To    Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V.
      Polaris Avenue 31                             650 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor
      2132 JH Hoofddorp                             New York, NY  10019
      The Netherlands
                                                    T  +1 212 259 4100
                                                    F  +1 212 259 4111

New     October 3, 2003
York                                                 Arie Schaberg

                                                     E aai.schaberg@debrauw.com
Our ref.90094095/1001-final(2)-1031-SEC opinion      T +1 212 259 4110
                                                     F +1 212 259 4111

Dear Sir/Madam,

                       CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY N.V.


         I have acted as Dutch legal adviser (advocaat) to Chicago Bridge & Iron
         Company N.V., with corporate seat in Amsterdam (the "COMPANY"), and
         Chicago Bridge & Iron Company B.V., with corporate seat in Amsterdam
         (the "SUBSIDIARY"), in connection with the registration (the
         "REGISTRATION") by the Company with the United States Securities and
         Exchange Commission (the "SEC") of ordinary shares in the share capital
         of the Company that may be newly issued from time to time by the
         Company under the Plans (as defined below) to the Participants (as
         defined in the Plans, the "EMPLOYEES") (the "EMPLOYEE SHARES") upon the
         exercise by the Employees of certain options granted to them under the
         Plans (the "OPTIONS"). I have taken instructions solely from the

2        DUTCH LAW

         This opinion is limited to Dutch law as applied by the Dutch courts and
         published and in effect on the date of this opinion.


         For the purpose of this opinion, I have:

         Examined such documents and obtained such confirmations and trade
         register extracts as I have deemed necessary in order to enable me to
         render this opinion. It is noted that trade register extracts do not
         provide conclusive evidence that the facts set out in them are correct.
         However, under the 1996 Trade Register Act (Handelsregisterwet 1996),
         subject to limited exceptions, a company cannot invoke the
         incorrectness or incompleteness of its trade register registration
         against third parties who were unaware of it. I do not believe that
         those exceptions are material in the context of this opinion. Facts and
         circumstances not revealed to me may affect this opinion. I have no
         reasons to believe any such facts and circumstances exist.

         My examination has been limited to the text of the documents and I have
         not investigated the meaning and effect of any document governed by a
         law other than Dutch law under that other law.


         For the purpose of this opinion, I have made the following assumptions:

4.1      All copy documents conform to the originals and all originals are
         genuine and complete.

4.2      Each signature is the genuine signature of the individual concerned.

4.3      Any minutes referred to in paragraph 3 are a true record of the
         proceedings described in validly held meetings. The resolutions set out
         in those minutes were validly passed. Those resolutions and any written
         resolutions referred to in paragraph 3 remain in full force and effect
         without modification and comply with the requirements of reasonableness
         and fairness (redelijkheid en billijkheid) under Dutch law. Any
         confirmation referred to in paragraph 3 is true. I have no indication
         to the contrary.

4.4      The Chicago Bridge & Iron 1999 Long-Term Incentive Plan dated as of May
         1, 1999 and most recently amended on May 1, 2002 (the "1999-PLAN") and
         the Chicago Bridge & Iron 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan effective
         as of April 1, 2001(the "2001-PLAN", together with the 1999-Plan, the
         "PLANS") are valid, binding and enforceable on each party under the law
         by which they are (expressed to be) governed. Each of the Award
         Agreements (as defined in the 1999-Plan, the "AWARD AGREEMENTS")
         between the Committee (as defined in the 1999-Plan), acting on behalf
         of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, a Delaware corporation, and each of
         the Employees (i) is within the capacity and powers of, and have been
         validly authorised and signed by, each party thereto and (ii) is valid,
         binding and

         enforceable on each party under the law by which it (is expressed to
         be) governed. Each of the Employees qualifies as a Participant (as
         defined in the Plans) and is entitled to sufficient Awards (as defined
         in the 1999-Plan) or options (as defined in the 2001-Plan) for the
         Company to allow for the issue of the Employee Shares. The maximum
         number of Employee Shares which may be issued from time to time by the
         Company under each of the Plans will have been validly adjusted
         pursuant to Section 4.3 of the 1999-Plan, respectively Section 5.03 of
         the 2001-Plan, in the event a change in corporate capitalization as
         described Section 4.3 of the 1999-Plan, respectively an augmentation as
         described in Section 5.03 of the 2001-Plan, occurs, to allow for the
         issue of the Employee Shares. The Options will have been validly
         exercised by the Employees. There are no dealings between the parties
         which affect the Award Agreements or the Plans.

4.5      At the time of the contribution on each of the Employee Shares (the
         "CONTRIBUTION"), the value of the Contribution will be at least equal
         to the amount to be paid on each of the Employee Shares and the
         Contribution will have been validly paid to the Company in US Dollars.

4.6      The Employee Shares will have been issued in the form and manner
         prescribed by the Company's articles of association at the time of
         issue. The Employee Shares will have been validly accepted by the
         Employees and will have been validly placed (geplaatst) with the
         Employees in accordance with the written resolution of the Company's
         Supervisory Board dated May 9, 2002 and in accordance with all laws
         applicable to the acceptance and placement (plaatsing) of the Employee

4.7      The Company's authorised share capital (maatschappelijk kapitaal) will
         be sufficient to allow for the issue of the Employee Shares.

4.8      The bank statement as meant in Section 2:93a subsection 6 Dutch Civil
         Code ("CC") (bankverklaring) of a bank within the meaning of Section
         2:93a subsection 3 CC, showing the sufficient amount of dollars freely
         convertible into EUR at the exchange rate on the payment date of the
         Employee Shares, will be filed with the Chamber of Commerce within two
         weeks after the payment date of the Employee Shares.

4.9      At the time of the exercise of the Options by the Employees and the
         issue of the Employee Shares, no party will possess insider knowledge
         (voorwetenschap) in respect of the Company or the trade in its

4.10     The Employee Shares will have been and will be offered anywhere in the
         world only in accordance with the 1995 Act on the Supervision of the
         Securities Trade (Wet toezicht effectenverkeer 1995).

5        OPINION

         Based on the documents, confirmations and trade register extracts
         referred to and the assumptions in paragraphs 3 and 4, I am of the
         opinion that the Employee Shares, when issued, will have been duly
         authorised and validly issued in accordance with Dutch law and that the
         Employee Shares, when issued, will be fully paid and non-assessable.
         Although Dutch law is not familiar with the term "non-assessable", I
         believe that it is best described as meaning that no obligation other
         than to pay up the nominal amount of a share may be imposed upon a
         shareholder against his will even by an amendment of the articles of
         association of the Company.

6        RELIANCE

         This opinion is solely for the purpose of the Registration and may be
         filed with the SEC on or about October 3, 2003 pertaining to the
         Registration. I hereby consent to the reference to De Brauw Blackstone
         Westbroek P.C., New York, New York, under the heading "Item 8 Exhibits"
         in the two Registration Statements "Post Effective Amendment No. 1 to
         Form S-8" relating to the Registration to be filed with the SEC on or
         about October 3, 2003 (but I do not admit that I am a person whose
         consent for that filing and reference is required under Section 7 of
         the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended). Otherwise, it is
         not to be transmitted to anyone nor is it to be relied upon for any
         other purpose.

Yours faithfully,

/s/ Arie Schaberg

for De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek P.C.