(CAL DIVE INTERNATIONAL, INC. LOGO)                                PRESS RELEASE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Cal Dive International, Inc.  o  400 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., Suite 400  o
          Houston, TX 77060-3500  o  281-618-0400  o  Fax: 281-618-0505

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     03-007
                                             CONTACT:         JIM NELSON
DATE: MAY 1, 2003                            TITLE:           VICE CHAIRMAN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


HOUSTON, TX - Cal Dive International, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDIS) reported first quarter
net income of $6.0 million or $0.16 per diluted share. Adoption of SFAS No. 143,
Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations, added $530,000 or one cent to first
quarter 2003 results. A year ago net income was $3.0 million or $0.09 per
diluted share. First quarter revenues of $88.9 million increased 65% over the
year ago quarter as the company is completing a $750 million, three-year capital
expansion plan.

Owen Kratz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cal Dive, stated, "The
countercyclical hedge provided by our strategic integration of subsea
contracting and oil & gas operations was particularly evident in first quarter
results. Earnings associated with last year's mature property acquisitions
carried the current quarter in contrast to a year ago when CDI contracting
operations provided 60% of our profitability. Our Deepwater initiatives at
Gunnison and Marco Polo remain on a schedule to come on line early next year.
The visibility and stability provided by our oil and gas business provided the
funding to expand our contracting revenues by 120% in just the last three

Mr. Kratz continued, "Offshore construction is a cyclical business. The Cal Dive
management team picked its way through the industry downturns in 1987, 1992 and
2000. In contrast to those earlier periods, today we have strong commodity
prices and a diversified asset base designed to weather the downdrafts. We are
satisfied with our position in the market and look forward to reaping the
harvest of our aggressive capital program."

Cal Dive International, Inc. is an energy service company specializing in well
operations and subsea construction. CDI operates a fleet of technically advanced
marine construction vessels and robotics worldwide and conducts salvage
operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy Resource Technology, Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary, acquires and operates mature and non-core offshore oil and gas

Certain statements in this press release are "forward looking statements" within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Forward-looking statements are neither statements of historical fact nor
guarantees of future performance or events. Forward-looking statements involve
risks and assumptions that could cause actual results to vary materially from
those predicted. Among other things, these include unexpected delays and
operational issues associated with turnkey projects, the price of crude oil and
natural gas, weather conditions in offshore markets, changes in site conditions
and capital expenditures by customers. For a more complete discussion of these
risk factors, see our Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for the year ended December
31, 2002, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company
strongly encourages readers to note that some or all of the assumptions upon
which such forward-looking statements are based are beyond the company's ability
to control or estimate precisely and may in some cases be subject to rapid and
material change.


                                                                     May 1, 2003


Earnings doubled our performance a year ago and our guidance for the first
quarter as marine contracting results were close to what we expected, enabling
significantly improved oil and gas income to flow through to the bottom line.
Despite that performance, our stock is trading at only 60% of its price a year
ago as investors question the outlook for offshore construction generally and
specifically whether Cal Dive can earn a decent return on its newly acquired
contracting assets. Our decision to invest $450 million in Deepwater assets
flows from a four-pronged strategy: (i) assemble a world class DP fleet to
establish credibility as a significant Deepwater contractor, (ii) add DP vessels
and services which target niche markets in addition to construction while
avoiding the risks of EPIC contracting, (iii) use these assets to establish a
first-in position in the emerging well operations market, and (iv) expand
life-of-field services on the OCS and in the North Sea. Each vessel and business
acquired was identified as an essential building block to sustain long term
growth. Our contracting businesses are expected to provide approximately 30% of
2003 profitability even in a depressed market, a contribution which is expected
to accelerate in 2004 and 2005 given our utilization leverage and weighting
toward late-cycle services. In the interim, our oil and gas operations continue
to perform at exceptional levels - the 43% return on invested capital in the
first quarter far exceeds those of most E&P companies and marine contractors. We
are confident that our asset base and business model will enable Cal Dive to
emerge from the current marine construction downcycle as one of the strongest
offshore players.


Net income that is 7% of a rapidly expanding revenue base distinguishes Cal Dive
from other offshore contractors and the uncertainties of the U.S. economy.

                                                    FIRST QUARTER
                                        2003             2002           INCREASE
                                    ------------     ------------     ------------
REVENUES                            $ 88,900,000     $ 53,928,000               65%
NET INCOME                             6,038,000        3,001,000              101%
DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE                  0.16             0.09               78%

*     REVENUES: An increase of $35 million reflects significantly higher oil and
      gas prices and production ($25 million) with the balance due to the
      addition of new Deepwater contracting assets.

*     MARGINS: 22% is nearly identical to the year-ago period even though lower
      returns from our Canyon robotics subsidiary and losses incurred in our
      North Sea operations caused contracting gross profit to decline by $6.7

*     SG&A: Overhead was in line with guidance, adding two points to operating
      margins; i.e. SG&A as a percent of revenues was 10% versus 12% a year ago.

*     LIQUIDITY: EBITDA of $26.3 million was 136% better than the cash
      generation of last year's first quarter. The EBITDA margin was just under
      30% versus 21% in Q1 of 2002.


*     DEEPWATER CONTRACTING: Achieved excellent utility of 77% even though we
      increased the size of our GOM Deepwater construction fleet from three DP
      vessels a year ago to five currently. Our ability to work vessels offshore
      Mexico and Trinidad as well as on the OCS produced gross profit margins of
      16%, more than double 2002 margins for the DP group. The UNCLE JOHN and
      WITCH QUEEN were both deployed in Mexican waters at full utility while the
      MYSTIC VIKING transited to Trinidad during the quarter to respond to an
      emergency pipeline leak. The INTREPID had a respectable 72 days of
      utilization while continuing to impress customers with her versatility and
      the best station-keeping footprint in our fleet. During the quarter she
      installed small diameter pipe and umbilicals, set a manifold and then
      served as the work platform for a unique salvage job. The ECLIPSE also
      worked 70 days with virtually all of that performing saturation diving
      services on the OCS. While CANYON revenues of $9.3 million were not too
      far off the $11 million generated in Q1 a year ago, gross profit declined
      by $3.0 million due to the loss of the telecom burial work and to low
      utility (45%) of the two robotic support vessels, the MERLIN in the GOM
      and the NORTHERN CANYON in the North Sea.

*     WELL OPERATIONS: The North Sea also proved a challenging environment for
      our Well Ops subsidiary as the SEAWELL achieved only 27 days of utility
      and encountered unanticipated site conditions on a project which involved
      plugging and abandoning four suspended wells. The net result was a loss of
      just under $3.0 million for the quarter. On a brighter note we have a
      solid backlog of work for the second quarter and expect that the SEAWELL
      will perform an all time record of well ops projects in 2003. Back in the
      U.S.A., the Q4000 operated at a small loss on utilization of 64 days as we
      offered introductory rates to expose the vessel to a broad range of
      customers. Following January's successful Troika work, the vessel
      installed jumpers at Falcon, an isolation sleeve at Pardner and performed
      several P&A projects before mobilizing to Gunnison late in the quarter. At
      Gunnison our flagship vessel is installing the mooring piles, the first
      time such work has been conducted from anything other than a heavy lift
      barge. The piles are 84 inches in diameter, 210 feet long and weigh 130
      tons each.

*     SHELF CONTRACTING: AQUATICA delivered almost exactly the same level of
      revenue and earnings as Q1 last year in a considerably more competitive
      market. Our shallow water services which target life-of-field services
      provide insulation from the volatility of new marine construction
      activity. However, the realities of winter weather and a soft Shelf
      construction market were more noticeable in the 54% utilization and lower
      returns from our saturation and anchored diving vessels. During the
      quarter we sold two of our smaller utility vessels at roughly breakeven
      and stacked the MR. SONNY.

*     OIL & GAS: Significantly improved ERT revenues and profitability were
      driven by a 135% increase in production and commodity prices that on
      average were up 55% over year ago levels. Production of 6.8 BCFe compared
      to 2.9 BCFe in the year ago quarter with oil representing 42% of the
      volumes produced vs. 34% in 2002. Virtually all of the improvement is a
      result of the four significant property acquisitions completed last year.
      The average commodity price received, net of hedges in place, was $5.22
      per mcf of natural gas and $28.67 per barrel of oil in contrast to
      $2.55/mcf and $20.50/bbl a year ago. In March ERT acquired Exxon/Mobil's
      interests in four fields we purchased last year from Williams. This $3.0
      million acquisition also enabled ERT to take over as operator at Brazos
      453. The only blemish on the quarter was that delayed well work resulted
      in 61% of first quarter natural gas volumes being sold at the hedged price
      of $4.21. That well work is now in full swing with ERT operating two jack
      up rigs and one platform rig. This well exploitation work should get our
      hedged volumes back to the 50% level targeted.

*     ACCOUNTING CHANGE: The cumulative effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 143,
      Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations, added one cent to first
      quarter earnings. Much of the decommissioning obligation which CDI
      historically recorded on the face of our balance sheet is not scheduled
      until 2011. Because the new accounting standard requires that the
      liability be recorded on a discounted basis, adoption of SFAS 143 reduced
      the decommissioning obligation and related investment in oil and gas
      properties by approximately $25 million.

*     FORECAST: The accompanying appendix estimates second quarter diluted
      earnings per share in a range of 17 to 25 cents. Given that historically
      55% to 65% of contracting revenues come in the second half of the year, we
      reiterate our full-year earnings guidance of $1.00 to $1.20.

Respectfully submitted,

   /s/ OWEN E. KRATZ               /s/ MARTIN R. FERRON          /s/ S. JAMES NELSON, JR.          /s/ A. WADE PURSELL
     Owen E. Kratz                   Martin R. Ferron              S. James Nelson, Jr.              A. Wade Pursell
        Chairman                         President                    Vice Chairman             Chief Financial Officer
Chief Executive Officer          Chief Operating Officer



         This narrative sets forth current estimates of operating and financial
         data for the quarter ending June 30, 2003. These estimates and all of
         the assumptions upon which these estimates are based constitute FORWARD
         LOOKING STATEMENTS within the meaning of Section 27 A of the Securities
         Act of 1933, Section 21 E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
         the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although we
         believe that these forward looking statements are based on reasonable
         assumptions, a number of factors could affect the future results of the
         Company or the offshore oilfield industry generally, and could cause
         actual results to differ materially from those estimated. Those factors
         are set forth in more detail in our 2002 Form 10-K/A Annual Report
         filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, to which the reader
         is referred.


         o    VESSEL AVAILABILITY: Stronger than expected first quarter
              utilization delayed the scheduled regulatory inspections of the
              MYSTIC VIKING and MERLIN, both of which were completed during
              April. We may also elect to complete the U.S. Coast Guard
              inspection of the CAL DIVER I during this quarter in advance of
              the November expiration of her current certificate.

         o    CONTRACTING REVENUES: Expected in a range of $60 million to $70
              million with the improvement over the first quarter due
              principally to Well Ops UK and the Seawell backlog.

         o    COMMODITY PRICE HEDGES: We have hedged roughly half of our oil
              production at prices ranging from $26.50 to $26.82 per barrel and
              approximately 50% of natural gas volumes at an average of
              approximately $4.30 per mcf.

         o    OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION: 6.5 to 7.0 BCFe, in line with the first
              quarter as results from the current well exploitation program are
              expected to come on line in the third quarter.

         o    SG&A: Should run between $8.2 million and $8.7 million.

         o    INTEREST EXPENSE: Net interest and other is expected to range from
              $1.3 to $1.6 million.

         o    TAX RATE: 36% is above our historical 35% statutory rate due to a
              higher provision for foreign income taxes.

         o    SHARES OUTSTANDING: 37.5 million to 39 million fully diluted
              shares after giving recognition to the shares subject to
              conversion as a result of the convertible preferred stock issued
              in January.

         o    EPS: Diluted earnings per share are projected in a range of 17 to
              25 cents.

         o    PRODUCTION FACILITIES: The GUNNISON spar is on schedule for
              transit from Finland at the end of May with the Cal Dive subsea
              hookup scheduled for Q4. Similarly, the hull of the MARCO POLO
              tension-leg platform is scheduled to set sail from South Korea
              around the end of June with the facility expected to be installed
              near year-end.

         o    RETURN ON CAPITAL: The calculation of capital invested in our oil
              and gas business is as follows: beginning ERT equity ($67.4
              million) plus decommissioning liability ($67.4 million) less the
              amount of the liability pre-funded by cash advances to the parent
              ($38.2 million) yields an invested capital base of $96.6 million.
              ERT's first quarter net (after tax) income (before interest
              income/expense) of $10.3 million when annualized for four quarters
              results in a return of $41.6 million or 42.6% of its capital of
              $96.6 million.

                          CAL DIVE INTERNATIONAL, INC.


                                                                   Three Months Ended March 31,
(000's omitted, except per share data)                               2003                2002
- --------------------------------------                             --------            --------
Net Revenues:
      Marine Contracting                                           $ 54,229            $ 44,370
      Oil and Gas Production                                         34,671               9,558
                                                                   --------            --------
         Total Revenues                                              88,900              53,928
Cost of Sales:
      Marine Contracting                                             54,243              37,690
      Oil and Gas Production                                         15,461               5,120
                                                                   --------            --------
Gross Profit                                                         19,196              11,118
      Selling and Administrative                                      8,953               6,306
                                                                   --------            --------
Income from Operations                                               10,243               4,812
      Interest Expense, net & Other                                   1,101                 196
                                                                   --------            --------
Income Before Income Taxes                                            9,142               4,616
      Income Tax Provision                                            3,291               1,615
                                                                   --------            --------
Income Before Change in Accounting Principle                          5,851               3,001
      Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, net          530                   0
                                                                   --------            --------
Net Income                                                            6,381               3,001
      Preferred Stock Dividends and Accretion                           343                   0
                                                                   --------            --------
Net Income Applicable to Common Shareholders                       $  6,038            $  3,001
                                                                   ========            ========

Other Financial Data:
      Income from Operations                                       $ 10,243            $  4,812
      Depreciation and Amortization:
         Marine Contracting                                           7,825               4,308
         Oil and Gas Production (including accretion)                 8,203               2,005
                                                                   --------            --------
      EBITDA (1)                                                   $ 26,271            $ 11,125
                                                                   ========            ========

Weighted Avg. Shares Outstanding:
      Basic                                                          37,553              32,648
      Diluted                                                        37,601              32,932
                                                                   ========            ========

Net Income per Common Share
      Net Income Before Change in Accounting Principle             $   0.15            $   0.09
      Cumulative Effect Of Change in Accounting Principle          $   0.01            $   0.00
                                                                   --------            --------
      Net Income Applicable to Common Shareholders                 $   0.16            $   0.09
                                                                   ========            ========

      Net Income Before Change in Accounting Principle             $   0.15            $   0.09
      Cumulative Effect Of Change in Accounting Principle          $   0.01            $   0.00
                                                                   --------            --------
      Net Income Applicable to Common Shareholders                 $   0.16            $   0.09
                                                                   ========            ========

(1)   The Company calculates EBITDA as earnings before net interest expense,
      taxes, depreciation and amortization. EBITDA is a supplemental financial
      measurement used by CDI and investors in the marine construction industry
      in the evaluation of its business due to the measurement being similar to
      operating cash flow.



(000'S omitted)                     March 31, 2003      Dec. 31, 2002
- ---------------                     --------------      -------------
Current Assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents     $        2,432      $       2,506
      Accounts receivable                   89,853             75,418
      Other current assets                  29,717             28,266
                                    --------------      -------------
Total Current Assets                       122,002            106,190

Net Property & Equipment
      Subsea and salvage                   425,576            418,056
      Oil and Gas                          154,570            178,295
Goodwill                                    79,069             79,758
Other Assets                                90,569             84,733
                                    --------------      -------------
Total Assets                        $      871,786      $     867,032
                                    ==============      =============


                                    March 31, 2003      Dec. 31, 2002
                                    --------------      -------------
Current Liabilities:
        Accounts payable            $       62,554      $      62,798
        Accrued liabilities                 35,812             34,790
        Current Mat of L-T Debt              4,291              4,201
                                    --------------      -------------
Total Current Liabilities                  102,657            101,789

Long-Term Debt                             214,934            223,576
Deferred Income Taxes                      108,374            102,230
Decommissioning Liabilities                 68,235             92,420
Redeemable Stock & Other                     9,518              9,500
Convertible Preferred Stock                 24,213                  0
Shareholders' Equity                       343,855            337,517
                                    --------------      -------------
Total Liabilities & Equity          $      871,786      $     867,032
                                    ==============      =============