NEWS RELEASE                                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
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DALLAS -- JULY 22, 2003 -- Zix Corporation (ZixCorp(TM)), (Nasdaq: ZIXI), a
global provider of e-messaging protection and transaction services, today
announced a strategic agreement to acquire substantially all of the assets of
Ohio-based PocketScript, LLC, a leading provider of electronic prescription
solutions for the healthcare industry. This acquisition will enable ZixCorp to
expand its services into the e-prescription marketplace, which is expected to
grow dramatically as more physicians are leveraging technology in delivering
care, coupled with fact that the number of prescriptions written annually in the
United States continues to increase. According to the National Association of
Chain Drug Stores, the number of prescriptions written in 2002 was 3.14 billion
and is expected to reach four billion by 2004. This represents over $182.7
billion of retail prescriptions sales in 2002, up 11 percent from 2001.

Total consideration for the acquired assets of PocketScript was approximately
$1.5 million, including 362,903 shares of ZixCorp's common stock valued at
$1,350,000. The PocketScript acquisition enables ZixCorp to immediately
capitalize on the rapidly expanding market for e-prescribing services and brings
a number of existing partnerships and alliances to ZixCorp within the
e-prescription industry. PocketScript is currently the only company to have
signed revenue contracts with three of the largest pharmaceutical benefit
management firms (PBMs) in the U.S., and was the first in the industry to be
certified with RxHub, a organization working to develop networks on which
prescription data can be shared among physicians, pharmacies, PBMs, and plan

"The demand for e-prescribing is being driven by the healthcare industry's need
to increase patient safety, reduce costs, and save time for both pharmacists and
prescribers," said John A. Ryan, ZixCorp's chairman, president, and CEO. "When
you consider the increasing volumes of prescriptions written in this country and
multiply that by a transaction and subscription fee, the potential for the
e-prescribing market is huge. Couple that with physician's increasing adoption
of wireless devices and PDAs as a part of their day-to-day tools, and the
opportunity for an expanded set of our services is even more obvious."

"Our strategy has always been to leverage our core assets in other areas," said
Daniel S. Nutkis, vice president for strategy and products for ZixCorp. "Our
proven ability to provide highly secure and



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reliable communications services between all types of constituents in the
healthcare system has become a tremendous asset. Prescribing is just one area
that offers us the ability to deliver additional high-value services to a mix of
existing and new target customers and on new platforms such as PDAs and wireless
devices. The PocketScript acquisition is part of a broader ZixCorp strategy to
provide communications-centric applications services."

"With PocketScript's extensive knowledge of the e-prescription marketplace and
ZixCorp's expertise in secure e-communications for the healthcare industry, we
saw this 'marriage' as a perfect fit," said PocketScript Managing Partner Steve
Burns, who will join ZixCorp as vice president and general manager of the
PocketScript service. "PocketScript's assets will enable ZixCorp to extend its
leadership position in the healthcare sector."

Both government and consumer organizations are looking toward electronic
prescribing to safeguard patients from medical prescription errors and reduce
costs to the healthcare system. The Senate and House of Representatives passed a
bill to combat the errors, as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill, in
June 2003. The bill requires electronic transmission of Medicare prescriptions
(except in emergencies and exceptional cases), and for provision of information
to the prescribing health professional. Additionally, the Leapfrog Group, a
coalition created to help save lives and reduce preventable medical mistakes,
has set forth standards regarding the importance of computer-based physician
order entry, including e-prescribing.

PocketScript's Point-of-Care application operates on BlackBerry(R) digital cell
phones or as a browser application on a computer connected to the Internet. The
PocketScript e-prescribing system enables physicians to create electronic
prescriptions from virtually anywhere in about the same amount of time required
for paper-based prescriptions. It also aids the physician in identifying
drug-to-drug interactions, including a drug reference guide for all 85,000
combinations of drugs and dosages, and drug dispensing history issues, while
providing the physician an electronic link to pharmacies so patients don't have
to wait in line for their prescriptions. This enables physicians to quickly
identify best practices for prescribing the safest and most cost-effective
medications for patients.

PocketScript, LLC, headquartered in Mason, Ohio, develops software applications
for wireless, handheld devices to improve physician efficiency and workflow.
Using PocketScript, physicians can electronically write and transmit
prescriptions; receive formulary and drug interaction information; access
education and compliance services; and connect wirelessly to the Internet.



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Zix Corporation (ZixCorp(TM)) is a global provider of e-messaging protection and
transaction services. ZixCorp offers a range of solutions to protect
organizations from viruses, spam, and electronic attack, as well as enabling
secure electronic communications, such as email encryption and e-prescribing.
ZixCorp helps organizations of any size to streamline operations, mitigate
risks, and leverage the efficiencies of e-messaging. For more information, visit


Media/Investor Contact: Whitney Gilliam, ZixCorp, (214) 515-7338,