1.0      PURPOSE

         1.1.     To establish a code of business conduct and ethics for senior
                  financial executives.


         2.1.     The audit committee will develop and maintain the content of
                  this policy.

         2.2.     The general counsel will administer this policy.


         3.1.     Policy, Code of business conduct and ethics.

4.0      POLICY

         4.1.     It is the policy of Tesoro Petroleum Corporation and its
                  subsidiaries (the "Company") to conduct its business in
                  accordance with the highest standards of honesty and
                  integrity, the provisions of this Code of Business Conduct and
                  Ethics for Senior Financial Executives (the "Code"), the
                  Company's Code of Business Conduct; other Company policies and
                  all applicable laws and regulations of the United States, and
                  the states, counties, cities and other jurisdictions in which
                  the Company operates.

         4.2.     The specific policy and applications of the Company's
                  commitment to assuring ethical and lawful conduct for all
                  employees, officers, directors and independent agents acting
                  on behalf of the Company ("associates") is contained in the
                  Company's Code of Business Conduct.

         4.3.     In addition to the requirements and expectations contained in
                  the Company's Code of Business Conduct, the Company believes
                  that senior financial executives shall abide by a further code
                  of ethics to ensure that the Company maintains the highest
                  integrity with respect to the preparation and reporting of
                  financial information related to the Company. Accordingly,
                  this Code shall apply to the following: Chief Executive
                  Officer; Chief Financial Officer; head of Finance; Controller;
                  and persons performing similar functions (the "Senior
                  Financial Executives").

         4.4.     All illegal and/or unethical acts are prohibited under this


         5.1.     The Company is committed to complying with all standards of
                  ethical and lawful conduct. This commitment goes beyond
                  compliance. We believe that ethical and lawful conduct is the
                  foundation for our success. Integrity in everything we do is a
                  requirement in all business operations. It is the foundation
                  for mutually beneficial relationships with our customers,
                  suppliers, and communities in which we live and work. All
                  Associates have assigned responsibilities in the operation of
                  our business. Yet, there is another that

                  we all share - responsibility of acting with integrity in all
                  business practices and relationships. This unanimity of
                  purpose allows us to move quickly in exploring new ground; to
                  act boldly in the face of competition; and to take risks
                  whenever they are justified.

         5.2.     This Code is intended as a codification of standards that are
                  reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote and
                  reinforce the following:

                  5.2.1.   Honest and ethical conduct, including ethical
                           handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest
                           between personal and professional relationships.

                  5.2.2.   Full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable
                           disclosure in reports and documents that the Company
                           files with or submits to regulatory authorities or
                           releases to the public.

                  5.2.3.   Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules
                           and regulations.

                  5.2.4.   The prompt reporting to an appropriate person or
                           persons identified in this Code of violations of the

                  5.2.5.   Accountability for adherence to this Code.


         6.1.     Each Senior Financial Executive shall endeavor, through
                  actions which include, without limitation, the establishment,
                  maintenance and periodic evaluation of appropriate disclosure
                  controls and procedures and internal controls, to ensure that,
                  with respect to each quarterly or annual report required by
                  law to be filed by the Company (each a "Report"):

                  6.1.1.   The Report does not contain any untrue statements of
                           material fact or omit to state a material fact
                           necessary in order to make the statements made, in
                           light of the circumstances under which such
                           statements were made, not misleading.

                  6.1.2.   The financial statements, and other financial
                           information contained in each Report fairly present
                           in all material respects the financial condition and
                           results of operations of the Company as of, and for,
                           the periods presented in the Report.

                  6.1.3.   The Report discloses financial information relating
                           to the Company in a full, fair, accurate, timely and
                           understandable manner.

         6.2.     Each Senior Financial Executive shall endeavor to design
                  disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls to
                  ensure that material information relating to the Company and
                  its consolidated subsidiaries is made known to such Senior
                  Financial Executives by others within the Company.


         7.1.     Senior Financial Executives, as the primary executives
                  responsible for the complete and accurate financial reporting
                  of the Company, to the best of their ability, shall not permit
                  the reporting of any financial information of the Company
                  which they believe is false or misleading in any material

         7.2.     Should any Senior Financial Executive have reason to believe
                  that the Company has reported or may be intending to report
                  any false or misleading financial information, he/she shall
                  promptly advise the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. If
                  having done so, such Senior Financial Executive believes that
                  appropriate action will not be taken to prevent such
                  reporting, then the Senior Financial Executive shall report
                  the matter to the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the
                  Tesoro Petroleum Corporation Board of Directors (the "Board").


         8.1.     Each Senior Financial Executive shall fully disclose to the
                  Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board any prior
                  employment of such executive with any accounting firm which
                  the Company has engaged or proposes to engage, to perform
                  auditing services.

         8.2.     Such Senior Financial Executive shall also fully disclose the
                  scope of any work performed for the Company while employed by
                  such accounting firm, and the time period during which such
                  work was performed.


         9.1.     No Senior Financial Executive, shall, directly or indirectly,
                  through any business entity in which he/she or any of such
                  executive's family members have an interest or otherwise,
                  engage in any transaction with the Company which is required
                  to be reported in, or requires the exercise of any judgment as
                  to whether it is required to be reported in, the financial
                  records or statements of the Company.

         9.2.     The following are exceptions:

                  9.2.1.   Regular compensation, including bonuses, and employee
                           benefits received in such executive's capacity as an
                           executive and employee of the Company.

                  9.2.2.   Transactions in goods and services routinely engaged
                           in by the Company with its unaffiliated clients or
                           customers on terms, subject to customary employee
                           discounts and benefits, generally offered to its
                           unaffiliated clients and customers.

                  9.2.3.   Transactions with publicly held entities in which the
                           executive has less than 1.0 percent equity interest
                           and with respect to which transactions such executive
                           has no decision-making role on behalf of such entity.

                  9.2.4.   Transactions fully disclosed to and approved in
                           advance by the Audit Committee of the Board.


         10.1.    Each Senior Financial Executive shall promptly disclose to the
                  Company's independent auditors and to the Chairman of the
                  Audit Committee of the Board his/her knowledge of the

                  10.1.1.  All significant deficiencies in the design or
                           operation of the Company's internal controls which
                           could adversely affect the Company's ability to
                           record, process, summarize, and report financial

                  10.1.2.  Any material weakness in the Company's internal

                  10.1.3.  Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves the
                           Company's management or other employees who have a
                           significant role in the Company's internal controls.

         10.2.    The Senior Financial Executives shall ensure that each Report
                  fully, accurately and timely discloses whether or not there
                  were significant changes in internal controls or in other
                  factors that could significantly affect internal controls in
                  connection with such Report, including any corrective actions
                  with regard to significant deficiencies and material weakness.

         10.3.    Each Senior Financial Executive shall promptly report to the
                  Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board any violations of
                  this Code.


         11.1.    In the event any Senior Financial Executive shall believe that
                  the Company has engaged or is about to engage in any activity
                  which violates any foreign, federal, state, or local law, rule
                  or regulations, such Senior Financial Executive shall promptly
                  advise the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial
                  Officer, or the General Counsel (Compliance Officer) in person
                  or by telephone, letter, or electronic mail as follows:

                  11.1.1.  By Letter:
                           Tesoro Petroleum Corporation
                           300 Concord Plaza Drive
                           San Antonio, Texas 78216-6999

                  11.1.2.  By Telephone:
                           Direct Telephone 210-828-8484
                           Toll Free Telephone 800-837-6762
                           Toll Free Hotline 877-782-3763

         11.2.    If this is uncomfortable or inappropriate, or if having done
                  so, such Senior Financial Executive believes that appropriate
                  action will not be taken to address the violation or

                  potential violation, then such Senior Financial Executive
                  shall report the matter to the Chairman of the Audit Committee
                  of the Board.

         11.3.    The Company will not permit retaliation of any kind on or on
                  behalf of the Company, against a Senior Financial Executive,
                  as a result of a good faith report of an actual or suspected
                  violation of this Code or any standard of ethical and lawful
                  conduct. Retaliation is itself a violation of this Code. Any
                  such retaliation shall be reported using the reporting
                  procedures outlined above.


         12.1.    If a Senior Financial Executive is found to be in violation of
                  this Code, the Company shall take appropriate action up to and
                  including discharge and, if warranted, legal proceedings.

         12.2.    To the extent possible, investigations of allegations of
                  violations of this Code will be maintained in confidence. The
                  Company will inform only those individuals who have a need to
                  know of the report in order to conduct a full and fair
                  investigation of the allegations that have been made.

         12.3.    The Chief Compliance Officer may assist in the investigation
                  and resolution of such alleged violation of this Code.


         13.1.    This Code may be amended, modified or waived by the Board of
                  Directors and waivers may also be granted by the Governance
                  Committee of the Board subject to the disclosure and other
                  provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the
                  rules thereunder and the applicable rules of the New York
                  Stock Exchange.

         13.2.    This Code is intended as a directive for the efficient and
                  professional performance of all Senior Financial Executives.
                  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to be a contract
                  between Tesoro Petroleum Corporation and the Senior Financial
                  Executives. Additionally, this Code is not to be construed as
                  containing binding terms and conditions of employment. This
                  employment relationship with the Company is "at will" and the
                  Company retains the absolute right to terminate any Senior
                  Financial Executive, at any time, with or without cause.

         13.3.    The Company shall immediately disclose, by means of the filing
                  of a Current Report on Form 8-K or by such other means as the
                  Securities and Exchange Commission may require, any amendments
                  to or any waiver of this Code.
