ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                            DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.

     The undersigned Corporation hereby executes these Articles of Amendment for
the purpose of amending its Articles of Incorporation.

     1.   The name of the Corporation is Digital Recorders, Inc.

     2.   The Amended and Restated Certificate of Designation of Series F
          Convertible Preferred Stock which is attached as Exhibit A was adopted
          by the Board of Directors in the manner prescribed by law and is an
          amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation.

     3.   The date of the adoption of these Articles of Amendment by the Board
          of Directors was March 29, 2004.

     4.   These Articles of Amendment do not effect an exchange,
          reclassification or cancellation of issued shares of the Corporation.

     Dated this 5th day of April, 2004.

                                                  DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.

                                                  By /s/ DAVID L. TURNEY
                                                     David L. Turney, President

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                           CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION
                             DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.

Digital Recorders, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the Business
Corporation Act of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter called the
"Corporation"), hereby certifies that the following resolution was adopted by
the Board of Directors of the Corporation as required by Section 55-6-02 of the
Business Corporation Act at a meeting duly called and held on March 29, 2004,
and approved by the sole holder of the outstanding shares of the Corporation's
Series F Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.10 per share, as required by
Section 55-10-04 of the Business Corporation Act by written consent dated March
31, 2004;

RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority granted to and vested in the Board of
Directors of this Corporation (hereinafter called the "Board of Directors" or
the "Board") in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation
of the Corporation ("Articles of Incorporation"), the Board of Directors hereby
amends and restates in their entirety the terms and provisions of the Series F
Convertible Preferred Stock, previously established as a series of Preferred
Stock, par value $.10 per share (the "Preferred Stock"), of the Corporation and
as so amended and restated, the Series F Convertible Preferred Stock shall have
the designation and number of shares, and the relative rights, preferences, and
limitations thereof as follows:

Section 1.  Designation and Amount. The shares of this series shall be
            designated as "Series F Convertible Preferred Stock" (the "Series F
            Preferred Stock") and the number of shares constituting the Series F
            Preferred Stock shall be 400 shares. Such number of shares may be
            increased or decreased by resolution of the board of directors;
            provided that no decrease shall reduce the number of shares of
            Series F Preferred Stock to a number less than the number of shares
            then outstanding plus the number of shares reserved for issuance
            upon the exercise of outstanding options, rights or warrants or upon
            the conversion of any outstanding securities issued by the
            corporation convertible into Series F Preferred Stock.

Section 2.  Dividends and Distributions.

            (a) The holders of shares of Series F Preferred Stock shall be
            entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Board of
            Directors, consistent with applicable law and out of funds legally
            available therefor, dividends during the period commencing on
            November 10, 2003 (the "Commencement Date") and continuing for as
            long as any of the shares of Series F Preferred Stock remain
            outstanding. Dividends shall accrue quarterly at an annual rate of
            three percent (3.0%) on the Liquidation Preference (as hereinafter
            defined) and shall be paid on February 10, May 10, August 10 and
            November 10 of each year (each, a "Payment Date") (except that if
            any such date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then such
            dividend shall be payable on the next day that is not a

         Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday); provided, however, that the first
         payment of dividends following the Commencement Date shall be made on
         May 10, 2004. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the
         holders of record of shares of Series F Preferred Stock, as they appear
         on the stock records of the Corporation, at the close of business on
         the date that is fifteen (15) days preceding the Payment Date thereof,
         provided, however, that the Board of Directors may fix a different
         record date for any dividend payment, which date shall be not less than
         ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days preceding the Payment Date
         thereof. Dividends on shares of Series F Preferred Stock shall accrue
         (whether or not declared) on a daily basis from and including the
         Commencement Date. Accrued dividends for each Dividend Period (as
         hereinafter defined) shall be cumulative (whether or not such dividends
         are declared), but shall not compound. Such dividends shall accumulate
         to the extent not paid on the Payment Date occurring on the last day of
         the Dividend Period for which they accrue, and any such accrued and
         unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Period may be declared and paid
         at any time, without reference to any regular Payment Date, to holders
         of record on such date, not more than forty-five (45) days preceding
         the Payment Date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.
         For purposes of this paragraph, a "Dividend Period" shall mean a
         quarterly dividend period commencing on the calendar day immediately
         following the Commencement Date and immediately following each
         subsequent Payment Date and ending on and including the next following
         Payment Date. The Series F Preferred Stock shall rank pari passu with
         the Series E Redeemable Nonvoting Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series
         E Preferred Stock") and prior and superior to the Series AAA Preferred
         Stock and the common stock, par value $.10 per share (the "Common
         Stock"), of the Corporation with respect to the payment of dividends.
         In the event any new shares of Series F Preferred Stock are issued
         during any Dividend Period or any shares of Series F Preferred Stock
         are redeemed by the Corporation or converted during any Dividend
         Period, the accrued dividends shall be prorated in proportion to the
         number of days during that Dividend Period during which such shares
         were outstanding. All accrued but unpaid dividends shall be paid upon
         redemption or conversion of the shares of Series F Preferred Stock.

         (b) Such dividends shall be payable in additional shares of Series F
         Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the aggregate number of shares
         of Series F Preferred Stock issuable as dividends on the Series F
         Preferred Stock (notwithstanding any adjustment of the rate at which
         dividends accrue as hereinafter provided) shall not exceed 15.5576
         shares without the approval, in accordance with the Corporation's
         bylaws, by the holders of the Common Stock (other than shares of Common
         Stock (i) acquired by the initial holder of Series F Preferred Stock
         upon conversion of such shares of Series F Preferred Stock and held by
         such initial holder or any of its "affiliates," as defined in Rule
         12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, (ii) acquired by an
         affiliate of such initial holder upon conversion of shares of Series F
         Preferred Stock, or (iii) held by a subsequent holder of Series F
         Preferred Stock who continues to hold shares of Series F Preferred
         Stock and who acquired such shares of Common Stock upon conversion of
         shares of Series F Preferred Stock). In the event that any payment

         of dividends in shares of Series F Preferred Stock would require
         shareholder approval in accordance with the preceding sentence, the
         Corporation agrees to seek such approval at the next regularly
         scheduled meeting of shareholders after it has been determined that
         shareholder approval would be required for the issuance of any shares
         as dividends on the next scheduled Payment Date, if such shareholder
         approval shall not have previously been sought. Dividends shall be paid
         in cash out of funds legally available therefor on any Payment Date(s)
         that may arise between the date of such determination and the meeting
         of shareholders at which the shareholders vote on such authorization.
         In the event the shareholders reject such authorization, such dividends
         will be paid in shares of Series F Preferred Stock to the maximum
         extent that they may be so paid without violating the limitations set
         forth in the first sentence of this paragraph (b), and thereafter, such
         dividends shall be paid in cash out of funds legally available
         therefor, commencing on the next Payment Date.

         (c) The number of shares of Series F Preferred Stock (or fraction
         thereof) issuable on each whole or fractional share of Series F
         Preferred Stock on each Payment Date shall be equal to the quotient
         (rounded to four decimal places) obtained by dividing (i) the dollar
         value of the dividend to be paid thereon by (ii) the Liquidation
         Preference thereof.

         (d) If the Corporation fails to file with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission a Registration Statement (which may be the Registration
         Statement on Form S-3, registration no. 333-111534, filed prior to the
         date hereof) covering the resale of the Conversion Shares (as defined
         in the Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement dated as of
         April 1, 2004, between the Corporation and the holder (the
         "Registration Rights Agreement")), and cause the same to be declared
         effective by May 15, 2004 (the "Target Effective Date"), assuming full
         cooperation by the holder of the Series F Preferred Stock, including
         compliance by the holder with all its obligations under Article I of
         the Registration Rights Agreement, then the annual rate at which
         dividends accrue on the Series F Preferred Stock as set forth in
         subsection (a) of this Section 2 shall increase by one-tenth of one
         percent (0.1%) for each period of thirty (30) days beyond the Target
         Effective Date until the Registration Statement is declared effective;
         provided, however, that the maximum annual dividend rate, as adjusted
         pursuant to this subsection (d), shall be five percent (5.0%).

         (e) If the average closing bid price for the Common Stock on the
         principal public trading market for such stock does not exceed 2.5
         times the then-current Conversion Price (as hereinafter defined) for
         any period of seventy-five (75) consecutive trading days, or if such
         closing bid price does not exceed 2.5 times the then-current Conversion
         Price for a total of at least one hundred fifty (150) trading days
         (whether or not consecutive), in either case during the period
         commencing on the Commencement Date and ending on November 10, 2008,
         then the rate at which dividends will accrue, as set forth in
         subsection (a) of this Section 2, shall be increased to ten percent
         (10%) beginning on November 10, 2008, effective for the dividend
         payable on the February 10, 2009 Payment Date

         and continuing for as long as any of the shares of Series F Preferred
         Stock remain outstanding.

Section 3. Voting Rights. Except as is required by applicable law, the holders
         of Series F Preferred Stock shall be entitled to vote with the holders
         of common stock, voting together as a single class, on any matters on
         which holders of common stock are entitled to vote, and the holder of
         each outstanding whole or fractional share of Series F Preferred Stock
         shall be entitled to a number of votes equal to the quotient obtained
         by dividing the liquidation preference thereof by $2.35. Fractional
         votes shall not, however, be permitted and any fractional voting rights
         resulting from the above formula (after aggregating all whole and
         fractional shares of Series F Preferred Stock held by each holder)
         shall be adjusted downward to the nearest whole number.

Section 4. Liquidation.

         (a) The liquidation preference for the Series F Preferred Stock (the
         "Liquidation Preference") shall equal Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)
         per share. The Series F Preferred Stock shall be pari passu with Series
         E Preferred Stock (collectively with the Series F Preferred Stock, the
         "Preferred Stock") and rank prior and superior to the Series AAA
         Preferred Stock and the Common Stock with respect to payments upon
         liquidation, dissolution and winding up. The Series AAA Preferred
         Stock, the Common Stock and any other class or series of stock ranking
         junior to the Preferred Stock with respect to payments upon
         liquidation, dissolution and winding up are referred to, collectively,
         herein as "Junior Stock".

         (b) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
         Corporation, either voluntary or involuntary (collectively, a
         "Liquidating Event"), the Corporation shall pay or make adequate
         provision for the payment of all indebtedness and other obligations of
         the Corporation. Thereafter, the remaining assets of the Corporation
         shall be used to pay, prior to any distribution of any of the assets of
         the Corporation to the holders of Junior Stock by reason of the
         ownership thereof, an amount equal to the Liquidation Preference per
         share of the Preferred Stock set forth by the Board of Directors in
         priority fixed by the Board of Directors, plus an amount equal to
         accrued and unpaid dividends on such shares, if any.

         (c) After all such Liquidation Preferences shall have been paid in full
         to each holder of Preferred Stock (including accrued but unpaid
         dividends), each holder of Junior Stock other than Common Stock shall
         be entitled to be paid from the remaining assets of the Corporation
         such amounts, if any, to which such holder may be entitled under any
         other provision of these Articles of Incorporation prior to any
         distribution of any of the assets of the Corporation to the holders of
         Common Stock.

         (d) Any assets of the Corporation remaining after the payments
         specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) above shall be distributed pro rata
         with respect to the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

         (e) If upon any Liquidating Event, the assets of the Corporation shall
         be insufficient to pay all the holders of any class or series of
         capital stock the full amount to which they are entitled pursuant to
         this Section 4, then the following rules shall apply: (i) each holder
         of shares of the class or series shall be paid his pro rata share,
         which shall equal the product determined by multiplying the aggregate
         amount to be paid to all holders of that class or series by a fraction
         (x) whose numerator equals the number of shares of that class or series
         owned by the shareholder, and (y) whose denominator equals the number
         of issued and outstanding shares of that class or series, and (ii) in
         any case in which the owner of two or more series or classes of capital
         stock shall have equal priority to any distribution, each holder shall
         be paid his pro rata share, which shall equal the product determined by
         multiplying the aggregate amount available for payment to all holders
         of the series or classes with equal priority, by a fraction (x) whose
         numerator equals the amount such shareholder would receive if the
         Corporation had adequate funds to pay the Liquidation Preferences of
         the shares of the series or classes having equal priorities owned by
         the shareholder, and (y) whose denominator equals the aggregate
         Liquidation Preferences of all issued and outstanding shares of the
         series or classes having equal priorities.

         (f) For the purposes of this Section 4, any merger or consolidation of
         the Corporation into or with any other corporation or entity, or a
         sale, conveyance, mortgage, transfer, license, pledge, lease or other
         disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the
         Corporation, shall be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or
         winding up of the Corporation unless (i) the shareholders of the
         Corporation immediately prior thereto shall, immediately thereafter,
         hold as a group the right to cast at least a majority of the votes of
         all holders of voting securities of the resulting or surviving
         corporation or entity on any matter on which any such holders of voting
         securities shall be entitled to vote; or (ii) the holders of Series F
         Preferred Stock shall determine, by vote of the holders of a majority
         of the outstanding shares of such series, voting as a separate class,
         that it shall not be so deemed.

         (g) For purposes of this Section 4, if any asset distributed to
         shareholders upon liquidation of the Corporation consists of property
         other than cash, the amount of such distribution shall be deemed to be
         the fair market value thereof at the time of such distribution, as
         determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         (h) Written notice of any Liquidating Event stating a payment date, the
         place where such payment shall be made, the amount of each payment in
         liquidation and the amount of accrued dividends to be paid, shall be
         given by first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than ten (10) days
         prior to the payment date stated therein, to each shareholder of record
         (whether or not the shareholder is to receive any payment) at such
         shareholder's address as shown in the records of the Corporation.

Section 5. Redemption.

         (a) The holders of the Series F Preferred Stock shall not have the
         right to cause the Corporation to redeem shares of their Series F
         Preferred Stock at any time.

         (b) If the rate at which dividends on the Series F Preferred Stock
         accrue is increased to ten percent (10%) pursuant to Section 2(d),
         then, from and after November 10, 2008, the Corporation shall have the
         right, but not the obligation, exercisable at any time and from time to
         time, to redeem all or any portion of the outstanding shares of Series
         F Preferred Stock. All redemptions of less than all outstanding shares
         of Series F Preferred Stock shall be effected on a pro rata basis.

         (c) The redemption price to be paid by the Corporation for any shares
         of Series F Preferred Stock shall equal the Liquidation Preference for
         those shares, plus an amount equal to the cash value of all accrued but
         unpaid dividends thereon. Upon payment of such redemption price, the
         Corporation shall have no further obligation with respect to payment of
         accrued and unpaid dividends.

         (d) If the assets of the Corporation legally available shall be
         insufficient to pay all the holders of Series F Preferred Stock the
         full amount to which they are entitled upon any redemption pursuant to
         this Section, then the following rules shall apply: (i) each such
         holder shall be paid his pro rata share, which shall equal the product
         determined by multiplying the aggregate amount to be paid to all
         holders by a fraction (x) whose numerator equals the number of shares
         of Series F Preferred Stock owned by the holder, and (y) whose
         denominator equals the number of issued and outstanding shares of
         Series F Preferred Stock, and (ii) in any case in which the owners of
         two or more series or classes of capital stock shall have equal rights
         to any distribution in connection with the redemption of shares of all
         such classes of series, each holder shall be paid his pro rata share,
         which shall equal the product determined by multiplying the aggregate
         amount available for payment to all holders of the series or classes
         with equal priority, by a fraction (x) whose numerator equals the
         amount such shareholder would receive if the Corporation had adequate
         funds to pay the redemption prices of all shares of the series or
         classes having equal priorities, and (y) whose denominator equals the
         aggregate redemption prices of all issued and outstanding shares of the
         series or classes having equal priorities.

         (e) At least thirty (30) days prior to any redemption, the Corporation
         will provide to the holders of shares to be redeemed written notice
         (the "Redemption Notice") of the number of shares to be redeemed (the
         "Redemption Shares"), the redemption price and the redemption date (the
         "Redemption Date"). Such notice shall be sent to the address for each
         holder of Series F Preferred Stock on the records of the Corporation.
         Upon receipt of any Redemption Notice, holders of Series F Preferred
         Stock shall send to the Corporation stock certificate(s) duly endorsed
         for transfer representing the Redemption Shares as provided in the
         Redemption Notice for receipt by the Corporation on or before the
         Redemption Date. Upon receipt of stock certificate(s) representing the
         Redemption Shares

         endorsed as provided above (but not prior to the Redemption Date), the
         Corporation will send to the holders of the Redemption Shares payment
         of the redemption price as stated in the Redemption Notice, and if not
         all the shares represented by the stock certificate(s) provided to the
         Corporation are to be redeemed, stock certificate(s) representing the
         shares that have not been redeemed.

         The Corporation shall have no obligation to make any payment for
         Redemption Shares until the owner of the Redemption Shares complies in
         full with the procedures set forth above. Notwithstanding failure by
         any shareholder to comply with the procedures set forth in the
         preceding paragraph and the consequent failure by the Corporation to
         pay the redemption price for the Redemption Shares, the Redemption
         Shares shall, from and after the Redemption Date stated in the
         Redemption Notice, cease to be issued and outstanding shares of capital
         stock of the Corporation and the former owner shall not be entitled to
         vote, receive dividends or exercise any other rights of a shareholder
         on account of the Redemption Shares. From and after the Redemption Date
         the sole obligation of the Corporation on account of the Redemption
         Shares shall be to pay the redemption price stated in the Redemption
         Notice without interest of any kind for late payment.

         (f) Holders of outstanding shares of Series F Preferred Stock shall
         have the right to convert such shares into shares of Common Stock in
         accordance with Section 6 hereof at any time before the close of
         business on the fifth Business Day preceding the Redemption Date
         specified for such shares. Without limiting any rights of the
         Corporation, the Corporation may reduce the number of shares that it
         has elected to redeem as specified in a Redemption Notice by a number
         equivalent to the number of shares of Series F Preferred Stock
         converted into Common Stock during the period beginning on the date of
         the Redemption Notice and ending on the Redemption Date.

         (g) All shares of the Series F Preferred Stock that shall have been
         redeemed as herein provided shall no longer be deemed to be
         outstanding. Any shares of Series F Preferred Stock so redeemed shall
         be retired and canceled and shall not be reissued, and the Corporation
         may from time to time take such appropriate action as may be necessary
         to reduce the authorized Series F Preferred Stock accordingly.

Section 6. Conversion of Series F Preferred Stock. Each holder of shares of
         Series F Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or any
         portion of such shares as such holder desires to convert, and in
         certain circumstances such shares shall be automatically converted,
         into shares of the common stock of the corporation, as follows:

         (a) Optional Conversion. Subject to and in compliance with the
         provisions of this Section 6, any or all shares of Series F Preferred
         Stock, at the option of the holder, may be converted at any time or
         from time to time prior to the fifth Business Day preceding any
         Redemption Date established for such shares, into a number of fully
         paid and nonassessable shares (calculated as to each conversion

         to the largest whole share) of Common Stock determined by multiplying
         the number of whole and fractional shares of Series F Preferred Stock
         to be converted by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
         Liquidation Preference of a share of Series F Preferred Stock and the
         denominator of which is the conversion price then in effect for the
         Series F Preferred Stock (the "Conversion Price"). Initially, the
         Conversion Price is $2.00 per share; provided, however, that the
         Conversion Price shall be subject to adjustment at the times and in
         accordance with the provisions set forth below.

         (b) Automatic Conversion. The outstanding shares of Series F Preferred
         Stock shall automatically convert to shares of Common Stock in the
         circumstances described in either of the following subparagraphs, as

         (i)      If the closing bid price for the Common Stock on The Nasdaq
                  Stock Market (or other exchange or market on which the Common
                  Stock may from time to time be traded) for any period of ten
                  (10) consecutive trading days exceeds $5.88 (the "Target
                  Price"), then all outstanding shares of Series F Preferred
                  Stock shall automatically convert, at the close of the market
                  on the last trading day in such period, into a number of fully
                  paid and nonassessable shares (calculated to the largest whole
                  share) of Common Stock determined by multiplying the number of
                  shares of Series F Preferred Stock then outstanding by a
                  fraction, the numerator of which is the Liquidation Preference
                  of a share of Series F Preferred Stock and the denominator of
                  which is the Target Price, provided that the Target Price
                  shall be adjusted for any stock splits, combinations or
                  similar events occurring after the initial issuance date of
                  the Series F Preferred Stock; and provided further that the
                  resale of the shares issuable upon conversion shall have been
                  registered or shall be subject to available exemption under
                  applicable security laws.

         (ii)     Upon any conversion of all or part of the debentures in the
                  face amount of $3,979,000 issued to The Frost National Bank,
                  custodian FBO Renaissance US Growth and Income Trust PLC Trust
                  No. W00740100 and HSBC Global Custody Nominee (U.K) Limited
                  Designation No. 896414 (the "Debentures") into Common Stock,
                  all or a proportionate part, respectively, of the outstanding
                  shares of Series F Preferred Stock shall automatically convert
                  into a number of fully paid and nonassessable shares
                  (calculated to the largest whole share) of Common Stock
                  determined by multiplying the number of whole and fractional
                  shares of Series F Preferred Stock being converted by a
                  fraction, the numerator of which is the Liquidation Preference
                  of a share of Series F Preferred Stock and the denominator of
                  which is the greater of the Conversion Price then in effect or
                  the deemed price (or average price, if more than one) per
                  share of Common Stock at which the conversion of the
                  Debentures shall have been effected; provided that the resale
                  of the

                  shares issuable upon conversion shall have been registered or
                  shall be subject to available exemption under applicable
                  security laws. If such conversion is accompanied by or is a
                  result of any benefit or incentive provided to the holder of
                  the Debentures, then the same benefit or incentive shall be
                  accorded to the Holder of the Series F Preferred Stock.

         (c) Mechanics of Conversion. Before any holder of Series F Preferred
         Stock shall be entitled to convert the same into full shares of Common
         Stock, unless the conversion is an automatic conversion, the holder
         shall surrender the certificate or certificates therefor, duly endorsed
         for transfer, at the office of the Corporation or any transfer agent of
         the Corporation and shall give written notice to the Corporation at
         such office that he elects to convert the same, such notice to state
         the name or names and addresses to which certificates for Common Stock
         will be issued. No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be issued
         upon conversion of Series F Preferred Stock. In lieu of any fractional
         shares to which the holder would otherwise be entitled, the Corporation
         shall pay cash equal to such fraction multiplied by the then-effective
         Conversion Price. The Corporation shall, as soon as practicable
         thereafter, issue and deliver at such office to such holder of Series F
         Preferred Stock, or to a third party such holder may designate in
         writing, a certificate or certificates for the number of whole shares
         of Common Stock to which he shall be entitled and a check payable to
         the holder in the amount of any cash amounts payable in lieu of
         fractional shares as aforesaid, and if less than all the shares of
         Series F Preferred Stock represented by such certificates are
         converted, a certificate representing the shares of Series F Preferred
         Stock not converted. Such conversion shall be deemed to have been made
         immediately prior to the close of business on the date of such
         surrender of the shares of Series F Preferred Stock to be converted,
         and the person or persons entitled to receive the shares of Common
         Stock issuable upon such conversion shall be treated for all purposes
         as the record holder or holders of such shares of Common Stock on such

         (d) Adjustments to Conversion Price.

         (i)      Adjustments for Subdivisions, Common Stock Dividends,
                  Combinations or Consolidations of Common Stock. In the event
                  the outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be subdivided or
                  increased by stock split or stock dividend, into a greater
                  number of shares of Common Stock, the Conversion Price then in
                  effect shall concurrently with the effectiveness of such
                  subdivision or payment of such stock dividend, be
                  proportionately decreased. In the event the outstanding shares
                  of Common Stock shall be combined or consolidated, by
                  reclassification or otherwise, into a lesser number of shares
                  of Common Stock, the Conversion Price then in effect shall
                  concurrently with the effectiveness of such combination or
                  consolidation, be proportionately increased.

        (ii)      Adjustments for Reclassification, Exchange and Substitution.
                  If the Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Series F

                  Preferred Stock shall be changed into the same or a different
                  number of shares of any other class or classes of stock,
                  whether by capital reorganization, reclassification or
                  otherwise (other than a subdivision or combination of shares
                  provided for above), the Series F Preferred Stock shall
                  thereafter be convertible into, in lieu of the shares of
                  Common Stock which the holders would otherwise have been
                  entitled to receive, a number of shares of such other class or
                  classes of stock that would have been obtainable in exchange
                  for the shares of Common Stock that were issuable upon
                  conversion of the Series F Preferred Stock immediately before
                  that change.

         (e) Certificate as to Adjustments. Upon the occurrence of each
         adjustment or readjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to this
         Section 6, the Corporation at its expense, shall promptly compute such
         adjustment or readjustment in accordance with the terms hereof and
         furnish to each holder of Series F Preferred Stock a certificate
         setting forth such adjustment or readjustment in accordance with the
         terms hereof and furnish to each holder of Series F Preferred Stock a
         certificate setting forth such adjustment or readjustment and showing
         in detail the facts upon which such adjustment or readjustment is
         based. The Corporation shall, upon the written request at any time of
         any holder of Series F Preferred Stock, furnish or cause to be
         furnished to such holder a like certificate setting forth (i) such
         adjustments and readjustments, (ii) the Conversion Price at the time in
         effect and (iii) the number of shares of Common Stock and the amount,
         if any, of other property which at the time would be received upon the
         conversion of Series F Preferred Stock.

         (f) No Impairment. The Corporation will not, by amendment of its
         Articles of Incorporation or through any reorganization, transfer of
         assets, consolidation, merger, dissolution, issue or sale of securities
         or any other voluntary action (other than actions taken in good faith),
         avoid the observance or performance of any of the terms to be observed
         or performed hereunder by the Corporation but will at all times in good
         faith assist in carrying out all the provisions of this Section 6 and
         in taking all such action as may be necessary or appropriate in order
         to protect the conversion rights of the holders of the Series F
         Preferred Stock against impairment.

         (g) Reservation of Stock. The Corporation shall, at all times when the
         Series F Preferred Stock shall be outstanding, reserve and keep
         available out of its authorized but unissued stock, (i) for the purpose
         of effecting the conversion of the Series F Preferred Stock, such
         number of its duly authorized shares of Common Stock as shall from time
         to time be sufficient to effect the conversion of all outstanding
         Series F Preferred Stock and (ii) for the purpose of paying accrued
         dividends in the form of shares of Series F Preferred Stock, such
         number of its duly authorized shares of Series F Preferred Stock as
         shall from time to time be sufficient to pay such dividends.

         (h) Cancellation of Series F Preferred Stock. All shares of the Series
         F Preferred Stock that shall have been surrendered for conversion as
         herein provided shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding. Any shares
         of the Series F Preferred Stock so converted shall be retired and
         canceled and shall not be reissued, and the Corporation may from time
         to time take such appropriate action as may be necessary to reduce the
         authorized Series F Preferred stock accordingly.