6740 Shady Oak Road
                                            Minneapolis, MN 55344-3433
                                            Contact: Anthony Giombetti
                                            Director, Corporate Communications
                                            952-943-6017, agiombetti@shopnbc.com



MINNEAPOLIS, MN - MAY 10, 2004 - ValueVision Media (NASDAQ: VVTV) today
announced that Jim Barnett, former CEO of AltaVista, has joined the Company's
Board of Directors.

Mr. Barnett served most recently as the President of the search division of
Overture Services, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yahoo! Inc. In his work at
Overture, Mr. Barnett was responsible for combining the AltaVista and Fast Web
Search products and teams into the new Overture Web Search Division. Mr. Barnett
joined Overture from AltaVista, where he was President and CEO. In this role,
Mr. Barnett led the revitalization of the company and the AltaVista brand and
orchestrated the sale of AltaVista to Overture for $140 million.

Prior to joining AltaVista, Mr. Barnett was President of MyFamily.com, the
parent company of Ancestry.com and Rootsweb.com, the leading genealogy search
services. In addition, he served as President and CEO of ThirdAge Media, which
was acquired by MyFamily.com. Mr. Barnett also held the President and CEO
positions at Infogrames North America and Accolade, Inc., two successful
interactive entertainment companies.

Barnett has served on the boards of several public and private companies and
holds B.A., M.B.A. and J.D. degrees from Stanford University.

"Jim brings formidable direct-to-consumer and Internet experience," said William
Lansing, President and CEO of ValueVision. "We are thrilled to have him join our
Board, and are excited about working with him to build our television and
Internet retailing businesses."

Continued Lansing, "I would also like to thank Paul Tosetti for his valuable
contribution over the years. Paul will be retiring from the Board after serving
effectively since 1997."

ValueVision Media is an integrated direct marketing company that sells products
directly to consumers through television, the Internet, and direct mail. The
television home shopping industry is a $7 billion industry growing at a
double-digit rate annually. The e-commerce space is even larger and growing
faster. The Company owns and operates the nation's third largest home shopping
network, ShopNBC, with fiscal 2003 sales of $617 million. At the close of fiscal
2003, ShopNBC was broadcast into approximately 56 million full-time equivalent
cable and satellite homes. The Company also operates ShopNBC.com, which
contributed $111 million in sales in fiscal 2003. Through its wholly-owned
subsidiary FanBuzz, the Company provides e-commerce solutions to sports,
entertainment, and media brands, such as the National Hockey League, Elvis
Presley, Peanuts, and ESPN. GE Equity and NBC own approximately 40% of
ValueVision Media. For more information, please visit the Company's website at
