[Portions herein identified by ** have been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment and have been filed separately with the Commission
pursuant to Rule 24b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934]

                          ACQUISITION MASTER AGREEMENT

      MASTER AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made as of January 22, 2003, by and THE
TRAVEL CHANNEL, L.L.C. ("TRV"), a Delaware corporation, with offices at 7700
Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, on the one hand, and WORLD POKER
TOUR L.L.C. ("Grantor"), with offices at 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Formosa
Building, Suite 99, West Hollywood, CA 90046, on the other hand.

      TRV wishes to license from Grantor, and Grantor wishes to license to TRV,
ceratin rights in program(s) in accordance with the terms set forth herein and
in the Standard Terms and Conditions set forth in Exhibit A and the
attachment(s) ("Attachment(s)") to be attached hereto. Defened terms used in
this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit B.

      Now therefore, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual
promises and covenants contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

I.    Program:

      The Program(s) licensed are set forth in the applicable attachment.

II.   License Fee:

      TRV shall pay the License Fee set forth in the applicable Attachment in
accordance with the payment terms set forth therein.

III.  Grant of Rights:

      TRV shall have the exclusive right, license and privilege to exhibit,
market, distribute, transmit, perform and otherwise exploit each Program an
unlimited number of times on any DCI Service in the media ("Media") and
territory ("Territory") and for the License Period ("Exhibition Period") set
forth in the application Attachment.

IV.   Erasure

      Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, TRV shall erase or
destroy all copies of the Materials in its possession.

V.    Standard Terms and Conditions

      The parties agree that the Standard Terms and Conditions attached hereto
as Exhibit A, the definitions attached hereto as Exhibit B and all Attachments
shall be deemed as part of this Agreement.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
date set forth below.


WORLD POKER TOUR, L.L.C.                                      THE TRAVEL CHANNELL, L.L.C.

By:  /s/ Steven Lipscomb                                      By:  /s/ Daniel W. Russell
   --------------------------------------------------            -------------------------------------------------

Printed Name:   Steven Lipscomb                               Printed Name:  Daniel W. Russell
             ----------------------------------------                      ---------------------------------------

Title:  CEO                                                   Title:  V. P. Programming
      -----------------------------------------------               ----------------------------------------------

Date:  2/28/03                                                Date:
     ------------------------------------------------              -----------------------------------------------


By:  /s/ Michael Cascio

Printed Name:  Michael Cascio

Title:  EVP/GM

Date:   3/6/2003

                               Exhibit B - Page 2


                           AND WORLD POKER TOUR L.L.C.

                          DATED AS OF JANUARY 22, 2003

                                    EXHIBIT A

                          STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS

      The following terms and conditions shall apply to the Agreement to which
this Exhibit is attached:

      1.    OPTION

      Unless otherwise set forth in the applicable Attachment, TRV shall have
two (2) exclusive option(s) ("Option(s)") to extend the License Period for the
Programs, individually or collectively, in any or all of the Territories for an
additional period of one (1) year (the "Option Period"), upon the same terms and
conditions set forth herein and at the Option Fee specified in the applicable
Attachment. Such Option shall be exercised by written notice to Grantor not
later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the then current License Period or
Option Period, as the case may be.

      2.    EXCLUSIVITY

      Except as permitted by TRV hereunder, no Program, nor any elements or
versions thereof, shall be exhibited within the Territory during the License
Period by means of Television.

      3.    MATERIALS

      3.1 Grantor shall, at Grantor's expense, deliver to DCI, all of the
program materials ("Materials") set forth in Exhibit B to the Attachment for
each Program at the address set forth in the applicable Attachment, or such
other address as TRV may designate, no later than the Delivery Date specified in
such Attachment.

      3.2 TRV shall examine the Materials within sixty (60) days after receipt
to determine if the Materials comply with all applicable TRV standards. If the
Materials do not comply with such standards in any respect, TRV shall have the
right to correct such defects at the Grantor's reasonable cost, or to require
Grantor to replace promptly the unacceptable Materials. TRV agrees that if, TRV
determines, in its sole discretion, that time permits, it shall contact Grantor
and require Grantor to replace promptly the unacceptable materials prior to
undertaking to correct such defects itself. If TRV corrects the problem, TRV may
either (i) offset the costs incurred by TRV against the License Fee payable to
Grantor, or (ii) bill Grantor for such costs and Grantor shall promptly
reimburse TRV for any such costs upon receipt of DCI's invoice. TRV may make
such copies of the Materials as it shall require to exercise its rights

      3.3 Delivery of all the Materials by the Delivery Date for each Program is
of the essence of this Agreement. In the event of any failure of timely delivery
by Grantor, in addition to any other rights which it may have, TRV shall have
the right to immediately terminate this Agreement as it relates to the
applicable Program, or if DCI, in its discretion, elects to accept such Program,
TRV may reschedule the start of the License Period, in DCI's sole discretion.

                               Exhibit A - Page 1

The Materials delivered to TRV hereunder shall be duplicate copies, and TRV
expressly disclaims liability for any damage or loss to any original master
delivered by Grantor to DCI.


      4.1 TRV shall have no obligation to Grantor to exercise any or all of its
rights hereunder, and for each Program, TRV shall have fully discharged its
duties hereunder by paying Grantor the applicable License Fee specified in the

      4.2 In making payment of the License Fee provided in the applicable
Attachment, TRV shall withhold all taxes that may be required to be withheld. If
TRV fails to withhold any taxes, TRV may (a) require Grantor to reimburse TRV in
the amounts that should have been withheld; or (b) deduct the amounts that
should have been withheld from future payments (if any).


      5.1 DCI, its subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives and agents shall
have the right:

            (a) To advertise, promote, and publicize the Program, TRV and/or
DCI's affiliated programming services worldwide in all medial including theme
parks ("Publicity"). Publicity may incorporate any elements from the Program and
elements created by or for DCI. In connection therewith, Grantor will deliver to
TRV a reasonable quantity of publicity materials, including but not limited to
pressbooks, artwork, slides and seals. DCI's right to use the publicity
materials hereunder include, without limitation, use in connection with industry
awards events which feature the Program during or after the License Period. No
use hereunder shall constitute an endorsement of any other product or service.

            (b) To edit, modify or alter the Program in any manner, including
but not limited to the right to dub subtitle and/or voiceover in any language
and other customizations, and to include the Program as part of an anthology or
series of programs under the Program's title or another title provided that any
Program included as part of an anthology or series must be shown in its
entirety. TRV shall own all elements it creates ("TRV Program Elements").

      5.2 Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Attachment, TRV shall
have the right to edit, remove, and/or reposition the Program credits, provided
TRV with exhibit the customary credits (e.g. writer, producer, director,
talent). TRV shall have the right to include credits for TRV production
personnel in connection with the Program. The total running length of program
credits, including TRV credits, shall not exceed thirty (30) seconds. Casual or
inadvertent failure by TRV to accord any credit shall not be deemed to a
material breach. Upon written notice TRV shall take reasonable steps to
prospectively cure any credit defeat.

      6.    WARRANTIES

      Grantor hereby represents and warrants as follows:

      6.1 Grantor has the right to enter into this Agreement and perform all
obligations hereunder.

                               Exhibit A - Page 2

      6.2 To the extent applicable and unless otherwise set forth in the
applicable Attachment, each Program licensed hereunder shall be documentary in
nature and shall not contain any endorsement of any product or service. In order
to maintain DCI's worldwide reputation as a premier source of highly credible,
non-fiction programming, all statements of fact contained in the Program(s)
shall be true and accurate and shall be substantiated by adequate research in
keeping with generally accepted standards for first-class documentary film
makers. Moreover, all dramatizations and reenactments shall be clearly
identified as such. Without limiting any additional rights TRV may have under
this Agreement, Grantor shall assume all costs reasonably incurred by TRV in
order to correct any factual inaccuracies contained in the Program as of the
date of delivery.

      6.3 Grantor has paid or will pay all charges, taxes, license fees and
other amounts that have been or may become owed in connection with each Program
or the exercise of any rights granted herein and there are no pending claims,
liens, charges, restrictions or encumbrances on any Program or on such rights.

      6.4 The exercise of the rights granted herein by TRV and its successors,
licensees, and assignees will not violate any law, regulation or right of any
kind whatsoever or give rise to any actionable claim or liability. Each Program
is free of any moral rights or comparable obligations to any third party.

      6.5 No claims have been made or are pending against Grantor or any other
individual or entity arising out of any exhibition of the Program, if any such
exhibition has been made.

      TRV hereby represents and warrants as follows:

      6.6 TRV has the right to enter into this Agreement and perform all
obligations hereunder. The person executing this agreement on behalf of TRV is
fully empowered to do so.

      6.7 TRV shall exercise only those rights granted to TRV hereunder and
shall not permit any use of the Programs in any manner which is inconsistent
with the provisions of this Agreement.

      6.8 There is no present or threatened litigation which might impair TRV's
ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

      7.    INDEMNITY

      Each party shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless the other party,
its affiliates, licensees, assignees and parent, subsidiary and affiliated
companies, and the officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents of
all such entities against and from any and all claims, damages, liabilities ,
costs and expenses (including without limitation, reasonable outside counsel
fees and disbursements) arising out of any breach or alleged breach by it of any
representation, warranty or other provisions hereof. In the event of any claim
or service of process upon a party involving the indemnification hereinbefore
set forth, the party receiving such notice shall promptly notify the other of
the claim. The indemnifying party will promptly adjust, settle, defend or
otherwise dispose of such claim at its sole cost. If it so elects, the
indemnified party shall have the right as its sole cost to engage its own
counsel in connection

                               Exhibit A - Page 3

with such claim. In the event that the indemnitee determines that the indemnitor
is not diligently and continuously defending any such claim, the indemnitee
shall have the right, on its own behalf and as attorney-in-fact for indemnitor,
to adjust, settle, defend or otherwise dispose of such claim. Any cost incurred
by the indemnitee in connection therewith shall be promptly reimbursed by the
indemnitor, and if the indemnitor fails to so reimburse the indemnitee, the
indemnitee shall be entitled to deduct such amounts from any other sums payable
to the indemnitor under the Agreement.


      8.1 Grantor shall take all reasonable steps to protect all copyrights
pertaining to each Program from infringement and will institute such action and
proceedings as may be reasonable to prevent any unauthorized use, reproduction,
exhibition or exploitation by third parties of each Program or any part thereof,
or the material on which the Program is based which may be in contravention of
the rights granted to TRV hereunder.

      8.2 If Grantor elects not to take any action in the event of any
infringement of copyright or of TRV's rights hereunder, Grantor shall so notify
TRV promptly and TRV shall have the right, but not the obligation, to take such
action as TRV shall deem reasonable in the circumstances. In the event that
Grantor elects not to take any action in the event of any infringement of
copyright or of TRV's rights hereunder, Grantor hereby appoints TRV its
attorney-in-fact to act in its name to prevent any unauthorized use,
reproduction, exhibition or exploitation of any Program or any part thereof. Any
damages awarded or settlement payments made as a result of any action taken by
TRV shall remain DCI's property.

      9.    INSURANCE

      Grantor shall secure a policy of Producer's (Errors and Omissions)
liability insurance applicable to the exhibition of the Program hereunder,
having limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, $3,000,000 in the
aggregate, and a deductible of no more than $10,000, with respect to each loss
or claim involving the same offending act, failure to act, or matter whether
made by one or more persons and regardless of frequency of repetition relating
to the Program and insuring Grantor against all liability assumed by Grantor
hereunder. Such policy shall be secured at Grantor's own cost and shall be
maintained throughout the License Period. The insurance obtained by Grantor
pursuant to this paragraph 9 shall name TRV as an additional insured. Promptly
after securing such policy but in no event later than the Delivery Date, Grantor
shall furnish TRV with a customary certificate attesting to such insurance and
outlining its terms and limits.


      Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any partnership or joint
venture between the parties. Neither party may make binding commitments on the
part of the other, except as otherwise specifically agreed hereunder. This
Agreement is not for the benefit of any third party not a signatory hereto and
shall not be deemed to give any right or remedy to such party whether referred
to herein or not.

                               Exhibit A - Page 4

      11.   NOTICES

      Notices shall be in writing and delivered by personal delivery: first
class certified or registered mail, return receipt requested; U.S. Express Mail
or an express overnight service (such as Federal Express); telecopier (with
confirmation and concurrent mailing), addressed as set forth in the Agreement or
such other address designated by a party in writing. Notice shall be deemed to
have been given when actually received.

      12.   DEFAULT

      If Grantor defaults in the performance fog any of its material obligations
hereunder (with the exception of a default in deliver which is covered in
paragraph 3.3 hereof) and such default shall not be cured within ten (10) days
after written notice thereof to Grantor, or if Grantor becomes insolvent, or if
a petition under any bankruptcy act shall be filed by or against Grantor which
petition, if filed against Grantor, shall not have been dismissed within sixty
(60) days thereafter, or if Grantor executes and assignment for the benefit of
creditors, or if a receiver is appointed for the assets of Grantor, or if
Grantor takes advantage of any insolvency or any other like statute (any of the
above acts are hereinafter called "Event of Default"), then TRV may, in addition
to any and all other rights which it may have against Grantor, terminate this
Agreement by giving written notice to Grantor at any time after the occurrence
of an Event of Default. Notwithstanding such termination, warranties and
representations set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect.


      13.1 This Agreement contains the entire understanding and supersedes all
prior understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter herein
and this Agreement cannot be changed or terminated except in a writing executed
by both parties. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the
prior written consent of the other. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party
may assign this Agreement to a parent subsidiary or affiliate or to a company to
which either party is sold or into which either party is merged or consolidated;
provided such assignments shall not relieve the assigned party of its
obligations hereunder. Each party will upon the other's request, promptly
furnish to the other copies of such agreements or other documents as the other
may reasonably desire in connection with any provisions of this Agreement.

      13.2 All provisions hereof shall be kept strictly confidential by the
parties and may not be disclosed without prior written consent (except that each
party may disclose such matters, to the extent reasonably necessary, to its
attorneys, auditors, consultants, shareholders and other fiduciaries, provided
such fiduciaries commit in writing to abide by the confidentiality provisions
set forth in this subparagraph). Grantor shall not issue any non-incidental or
derogatory public or press statements about the Program in the Territory without
DCI's prior written permission.

      13.3 If either party is materially hampered from performing hereunder by
reason of any law, natural disaster, labor controversy, war, or any similar
event ("Force Majeure") failure to perform shall not be deemed a breach of or
default under this Agreement and neither party shall be liable to the other
therefore. If a Force Mejeure continues for more than four (4) weeks, then upon
notice, TRV may terminate this Agreement as it relates to the applicable Program

                               Exhibit A - Page 5

further liability to Grantor, except for appropriate payment or adjustment in
regard to payments to be made hereunder. If any, prior to termination.

      13.4 This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the
State of New York. Grantor and TRV hereby consent to and submits to the
jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in the State of New York.
Grantor and TRV waive any defenses based upon lack of personal jurisdiction or
venue, or inconvenient forum.

      13.5 If any provision herein is unenforceable then such provision shall be
of no effect on any other provision hereof.

      13.6 No waiver of any breach hereof shall be deemed a waiver of any other
breach hereof.

      13.7 Rights and remedies granted to TRV hereunder are cumulative. The
exercise of one shall not diminish or affect any other rights or remedies at law
or in equity. Grantor's sole remedy under this Agreement shall be an action at
law for damages: Grantor shall not be entitled to equitable relief.

      13.8 Grantor acknowledges that the names and marks "DSC", "Discover
Channel", "TLC", and any other TRV (or any DCI subsidiary or affiliate)
trademarks and any logos and variations incorporating the same, are as between
Grantor and TRV the exclusive property of TRV and that Grantor has not and will
not acquire any proprietary or exploitation rights thereto by reason of the
Agreement unless expressly provided for herein.

                               Exhibit A - Page 6


                           AND WORLD POKER TOUR L.L.C.

                          DATED AS OF JANUARY 22, 2003

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                  DEFINED TERMS


      (i) "DCI Services" shall mean any content services in which Discovery
Communications, Inc. ("DCI") has an ownership interest or controls or shares
content decisions, or to which DCI supplies content to be packaged with a DCI
trademark or logo including the Discovery Channel logo. TLC logo, Animal Planet
logo, Travel Channel logo, Discovery Health logo, Discovery Kids logo,
discovery.com logo, Discovery HD Theater logo or any other DCI logo or

      (ii) "Direct Response Home Video" shall mean the distribution, licensing,
sale, rental, and/or exploitation via any analog or digital medium (e.g. without
limitation, video cassettes, DVDs, digital videodiscs, compact videodiscs or in
any other analogous format now known or hereafter invented), directly to
consumers via any DCI-controlled outlet (including, without limitation, any TRV
services, any DCI-controlled catalogue and any DCI-controlled retail store), for
private viewing of the visual images and synchronized audio-track by means of
playback device which causes a visual image on the screen of a television
receiver, computer or comparable device, where both the playback device and the
receiver are located in the same location.

      (iii) "Home Video" shall mean the distribution, licensing sale, rental
and/or exploitation via any analog or digital medium (e.g., without limitation,
video cassettes, DVD's, digital videodiscs, compact videodiscs or in any other
analogous format now known or hereafter invented) for private viewing of the
visual images and synchronized audio-track by means of playback device which
causes a visual image on the screen of a television receiver, computer or
comparable devices, where both the playback device and the receiver are located
in the same location.

      (iv) "Institution Non-Theatrical Media" shall mean the distribution,
exhibition, licensing, sale, rental and/or exploitation on video cassettes,
videodiscs, closed circuit or in any other analogous format, now known or
hereafter invented to schools, libraries, churches, museums, summer camps,
private businesses and other markets customarily referred to as "school",
"educational", "instructional" or "institutional": provided, institutional
Non-Theatrical Media shall not include any distribution to any person, entity or
venue (including but not limited to those described above) for any exploitation
or exhibition to audiences where a charge for admission is made.

      (v) "Non-Standard Television" shall mean transmission to individual or
multiple receivers by all means of technology, whether now existing or hereafter
invented other than Standard Television. "Non-Standard Television" shall
include, without limitation, transmission by means of cable, direct broadcast
satellite, pay DTT, LFTV, CATV, SMATV, MMDS, TVRO,

                               Exhibit B - Page 1

microwave, wireless cable, online, DSL, ADSL, via file server, telephonic
scrambled UHF, super stations and closed circuit television systems.

      (vi) "On-Line Rights" shall mean the right to reproduce, copy, modify,
adapt, create derivatives, use or otherwise exploit all or any portion of the
Program, elements and/or versions thereof in combination with or as a composite
of other consent of any nature, including but not limited to, text data,
photographs, illustrations and/or video or audio segments or any combination of
the foregoing, and to transmit or deliver the resulting combination or composite
production by means of any telecommunications system or any broadcast technology
(whether now known or hereafter developed) whether analog or digital, capable of
reception and display on and/or through electronic devices (e.g. personal
computers, network computers, televisions, handheld devices, cell phones or
other reception devices whether now known or hereafter devised) using a central
processing unit to access content, irrespective of whether such networks or
devices are open or proprietary, public or private or whether a fee is charged
or a subscription or membership is required in order to access such networks or
devices. For the avoidance of doubt this encompasses, without limitation, any
services distributed by means of the worldwide matrix of interconnecting
computers using the TCP/IP protocols or subsequent technologies and/or protocols
such as, but not limited to the "Internet" or "World Wide Web" or higher speed

      (vii) "Standard Television" shall mean television distribution by a UHF or
VHF television broadcast station or by unencrypted digital transmission, the
video and audio portions of which are intelligibly receivable without charge by
means of standard roof top or television, set built-in antennas; provided, for
purposes of this Agreement the broadcast like those in England by the SBC in
which a license fee, tax or similar charge is made for use of a television shall
be considered Standard Television. Without limiting the foregoing, Standard
Television shall include conventional, over-the-air television as well as the
collection of retransmission copyright royalties related thereto.

      (viii) "Television" shall mean all forms of Standard Television and
Non-Standard Television.

      (ix) "Transportation Non-Theatrical Media" shall mean the distribution,
licensing, sale, rental, and/or exploitation on video cassettes, videodiscs or
in any other analogous format now existing or thereafter invented, to airline,
rail, cruise and other markets customarily referred to as "In-flight" or
"transportation" (including, without limitation, air, rail or cruise
transportation bearing the flag of any country within the Territory or based in
any country within the Territory, traveling to any country within or outside the


      (i) "Africa Territory" shall mean Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana,
Burkina Feso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad,
Comoros Islands, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambler, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho,
Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mascerenes Islands, Mauritania,
Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion,

                               Exhibit B - Page 2

Rwanda, San Tome & Prinolpe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leona, Somalia, South
Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara,
Zalte, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

      (ii) "Canadian Territory" shall mean Canada, its territories,
commonwealths, instrumentalities and protectorates.

      (iii) "Caribbean Territory" shall mean Anguilla, Antigua, & Barbuda,
Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba,
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique,
Montserrat, Netherland Anilities, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, St.
Vincent & Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Calicos Islands, U.S. Virgin

      (iv) "Central/South Asian Territory" shall mean the following:
Afghanistan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macao,
Malaysian, Mongolia, Mauritius, Myanmar, North Korea, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Seychelles Islands, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand,

      (v) "European Territory" shall mean Albania, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria,
Commonwealth of Independent States, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Kingdom of Denmark, Latvia, Lithusola,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Sweden, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia (also known as Serbia and Montanegro).

      (vi) "German Territory" shall mean Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, Switzerland, South Tyrol.

      (vii) "Iberia Territory" shall mean Andorra, Portugal, Spain.

      (viii) "India Territory" shall mean Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

      (ix) "Italy Territory" shall mean Capodietria, Italy, Malta, San Marino,
Switzerland, Vatican City.

      (x) "Latin America Territory" shall mean Argentina, Belize, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands,
French Guyana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela and the Caribbean Territory (as
defined above).

      (xi) "Middle East Territory" shall mean Armco, Bahrain, Cyprus, Iran,
Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

      (xii) "North American Territory" shall mean the United States Territory
and the Canadian Territory.

      (xiii) "Pacific Rim Territory" shall mean Australia, New Zealand, American
Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati Islands, Marshall
Islands, Microneala,

                               Exhibit B - Page 3

Nauru, New Caledonia, Nive, North Mariana Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands,
Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Fortuna Islands, Western Samoa.

      (xiv) "UK Territory" shall mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain,
Northern Ireland, Eire, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

      (xv) "United States Territory" shall mean the United States, its
territories, possessions, commonwealths, instrumentalities, protectorates and
military bases.

                               Exhibit B - Page 4

                                     Page 1
                           ATTACHMENT FOR NEW PROGRAM

    1041 North Formosa Avenue, Formosa Building, Suite 99, West Hollywood, CA

      1.    PROGRAMS

TITLE:   EPISODE              COM,         MEDIA                  TERRITORY     LICENSE PERIOD              LICENSE FEE
NAME                          RUN
World Poker Tour:  A          120:00       Non-Standard           United        With respect to the          **
13-event poker league         minutes      Television on any      States        United States
culminating in the World                   DCI Service            Territory     Territory, *commencing
Poker Tour championship.                                                        on the earlier of (a)
(13 episodes)                                                                   the first exhibition
                                                                                of the applicable
                                                                                episode in the
                                                                                relevant Territory;
                                                                                and (b) the date July
                                                                                1, 2003.

                                                           TOTAL LICENSE FEE: **


      The Program Materials shall be delivered in accordance with Exhibit D
      attached hereto.


      The Total License Fee shall be payable in accordance with the Payment
      Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit C.

      4.    **

            A.    **

            B.    **

            C. In the event that Producer decides not to produce any Additional
      Program(s) itself and TRV expresses a desire to produce such Additional
      Programs itself or through a third party, Producer agrees to negotiate
      with TRV in good faith the terms for the use of Producer's copyrightable
      elements in such Additional Programs.

                                                                          Page 1

      5.    HOLDBACK

      Except as authorized by TRV hereunder, neither the Program, nor any
elements thereof (including outtakes) or versions thereof shall be exhibited on
Television in the United States Territory prior to or during the License Period.
TRV acknowledges and agrees that, in the event that TRV is not involved in the
production of the Additional Programs, Producer shall have the right to use up
to three minutes (3:00) of consecutive footage and up to five minutes (5:00) of
footage in the aggregate from the Program in, or in connection with, such
Additional Program.


      Grantor represents and warrants that the Program has not been and will not
be exhibited on any form of Television within the Territory prior to the
commencement of the License Period.

      7.    CREDITS

      A. The parties agree that the Program and all versions thereof shall
contain the production credit for TRV and Producer as set forth below in all
media in the Territory. At its option and expense, TRV may substitute another
TRV entity in the production credit or remove its credit.


      B. The parties agree that the Program and all versions thereof shall
contain the production credit for TRV in the end titles as set forth below in
all media outside of the Territory. At its option and expense, TRV may
substitute another TRV entity in the production credit or remove its credit.


      C. Producer shall receive an on-screen logo credit in the Program.

      D. Steven Lipscomb shall receive sole Executive Producer credit in the
Program. Notwithstanding the foregoing, TRV shall be entitled to include a
Network Executive Producer credit in the TRV credits section of the Program.

      E. Producer may remove the TRV credit outside of the United States
Territory only if Producer can demonstrate to TRV in writing that the TRV credit
would prevent sales of the Program to a third party.

      F. TRV agrees not to remove any of the credits listed in the Credit
Exhibit attached hereto ("Exhibit E"). Nothing herein shall restrict TRV's
ability to reposition or speed up the credits as set forth in the Master


      A. Neither party shall have the right to sell sponsorship rights (i.e.
"Sponsor presents . . .") to the first season of the Program. For purposes of
clarity, this clause is not meant to restrict any of DCI's other rights with
regards to the sales of its commercial inventory or any other type of ad sales.

                                                                          Page 2

      B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, TRV acknowledges and
agrees that the Program will include background banners naming the specific WPT
Charter Member Casino or hotel sponsoring the event is being filmed ("Hotel
Banners"). For purposes of clarity, TRV shall have the right to eliminate or
blur out the name and/or logo of any other entity on the Hotel Banner, if any.
No other advertisements or banners shall be included in the Program except to
the extent required by pre-existing agreements with the following sponsors:
Cardplayer Magazine, Cardplayer Cruises, Mountain Valley Spring Water, Mastriani
Fashions ("Vegas" Clothing Store), and Poker MBA (a book published by
Harper-Collins) banners.

      C. If TRV does not exhibit each episode of the Program at least two (2)
times by the latter of: (a) October 31, 2003, or (b) the date three (3) months
after delivery and acceptance of the final episode of the Program to TRV then
TRV's Non-Standard Television rights shall become non-exclusive.

      D. Producer acknowledges that TRV deems the provision by Producer of the
personal services of Steve Lipscomb as Executive Producer all times during and
in connection with the production of the Program is of the essence of this
Attachment and a material inducement to TRV entering into this Attachment.

      E. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Master
Agreement, TRV shall have the right to creative and editorial input throughout,
and approval over, all aspects of pre-production, production, post-production
and completion of the Program (the "Production Activities"). TRV may be present
during the Production Activities and shall designate person(s) as
representative(s) for production approvals required herein. Materials submitted
for approval shall be clearly indicated as such. TRV approvals shall be
exercised within ten (10) business days of receipt of material, except TRV shall
have a reasonable amount of time to approve final delivery of all Program
Materials; silence shall not be deemed an approval.

      F. The Program shall be delivered to TRV free of encumbrances (other than
music performance society payments to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and each of their
foreign affiliates) including, without limitation, liens, security interests,
collective bargaining agreements, residual or reuse obligations and moral rights
or attribution obligations so that TRV may exercise its rights hereunder without
any payments or obligations to any third party. Producer shall obtain written
releases and/or licenses for all elements in the Program (e.g. stock footage and
photos, people, music, graphics and other artwork, trademarks and locations) as
necessary to ensure that the Program is in compliance with the preceding
sentence ("Written Releases"). While Producer is solely responsible for the form
and substance of Written Releases, several sample releases, which may be used as
a general guide, are attached hereto as Exhibit C. Producer may not include in
the Program any encumbered elements without prior written approval from TRV.

      G. For purposes of clarity, Producer shall be entitled to promote and
publicize the World Poker Tour event itself or the individual events comprising
the World Poker Tour. Producer acknowledges and agrees that TRV shall have the
exclusive right to control the promotion and publicity regarding the Program.
TRV shall consult with Producer with regards to the form and content of press
releases created by TRV regarding the Program.

                                                                          Page 3

      H. TRV acknowledges and agrees that it has not, as a result of this
Agreement, or as a result of its exercise of any of its editorial approvals
hereunder, acquire an ownership interest in whole or in part in the Program or
the copyright therein.

      I. For purposes of clarity, TRV acknowledges and agrees that paragraph 1
of Exhibit A of the Master Agreement shall not apply to this Attachment.

      J. TRV acknowledges and agrees that it shall not have the right to
repurpose this Program.

      K. TRV acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of paragraph 6.2 of
Exhibit A of the Master Agreement shall only apply to the extent that factual
statements are being made by a narrator in a voiceover, or through on-screen
graphics but shall not apply to statements made by tournament participants.

      L. **


      The parties agree that except as expressly modified hereby, the Master
Agreement shall be ratified, confirmed and included herein. In the event of any
inconsistency between the terms of this Attachment and the Master Agreement, the
terms of this Attachment shall govern.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hereby execute this Attachment as
of the date first specified above.


WORLD POKER TOUR, LLC                                         THE TRAVEL CHANNEL, L.L.C.

By:  /s/ Steven Lipscomb                                      By:  /s/ Daniel W. Russell
   --------------------------------------------------            -------------------------------------------------

Printed Name:   Steven Lipscomb                               Printed Name:  Daniel W. Russell
             ----------------------------------------                      ---------------------------------------

Title:  CEO                                                   Title:  V. P. Programming
      -----------------------------------------------               ----------------------------------------------

Date:  2/28/03                                                Date:
     ------------------------------------------------              -----------------------------------------------


By:  /s/ Michael Cascio

Printed Name:  Michael Cascio

Title:  EVP/GM

Date:   3/6/2003

                                                                          Page 4

                               Exhibit C - Page 1
                          AND WORLD POKER TOUR, L.L.C.
                          DATED AS OF JANUARY 22, 2003

                                    Exhibit C

                                PAYMENT SCHEDULE

                               "WORLD POKER TOUR"

                                 January 6, 2003

      All payments hereunder are subject to satisfactory completion of the
      applicable Production Milestone and receipt of all contractually required
      cost accounting documentation per the Program Materials exhibit.


       1          Payable within 14 days of mutual execution of this               **
                  Agreement by both parties. (proof of production

       2          Payable on the delivery to and approval by DCI of                **                     **
                  proof of production insurance, program descriptions,
                  treatments, and rough cuts for programs 1-4, fine cuts
                  with scripts, draft credit lists, and promo reels for
                  programs 1&2, e-mailed Music Cue Sheets, with copies
                  of Title Report and/or E&O policy faxed to the PM,
                  program master, script materials, graphic reel and
                  DA-88s for program #1 (with production and legal

       3          Payable upon delivery to and approval by DCI of                  **                     **
                  program descriptions, treatments, and rough cuts for
                  programs 5&6, fine cuts with scripts, draft credit
                  lists, and promo reels for programs 3-5, e-mailed
                  Music Cue Sheets, program masters, script materials,
                  graphic reels and DA-88s for programs 2-4 (with
                  production and legal binders).

       4          Payable upon delivery to and approval by DCI of                  **                     **
                  program descriptions, treatments, and rough cuts for
                  programs 7-9, fine cuts with scripts, draft credit
                  lists, and promo reels for programs 6&7, e-mailed
                  Music Cue Sheets, program masters, script materials,
                  graphic reels and DA-88s for programs 5&6 (with
                  production and legal binders).

       5          Payable upon delivery to and approval by DCI of                  **                     **
                  program descriptions, treatments, and rough cuts for
                  program #10, fine cuts with scripts, draft credit
                  lists, and promo reels for programs 8-10, e-mailed
                  Music Cue Sheets, program masters, script materials,
                  graphic reels and DA-88s for programs 7&8 (with
                  production and legal binders).

                                                                Exhibit C Page 1


       6          Payable upon delivery to and approval by DCI of                  **                     **
                  program descriptions, treatments, and rough cuts for
                  programs 11-13, fine cuts with scripts, draft credit
                  lists, and promo reels for programs 9-13, e-mailed
                  Music Cue Sheets, program masters, script materials,
                  graphic reels and DA-88s for programs 9-13 (with
                  production and legal binders).

       7          Payable upon delivery to and approval by DCI of all              **                     **
                  Series Materials (Program and Legal Element Binders),
                  final cost report and completion of financial and
                  legal review of all materials.

      *     Payments may be adjusted in accordance with the Agreement

      *     Producer agrees to return and overpayment by DCI to Producer within
            ten (10) business days of DCI's notice thereof

                                                                Exhibit C Page 2