Exhibit 5.01

                [DRAFT - On the letterhead of Allen & Gledhill]

[        ] 2004

Flextronics International Ltd.
One Marina Boulevard, #28-00
Singapore 018989

Dear Sirs


1.      We have acted as legal advisers in Singapore to Flextronics
        International Ltd. (the "COMPANY") in connection with the issue and
        private offering in the United States of America by the Company, acting
        through its branch office in Hong Kong, of US$200,000,000 in aggregate
        principal amount of Convertible Junior Subordinated Notes due 2008 (the
        "NOTES") under the Note Purchase Agreement (defined below), convertible
        into ordinary shares of S$0.01 each (the "ORDINARY SHARES") in the
        capital of the Company as described in the Registration Statement on
        Form S-3 (the "REGISTRATION STATEMENT") dated [ ] 2004 under the
        Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "SECURITIES ACT").

2.      For the purpose of rendering this opinion, we have examined:

        (i)     a copy of the Registration Statement;

        (ii)    an executed copy of the Note Purchase Agreement (the "NOTE
                PURCHASE AGREEMENT") dated 2 March 2003 between the Purchasers
                named therein and the Company, as provided to us by electronic
                mail on 15 March 2003;

        (iii)   copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
                Company and its Certificate of Incorporation of Private Company,
                Certificate of Incorporation on Conversion to a Public Company
                and Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name of Company;

        (iv)    copies of all resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
                Company and of the shareholders of the Company passed since the
                date of incorporation of the Company up to [ ] 2004 relating to
                the authorisation for the authorised share capital and the
                allotment and issue of the shares in the capital of the Company
                (the "COMPANY'S RESOLUTIONS") which were provided to us for
                inspection by the Company;

        (v)     faxed copies of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
                Company passed on 28 February 2003, less all attachments and
                tabled documents referred to in such resolutions (the "COMPANY'S
                BOARD RESOLUTIONS"); and

        (vi)    such other documents as we have considered necessary or
                desirable to examine in order that we may render this opinion.


3.      We have assumed:

        (i)     the genuineness of all signatures on all documents and the
                completeness, and the conformity to original documents, of all
                copies submitted to us;

        (ii)    that copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the
                Certificate of Incorporation of Private Company, the Certificate
                of Incorporation on Conversion to a Public Company and the
                Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name of Company of the
                Company submitted to us for examination are true, complete and
                up-to-date copies;

        (iii)   that copies of the Company's Resolutions and the Company's Board
                Resolutions submitted to us for examination are true, complete
                and up-to-date copies and that the Company's Resolutions and the
                Company's Board Resolutions have not been rescinded or modified
                and they remain in full force and effect and that no other
                resolution or other action has been taken which could affect the
                validity of the Company's Resolutions or the Company's Board

        (iv)    that each of the Note Purchase Agreement and the Notes
                constitutes legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations of
                the parties thereto for all purposes under the laws of the State
                of New York by which they are expressed to be governed;

        (v)     that the total issued share capital of the Company consequent
                upon the issue by the Company of Ordinary Shares upon conversion
                of the Notes from time to time will not exceed the authorised
                share capital of the Company as at that time;


        (vi)    that there shall be subsisting a valid authority given pursuant
                to Section 161 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore for
                the issue of the Ordinary Shares from time to time;

        (vii)   that the Ordinary Shares will not be issued at a discount to the
                par value of the Ordinary Shares; and

        (viii)  that the Ordinary Shares will not be issued in contravention of
                the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and
                all applicable laws and regulations.

4.      Based on the foregoing and subject to any matters not disclosed to us,
        we are of the opinion that the Ordinary Shares have been duly authorised
        and, when issued upon conversion of the Notes in accordance with the
        terms thereof and upon the issue of share certificates representing the
        Ordinary Shares in accordance with the Articles of Association of the
        Company, the Ordinary Shares will be validly issued and fully paid and
        non-assessable. For the purposes of this opinion we have assumed that
        the term "non-assessable" in relation to the Ordinary Shares means under
        Singapore law that holders of such Ordinary Shares, having fully paid up
        all amounts due on such Ordinary Shares as to nominal amount and premium
        thereon, are under no further personal liability to contribute to the
        assets or liabilities of the Company in their capacities purely as
        holders of such Ordinary Shares.

5.      This opinion relates only to the laws of general application of
        Singapore as at the date hereof and as currently applied by the
        Singapore courts, and is given on the basis that it will be governed by
        and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. We have made no
        investigation of, and do not express or imply any views on, the laws of
        any country other than Singapore. In respect of the issue and
        registration of the Notes and the issue of the Ordinary Shares from time
        to time, we have assumed due compliance with all matters concerning
        United States Federal laws, California laws and New York laws and the
        laws of all other relevant jurisdictions other than Singapore.

6.      The qualifications to which this opinion is subject are as follows:

        (i)     enforcement of the obligations of the Company under the Note
                Purchase Agreement and the Notes may be affected by prescription
                or lapse of time, bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation,
                reorganisation, reconstruction or similar laws generally
                affecting creditors' rights;

        (ii)    the power of the Singapore courts to grant equitable remedies
                such as injunction and specific performance is discretionary and
                accordingly a Singapore court may make an award of damages where
                an equitable remedy is sought;

        (iii)   where under the Note Purchase Agreement or the Notes, any person
                is vested with a discretion or may determine a matter in its
                opinion, Singapore law may require


                that such discretion is exercised reasonably or that such
                opinion is based upon reasonable grounds;

        (iv)    by virtue of the Limitation Act, Chapter 163 of Singapore,
                failure to exercise a right of action for more than six years
                will operate as a bar to the exercise of such right and failure
                to exercise such a right for a lesser period may result in such
                right being waived;

        (v)     a Singapore court may stay proceedings if concurrent proceedings
                are brought elsewhere;

        (vi)    where obligations are to be performed in a jurisdiction outside
                Singapore, they may not be enforceable in Singapore to the
                extent that performance would be illegal or contrary to public
                policy under the laws of that jurisdiction;

        (vii)   any provision in the Note Purchase Agreement and the Notes as to
                severability may not be binding under the laws of Singapore and
                the question of whether or not provisions which are illegal,
                invalid or unenforceable may be severed from other provisions in
                order to save such other provisions depends on the nature of the
                illegality, invalidity or unenforceability in question and would
                be determined by a Singapore court at its discretion;

        (viii)  we express no opinion as to events and conditions which might
                violate covenants, restrictions or provisions with respect to
                financial ratios or tests or any contractual provision measured
                by the financial conditions or results of operation of the
                Company or any of its subsidiaries;

        (ix)    a Singapore court may refuse to give effect to clauses in the
                Note Purchase Agreement in respect of the costs of unsuccessful
                litigation brought before a Singapore court or where the court
                has itself made an order for costs;

        (x)     we express no opinion on the legality or enforceability of the
                performance by the Company of its obligations of indemnification
                or contribution set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement;

        (xi)    any term of an agreement may be amended orally by all the
                parties notwithstanding provisions to the contrary in the Note
                Purchase Agreement and the Notes;

        (xii)   provisions in the Note Purchase Agreement and the Notes relating
                to any additional interest or other sum imposed by the Note
                Purchase Agreement and the Notes on the Company where it has
                defaulted in the performance of any of its obligations may not
                be enforceable in a Singapore court if they are construed as a

        (xiii)  this opinion is given on the basis that there has been no
                amendment to or termination or replacement of the documents,
                authorisations and approvals referred to in paragraph 2 of this
                opinion and on the basis of the laws of Singapore in force as at
                the date of this opinion. This opinion is also given on the
                basis that we undertake no responsibility to notify any
                addressee of this opinion of any change in the laws of Singapore
                after the date of this opinion; and


        (xiv)   except as may be provided for under the Contracts (Rights of
                Third Parties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, under general
                principles of Singapore law, a person who is not a contracting
                party to an agreement is not entitled to the benefits of the
                agreement and may not enforce the agreement.

7.      Our opinion is strictly limited to the matters stated herein and is not
        to be read as extending by implication to any other matter in connection
        with the Notes and the Ordinary Shares or otherwise including, but
        without limitation, any other document signed in connection with the

8.      We consent to the filing of this legal opinion as Exhibit 5.01 to the
        Registration Statement and to the reference to this firm under the
        caption "Legal Matters" in the Registration Statement. In giving this
        consent, we do not thereby admit that we are included in the category of
        persons whose consent is required under Section 7 of the Securities Act
        or the rules or regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Yours faithfully: