FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

In re:                                         )        Chapter 11


Fleming Companies, Inc., et al.,(1)            )        Case No. 03-10945 (MFW)

                                               )        (Jointly Administered)

                        Debtors.               )

        INTERIM ORDER UNDER 11 U.S.C. SECTIONS 105(a), 362(a)(3), AND 541

         Upon consideration of the emergency motion (the "Motion")(2) of the
above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the "Debtors"),
for entry of an order, pursuant to sections 105(a), 362(a)(3), and 541 of title
11, United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"), requesting that this court limit
certain transfers of equity securities of the Debtors; and it appearing that the
relief requested is in the best interest of the Debtors' estates and it
appearing that notice is proper and that no further notice of the relief
requested in the Motion is required; and after due deliberation; and sufficient
cause appearing therefor; it is

- -------------

(1)      The Debtors are the following entities: Core-Mark International, Inc.;
         Fleming Companies, Inc.; ABCO Food Group, Inc.; ABCO Markets, Inc.;
         ABCO Realty Corp.; ASI Office Automation, Inc.; C/M Products, Inc.;
         Core-Mark Interrelated Companies, Inc.; Core-Mark Mid-Continent, Inc.;
         Dunigan Fuels, Inc.; Favar Concepts, Ltd.; Fleming Foods Management
         Co., L.L.C., Fleming Foods of Texas, L.P.; Fleming International, Ltd.;
         Fleming Supermarkets of Florida, Inc.; Fleming Transportation Service,
         Inc.; Food 4 Less Beverage Company, Inc.; Fuelserv, Inc.; General
         Acceptance Corporation; Head Distributing Company; Marquise Ventures
         Company, Inc.; Minter-Weisman Co.; Piggly Wiggly Company; Progressive
         Realty, Inc.; Rainbow Food Group, Inc.; Retail Investments, Inc.;
         Retail Supermarkets, Inc.; RFS Marketing Services, Inc.; and Richmar
         Foods, Inc. (collectively, the "Debtors").

(2)      Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings
         ascribed to such terms in the Motion.

         ORDERED, that the Motion is granted on an interim basis; and it is

         ORDERED, that

         (i)      Any acquisition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder (as defined in paragraph
                  (iii), below) that would result in (a) an increase in the
                  amount of equity securities owned by a Substantial
                  Equityholder or (b) a person or entity becoming a Substantial
                  Equityholder (an "Equity Transferee") is hereby enjoined
                  through 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the date of the Final Hearing
                  (defined below).

         (ii)     Any disposition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder that would result in (a) a
                  decrease in the amount of equity securities owned by a
                  Substantial Equityholder or (b) a person or entity ceasing to
                  be a Substantial Equityholder (an "Equity Transferor") is
                  hereby enjoined through 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the date of the
                  Final Hearing (defined below).

         (iii)    For purposes of this Order: (a) a "Substantial Equityholder"
                  is any person or entity that owns equity securities of any of
                  the Debtors with an aggregate fair market value equal to or
                  greater than 5% of the fair market value of the common stock
                  of Fleming Companies, Inc.; (b) "ownership" of equity
                  securities includes direct and indirect ownership (e.g., a
                  holding company would be considered to own all shares owned or
                  acquired by its subsidiaries), ownership by such holder's
                  family members and persons acting in concert with such holder
                  to make a coordinated acquisition of stock and ownership of
                  shares which such holder has an option to acquire and (c) an
                  "option" to acquire stock includes any contingent purchase,
                  warrant, convertible debt, put, stock subject to risk of
                  forfeiture, contract to acquire stock or similar interest,
                  regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
                  currently exercisable.

         (iv)     Any sale or other transfer of equity securities in the Debtors
                  in violation of this order shall be null and void and ab
                  initio shall confer no rights on the transferee unless the
                  Debtors' cases are hereafter dismissed or converted to Chapter

         ORDERED, that a final hearing on the Motion will be heard on June 4,
2003 at 4:00 p.m. (the "Final Hearing"), with objections, if any, to be filed
and served by June 2, 2003 at noon; and it is further


         ORDERED that within one business day of entry of this Order, the
Debtors shall provide notice to all Substantial Equityholders and all known
equity holders of the Motion and Interim Order; and it is further

         ORDERED that the Debtors shall publish this Order in the business
section of the national edition of the Wall Street Journal within 4 business
days of the entry of this Order.

Dated:  May 20, 2003                    /s/ Mary F. Walrath
                                        The Honorable Mary F. Walrath
                                        United States Bankruptcy Judge



                          FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

In re:                                    )          Chapter 11


Fleming Companies, Inc., et al.,(3)       )          Case No. 03-10945 (MFW)

                                          )          (Jointly Administered)

                     Debtors.             )


         The above-captioned debtors and debtors-in-possession (collectively,
the "Debtors") file this motion (the "Motion"), seeking entry of an order
limiting certain transfers of equity securities of the Debtors. In support of
this Motion, the Debtors respectfully state as follows:


1.       This Court has jurisdiction over this Motion under 28 U.S.C. Sections
         157 and 1334. This matter is a core proceeding within the meaning of 28
         U.S.C. Section 157(b)(2). Venue of this proceeding and this Motion is
         properly in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sections 1408 and 1409.

2.       The statutory bases for the relief requested herein are sections
         105(a), 362(a)(3) and 541 of title 11 of the United States Code (the
         "Bankruptcy Code").

- ------------

(3)      The Debtors are the following entities: Core-Mark International, Inc.;
         Fleming Companies, Inc.; ABCO Food Group, Inc.; ABCO Markets, Inc.;
         ABCO Realty Corp.; ASI Office Automation, Inc.; C/M Products, Inc.;
         Core-Mark Interrelated Companies, Inc.; Core-Mark Mid-Continent, Inc.;
         Dunigan Fuels, Inc.; Favor Concepts, Ltd.; Fleming Foods Management
         Co., O.K., Fleming Foods of Texas, L.P.; Fleming International, Ltd.;
         Fleming Supermarkets of Florida, Inc.; Fleming Transportation Service,
         Inc.; Food 4 Less Beverage Company, Inc.; Fuelserv, Inc.; General
         Acceptance Corporation; Head Distributing Company; Marquise Ventures
         Company, Inc.; Minter-Weisman Co.; Piggly Wiggly Company; Progressive
         Realty, Inc.; Rainbow Food Group, Inc.; Retail Investments, Inc.;
         Retail Supermarkets, Inc.; RFS Marketing Services, Inc.; and Richmar
         Foods, Inc. (collectively, the "Debtors").


3.       As a result of their past operations, the Debtors have net operating
         losses of approximately $367 million (the "NOL").(4) Pursuant to
         section 172 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
         (variously, the "IRC" or the "Tax Code"), the Debtors may use the NOL
         to offset taxable income earned in future years, making it a valuable
         asset of the Debtors' estates. Indeed, assuming a corporate tax rate of
         35%, the Debtors estimate that the NOL could be worth up to $128.45

4.       Recently, and as further discussed herein, the Debtors learned that
         there is a high risk that continued trading of the equity securities of
         the Debtors could eliminate the value of the NOL by triggering the IRC
         Section 382 provision that limits a taxpayer's ability to utilize net
         operating losses to reduce future taxes.

5.               Thus, by this Motion, pursuant to sections 105(a), 362(a)(3)
         and 541 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Debtors seek an order limiting
         certain transfers of equity securities of the Debtors on an interim
         basis, subject to the Debtors providing full notice of the relief
         requested. Accordingly, the Debtors request that the Court enter the
         interim order attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Interim Order").


6.       On April 1, 2003 (the "Petition Date"), the Debtors filed their
         voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code
         (the "Chapter 11 Cases"). The Debtors are operating their businesses
         and managing their properties as debtors in possession pursuant to
         sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. No trustee or
         examiner has been appointed in these cases. The Committee was appointed
         on April 14, 2003.

7.       On April 8, 2003, Core-Mark International, Inc., one of the Debtors in
         these Chapter 11 Cases, obtained an order from the Supreme Court of
         British Columbia (the "Core-Mark Order") recognizing the Chapter 11
         Cases as "foreign proceedings" for purposes of Section 18.6 of the
         Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).

8.       The Debtors are the largest multi-tier distributor of consumable goods
         in the United States. As of the Petition Date, the Debtors were
         supplying products to approximately 45,000 locations, including
         supermarkets and convenience stores.

- ------------

(4)      The Debtors' NOL was approximately $367 million as of December 31,
         2002. It is likely that this amount has increased since then. See
         Affidavit of August L. Helmbright, attached hereto as Exhibit B.



9.                The Debtors must limit trading in equity securities in the
         Debtors to preserve the value of Debtors' NOL. Thus the Court should
         exercise its powers pursuant to sections 105(a) and 362(a)(3) of the
         Bankruptcy Code to grant the requested relief.

10.               IRC Section 172 generally permits corporations that meet
         certain requirements to use net operating losses and built-in losses to
         offset income from each of the five years preceding and twenty years
         following the year of such losses. A corporation's ability to deduct
         its net operating losses or built-in losses in any given year within
         such period is normally limited only by the amount of income the
         corporation earns. If a corporation undergoes an "ownership change" (as
         described below), however, IRC Section 382(a) severely restricts the
         corporation's ability to use its net operating losses or built-in
         losses by capping the corporation's annual net operating loss deduction
         at an amount equal to the long-term tax exempt rate (approximately 5%)
         multiplied by the value of the corporation's equity prior to the
         restructuring. (This cap is referred to herein as the "IRC Section 382
         Limitation.") Thus, it is imperative that the Debtors avoid an
         "ownership change" in order to preserve the value of their NOL, which
         is estimated to be $367 million.

11.               According to the Tax Code, an "ownership change" occurs
         when, during a three year "testing period," the percentage of a
         corporation's stock owned by one or more shareholders (each of whom own
         at least 5 percent at the end of the period) increases by more than 50
         percentage points over the lowest percentage of stock owned by such
         shareholders. See IRC Section 382(i)(1). A simple example from the
         Treasury regulations illustrates how this complex formula is applied:

         A and B each own 40 percent of the outstanding stock of L, a loss
         corporation. The remaining 20 percent of the L stock is owned by 100
         unrelated individuals, none of whom own as much as five percent of L
         stock. C, a third party, negotiates with A and B to purchase all their
         stock in L. The acquisitions from both A and B are completed on
         September 13, 1990. C's acquisition of 80 percent of L's stock results
         in an ownership change because C's percentage ownership has increased
         by 80 percentage points as of the testing date, compared to his lowest
         percentage ownership in L at any time during the testing period (0

See Temp. Treas. Reg. Section  1.382-2T(c)(2).

12.               Debtors' accountants, Ernst & Young LLP, have informed Debtors
         that the percentage ownership of Debtors' stock by 5-percent
         shareholders of the Debtors increased by as much as approximately 48
         percentage points over the lowest percentage


         ownership by such shareholders during the most recent testing
         period.(5) Thus it is abundantly clear that, absent the order requested
         from this court, further unfettered trading by 5-percent shareholders
         of the Debtors will soon push Debtors past the 50% change threshold,
         trigger the Code Section 382 limitation, and effectively eliminate a
         $128.45 million tax asset.(6)

13.               In order to preserve this valuable asset, the Debtors propose

         (v)      Any acquisition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder (as defined in paragraph
                  (iii), below) that would result in (a) an increase in the
                  amount of equity securities owned by a Substantial
                  Equityholder or (b) a person or entity becoming a Substantial
                  Equityholder (an "Equity Transferee") be enjoined through the
                  date of a final hearing on the Motion.

         (vi)     Any disposition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder that would result in (a) a
                  decrease in the amount of equity securities owned by a
                  Substantial Equityholder or (b) a person or entity ceasing to
                  be a Substantial Equityholder (an "Equity Transferor") be
                  enjoined through the date of a final hearing on the Motion.

         (vii)    For purposes of the Interim Order: (a) a "Substantial
                  Equityholder" is any person or entity that owns equity
                  securities of any of the Debtors with an aggregate fair market
                  value equal to or greater than 5% of the fair market value of
                  the common stock of Fleming Companies, Inc.; (b) "ownership"
                  of equity securities includes direct and indirect ownership
                  (e.g., a holding company would be considered to own all shares
                  owned or acquired by its subsidiaries), ownership by such
                  holder's family members and persons acting in concert with
                  such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock and
                  ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire
                  and (c) an "option" to acquire stock includes any contingent
                  purchase, warrant, convertible debt, put, stock subject to
                  risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock or similar
                  interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise
                  not currently exercisable.

- ----------

(5)      See Affidavit of August L. Helmbright.

(6)      The effect of an ownership change would be to limit the Debtors and the
         reorganized Debtors to applying only a tiny fraction (approximately
         $400,000 annually) of their NOL to offset future income. See Affidavit
         of August L. Helmbright. The effect of this is limitation is
         illustrated by the following example: Assume that in a future taxable
         year Debtors have taxable income of $100 million. If Debtors' NOL were
         not restricted by IRC Section 382, Debtors would be able to offset
         their entire taxable income by carrying forward their NOL. Thus,
         Debtors would pay no federal income tax. If the Code Section 382
         Limitation applied, Debtors would only be permitted to offset $400,000
         of income with their NOL. Thus Debtors would owe tax on $99,600,000. At
         the current corporate tax rate (35%), Debtors would owe tax of $34.8


14.               To preserve the Debtors' NOL for use by the Debtors and
         the reorganized Debtors, the Debtors must - at a minimum - avoid an
         "ownership change" prior to the effective date of the Debtors'
         bankruptcy plan. The best way to accomplish this goal is to enter the
         order requested by Debtors, limiting trading in the equity securities
         of Debtors.


15.               Courts have uniformly held that a debtor's NOL constitutes
         property of the estate under section 541 of the Bankruptcy Code, and,
         consequently, courts have the authority to impose measures intended to
         protect and preserve such NOL. The seminal case articulating this rule
         is In re Prudential Lines, Inc., 107 B.R. 832 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1989),
         aff'd, 119 B.R. 430 (S.D.N.Y. 1990), aff'd, 928 F.2d 565 (2d Cir.
         1991), cert. denied 502 U.S. 821 (1991). In Prudential Lines, the
         Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York enjoined a
         parent corporation from taking a worthless stock deduction with respect
         to its wholly-owned subsidiary, which was in bankruptcy, on the grounds
         that allowing the parent to take such a deduction would destroy its
         debtor-subsidiary's NOL. In issuing the injunction, the court held that
         a "debtor's potential ability to utilize NOLs is property of an
         estate." 107 B.R. at 838. The court further held that "the taking of a
         worthless stock deduction is an exercise of control over a debtor's
         NOLs" and was thus properly subject to the automatic stay of section
         362 of the Bankruptcy Code. 107 B.R. at 842; see also In re Southeast
         Banking Corp., Case No. 91-14561-BKC-PGH (Bankr. S.D. Fla., July 21,
         1994) (debtor's interest in its NOL "constitutes property of the estate
         within the scope of 11 U.S.C. Section 541(a)(1) and is entitled to the
         protection of the automatic stay imposed pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section
         362(a)(3)"); In re Phar-Mor, Inc., 152 B.R. 924 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 1993)
         ("the sale of stock is prohibited by Section 362(a)(3) as an exercise
         of control over the NOLs, which is property of the estate"); In re
         Grossman's, Inc., Case No. 97-695 (PJW) (Bankr. D. Del. Oct. 9, 1997)
         (the debtors' NOL carryforward is property of the debtors' estates and
         is protected by the automatic stay).


16.               Courts have not hesitated to restrict or enjoin transfers
         of equity securities or issue other injunctive relief in order to
         protect a debtor against the possible loss of its NOL carryforwards.
         See, e.g., In re Conseco, Inc., Case No. 02-49672 (Bankr. N.D. Ill.
         Dec. 17, 2002) (5-percent shareholders required to give notice of
         intended acquisitions and dispositions of debtors' stock and to show
         that such transactions would not impair debtors' ability to utilize
         debtors' NOL); In re US Airways Group, Inc., Case No. 02-83984 (Bankr.
         E.D. Va. Sept. 29, 2002) (debtor allowed advance notice to object to
         proposed transfers of (a) equity securities in the debtor that would
         increase the transferee's holdings to or above 3,000,000 shares,
         representing approximately 4.5% of all issued and outstanding shares of
         debtor's common stock, or (b) claims against the debtors in an
         aggregate principal amount of $100,000,000 or more); In re Williams
         Communications Group, Inc., Case No. 02-11957 (BRL) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.
         July 24, 2002) (debtor provided 30 days notice to object to proposed
         transfers of claims against


         the debtor that would increase the transferee's holdings to or above
         $200 million in the aggregate face amount; $200 million in claims was
         the lowest amount that could reasonably be expected to lead to a
         distribution of 5% of the stock in the reorganized debtor); In re
         Metrocall, et al., Case No. 02-11579 (RB) (Bankr. D. Del. June 6, 2002)
         (debtor provided five business days notice to object to proposed
         transfers of stock that would result in the transferee holding 5% or
         more of the debtor's stock or a reduction in the ownership interest of
         an existing 5% or greater shareholder); In re Casual Male Corp., Case
         No. 01-41404 (REG) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. May 18, 2001) (enjoining transfers
         of common stock and convertible notes that would result in the
         transferee's holdings increasing to or beyond 4.99%; debtor provided 30
         days notice to object to proposed transfers of senior subordinated
         notes or other general unsecured claims (excluding the convertible
         notes) against the debtor); In re Worldtex, Inc., Case No. 01-785 (MFW)
         (Bankr. D. Del. Apr. 2, 2001) (debtor provided 30 days notice to object
         to proposed transfers that would result in the transferee holding 5% or
         more of the debtor's common stock or decrease the ownership interest of
         an existing 5% or greater shareholder); In re Reliance Acceptance
         Group, Inc., Case No. 98-288 (PJW) (Bankr. D. Del. Apr. 28, 1998)
         (debtor provided 30 days notice to object to proposed transfers that
         would result in the transferee holding 5% or more of debtor's common
         stock); In re First Merchants Acceptance Corp., 1998 Bankr. LEXIS 1816
         (Bankr. D. Del. 1998) (debtor provided 30 days notice to object to
         proposed transfers of stock in the debtor that would increase the
         transferee's holdings to or above 300,000 shares of the debtor's stock
         and to any proposed transfers of 1995 subordinated reset notes or
         general unsecured claims against the debtor); In re Grossman's, Inc.,
         Case No. 97-695 (PJW) (Bankr. D. Del. Oct. 9, 1997) (debtor provided 30
         days notice to object to proposed transfers of stock that would
         increase the transferee's holdings to or above 1,350,000 shares of
         debtor's stock and to proposed transfers of general unsecured claims
         that would increase the transferee's holdings to or above an aggregate
         face amount of $3,500,000); In re Southeast Banking Corp., Case No.
         91-14561-BKC-PGH (Bankr. S.D. Fla. July 21, 1994) (enjoining 5% trades
         of common stock); In re Phar-Mor, Inc., 152 B.R. 924 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio
         1993) (enjoining shareholders from selling stock in the debtor unless
         they obtained relief from the automatic stay); In re McLean Indus.
         Inc., Case Nos. 86-B-12238-l2241 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Feb. 16, 1989)
         (requiring an application to the court for authority to transfer any

17.               Because the Debtors' NOL is property of their estates under
         section 541 of the Bankruptcy Code, this Court has the authority under
         section 362(a)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code to enforce the automatic stay
         by restricting the transfer of equity securities in the Debtors in
         order to protect this valuable asset.


18.               Once an NOL is limited under IRC Section 382, its use is
         limited forever, and once an equity interest is transferred, the
         transfer cannot be undone. The relief sought herein is necessary to
         avoid an irrevocable loss of the Debtor's NOL - and the irreparable
         harm which could be caused thereby.



19.               The requested relief does not bar all equity securities
         trading. At this juncture, the Debtors seek only to limit equity
         securities trading that poses a serious risk under the IRC Section 382
         ownership change test. The temporary restriction requested by the
         Debtors would permit most equity securities trading to continue subject
         only to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3001(e) and applicable securities, corporate
         and other laws.

20.               Given that the requested relief is both narrowly tailored
         and necessary to avoid irreparable harm, the Court should not hesitate
         in exercising its authority under sections 105(a) and 362(a)(3) to
         limit certain trading in equity securities of the Debtors and enter the
         requested order.


21.               Notice of this Motion has been given to (a) the United
         States Trustee; (b) counsel to the Senior Secured Lenders; (c) counsel
         to the Indenture Trustees; (d) proposed counsel to the Official
         Committee of Unsecured Creditors; and (e) those persons who have
         requested notice pursuant to Rule 2002 of the Federal Rules of
         Bankruptcy Procedure.

22.               Given the nature of the relief requested, the Debtors
         submit that broader notice of the Motion before entry of the Interim
         Order would defeat the purpose of the Motion. If the Debtors provided
         notice of the Motion to known 5% holders or greater of the Debtors'
         equity interests, those holders may likely trade and trigger the change
         of ownership, depriving the Debtors of a significant estate asset. The
         Debtors do propose that within one business day of entry of this Order,
         the Debtors shall provide notice to all Substantial Equityholders and
         all known equity holders of the Motion and Interim Order and that they
         shall publish the Interim Order in the business section of the national
         edition of the Wall Street Journal within 4 business days of the entry
         of this Order.

23.               In light of the nature of the relief requested, the Debtors
         submit that no further notice is required.

                                NO PRIOR REQUEST

24.               No prior motion for the relief requested herein has been
         made to this or any other Court.


25.               The Debtors' NOL is a valuable asset of their estates which
         will inure to the benefit of their stakeholders and facilitate Debtors'
         reorganization. Unfettered trading in equity securities of the Debtors
         jeopardizes the NOL and consequently threatens a source of value to the
         Debtors' stakeholders. Accordingly, this Court should grant the
         requested relief. The requested relief imposes a minimal burden to
         achieve a substantial benefit, and the Debtors believe that granting
         the relief requested in this Motion is in the best interest of the
         Debtors' estates, their creditors and other interested parties.


         WHEREFORE, the Debtors respectfully request that the Court enter the
Interim Order substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, (a)
limiting certain transfers of equity securities of the Debtors and (b) granting
such other and further relief as the Court deems appropriate.

Dated:  May 16, 2003
                            Respectfully Submitted,

                            KIRKLAND & ELLIS
                            James H. M. Sprayregen, P.C. (ARDC No. 6190206)
                            Richard L. Wynne (CA Bar No. 120349)
                            777 South Figueroa Street
                            Los Angeles, CA 90017
                            Telephone: (213) 680-8400
                            Facsimile: (213) 680-8500


                            PACHULSKI, STANG, ZIEHL, YOUNG, JONES &
                            WEINTRAUB P.C.

                            Laura Davis Jones (Bar No. 2436)
                            Ira D. Kharasch (CA Bar No. 109084)
                            Scotta E. McFarland (Bar No. 4184)
                            Christopher J. Lhulier (Bar No. 3850)
                            919 North Market Street, 16th Floor
                            P.O. Box 8705
                            Wilmington, Delaware  19899-8705 (Courier No. 19801)
                            Telephone:  (302) 652-4100
                            Facsimile:   (302) 652-4400

                            Counsel for the Debtors and Debtors in

Exhibit A


                          FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

In re:                                         )       Chapter 11


Fleming Companies, Inc., et al.,(7)            )       Case No. 03-10945 (MFW)

                                               )       (Jointly Administered)

                      Debtors.                 )

        INTERIM ORDER UNDER 11 U.S.C. SECTIONS 105(a), 362(a)(3), AND 541

         Upon consideration of the emergency motion (the "Motion")(8) of the
above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the "Debtors"),
for entry of an order, pursuant to sections 105(a), 362(a)(3), and 541 of title
11, United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"), requesting that this court limit
certain transfers of equity securities of the Debtors; and it appearing that the
relief requested is in the best interest of the Debtors' estates and it
appearing that notice is proper and that no further notice of the relief
requested in the Motion is required; and after due deliberation; and sufficient
cause appearing therefor; it is

- ----------

(7)      The Debtors are the following entities: Core-Mark International, Inc.;
         Fleming Companies, Inc.; ABCO Food Group, Inc.; ABCO Markets, Inc.;
         ABCO Realty Corp.; ASI Office Automation, Inc.; C/M Products, Inc.;
         Core-Mark Interrelated Companies, Inc.; Core-Mark Mid-Continent, Inc.;
         Dunigan Fuels, Inc.; Favar Concepts, Ltd.; Fleming Foods Management
         Co., L.L.C., Fleming Foods of Texas, L.P.; Fleming International, Ltd.;
         Fleming Supermarkets of Florida, Inc.; Fleming Transportation Service,
         Inc.; Food 4 Less Beverage Company, Inc.; Fuelserv, Inc.; General
         Acceptance Corporation; Head Distributing Company; Marquise Ventures
         Company, Inc.; Minter-Weisman Co.; Piggly Wiggly Company; Progressive
         Realty, Inc.; Rainbow Food Group, Inc.; Retail Investments, Inc.;
         Retail Supermarkets, Inc.; RFS Marketing Services, Inc.; and Richmar
         Foods, Inc. (collectively, the "Debtors").

(8)      Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings
         ascribed to such terms in the Motion.

         ORDERED, that the Motion is granted on an interim basis; and it is

         ORDERED, that

         (viii)   Any acquisition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder (as defined in paragraph
                  (iii), below) that would result in (a) an increase in the
                  amount of equity securities owned by a Substantial
                  Equityholder or (b) a person or entity becoming a Substantial
                  Equityholder (an "Equity Transferee") is hereby enjoined
                  through 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the date of the Final Hearing
                  (defined below).

         (ix)     Any disposition of equity securities of the Debtors (including
                  options to acquire stock, as defined below) by any person,
                  entity or Substantial Equityholder that would result in (a) a
                  decrease in the amount of equity securities owned by a
                  Substantial Equityholder or (b) a person or entity ceasing to
                  be a Substantial Equityholder (an "Equity Transferor") is
                  hereby enjoined through 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the date of the
                  Final Hearing (defined below).

         (x)      For purposes of this Order: (a) a "Substantial Equityholder"
                  is any person or entity that owns equity securities of any of
                  the Debtors with an aggregate fair market value equal to or
                  greater than 5% of the fair market value of the common stock
                  of Fleming Companies, Inc.; (b) "ownership" of equity
                  securities includes direct and indirect ownership (e.g., a
                  holding company would be considered to own all shares owned or
                  acquired by its subsidiaries), ownership by such holder's
                  family members and persons acting in concert with such holder
                  to make a coordinated acquisition of stock and ownership of
                  shares which such holder has an option to acquire and (c) an
                  "option" to acquire stock includes any contingent purchase,
                  warrant, convertible debt, put, stock subject to risk of
                  forfeiture, contract to acquire stock or similar interest,
                  regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
                  currently exercisable.

         (xi)     Any sale or other transfer of equity securities in the Debtors
                  in violation of this order shall be null and void and ab
                  initio shall confer no rights on the transferee unless the
                  Debtors' cases are hereafter dismissed or converted to Chapter

         ORDERED, that a final hearing on the Motion will be heard on June ___,
2003 at ____ a.m./p.m. (the "Final Hearing"), with objections, if any, to be
filed and served by June __, 2003 at _____ a.m./p.m.; and it is further


         ORDERED that within one business day of entry of this Order, the
Debtors shall provide notice to all Substantial Equityholders and all known
equity holders of the Motion and Interim Order; and it is further

         ORDERED that the Debtors shall publish this Order in the business
section of the national edition of the Wall Street Journal within 4 business
days of the entry of this Order.

Dated:  ______________, 2003

                                   United States Bankruptcy Judge
