does it mean for PX to allow inter-SC trades of A/S when PX does not run DA and HA A/S markets? - - Will PX loads be able to schedule purchases of A/S to meet their A/S requirements? - PX must track the amount a participant procures via trade and reduce charges for A/S procured from ISO. - What if they buy more than their needs? - Will PX pay them for reducing A/S purchased from ISO to meet requirements of other participants? - What price? - PX must charge other PX participants to recover this cost. - Will PX generators be able to schedule sales of A/S to other SCs? - PX must track the amount a participant sells to other SCs via trade. ISO models the inter-SC sale by increasing the PX A/S requirements and reducing the A/S requirements of the buying SC. - What if generator does not perform (either by not responding to ISO dispatch of A/S capacity or by using capacity sold for A/S to produce real-time energy without ISO instruction)? - ISO will charge PX for nonperformance. Will PX have systems to charge the generator for this and not spread the ISO charges to PX loads? - What if ISO adjusts the inter-SC trades due to congestion? SELF-PROVISION OF A/S - - What does self-provision cover: - PX participant scheduling A/S capacity from its resources to meet the requirements of its loads? - Two PX participants arranging a private deal whereby one participant schedules A/S capacity from its resources to meet the requirements of the loads of the other? - A PX participant arranging a private deal with another SC to supply the A/S capacity requirements of that PX participant's loads via inter-SC trade? - What if a PX participant schedules more A/S capacity than it needs per its metered demand? - Will PX pay them for reducing A/S purchased from ISO to meet requirements of other participants? - What price? - PX must charge other PX participants to recover this cost. - What if ISO adjusts the self-provision quantities due to congestion? PX DA AND HA A/S MARKETS - - Should the PX run its own DA and HA A/S markets meet it's A/S requirements? - - What is market structure? - Allow parties to bid A/S capacity and energy prices separate from their bids in PX energy markets? - Similar to ISO market but without Rational Buyer complications? - Use PX energy market bids to acquire capacity for A/S and pay opportunity cost for A/S capacity? - Raises PX UMCP. What is the impact when Congestion Management causes separate ZMCPs? How is opportunity cost defined then? - - How much of it's A/S requirements should PX procure in it's A/S market as opposed to ISO A/S markets? - Will PX participants have option to select the market in which they want to sell their resource capacity? - What gaming opportunities arise? - - What is impact on PX if ISO adjusts PX A/S market quantities due to congestion management? - How will price that PX pays for A/S capacity be calculated? CONGESTION MANAGEMENT - - What will be the impact on Congestion Management of the above? - If PX participants hold aside capacity to supply A/S prior to ISO's congestion management, the adjustment bid market may be thinned. This could drive up usage charges and adversely affect PX ZMCPs. - - Should PX only undertake designing DA and HA A/S markets as part of simplified Congestion Management? - Simplified CONG would allow PX to incorporate scheduling and trading of transmission rights (ETC/FTR) in its DA and HA energy markets and enforce interzonal transmission limits. - PX DA and HA market results would be financially binding prior to ISO CONG adjustments. - PX could run it's A/S markets after its joint energy/transmission markets and so avoid the problem of thinning the adjustment bid market. Or, if ISO allows scheduling of ETC and FTRs for A/S as well as energy, PX could unify energy, A/S and transmission in a market. - - If this is the vision, does it make sense to proceed with self-provision and inter-Sc trades as a stop gap measure? May be wasted effort if a final integrated PX market is designed. - - Or should the resources be directed to design and development of final PX market structure that integrates energy, ETC/FTR trading, and A/S?