The Bank of New York
Corporate Trust and Agency Services
5 Penn Plaza, 16th Floor
New York, NY  10001
Patricia O'Neil Manella
(212) 328-7574

Distribution Date:  August 30, 2004

                 Collateralized MBS Funding Bonds, Series 2002-A

                    Certificate Monthly Distribution Summary

                            Beginning          Pass         Interest     Principal        Total         Realized     Ending Cert
  Class        CUSIP       Cert Balance      Through      Distribution  Distribution  Distribution       Losses        Balance

   A-1         81743UAA3   11,712,635.19       2.070000%     20,204.30   566,748.98     586,953.28        0.00    11,145,886.20
   A-2         81743UAB1    1,690,608.23       2.220000%      3,127.63    66,998.98      70,126.60        0.00     1,623,609.25
     Total                 13,403,243.42                     23,331.92   633,747.96     657,079.88        0.00    12,769,495.45

                           Current Payment Information
                                Factors per $1.00

                             Original Cert     Beginning      Interest       Principal        Ending       Current Pass
    Class          CUSIP        Balance         Factor         Factor         Factor          Factor          Through

     A-1         81743UAA3    64,761,000.00  180.859393583    0.311982454    8.751393338   172.108000245        2.070000%
     A-2         81743UAB1    15,861,000.00  106.589006255    0.197189662    4.224133225   102.364873030        2.220000%
    Total                     80,622,000.00  166.247964774    0.289398935    7.860732319   158.387232455

             Underlying Certificates Monthly Distribution - Group I

                        Original       Beginning      Pass       Interest     Principal     Total     Realized  Interest    Ending
     Series     Class    Balance        Balance     Through    Distribution Distribution Distribution  Losses   Shortfall   Balance

    CWMBS 94K    A1   123,119,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
  DLJMA 93-Q18  1A1    51,833,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
   DLJMA 94-2A  1A1    85,787,000.00     365,637.14  5.254206%   1,600.94      849.30     2,450.24       0.00    0.00     364,787.84
    ONE 00-2     2A   152,653,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
   RYMS3 92-B   1A2     7,712,906.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    SBM7 94-2    A1    49,384,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    SMS 91-K     A1   110,588,063.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    SMS 91-K     A3     1,917,885.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
   EAGLE 98-1    M1    46,029,000.00  11,672,014.64  2.300000%  23,830.37  581,626.53   605,456.90       0.00    0.00  11,090,388.11
    INMC 94-R    M2     4,620,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    INMC 94-V    B1     3,618,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    INMC 94-X    B1     2,769,000.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    INMC 95-C    B1    12,828,797.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
    INMC 95-T    A2    65,695,250.00           0.00  0.000000%       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00    0.00           0.00
          Total       718,554,901.00  12,037,651.79             25,431.31  582,475.83   607,907.15       0.00    0.00  11,455,175.95

             Underlying Certificates Monthly Distribution - Group II

                     Original      Beginning       Pass       Interest     Principal      Total       Realized  Interest   Ending
   Series     Class   Balance       Balance       Through    Distribution Distribution  Distribution   Losses  Shortfall   Balance

 GRCAP 94-HM4  A1  245,813,000.00    281,288.19  3.597600%     843.30     12,226.65      13,069.95      0.00     0.00     269,061.54
  INMC 95-E    B1    4,608,492.00          0.00  0.000000%       0.00          0.00           0.00      0.00     0.00           0.00
  PMLT 99-A    M1    2,914,000.00  1,443,822.23  2.686669%   3,232.56     56,139.64      59,372.20      0.00     0.00   1,387,682.59
   RTC 95-2    A3  119,696,000.00          0.00  0.000000%       0.00          0.00           0.00      0.00     0.00           0.00
       Total       373,031,492.00  1,725,110.42              4,075.86     68,366.29      72,442.15      0.00     0.00   1,656,744.13

                 Underlying Pool Delinquent Information by Group

                   Loans         Delinquent        Delinquent      Delinquent
                Outstanding      30-59 Days         0-89 Days       90+ Days          Foreclosure         REO        Realized Losses
   Series         Balance      No.       Balance  No.    Balance  No.      Balance   No.   Balance     No.    Balance  Curr. Amount

  CWMBS 94K            0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
DLJMA 93-Q18(1)        0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
DLJMA 94-2A(1)   592,661.74     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 ONE 00-2(2)           0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
RYMS3 92-B(2)          0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 SBM7 94-2(2)          0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
  SMS 91-K             0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 EAGLE 98-1   20,357,914.68     9  833,682.37     2 173,275.03    12 1,563,341.00    17  1,416,770.87  10  1,390,873.59     0.00
 INMC 94-R             0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 INMC 94-V             0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 INMC 94-X             0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
 INMC 95-C             0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
INMC 95-T(2)           0.00     0        0.00     0       0.00     0         0.00     0          0.00   0          0.00     0.00
       Total  20,950,576.42     9  833,682.37     2  173,275.03   12 1,563,341.00    17  1,416,770.87  10  1,390,873.59     0.00

                  Loans        Delinquent          Delinquent    Delinquent
                Outstanding    30-59 Days          60-89 Days     90+ Days        Foreclosure           REO          Realized Losses
  Series         Balance      No.    Balance     No.    Balance  No.   Balance   No.   Balance      No.    Balance     Curr. Amount

GRCAP 94-HM4     3,729,508.27   1    132,256.42  0        0.00    0         0.00   0          0.00   0          0.00         0.00
 INMC 95-E               0.00   0          0.00  0        0.00    0         0.00   0          0.00   0          0.00         0.00
 PMLT 99-A      21,345,703.34  33  1,611,613.86  3  463,117.34    8   457,223.10  13    720,952.12   2    103,237.39    15,923.21
RTC 95-2(1)              0.00   0          0.00  0        0.00    0         0.00   0          0.00   0          0.00         0.00
   Total        25,075,211.61  34  1,743,870.28  3  463,117.34    8   457,233.10  13    720,952.12   2    103,237.39     5,923.21

 Total All      46,025,788.03  43  2,577,522.65  5  636,392.37   20 2,020,564.10  30  2,137,722.99  12  1,494,110.98     15,923.21

(1)  Information  shown  for the  Underlying  Mortgage  Loans  for  this  Pooled
     Security is based on the  Underlying  Mortgage  Loan group  related to such
     Pooled Security only.

(2)  Information  shown  for the  Underlying  Mortgage  Loans  for  this  Pooled
     Security is based on all the Underlying Mortgage Loan groups in the related

                         Certificate Account Information

           Beginning    Funds         Withdrawals                                                                  Ending
  Group     Balance    Deposited      Trustee Fee       Management Fee     Available Funds   Funds Distributed     Balance

  I          0.00     607,907.15        300.94               0.00         607,606.20           586,953.28          20,652.93
  II         0.00      72,442.15         43.13               0.00          72,399.02            70,126.00           2,272.42
 Total       0.00     680,349.30        344.07               0.00         680,005.23           657,079.88          22,925.34

              Additional Reporting Items                       Pool I           Pool II             Total

2.15(a)        Available Interest                             25,431.31         4,075.86            29,507.18
               Available Principal                           582,475.83        68,366.29           650,842.12
2.15(b)        Monthly Interest Amt.                    see p. 1
2.15(c)        Carryforward Interest                               0.00             0.00                 0.00
2.15(d)        Principal Paid                           see p. 1
2.15(e)        Class Print Amts.                        see p. 1
2.15(f)        Beginning Actual OC                              2.7000%          2.0000%
               Ending Actual OC                                 2.7000%          2.0000%
2.15(g)        2nd preceding pool bal                     20,951,956.26    25,949,831.46        46,901,787.72
2.15(h)        Required OC                                      2.7000%          2.0000%
2.15(i)        Has Step-up Occurred?                                 No               No
2.15(k)        Monies Deposited to Reserve Fund                    0.00             0.00                 0.00
2.15(l)        Amts. Dist. to Investor                        20,652.93         2,272.42            22,925.34

Note: Management Fee is to be paid on an annual basis.  This month's Fee
      together with last month's annualized amount equals the full annual Fee.