THOMAS & BETTS CORPORATION




The Compensation Committee (the "Committee") is a standing committee of the
Board of Directors (the "Board"). The purpose of the Committee is to discharge
the responsibility of the Board relating to cash compensation of the
Corporation's executive officers and such other key employees as the Committee
may determine (together, "Key Management"), to approve and administer the
Corporation's equity-based incentive plans and to produce an annual report on
executive compensation for inclusion in the Corporation's proxy statement.


         A.       CHARTER. At least annually, this charter shall be reviewed and
                  reassessed by the Committee and any proposed changes shall be
                  submitted to the Board for approval. This charter and all
                  amendments hereto shall be publicly disclosed as required by
                  law or the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange

         B.       MEMBERS. The Committee shall be comprised of at least three
                  members. Each member of the Committee and a Committee
                  Chairperson shall be appointed by the Board on the
                  recommendation of the Corporate Governance Committee and shall
                  meet the independence requirements of applicable law and the
                  NYSE listing standards, the requirements of an "outside
                  director" for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal
                  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the requirements of a
                  "non-employee director" for purposes of Section 16 of the
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Committee members
                  may be removed by the Board.

         C.       MEETINGS. The Committee shall establish a schedule of
                  meetings, which shall include at least three meetings each
                  year; additional meetings may be scheduled with notice as
                  required. The Committee may invite members of management or
                  any director to attend its meetings. The Committee may hold
                  executive sessions without management present.

         D.       QUORUM; ACTION BY COMMITTEE; WRITTEN CONSENT. A quorum at any
                  Committee meeting shall be at least a majority of the members.


                  determinations of the Committee shall be made by a majority of
                  its members present at a meeting duly called and held.

                  Any decision or determination of the Committee reduced to
                  writing and signed by all of the members of the Committee
                  consenting to such action without a meeting shall be effective
                  as if it had been made at a meeting duly called and held.

         E.       AGENDA, MINUTES AND REPORTS. The Chairperson of the Committee
                  shall be responsible for establishing the agenda for the
                  meetings of the Committee. Any member of the Committee may
                  suggest agenda items to the Chairperson. An agenda, together
                  with materials relating to the subject matter of each meeting,
                  will be sent to members of the Committee prior to each

                  Minutes for all meetings of the Committee shall be prepared to
                  document the Committee's deliberation and actions. The minutes
                  shall be circulated in draft form to all Committee members to
                  ensure an accurate final record, and should be submitted for
                  approval at a subsequent meeting of the Committee. The
                  approved minutes shall be signed by the Committee Chairperson
                  and maintained by the Secretary of the Corporation. The
                  Committee shall make regular reports to the Board.

         F.       COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The Committee shall evaluate
                  its performance on an annual basis and develop criteria for
                  such evaluation.


         The following shall be the principal duties and responsibilities of the

         A.       COMPENSATION. The Committee shall:

                  (1)     review and approve periodically, but no less
                          frequently than annually, the Corporation's
                          compensation philosophy for the Chief Executive
                          Officer and other Key Management;

                  (2)     review and approve corporate goals and objectives
                          relevant to compensation of the Chief Executive
                          Officer, evaluate his/her performance in light of
                          those goals and objectives, and set his/her
                          compensation based on this evaluation; and

                  (3)     approve and report to the Board the annual
                          compensation (including setting goals and objectives
                          under incentive plans) of the Corporation's Chief
                          Executive Officer and the next four most highly
                          compensated members of Key Management who will be
                          named in the Corporation's annual proxy statement;


                  In determining incentive compensation for the Chief Executive
                  Officer and the Corporation's next four most highly
                  compensated members of Key Management who will be named in the
                  Corporation's annual proxy statement, the Committee should
                  consider, among other factors, the Corporation's performance
                  and relative shareholder return (or other criteria) during
                  such periods as the Committee may deem appropriate; the value
                  of similar incentive awards to the chief executive officer and
                  other key management at comparable companies and the awards
                  given to the chief executive officer and other key management
                  in past years. In addition, the Committee should also consider
                  the need to retain Key Employees and to provide additional
                  motivation to such employees to exert their best efforts on
                  behalf of the Corporation and its shareholders.

                  The Chairperson of the Committee will be responsible for
                  communicating to the Chief Executive Officer the evaluation of
                  his/her performance conducted by the Committee and the level
                  of compensation approved for the Chief Executive Officer.

         B.       BENEFIT LEVELS AND PERQUISITE POLICIES. The Committee shall
                  establish direct and indirect benefits for the Chief Executive
                  Officer and Key Management, which are in addition to any
                  benefits under the Corporation's broadly-based benefit plans.
                  The Committee shall review and approve policies with respect
                  to Key Management perquisites.

         C.       INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLANS. The Committee shall make
                  recommendations to the Board (and shareholders as required by
                  law or the NYSE listing standards) with respect to the
                  establishment and terms of incentive compensation plans and
                  equity-based plans and shall administer such plans, including
                  reviewing and approving any awards to be granted to management
                  under any such plan implemented by the Corporation.

         D.       EMPLOYMENT AND SEVERANCE ARRANGEMENTS. The Committee shall
                  review and approve any employment and severance arrangements
                  and benefits of the Chief Executive Officer and Key Management
                  in light of practices at comparable companies and any benefits
                  received by the Corporation in connection with such

         E.       EVALUATION OF COMPENSATION PROGRAM. The Committee shall review
                  on a periodic basis the operation of the Corporation's
                  compensation program to evaluate its effectiveness and will
                  recommend to the Board of Directors steps to modify
                  compensation programs as may be deemed appropriate to help
                  ensure that benefits or payments are reasonably related or are
                  proportionate to the benefits received by, or performance of,
                  the Corporation.


         F.       SPECIAL PURPOSE ENTITIES. The Committee shall review and
                  approve any compensation arrangement for an executive officer
                  involving any subsidiary, special purpose entity or other
                  affiliate of the Corporation. These arrangements are expected
                  to be permitted only in special circumstances and only when
                  the Committee determines such arrangements may benefit the

         G.       PERSONNEL POLICIES. The Committee will review on a periodic
                  basis personnel policies applicable to Key Management to
                  assure they support the objectives of the Corporation and are
                  in the long-term best interests of shareholders.

         H.       SUCCESSION PROGRAMS. The Committee will review any Key
                  Management development and succession plans to determine that
                  specific steps are taken to assure the future availability of
                  key executives.

         I.       ORGANIZATION CHANGES. The Committee will review major
                  organization changes which may impact Key Management
                  succession plans and incentive compensation systems, and make
                  recommendations to the Board where Board action is required.

         J.       ACCESS TO RECORDS, CONSULTANTS AND OTHERS. The Committee shall
                  have sole authority to engage and terminate any outside
                  consultant or advisor to assist with any matter for which it
                  has responsibility and to approve the terms of any such

                  In discharging its responsibilities, the Committee shall have
                  full access to any relevant records of the Corporation and may
                  also request that any employee or any other person, meet with
                  any members of, or consultants and advisors to, the Committee.

         K.       ANNUAL COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT. The Committee shall
                  produce an annual report on executive compensation for
                  inclusion in the Corporation's annual proxy statement, all in
                  accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

         L.       DELEGATION. The Committee may delegate any of its
                  responsibilities to a subcommittee comprised of two or more
                  members of the Committee, and may delegate authority to make
                  grants and awards under any equity-based plan to the Chief
                  Executive Officer with such limitations as determined by the
                  Committee and as may be required by law or the listing
                  standards of NYSE.

         M.       OTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The Committee shall also
                  carry out such other duties and responsibilities that may be
                  delegated to it by the Board from time to time.
