2000 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                                  NORSTAN, INC.

                          AS AMENDED SEPTEMBER 13, 2002

     1. Purpose. Norstan, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")
proposes to grant to employees of the Company and of such subsidiaries as the
Company's Board of Directors (the "Board of Directors") may designate from time
to time the opportunity to purchase common stock of the Company. Such common
stock shall be purchased pursuant to this Plan, which is the 2000 EMPLOYEE STOCK
PURCHASE PLAN OF NORSTAN, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The Plan
is intended to encourage stock ownership by all employees of the Company, and to
be incentive to them to remain in its employ, improve operations, increase
profits and contribute more significantly to the Company's success.

     2. Rules of Interpretation. The Company intends that the Plan qualify as an
"employee stock purchase plan" under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended ("Section 423"), and shall be construed in a manner consistent
with the requirements of Section 423, or any successor provision, and the
regulations thereunder.

     3. Administration of the Plan. This Plan shall be administered by the Board
of Directors of the Company; however, the Board of Directors may, from time to
time, delegate its administrative or other duties under the Plan to an agent.
The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to construe,
interpret and administer this Plan and to make determinations which shall be
final, conclusive and binding upon all persons, including without limitations,
the Company, its shareholders, and any employee participating in this Plan. The
Board of Directors shall have the power to provide regulations for the
administration of this Plan and to make any changes in such regulations as from
time to time it deems necessary.

     4. Stock Subject to the Plan. A total of 1,800,000 shares of the common
stock, par value $.10 per share, of the Company may be issued under this Plan,
subject to adjustment as provided herein.

     5. Offerings. There will be four annual offerings of the Company's common
stock under the Plan each calendar year (the "Offering Period(s)"). In each
calendar year, the first Offering Period will begin on January 1 and end on
March 31, the second Offering Period will begin on April 1 and end on June 30,
the third Offering Period will begin on July 1 and end on September 30, and the
fourth Offering Period will begin on October 1 and end on December 31. The first
day of each Offering Period shall be deemed the "Offering Commencement Date" and
the last day the "Offering Termination Date" for such Offering Period.

     6. Eligibility. Any employee of the Company or its Subsidiaries who has
attained the age of 18 and completed one month of employment is eligible to
participate in this Plan. For purposes of this Plan, "Subsidiary" means any
entity, at least 75 percent of the outstanding voting stock or voting power of
which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, presently or in the future,
by the Company.

     7. Participation. Any eligible employee may elect to participate in this
Plan at any time during the continuance of this Plan by delivering to the
Company an authorization for payroll deductions, executed by the participating
employee (the "Participant"), in such form as may be prescribed by the Company
from time to time (a "Subscription Agreement"). Such elections are to be
effective the first day of the next pay period succeeding processing of the
authorization form and will apply to the current Offering Period and any
subsequent Offering Period until such election is changed or revoked by the

     An employee's participation in this Plan is entirely voluntary. Each
employee shall understand that there are risks involved in stock ownership and
that the Company, its Subsidiaries and their officers and directors are making
no recommendations to their employees regarding the purchase of shares of the
Company, which is a personal decision for each employee.

     8. Employee Contributions. A Participant shall, by completing a
Subscription Agreement, authorize payroll deductions in an amount specified by
the Participant in said form. No payroll deduction shall be less than $10.00 per
pay period, nor more, per pay period, than 10% of the gross pay of the
Participant. Such authorization form shall be effective for the current Offering
Period and all future Offering Periods until changed or revoked by the
Participant. Subsequent to the completion of such authorization form, not more
than one change in the authorized payroll deduction may be made by the
Participant in each Offering Period. The effective date of any change in future
payroll deductions will be the first day of the next pay period succeeding
processing of the change form.

     Payroll deductions which are authorized by Participants who are paid
compensation in foreign currency shall be used to purchase the maximum number of
shares allowed pursuant to the Plan. Prior to each Offering Period's
purchase/exercise, the Participants' functional currency payroll deductions will
be converted to United States dollars based on the applicable exchange rate as
of the Offering Termination Date.

     9. Number of Shares. On the Commencement Date of each Offering Period, each
Participant shall be deemed to have been granted an option to purchase a maximum
number of shares of common stock equal to:

          (i) that percentage of the Participant's compensation which the
     Participant has elected to have withheld (but not in any case in excess of
     10%) multiplied by the Participant's gross pay during the Offering Period
     then divided by the applicable Stock Price determined as provided in
     Section 10 below, or

          (ii) the flat per pay period dollar amount which the Participant has
     elected to have withheld (but not in any case in excess of 10% of the
     Participant's gross pay) multiplied by the number of pay periods during the
     Offering Period then divided by the applicable Stock Price determined as
     provided in Section 10 below.

     10. Stock Price. The option price of stock purchased with payroll
deductions made during any Offering Period (the "Stock Price") for a Participant
therein shall be the lower of:

          (i) 85 percent of the closing price of the stock on the Offering
     Commencement Date for such Offering Period or the nearest prior business
     day on which trading occurred on the NASDAQ National Market System, or

          (ii) 85 percent of the closing price of the stock on the Offering
     Termination Date for such Offering Period or the nearest prior business day
     on which trading occurred on the NASDAQ National Market System.

     11. Limitations on Purchase. Anything herein to the contrary

          (i) no Participant shall have the right to purchase common stock nor
     be granted options to purchase common stock under the Plan and all other
     employee stock purchase plans of the Company, if any, at a rate which
     exceeds Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) of fair market value of such
     stock (determined at the beginning of each calendar year) for each calendar
     year in which such option is outstanding at any time. The foregoing
     provision shall be interpreted so as to comply with Section 423(b)(8).


          (ii) No Participant shall be granted an option if, immediately after
     the grant, such Participant would own stock and/or hold outstanding options
     to purchase stock possessing 5 percent or more of the total combined voting
     power or value of all classes of stock of the Company. For purposes of
     determining stock ownership under this subparagraph (iii), the rules of
     Section 424(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision,
     shall apply.

          (iii) The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, limit the number
     of shares available for the Plan during any Offering Period, as it deems

     12. Exercise of Option/Stock Purchase. Provided that a Participant has been
continuously employed by the Company or its Subsidiaries through the end of a
given Offering Period, then the Participant's option for the purchase of stock
granted during such Offering Period will be deemed to have been exercised
automatically on the applicable Offering Termination Date for the purchase of
the number of shares, including fractional shares, of common stock which the
accumulated payroll deductions the Participant has made during the Offering
Period will purchase at the applicable Stock Price (but not in excess of the
number of shares for which outstanding options have been granted to the
Participant pursuant to Section 9 and/or in excess of any limits set forth in
Section 11).

     Shares purchased under the Plan will come from the Company's authorized but
unissued shares of common stock.

     13. Delivery of Stock. As promptly as practicable after the Offering
Termination Date of each Offering Period, the Company will deliver to each
Participant in such Offering Period, as appropriate, the shares of common stock
purchased therein upon exercise of such Participant's option. The Company may
determine, in its discretion, the manner of delivery of shares of common stock
purchased under the Plan, which may be by electronic account entry into new or
existing accounts, delivery of stock certificates or such other means as the
Company, in its discretion, deems appropriate.

     14. Stock Transfer Restrictions. The Plan is intended to satisfy the
requirements of Section 423 of the IRS Code. A Participant will not obtain the
benefits of this provision if such Participant disposes of shares of common
stock acquired each Offering Period pursuant to the Plan within two (2) years
from the Offering Commencement Date of the applicable Offering Period or within
one (1) year from the date such common stock is purchased by the Participant,
the Offering Termination Date, whichever is later.

     15. Refund of Employee Contributions. At any time prior to the Offering
Termination Date of an Offering Period, all amounts contributed hereunder by a
Participant by authorized payroll deductions during the applicable Offering
Period shall be refunded, without interest, to the Participant at his or her
request. If a Participant causes his or her contributions for any Offering
Period to be refunded, payroll deductions shall not resume in any succeeding
Offering Period until the Participant delivers to the Company a new Subscription

     If the Board of Directors of the Company suspends or terminates this Plan
as hereinafter provided, it shall cause all amounts deducted hereunder from the
Participants' gross pay during the Offering Period in which such suspension or
termination occurs to be refunded, without interest, to the Participants.

     16. Termination of Employment. If a Participant's employment with the
Company or its Subsidiaries is terminated for any reason, or upon the death of
the Participant, all amounts deducted under this Plan from the Participant's
gross pay during the Offering Period in which such termination or death occurs
shall be refunded, without interest, to the Participant.


     17. Assignment. The interest of a Participant hereunder with respect to any
options/shares is not subject to the claims of creditors, or to assignment or
transfer other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

     18. Dilution or Other Adjustments, Dividends. In the event of any change in
the capital structure of the Company, including but not limited to a change
resulting from a stock dividend or split-up, or combination or reclassification
of shares, the Board of Directors shall make such adjustments with respect to
the shares subject to this Plan, or any provision of this Plan, as it deems
equitable to prevent dilution or enlargement of the interests of Participants in
this Plan.

     19. Merger, Consolidation, Reorganization, Liquidation. If the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries shall become a party to any corporate merger,
consolidation, major acquisition of property for stock, reorganization,
liquidation, or similar transaction, the Board of Directors shall have the power
to make such arrangements as it deems necessary, which may include termination
of this Plan, with respect to the amounts deducted hereunder from the
Participants' gross pay, and such arrangements shall be binding upon all
persons, including without limitation, the Company, its shareholders, and any
Participant in this Plan.

     20. Amendment and Termination. The Board of Directors shall have the right
at any time during the continuance of this Plan to amend, modify, supplement,
suspend or terminate this Plan, provided that in the absence of the approval of
the holders of a majority of the shares of common stock present in person or by
proxy at a duly constituted meeting of shareholders of the Company, no such
amendment, modification or supplement shall (i) increase the aggregate number of
shares which may be issued under this Plan, unless such increase is by reason of
any change in capital structure referred to in Section 18 hereof or (ii)
materially modify the requirements of plan eligibility.

     21. Securities Laws. The issuance of shares of common stock pursuant to
this Plan shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and regulations; shares
shall not be issued hereunder except upon approval of appropriate governmental
agencies or stock exchanges as may be required.

     22. Reports. The Company shall make available to each Participant under
this Plan a copy of the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders each year during
the continuance of this Plan.

     23. Miscellaneous.

          (i) A prospectus covering the shares offered under this Plan shall be
     made available to each employee who is eligible to participate herein.

          (ii) Each employee who becomes a Participant in this Plan shall be
     deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions contained in this
     Plan, and shall be fully bound thereby.

          (iii) This Plan shall be subject to changes, if any, which may be
     ordered by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the
     appropriate regulatory authorities in any states in which this Plan is
     registered or filed.

          (iv) This Plan shall be construed according to the laws of the state
     of Minnesota.

     24. Compliance with Section 16(b). In the case of Participants who are or
may be subject to Section 16 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the
"Act"), it is the intent of the Company that the Plan and any award granted
hereunder satisfy and be interpreted in a manner that satisfies the applicable
requirements of Rule 16(b)-3, so that such persons will be entitled to the
benefits of Rule 16(b)-3 or other exemptive rules under Section 16 of the Act
and will not be subjected to liability thereunder. If any provision of the Plan
or any award would otherwise conflict with the intent expressed herein, that
provision, to the extent possible, shall be interpreted and deemed so as to
avoid such conflict. To the extent of any remaining irreconcilable conflict with
such intent, such provision or award shall be deemed void as applicable to
Participants who are or may be subject to Section 16 of the Act.
