NOTES EXHIBIT 99.523 Overview of PSC Strategy Business Development Workshop 13 May 1998 PSC confidential and proprietary [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES How our strategy distinguishes us "PSC is focused on a simple idea that is distinctive in the competitive context." Competitor Mission in a nutshell Focus - ---------- --------------------- ------ Andersen Consulting Transform enterprises. Change CSC Build systems. Reliability EDS Build infrastructure. Co-sourcing IBM ISSC Build infrastructure. Industry solutions Perot System Prepare for the future. Emergent Economy [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES WAYS TO EVALUATE OUR STRATEGY "How do we know if our strategy is on the right track?" Basis for Why? - Does it leverage our competencies? the strategy - Does it build on our history & reputation? - Does it exploit competitive dynamics? - Does it reflect trends in market conditions? Depiction of What! - Is it clear and powerful enough to guide us? the strategy - Is it compelling to our prospective partners? - Is it distinctive enough to command attention? Consequences So... - Does it give us organizational focus? of the strategy - Can it generate valuable points of view? - Does it drive specific products & services? [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Why? A NEW DIGITAL ERA HAS ARRIVED: UBIQUITY "PSC understands and responds to key long-wave changes." GLASS ROOMS-> DESKTOPS-> UBIQUITY 1947-82 1982-95 1995- Key benefit Automation Decentralization Relationships Power center Producers Retailers Consumers Control points Vendors Integrators Multiple Hardware Mainframes Clients/Servers Pervasive Software Back office Networks Transparent The steady quantitative progress of the past 40 years - more MIPS, more MBs, more transistors, etc. - has fostered a qualitative change. BIOLOGICAL MODELS OF THE ECONOMY ARE REPLACING MECHANICAL ONES. MOMENTUM AND INNOVATION WILL BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN CONTROL. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Why? CONSEQUENCES OF UBIQUITOUS TECHNOLOGY "PSC has a clear vision of what's coming." IN THE CASE OF COMPUTERS AND NETWORKS, MORE IS DIFFERENT. At 1 million nodes, it's a university research network, with many discussion groups; at 100 million nodes, it's a global platform for commerce and communication. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY: NOT JUST FOR PROPELLER-HEADS ANYMORE. Chips and software are present in products ranging from ears to toasters to toys. In the US alone, 45% of adults have net access; by 2000, 36 million US households and 380,000 businesses will be online; women account for 60% of US online shopping. Asia and Europe are already ramping up for similarly rapid growth. INVESTING MORE TO GET MORE. Yesterday's IT investments, made primarily to cut costs and streamline processes, are now a foundation upon which companies can build new revenues. On this base, relatively targeted investments can reap relatively colossal rewards. NOBODY'S DRIVING THE BUS. Thirty years of aggressive IT investment has produced a thicket of platforms, standards and other interdependencies that go well beyond what managers - or even conventional outsourcers and integrators - can control. IT services firms must respond with creativity and continual reinvention. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Why? THE EMERGENT ECONOMY: SHIFTS AT FOUR LEVELS "PSC has worked to 'net out' complex technological and economic changes." .....for 1 INDIVIDUALS ARE GAINING POWER individuals Increasing choices, convenience, and personal responsibility are breeding higher expectations. .....within 2 ENTERPRISES ARE BECOMING MORE AGILE companies They aim increasingly for value creation and effectiveness rather than pur efficiency. .....across 3 INDUSTRIES ARE DECLINING IN IMPORTANCE companies 'Disintermediation' drives shift in focus from competitors to customers and complementors. basic 4 INFRASTRUCTURE IS AN ACTIVE CHOICE structures Formerly the domain of the SEC, ICC, and Ma Bell, infrastructure has become a very powerful and flexible strategic tool. </Table> [VARIOUS LOGOS] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES What! PEROT SYSTEMS CORPORATION MISSION "PSC goes beyond the nuts and bolts of IT to drive strategic innovation." Perot Systems Corporation prepares enterprises to seize the opportunities of the Emergent Economy. To do this, we help our clients and partners get closer to their customers, partner in building new forms of business, and apply technology strategically. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES What! HOW PSC ADDS VALUE AT ALL LEVELS "PSC is building the skills and focus to help enterprises thrive in the Emergent Economy." <Table> ..... for 1 CREATE USER-CENTERED SYSTEMS AND STRATEGIES individuals Foster community-based digital marketplaces; self service IT; and compelling experiences. ..... within 2 PREPARE ENTERPRISES TO BE AGILE companies Bundle digital infrastructure, process redesign, & culture change enterprises need to adapt. ..... across 3 FULL ENTERPRISES TOGETHER IN INNOVATIVE WAYS companies Foster 'webs' of complementary enterprises & new process for alignment across companies. ..... to basic 4 DEVELOP INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIES structures Help clients make buy/build/partner decisions; launch ventures to build digital infrastructure. </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES So... HOW OUR STRATEGY CAUSES US TO ACT "PSC's approach is novel, bold, and creative." We build new kinds of capabilities powerful intranets like TRAIN, comprehensive CRM offerings, rapid reengineering, user-centered strategies We blaze new paths to market Value webs; cross-industry, cross-competency systems like e-treasury, e-home, and health care network We foster reward-sharing relationships e.g. Swiss Bank, Galileo, others [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES So . . . COMPONENTS OF OUR STRATEGY "PSC uses multiple kinds of competencies in an integrated way." [GRAPHIC] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES So... HOW WE INNOVATE OUT FROM OUR CORE "From a solid base, PSC is venturing intelligently into the white spaces." [GRAPHIC] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES So . . . DEVELOPING CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS: MIGRATION PATH "PSC is augmenting outsourcing by creating more sophisticated services." [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES So... CRUCIAL BEHAVIORAL SHIFTS "PSC's strategy will be real only when we begin to behave in fundamentally new ways." TARGET INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS Our vertical industry groups must decide specifically who to target and what value we would add. MAKE COMPETENCIES EASILY ACCESSIBLE Our verticals must have instantaneous, effective ability to access and apply our technical and process competencies. CLOSE DEALS QUICKLY PSC must be willing to move boldly and imaginatively in constructing partnerships, which means we have to take risks. EXECUTE ON WHAT WE SELL PSC must improve the quality, thoroughness, and reliability of our service delivery. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES CRUCIAL STRATEGY TASKS "These are some immediate items we need to focus on." 1. Develop metrics and set objectives 2. Develop PSC process model 3. Identify and polish high level processes, e.g., sales and marketing 4. Develop multiple points of view across the enterprise 5. Create visibility around our distinctiveness 6. Refine mergers and acquisition plan [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Details BUILDING CAPABILITIES AND ADDING COMPETENCIES Recommendations from the New Competencies task force PSC must continue to grow and add technical capabilities (skills, methods, and processes we will routinely need) as well as technical COMPETENCIES (differentiating skills and methods that we can aggressively market). <Table> <Caption> IN PLACE TODAY NEED TO DEVELOP These help PSC and ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT > Mobility our partners achieve E-COMMERCE > Knowledge Management STRATEGIC GROWTH... CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MGMT. > New Channel Marketing These help PSC and DATA MINING/DATA WAREHOUSES > Security our partners increase Business Process Automation > Collaborative Work RETURN ON INVESTMENT Internet/Intranet These help PSC build OBJECT-ORIENTED TOOLS & METHODS > Software Engineering OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES NETWORKING > Project/Program Management & COST SAVINGS Legacy Integration > Repeatable Architectures & Processes </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Details STABILIZING TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Recommendations from the Operational task force PSC must be an industry leader in effectively executing any projects or programs it sells. To achieve this we will: - - Migrate current technical capabilities from a model that appears to be commodity to a value-added service - - Create systems that are more open, ubiquitous, and robust - - Create management tools that make our capabilities easier to understand, access, and apply - - Create voluntary conventions that will better leverage our routinely applied technical capabilities - - Address specific improvements in security, network backbone, networking, message and directory services - - Examine systems for cost reallocation [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Details ACQUIRING NEW COMPETENCIES AND CAPABILITIES Recommendations from the M&A task force PSC must more systematically drive acquisition plans out of units, in a manner that leverages our concept of the Emergent Economy. 1. BUSINESS UNIT STRATEGY MUST DRIVE M & A - Better screening process - M & A team alignment to business unit - M & A can support achievement to sales objectives 2. CORPORATE RESOURCES MUST BE RATIONED - Annual budget set by corporate - Competition for resources - General allocations to business units 3. THERE MUST BE CLEAR ACCOUNTABILITY WHEN RESOURCES ARE OMITTED TO M & A PURSUITS - Business units sponsor from initial contact thru close - Define and assign budgets for pursuit & close 4. WE MUST IMPROVE OUR ABILITY TO EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATE ACQUIRED COMPANIES - Transition planning (sooner, more comprehensive) - Cross functional teams, lead by business unit 5. KEY CLIENTS, PARTNERSHIPS AND ALLIANCES WILL INFLUENCE AND INFORM BUSINESS UNIT STRATEGY - Identify Key Accounts/Prospectus - Cooperative strategy development [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES Details DELIVERING OUR COMPETENCIES Recommendations from the Competency Life Cycle task force PSC must combine our technical capabilities and project offices into new units called Applied Technology Centers (ATC's). This will permit us to propagate our skills more broadly while continually subjecting them to the discipline of markets. - Integrate competencies and POs into ATCs. - Define strategy relative to competency, service line, and utility, which form ATC. - Each competency should have business plans relative to their lifestyle stage. - Use pilots to form ATCs for each stage of the lifecycle. - Clearly define PSC sales channel strategy, the role of an integrator, function of ATC (level of centralization vs. decentralization). [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES [GRAPHIC] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] May 07, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]1 NOTES OUR STRATEGY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our strategy is to segment and conquer... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]2 NOTES WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Focus on high potential segments in the United States Market Segments [Chart] Source: IDC August, 1996: Note: Annual spending of $3 billion is on professional services only, and does not include spending on IT hardware and software. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]3 NOTES WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO? (continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provide bundled solutions focused on our clients' critical success factors ... Market Segments [Chart] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]4 NOTES WHAT IS NEW IN OUR APPROACH? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do we think it will succeed...we help our clients achieve renewable competitive: - Industry focus - Fully integrated continuum of services: Analyze, design, build, implement and operate - Advanced business, clinical, and technical skills - Emphasis on time compression and speed of results [CHART] - Pure services bundled with "best of breed" collaborators to create solutions focused on our clients' critical success factors - Enterprise or timeshare services - Pricing models aligned with our clients objectives - Transaction - Unit - Risk [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]5 NOTES WHAT IS NEW IN OUR APPROACH? (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do we think it will succeed...our work for these clients is typical of our continuum of services approach. Client Engagement Result - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenet Healthcare - Technology Partnership - Operate the largest frame relay Corporation - Bundled Solutions network in the industry - Managed care - Over 100 disparate hospitals - Physician management integrated within one year - E Commerce - Reduced 15 costs by $20 million per year - Achieved economies of scale - Reduced variable 15 costs - Allowed Tenet to rapidly acquire and integrate new hospitals Charter Behavioral - IT Strategy and - Web Access of Clinical Records and Health Systems implementation Administrative Information - Development of - Increased annual savings in excess of National Frame Relay $3.5 million - Introduction of call - Increased call handling to 400,000 call center technology and annually applications [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO]6 NOTES WHAT IS NEW IN OUR APPROACH? (continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do we think it will succeed...our work for these clients is typical of our continuum of services approach. <Table> <Caption> Client Engagement Result - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atlantic Health o Accelerating the design o Within 18 months: System and execution of -Merger of one large hospital to Atlantic's IHN strategy the network; pending mergers or -Expand horizontal sponsorships with eight and vertical additional hospital partners networks -Completion of strategic -Develop an MSO relationships with vertical -Design and network partners implement a -Full implementation of an MSO, physician network including completion of 1,000 member physician network - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora Health Plan o Implementation of o Allowed Aurora entry to managed AMISYS(TM) Managed care market Care System o Implemented managed care (outsourcing functionality without large arrangement) implementation capital outlay </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 7 NOTES WHAT IS NEW IN OUR APPROACH? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do we think it will succeed....our work for these clients is typical of our continuum of services approach. <Table> <Caption> CLIENT ENGAGEMENT RESULT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health First o Design and o Electronic transactions for Health Plans implementation of eligibility records, referral E-Commerce solution information, and client results through the internet o Lowered administrative costs - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North Shore o Formulated and o Executed sever major hospital Health System executed in strategic acquisitions (3000 beds) plan to position the o Grew revenue to $1.8 billion hospital as a regional o Developed eight PHO's a Super integrated health network PHO and a system-wide MSO o Established managed care relationships covering 300,000 lives </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 8 NOTES ASSUMING SUCCESS... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Difference Does it Make to Our Clients? How do they get paid? At Risk Revenue [GRAPHIC] New revenue through membership market share Lower cost and better quality Lower cost and better customer service Every 1% reduction in medical delivery has a significant impact on operating margin [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 9 NOTES HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE, HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE [CHART] <Table> <Caption> 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Growth rate 54% 31% 37% 25% 25% Operating Margin 15% 18% 20% 25% 30% Backlog 200M 270M 300M 400M 500M Anchors US 1 1 2 3 4 Anchors Int 0 0 1 1 2 WWShare OS 6% 8% 9% 10% 11% WWShare Solutions 5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 10 NOTES Global Financial Services Strategy Overview May 07, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 1 NOTES STRATEGIC CONTEXT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> ...Dick Boyle "In the past, I relied on technology to reduce cost and increase productivity. Retired Vice-Chairman Now i rely on technology to hold customers and to get new customers." Chase Manhattan Bank ...Marcel Ospel "Technological development, whether we like it or not, has to be a core competence CEO of our organization. This business will become more and more computerized. There are Swiss Bank Corporation all sorts of scenarios you can develop for the electronic disintermediation of businesses whether in investment banking, private banking or whatever. We have to stay on top of such skills." .....Wall Street Journal "Technology in banking today refers to everything from internal operating systems to Thursday providing customers with Internet banking and phone banking and building sophisticated November 27, 1997 databases of customer information that can be used to sell products more efficiently. What banks seek is the ability to provide personalized service at every point of contact." </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 2 NOTES STRATEGIC CONTEXT TRANSLATED... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The primary emphasis among financial institutions is no longer on cost reduction * The primary emphasis is now on: - retaining customers and gaining new ones - leveraging IT expenses - generating revenue [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 3 NOTES Context (continued) -- Limitations of Current Industry Practices/Products - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION - -- Customer access to all their information and transactions - anyway, anywhere, anytime - -- Individual customer defined products and services - -- No brand loyalty - -- Pace of technology advancement - -- Technology created markets and channels - -- Shortening of product/service Life Cycles - -- Customers choice of global service providers - -- Consolidation within Financial Services and across other industry groups - -- Entry of new, nimble, non-traditional players - -- Stranded Assets -- Sunk cost of architecture and hardware -- Information stovepipes and old applications -- Dated people skills -- psychical plans - -- Lack of meaningful measures of success - -- Which customers should the client seek and retain - -- Which products and services should the client be selling to its customers - -- The struggle to determine the way forward -- How much to invest and where? -- Where to get the management bandwidth and skilled people? -- What are the costs and risks of changing versus not changing? -- How to get projects completed successfully? [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 4 NOTES SERVICES STRATEGY - ------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- MISSION: To be the world leader in technologies that enable our clients to attract and retain customers by... -- managing customer and marketing information; -- getting products and services to market rapidly; and -- containing costs. - -- OBJECTIVES -- Sign and retain long-term profitable relationships -- Select our clients based upon a mutual fit of cultures and long-term goals -- Build a market reputation for delivering solutions oriented to our clients' customers -- Build and retain an integrated team of outstanding people with both technology and business skills -- Continue to evolve our business approach and offerings as the market changes - -- KEY STRATEGIC ELEMENTS -- Our industry view of what capabilities our clients need to attract and retain customers -- Our view of ourselves and the capabilities we need to help our clients attract and retain customers [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 5 NOTES Services Strategy (continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - GFS Strengths - Client relationship management o Industry knowledge [VARIOUS LOGOS] o Market orientation - Creative business construction - Big enough to play, yet very agile - Rapid time to market, on schedule, on budget delivery - Legacy systems development and operations - Client/server distributed network systems development and operations - Technical Expertise o Legacy-network integration o Internal/Intranet/E-commerce [GRAPHIC] o Imaging and work flow o Data mining/Data warehousing. [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 6 NOTES Services Strategy (continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Business Approach - Customer issues focus - Integrated solutions - Complete or concept, not price or product - Leverages existing success - Processes in place and core teams exist - Technology Approach - Build solutions that integrate technology and business strategy - Base solutions on reusable work products - Build utilities that take advantage of new opportunities for scale - Focus on client customer acquisition and retention - Make increased client revenue integral to our business model - Use advanced technologies to reduce time to market - Provide proven rapid cost containment from consolidation [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 7 NOTES Services Strategy (continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> - - Mission: To be the world leader in technologies that enable our clients to attract and retain customers by... getting products managing customer and services to and marketing market rapidly; information and containing costs - - Offerings: Domain Specific... 1 - Large-Scale Applications Development X X 2 - Infrastructure Management and Operations - Mainframe X X - Distributed 3 - Project Management X X X 4 - Process Enhancement X X X 5 - Security Improvement X X 6 - Architecture X X X </Table> [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] CRM - Driven by increasingly sophisticated and demanding customer expectations, financial institutions are becoming one-step, fully integrated providers while relying with increasing frequency on service utilities to provide non customer- facing transactions support. Able to... automate and integrate business processes develop data warehousing and data mining capabilities by building and maintaining: Customer Information Files (CIFs), as depositories of static customer data Marketing Customer Information Files (MCIFs) to promote proactive marketing activities Customer Information Systems (CIS), which integrates all data for modeling purposes leverage technical resources and non-proprietary applications by creating revenue generating service utilities Rapid Development - The compression of product life cycles, and the realization that competitive advantage is realized not so much through advanced technologies but through the ability to manage advanced technologies, is driving the demand for rapid development capabilities. Able to... implement business drive technology decisions by identifying business drivers and using these to make application and technology decisions develop enterprise computing architectures provide scalable development processes for: building applications that continue to be effective as system partners increase segmenting application or system development to enable several teams to work on discrete project issues, resulting in a cohesive effort as projects scale up trace requirements to object oriented building blocks through analysis, design, coding, integration and testing Consolidation - Globalization, vertical and horizontal consolidation, legacy to network migrations and increasingly sophisticated customer expectations are forcing enterprise solutions that fully integrate not only technologies but business processes and people. Able to... develop fully integrated strategic business, technology and people solutions replace intra-business functional stovepipes with more efficiently integrated, customer oriented processes relocate and integrate technology and resources to better achieve global capacity address and resolve cultural resistance in change Networked Environments - Client/server, distributed and open systems are gaining in sophistication, computing power and general popularity, currently as an extension of, but eventually as a legitimate alternative to, legacy systems. Able to... develop effective strategies for implementing network computing solutions reduce IT expenses, while delivering more complex and flexible infrastructures and applications deal with the network bandwidth explosion address rapidly growing network and systems management issues provide meaningful differentiation to enterprise capabilities while standardizing IT services, products and packages select best-of-breed packaged applications Legacy Systems - are still critical and will remain critical through the near future. Able to... maintain their current legacy systems integrate these systems with those obtained through acquisition and merger integrate these systems with new technologies (client/server, distributed systems) address Y2K and Euro conversion issues on all critical applications plan effective strategies to install more advanced and more flexible technologies migrate, in the longer run, away from the legacy environment Internet/Intranet/e-Commerce - The currently small but rapidly expanding and evolving digital marketplace requires multi-enterprise, platform independent digital connectivity and an expanded (i.e., an end-to-end) definition of the transaction. Able to... understand the key business ramifications of the Internet and make effective use of enterprise intranets build multi-enterprise digital commerce capabilities in a staged fashion based on user response to evolving marketplaces achieve momentum by building partnerships that will become the foundation of a broadening set of services as marketplaces evolve foster "Long Running Transaction" activities, including: the gathering of information about products the search for products which meet a set of criteria negotiating terms with a vendor product acceptance post-purchase reconciling the invoice, packing slip, and purchase order supplier evaluation [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 8 NOTES MARKET-FACING STRUCTURE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POTENTIAL VALUE OF THE RELATIONSHIP [GRAPHIC] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 9 NOTES Background Information - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Gaps in Prospective Client Organizations The Opportunity [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 10 NOTES Resource Requirements - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 11 NOTES Resource Requirements (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 12 NOTES Resource Requirements (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 13 NOTES Resource Requirements (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 14 NOTES Resource Requirements (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 15 NOTES [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travel Industry Group Strategy Overview May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 1 NOTES Travel Industry Overview - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The travel industry business model is changing...... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 2 NOTES OUR STRATEGIC FOCUS... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....has narrowed from many industry segments to two [GRAPHIC] Travel Industry Group Strategy [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 3 May, 1998 NOTES OUR TEAM IS FOCUSED ON THE RIGHT OPPORTUNITIES..... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAVEL INDUSTRY GROUP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM Bill Doody CAR RENTAL HOSPITALITY Bill Doody Barry Kotar David Joslin St. John Murphy SUPPORT CONSULTING Lillian Hartung Robert Verasdonck Jim Kathman Dick Nauman (industry consultant) Travel Industry Group Strategy [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 4 May, 1998 NOTES BALANCING STRATEGIC SELLING AND OPPORTUNISM - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WE WILL REMAIN OPPORTUNISTIC/MARKET FOCUSED - it has driven the business so far - interesting opportunities will always present themselves * TO DRIVE AN 'ACTIVE SALES ENGINE' WE ALSO MUST BE STRATEGIC - create capabilities to match market opportunity - target sell - sustainable growth for '98 and beyond Travel Industry Group Strategy [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 5 May, 1998 NOTES THE CAR RENTAL INDUSTRY Travel Industry Group Strategy [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 6 May, 1998 NOTES Our Strategy in Car Rental.... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is centered around Greenway Other car rental companies? Europcar ??? National Australia Done - 1992 ??? Greenway National Done - 1997 (our proprietary ??? CarTemps car rental system) Alamo -- selling ??? ??? National Europe Information Utility Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 7 NOTES Our current focus in the car rental industry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Republic business strategy..."cradle to grave" auto's Financing Car Rental Car Manufacturers AutoNation Dealership Service Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 8 NOTES Our current focus in the car rental industry... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on Republic Industries' Auto Rental Group (ARG) Key Business Issues o Multiple Brands National o Alamo Strategic Direction (Business) o 98 profitability improvement ================================== Alamo are being addressed by (Leisure) the Consulting Group o signed $3m contract - Jan 98 National Europe (Europe) CarTemps (Replacement) Key Technology Issues o implementing odyssey o shared services ============================= .....are being addressed by Sales & Operation Teams Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 9 NOTES New business opportunity in car rental..... - ------------------------------------------------------------ ......a car rental industry utility (CHART) Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 10 NOTES The Hospitality Industry Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 11 NOTES Key issues in the hospitality industry - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Industry is consolidating (new people, new money) -Starwood/Westin/Sheraton Hilton/Hilton Int -HFS (Days, HoJo, Ramada) Marriott/Renaissance -Promus/Doubletree Pegasus/HCC/Thisco - -Hotel system integration-an industry problem -CRS/PMS providers are small, unstable and fragmented - -Hotels need the CRS systems to evolve....... -into customer focused systems to build customer loyalty -into integrated sales and marketing systems Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 12 Our Strategy in the hospitality industry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Influence "new breed of hotel owners" -leverage Perot Systems' technical expertise -leverage Perot Sytems' hotel industry expertise -manage consolidation/integration challenges - -Address hotel integration needs -leverage Perot Systems' system integration capabilities - -Build a 'breakthrough' hotel system -Work with a partner -Develop integrated Property Management System (PMS)/Central Reservation System (CRS) Travel Industry Group Strategy Map, 1994 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 13 NOTES OUR CURRENT FOCUS IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [logo] STARWOOD LODGING 116 hotels - multiple brands Purchased - 1997 Closed - Feb '98 [LOGO] $500K Study - Jan '98 [LOGO] 110 hotels 450 hotels '97 rev = $5 million '98 rev = $8 million OUR RECOMMENDATION - Select one system (Sheraton) - Consolidate in one data center - Reduce cost - Develop "future" system to drive revenue growth - Select Perot Systems as a partner Travel Industry Group Services May 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 14 NOTES NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN HOSPITALITY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the industry move from... to... Discrete expensive systems and Distributed systems interfaces decreasing functionality transparently connected Customer [CHART] [CHART] Customer Customer Travel agent Data Mining Travel agent Internet [CHART] Internet Network Switch CRO [CHART] [CHART] CRO Hotel Complex Res. Office [CHART] [CHART] Res. Center [CHART] Travel industry group strategy May 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 15 NOTES Travel Industry Group Performance ('96-'98) . . . A comparison of Actual vs. Plan - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GRAPH] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 16 NOTES Financial - Comparison to Industry Peer Group Incubating industry groups only . . . - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CHART] [CHART] Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 17 NOTES Financials - Comparison to all Industries Exclusive of GFS . . . - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CHART] [CHART] Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 18 NOTES Travel Industry Group Service Design - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales Funnel May 1998 [GRAPH] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 19 Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 NOTES Our current and potential clients in car rental . . . - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are pushing Perot Systems toward industry dominance Rank Company Mkt Share(*) Ownership IT Provider ---- ------- ------------ --------- ----------- 1 Hertz 24% IPO Internal 2 Avis 22% Cendant Wizcom 3 Alamo 13% Republic Perot 4 National 13% Republic Perot 5 Budget 10% Private Wizcom 6 Enterprise 6% Private Internal 7 Dollar 4% Dollar Thrifty Group Perot 8 Thrifty 2% Dollar Thrifty Group Perot (*) 1997 Airport Market Share (airport rentals account for 92% of total rentals) Source: Auto Rental News' 1998 Fact Book Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 20 NOTES Our current and potential customers in hospitality . . . - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- would form a diverse portfolio of hotel companies [GRAPH] Travel Industry Group Strategy May, 1998 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 21 NOTES [ENERGY LOGO] Energy Strategy Executive Summary (April 27th Version) [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 1 NOTES What are we trying to accomplish and, over what time frame? The Challenge..... [GRAPH] <Caption> 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Annual Revenue ($M): 54 53 96 98 118 141 169 203 Base Revenue ($M): 38 43 40 50 60 101 116 146 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backlog ($M): 332 291 280 260 420 390 550 460 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rev Growth Rate (%): 25 17 55 0 20 20 20 20 Base Growth Rate (%): 25 13 (16) 25 20 68 15 26 Operating Margin (%): 23 24 24 25 22 23 24 25 2 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES What are we trying to accomplish and over what time frame? IT and Services Portfolio... [CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 3 NOTES How Is This Different From What We Are Doing Today? PSC's Current Energy Practice.... - Formulated 1992 - Accounts 5 (EME, SCE, C&SW, ISO, PX) - People 750 - Growth CAGR 27% - 1997 Highlights - Growth 55% - Revenue >10% PSC - Account of Reference - Significance - First Outsource in U.K. - At the "pit face" of U.K. deregulation - Built USA's fist retail ISO in California - Heavily involved in forefront of Calif deregulation - leading US market - Highly visible industry subject matter experts. 4 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES How Is This Different From What We Doing Today? Developing our Sales Services Pipelines [CHART] 5 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES What Is Our Vision of the World? The Energy Market Place... [CHART] - Capital Intensive - Financially Solid - Global Change - From Monopolistic to Open Markets - Consolidation - New Entrants Emerging - Processes Unbundling Annual IT Spend (Rate) - Chemicals 3.5 (7%) - Oil 4.5 (8%) - Mining 1.5 (2%) - Utility 6.0 (20%) * "Compliance", or market restructuring efforts, can be expected to significantly increase the Utilities' IT spending patterns 6 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES What Is Our Vision of the World? A Propensity for Change which will yield opportunities.... The future shape of things to come: Utilities will be forced to spend significant IT moneys to meet statutory market restructuring "compliance" requirements, e.g. "Rule of Thumb". $100 for @ customer. These expenditures are over and beyond normal annual IT spends. [GRAPH] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 7 NOTES Our New Approach & Why We Feel It Will Succeed. Our Focus..... * Exploit our knowledge of the deregulatory markets in U.K. and California to design & roll-out (4) integrated service offerings focused on developing significant replicable transaction-based services & annuity enterprises * Design and develop multi-industry strategic service offerings e.g. integrated Supply Chain Management, Settlements & Cleaning, etc., building upon PSC's strategic competencies * Create incubators for developing PSC's competencies in strategic delivery capabilities e.g. Software factory and off-shore application development production * Find and close a long-term anchor contract creating backlog to balance our service portfolio and providing a commercial platform from which we can build and develop our teams * Leverage our present relationships winning more of the business and technology services from our existing clients * Build information systems & infrastructures enabling our clients to adapt rapidly to market changes increasing their competitiveness and securing high return on IT investments * Select and develop 5 leaders to be delivered as Corporate leadership resources [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 8 NOTES OUR NEW APPROACH & WHY WE FEEL IT WILL SUCCEED. A MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY...... [CHANNELS TO MARKET CHART] [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 9 NOTES What Effect Will This Have On Our Client? The Value Proposition or What's In It For Me? <Table> <Caption> CEO PSC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SERVICE -REDUCED "TIME TO MARKET" -CREATION OF DIGITAL COMMERCE INFRASTRUCTURE: -LARGE SCALE COST VP, TRANSACTION ENGINE REPRODUCTION -LONG TERM SERVICE CONTRACTS & BACKLOG -CASHFLOW IMPROVEMENTS -FOUNDATIONS FOR INFOR CLEARINGHOUSE & OTHER VALUE-BASED ENTERPRISES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MARKET -STATUTORY LEGAL -CREATION OF BLUEPRINT FOR RESTRUCTURINGS COMPLIANCE REPEATABLE PROCESSES HIGH REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES -LEVERAGING ASSETS -POSITIONING FOR FUTURE TECH O/S -BUILDING "GROWTH" ACQUISITION ENGINES ENERGY TRADING -SIGNIFICANT -HIGH MARGIN & PERFORMANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN "HIGH STAKES" GAME -RISK MITIGATION -BASIS OF ALLIANCE WITH MARKET MAKERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. PROD & SVC -NEW REVENUE SOURCES -CREATE & OPERATE ANNUITY SERVICES INNOVATION -NEW MARKET ENTERPRISES -NEW SERVICE ENTERPRISES-ORGANIC GROWTH ENGINES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] NOTES [LOGO] What Are The Risks and Our Plan for Dealing With Them? Our Issues and Our Responses... ISSUES RESPONSES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Create Predictable Future - Develop (J) Synergic service offerings founded on market change & Revenue & Growth multi-industry applications - Compliance Engine: ServCo - Integrate Supply Chain Management - Settlements & Cleaning - Retail Systems & Infrastructure - Jointly develop "Enterprises" with our clients creating leveraged Intellectual Property and serving as future organic growth engines, e.g. EnerACT, OnSight =========================================================================================================================== - - Develop Processes to Produce - Create an EME "breakdown" for developing PSC's delivery responsibilities Predictable Delivery Results e.g. Software facility & offshore application development Leveraged Across PSC - Leverage the replacable & operable processes formed around the strategic service offerings =========================================================================================================================== - - "Source" the Resources & Talent - Develop a leadership pipeline for the industry group & the Required to Build and Lead the Business Corporation - Develop "solution" provider alliances - Create recruitment strategies & contingency development plans licensed around our strategic services offerings =========================================================================================================================== - - Address our Financial Exposure in - Sign new "long-term" European business eg., Rome, Eastern Group Having one client Comprising such - Sign on another business in USA with long-term revenue (5-10 years) a Large % of our Business - Establish a balanced portfolio of businesses across geographic and IT continuums - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 11 NOTES [LOGO] How Long Will It Take & What Will It Cost? Summary... WHAT ARE THE CHANNELS RESKILL & INVESTMENTS? TO MARKET REALIGN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Create Strategic Service Offerings: 1. Compliance Engine - Develop ServCo with - Incorporate ECOS & Web NT Sempre SAP or Oracle 2. Integrated Supply Chain - Develop with Shell - Establish a Supply Chain Competency Management 3. Settlement & Clearing - Target Call Industry Mkt - Leverage Benton's payments & cleaning expertise 4. Retail Systems & Infrastructure - LG&E(RAS): NGC, Sheet - ECOS structures & services ======================================================================================================================= - - Develop "Enterprises" & supporting service infrastructures for: 1. EnerACT with EnerSHOP - Joint Venture - Real-time SCADA talents 2. "Onsight" with EnerShop - Consortium/Perot Group - Doblin, web-technology, ECOS 3. "Home" Retail Services Advisor - Consortium Shell, NGC, - Doblin, web-technology, ECOS LG&E MCN, etc. ======================================================================================================================= - - Develop an "Anchor" Account in - LG&E, Sempra, NGC - Technology infrastructure & delivery the US ======================================================================================================================= - - Investigate Development of - LG&E LD, NGC - Trading Infrastructure Trading Back Office Service Offering - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PEROT SYSTEMS LOGO] 12