EXHIBIT 99.522

                                  PEROT SYSTEMS

                               SHORT TERM STRATEGY

                               LONG TERM STRATEGY

                                   ROSS PEROT


o    The only reason for a company to do business with Perot Systems is that we
     provide the finest services of any company in our industry.

o    Perot Systems can only provide the finest services if we have the finest

     o    These people must be fully trained in the latest technologies.

     o    In addition to their training, our people must have the highest
          morals, ethics and integrity so they can earn and keep our customers'

     o    They must be focused, disciplined, and results oriented.

o    In order to find people with these qualities, we must have a world class
     recruiting team to bring in sufficient numbers of people with these

o    We must have an exciting, challenging working environment that recognizes
     and rewards outstanding performance in order to keep the best people in our

o    Perot Systems must have a world class training program, so that our team is
     at the cutting edge of the latest technologies.

o    Throughout our company, we must recognize and reward excellence in an
     appropriate, timely manner so that every team member knows their work is


                          PEROT SYSTEMS CHARACTERISTICS

o    Perot Systems is not capital intensive.

o    The brains, wits, and creativity of our people will always beat massive
     capital spending.

o    Our company has long term contracts extending out to 15 years. These
     contracts give the company excellent financial stability.

     o    Every contract is like one layer of plywood. As new contracts are
          signed, the company gets stronger and stronger as new layers of
          plywood come together.

     o    These long-term contracts ensure job security, financial stability,
          and reliable, predictable growth in revenues and profits.

o    Perot Systems is in a really unique position in terms of the size of the
     market our business can serve.


o    The market is so large that we must have discipline about where to focus
     our resources.

o    Perot Systems specializes by industry.

     o    We identify the largest industries in terms of computer use and go
          into these industries first. Banking, Energy, Financial Services,
          Health Care, Manufacturing, and Leisure and Travel industries are good


     o    We have acquired small, high talent, results-oriented consulting firms
          who have already established excellent reputations in Banking, Health
          Care, and other major industries, to help us as we enter these

     o    We must build outstanding marketing teams with in-depth knowledge
          about each industry.

     o    The next step is to sell a prominent company in that industry.

     o    Then, we assemble a first class team of associates to work with that
          customer, including people who have already established an excellent
          reputation in that industry.

     o    The next critical step is to do an outstanding job for that customer
          and create a strong reference point.

     o    We then conduct an intensive marketing program with other prominent
          companies in that industry to broaden our business base, using our
          first customer as a reference.

     o    After we have sold five customers and successfully installed their
          systems, almost any requirement of another customer in that industry
          can readily be met.

o    At that point, we have a large number of experienced people who have done
     outstanding work, a good reputation in the industry, and we can quickly
     expand across the industry without having to develop massive amounts of new
     capabilities for each customer. This gives us a competitive advantage and
     increases our profit margins.

     o    We will follow this strategy, moving on to other industries.


     o    Our limiting factor in expanding to additional industries is having
          enough skilled people to successfully accomplish the mission.

     o    International expansion -

          Major markets such as China, Japan, Russia, and Southeast Asia are
          unique. Our strategy to enter these markets will probably require us
          to seek a partner in each of these countries.



1.   Keep UPS and its customers at the cutting edge of information services
     technology and do it in a cost-effective manner.

2.   Make sure that the whole world knows that UPS leads all of its competitors
     in the effective use of advanced technologies and the benefits of these
     technologies to UPS customers.

3.   Work with UPS and Perot Systems' major financial customers, such as Swiss
     Bank and Citibank, to create worldwide ventures that would benefit all

4.   Work with UPS to create its own version of GE Capital, i.e., UPS Capital

5.   Work with UPS to create a network that allows people to order products
     through call centers or e-commerce transactions that UPS would purchase
     directly from the manufacturers and ship to the customer. The profits
     normally realized by distributors and retailers could be realized by UPS,
     in addition to the revenues and profits from delivering the packages.

6.   Work with UPS in such areas as recruiting talent, using the Perot Systems
     recruiting team and training UPS systems engineers in the newest
     technologies and leadership.

7.   Bring Perot Systems and affiliated companies' experience in successfully
     building industrial airports that include truck terminals, rail yards, air
     transport, and large numbers of warehouses and factories on the airport
     property. These


     opportunities exist throughout the world around abandoned military bases.
     UPS could make a great deal of money by carefully selecting locations to
     build facilities of this type. There are great financial opportunities on
     real estate and warehouses built on the perimeter of the airport.

8.   Use our contacts and relationships to work with UPS in countries where
     there are huge future opportunities, such as Russia and China.

9.   Work with UPS on a plan to provide new technology to cost effectively ship
     heavy goods that are now being shipped by container ship, across the ocean
     in less time, by air. A video presentation of one idea is attached. Ross,
     Jr. has worked with Lockheed on this project.

10.  Perot Systems will actively work to assist UPS in selling major new
     accounts, or in any other constructive manner, including working with the
     pilots and truck drivers' unions, if we can be a positive factor, and we
     have been effective in helping in these areas.



This plan will keep us fully productive for at least 25 years.

We will not produce lengthy, detailed plans to enter new business areas. Over
the last 40 years, we have competed successfully against huge companies who had
multi-volume plans, typically written by creative, intelligent advisors who had
little or no knowledge of the harsh reality of getting things done.

Technology changes so rapidly in our industry that long-term strategic plans
that dictate step-by-step actions to people in the field, always fail because
they stifle the creativity of the people closest to getting the job done.

Our plans are in outline form -- and are written just before a team goes to
work, with the team having a great deal of input.

We keep these plans dynamic, changing them as we gain more insight.

Again and again, we have competed and won against huge competitors who had
detailed, rigid plans created at the corporate level that turned the people on
the project into loyal, obedient robots -- who lost the competition.
