EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     This Executive  Employment  Agreement (the  "Agreement") is entered into by
and between AMERICAN REPROGRAPHICS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("ARC) as the
employer;  and  SATHIYAMURTHY   CHANDRAMOHAN,   a  resident  of  California,  an
individual  ("EXECUTIVE"),  as the employee,  on January 7,  2005, but shall be
effective only upon the date (the "Effective  Date") of the  effectiveness  of a
Registration  Statement on Form S-1 filed by ARC for the initial public offering
of  ARC's  shares  of  common  stock.  ARC  and  Executive  may be  referred  to
collectively in this Agreement as the "Parties" and individually as a Party.


     ARC has agreed to employ  Executive and Executive has agreed to accept such
employment, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

     Now, therefore, in consideration of the promises,  covenants and agreements
set forth in this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows:


        (a) ARC  hereby  employs  Executive  as its Chief  Executive  Officer,
and Executive  agrees to serve ARC in such  capacity,  upon the terms and
conditions set forth herein.

        (b)  Executive  shall report to the Board of  Directors  of ARC
("Board"). Executive's  primary  responsibilities  shall be (i) with the
concurrence of the Board, and for as long during the term of this Agreement as
he wishes, to act as Chairman of the Board and preside at all  meetings of the
stockholders  and the Board,  (ii) to be responsible for developing long range
corporate goals and for creating  strategies to achieve those goals, for general
corporate  development, and for  mergers  and  acquisitions,  (iii) to  perform
other  duties  commonly incident

to the office of Chief Executive  Officer of a publicly traded company, and (iv)
to perform  such other  duties and have such other  powers  as  the  Board shall
designate  from  time  to  time.  Executive  shall  have the authority generally
incident and  necessary to perform  such duties.  Executive  will be the head of
ARC's executive team.

        (c) During the term of this Agreement,  Executive will devote
substantially all of his employment  time and attention to the affairs of ARC
and use his best efforts to promote the business and interests of ARC. Executive
owes a fiduciary duty of  loyalty,  fidelity  and  allegiance  to act at all
times  in the  best interests  of ARC,  and not to do any  act  which  would
injure  the  business, interests, or reputation of ARC or any of its
subsidiaries or affiliates.

     2. TERM

     The term of this Agreement and of Executive's  employment  hereunder  shall
commence  on the  Effective  Date  hereof  and  continue  until the third  (3rd)
anniversary of the Effective Date unless otherwise terminated in accordance with
the provisions hereof; provided, however, that this Agreement will automatically
be  extended  on a  year-to-year  basis on the  terms and  conditions  set forth
herein,  including the bonus  provisions  of Section  3(b),  unless either party
gives written  notice to the other at least one hundred  twenty (120) days prior
to the expiration of the term of this Agreement,  which includes any extensions,
that this  Agreement  shall  terminate  at the end of such  term,  or  extension


     In  consideration  of the services to be provided by  Executive,  Executive
shall receive compensation,  less all applicable taxes, social security payments
and other items that ARC is required by law to withhold or deduct therefrom,  as

        (a) BASE SALARY.  Executive's annual Base Salary shall be $650,000, paid
in 12 equal  monthly  installments  on the last day of each  calendar  month.
Base Salary for any  partial  month shall be prorated on the basis of a 365 day
year. Base  Salary  shall be  subject  to annual  review by ARC's  Board of
Directors Compensation  Committee (the "Compensation  Committee"),  and may be
adjusted in light  of the  financial  performance  of ARC or  the  personal
performance  of Executive,  but shall in no event be less than  $650,000  per
year during to the term of this  Agreement.  After any such change,  Executive's
new level of Base Salary shall be Executive's Base Salary for purposes of this

        (b) INCENTIVE BONUS. During the term of this Agreement,  Executive shall
be eligible to receive an annual Incentive Bonus ("Incentive Bonus") as follows:

             (i)  "EPS" as used  herein  means  the  pre-tax  earnings  per
share  from operations (excluding extraordinary items) of the common stock of
ARC calculated under Generally  Accepted  Accounting  Principles  applied on a
consistent basis ("GAAP")  by ARC's  regular  certified  public  accountants  as
of the  close of business on the last day of each relevant  fiscal year.  EPS
shall be calculated on a fully diluted basis,  taking into account  unexercised
options and warrants to the extent and in the manner  required  under GAAP. For
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, EPS shall be calculated by dividing (A)
the aggregate (rather than  per-share)  pro  forma  pre-tax   earnings  from
operations   (excluding extraordinary items) of American Reprographics
Holdings,  L.L.C.  ("Holdings"), calculated  under  GAAP by ARC's  regular
certified  public  accountants  as if Holdings and its subsidiaries were a
consolidated group of corporations for that year,  by (B) the number of shares
of common  stock of ARC that would be used to calculate EPS on a fully diluted
basis under GAAP if the  calculation  were made at the closing of the initial
public offering of ARC common stock.


             (ii) For each fiscal year of ARC ending  December 31,  2005,  2006
or 2007, Executive  shall  receive an  Incentive  Bonus in an amount equal to
$60,000 for each full  percentage  point by which EPS for such fiscal  year
exceeds by more than 10 percentage  points the EPS for the  immediately
preceding  fiscal year, after  taking  into  account the amounts of (A) the
Incentive  Bonus  earned by Executive   under  this  Section  3(b),  and  (B)  a
similar  bonus  earned  by Kumarakulasingam  Suriyakumar under a separate
Employment Agreement entered into contemporaneously  with this  Agreement.
Executive shall not be entitled to any Incentive Bonus for a partial percentage
point increase.  To illustrate:  if EPS for the fiscal year ended  December  31,
2004 is $1.00,  an  Incentive  Bonus of $60,000  will be paid if EPS for the
fiscal year ended  December 31, 2005 equals or exceeds  $1.11 but is less than
$1.12,  and $120,000 will be paid if such EPS equals or exceeds $1.12 but is
less than $1.13. If EPS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 is $1.20,
an Incentive Bonus of at least $60,000 will be paid if EPS for the fiscal year
ended  December  31,  2005 equals or exceeds  $1.332. Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if EPS for a fiscal year shall be less than EPS for the fiscal year
ended  December 31, 2004,  for  purposes of  calculating  an Incentive  Bonus,
if any, for the following  year,  EPS for the preceding  year shall be presumed
to be the amount of EPS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004.

             (iii) The Incentive Bonus shall be paid no later than 60 days
following the close of each fiscal year,  in cash or ARC common  stock,  or
partly in each, as elected by  Executive at least 20 days before the date such
Incentive  Bonus is paid. To the extent that such Incentive Bonus is paid in ARC
common stock,  such stock  shall be valued  using the  average of the  closing
prices of ARC common stock  on the New  York  Stock  Exchange  for  the 5
trading  days  immediately preceding  the date of issuance of ARC common stock
in payment of the


Incentive  Bonus,  provided,  however,  that  as  a condition to  receiving  ARC
common stock Executive must deposit with ARC on the date of issuance cash in the
amount,  if any, by which the total of employee  withholding  taxes  required to
be  withheld  with   respect  to the entire  Incentive  Bonus  exceeds  the cash
portion of the Incentive  Bonus  available  for  withholding.  To be eligible to
receive  a  bonus,  Executive  must  have been employed by ARC during the entire
fiscal year to which such Incentive Bonus relates.


     During the term of this  Agreement,  Executive  shall be  entitled to other
benefits provided by ARC to its senior  executives from time to time,  including
but not limited to, 401(k) and other retirement  plans,  deferred  compensation,
paid  holidays,  sick  leave  and other  similar  benefits.  Executive  shall be
entitled  to 4 weeks paid  vacation  each  calendar  year  accrued and vested in
accordance with ARC's vacation policy applicable to senior management.


     In the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of ARC, Executive shall be
eligible to participate in stock option, stock purchase, stock bonus and similar
plans of ARC ( "Stock Plans") established from time to time by ARC.


        (a) During the term of this  Agreement,  Executive  shall be
automatically covered by ARC group insurance  programs  (including any
self-insured  programs sponsored by ARC), including medical, dental, vision,
disability,  and life, if any.  Executive's  spouse and children  which are
eligible for coverage may join the insurance  programs,  subject to ARC's


policies  and  applicable  laws.  The premiums  for  all insurance  programs for
Executive  and  Executive's  spouse and eligible children shall be paid by ARC.

        (b) Provided that this Agreement has not terminated  under Section 11(c)
or (f),  ARC shall  continue  to  provide  to  Executive,  Executive's  spouse
and Executive's  eligible  children,  at no  expense to  either,  medical
insurance coverage  under the same group  insurance or  ARC-sponsored
self-insurance,  or equivalent  coverage,  as  is  provided  from  time  to
time  to  ARC's  senior executives. Such coverage shall continue until the first
to occur of (i) medical insurance  coverage being available  through another
employer,  or (ii), in the case of Executive's  eligible  children,  the
termination of eligibility  under ARC's policies and  applicable  laws, or (iii)
in the cases of Executive and his spouse, qualification, in each instance, for
Medicare coverage.


     Executive shall be allowed additional  employer-paid benefits of his choice
("Special  Benefits"),  including  the  lease of  automobiles,  social,  golf or
athletic club  memberships and other benefits not  specifically  provided for in
this Agreement,  provided, however, that the annual cost to ARC shall not exceed
$10,000. Any employer taxes imposed upon ARC by reason of the furnishing of such
Special Benefits shall be included in the annual $10,000 limitation.  Any unused
allowance for Special  Benefits shall not be carried over to a subsequent  year.


     Executive shall be entitled to receive prompt  reimbursement for reasonable
expenses  incurred by him in performing  services  hereunder  during the term of
this Agreement in accordance with the policies and procedures then in effect and
established by ARC for its  employees.  Executive  may, at his  discretion,  fly
business class or first class on all airplane


flights of more than one (1) hour if Executive  deems such to be appropriate for
the conduct of his duties.  In  addition  to the Special  Benefits  set forth in
Section 7 above,  Executive shall also be entitled to reimbursement of Executive
membership   dues  and  related   ongoing  costs  of  appropriate   professional
organizations which are approved by the Board.


        (a)  OBLIGATIONS.  During the term of this  Agreement,  Executive shall
not engage in any other employment, occupation or consulting activity for any
direct or indirect remuneration. This obligation shall not preclude Executive
from: (i) serving in any volunteer  capacity with any professional,  community,
industry, civic,  educational  or  charitable  organization;  (ii)  serving as a
member of corporate  boards of  directors,  provided that the Board has given
its consent, and these  activities or services do not  materially  interfere or
conflict with Executive's  responsibilities  or  ability  to  perform  his
duties  under this Agreement;  or (iii) engaging in personal investment
activities for himself and his  family  which do not  interfere  with the
performance  of his  duties  and obligations hereunder.

        (b)  NON-COMPETITION;  NON-SOLICITATION.  The Parties hereto recognize
that Executive's services are unique and the restrictive  covenants set forth in
this Section 9 are  essential  to protect the  business  (including  trade
secret and other confidential  information  disclosed by ARC to, learned by or
developed by Executive  during the course of employment by ARC) and the good
will of ARC. For purposes  of this  Section  9, all  references  to  "ARC"
shall  include  ARC's predecessors,  subsidiaries and affiliates. As part of the
consideration for the compensation and benefits to be paid to Executive
hereunder,  during the term of this Agreement Executive shall not:


             (i) Engage in any business  similar or related to or  competitive
with the business  conducted by ARC described from time to time in ARC's Annual
Report on Form 10-K to its shareholders and Board (the "Core Business of ARC");

             (ii) Render advice or services to, or otherwise  assist,  any other
person, association,   corporation,  or  other  entity  that  is  engaged,
directly  or indirectly, in any business similar or related to, or competitive
with, the Core Business of ARC;

             (iii)  Transact any business in any manner with or  pertaining to
suppliers or customers of ARC which,  in any manner,  would have, or is likely
to have, an adverse effect upon the Core Business of ARC; or

             (iv) Induce any employee of ARC to  terminate  his or her
employment  with ARC,  or hire or assist  in the  hiring of any such  employee
by any  person or entity not affiliated with ARC.

For purposes of this Agreement, "affiliate" shall mean any entity which
owns or controls,  is owned or  controlled  by, or is under common  ownership or
control, with ARC.


     Executive  acknowledges  that it is the policy of ARC to maintain as secret
and  confidential  all valuable and unique  information  heretofore or hereafter
acquired,  developed  or  used  by ARC  relating  to the  business,  operations,
employees  and  customers  of ARC , which  information  gives ARC a  competitive
advantage in the industry,  and which information  includes technical knowledge,
know-how  or  trade  secrets  and  information  concerning  operations,   sales,
personnel,  suppliers, customers, costs, profits, markets, pricing policies, and
other confidential information and materials (the "Confidential Information").


        (a) NON-DISCLOSURE.  Executive recognizes that the services to be
performed by Executive are special and unique, and that by reason of his duties
he will be given, acquire or learn Confidential Information.  Executive
recognizes that all such  Confidential  Information  is the  sole  and
exclusive  property  of ARC. Executive shall not, either during or after his
employment by ARC,  disclose the Confidential   Information  to  anyone  outside
ARC  or  use  the  Confidential Information  for any purpose  whatsoever,  other
than for the performance of his duties hereunder,  except as authorized by ARC
in connection with performance of such duties.

        (b) RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION.  Executive shall deliver
promptly upon  termination  of employment  with ARC, or at any time requested by
ARC, all memos, notes,  records,  reports,  manuals,  drawings,  and any other
documents, whether  in  electronic   form  or  otherwise,   containing   any
Confidential Information,  including  without  limitation all copies of such
materials in any format which Executive may then possess or have under his

that all information,  inventions,  intellectual property, trade secrets,
copyrights, trademarks,  content, know-how, documents, reports, plans,
proposals,  marketing and sales plans,  client lists, client files and materials
made by him or by ARC (the "Work Product") are the property of ARC and shall not
be used by him in any way adverse to the interests of ARC. Executive assigns to
ARC any and all rights of every nature which  Executive  may have in any such
Work  Product;  provided, however,  that such assignment does not apply to any
right which qualifies fully under  California  Labor Code  Section  2870.  This
section  shall  survive any termination of this Agreement and the employment
relationship between Executive and ARC.  Executive  shall  not  deliver,
reproduce  or in any way  allow  such documents or things to be delivered or
used by any third party without  specific direction  or consent of the Board.
Likewise,  Executive  shall not


disclose to ARC, use in ARC's business,  or cause ARC to use, any information or
material that is a trade secret of others.

Section 10, references to ARC include its predecessors, subsidiaries and


     Notwithstanding  any other term or provision  contained in this  Agreement,
this  Agreement  and  the  employment  hereunder  will  terminate  prior  to the
expiration of the term of this Agreement under the following circumstances:

        (a) DEATH. Upon Executive's death.

        (b) DISABILITY.  Upon Executive becoming "Permanently Disabled", which,
for purposes of this Agreement, shall mean Executive's incapacity due to
physical or mental illness or cause,  which, in the written  opinion of
Executive's  regular licensed physician,  results in the Executive being unable
to perform his duties on a full-time basis for 6 months during a period of 12

        (c) TERMINATION BY ARC FOR CAUSE. Upon written notice to Executive, ARC
may terminate this Agreement for Cause, which, for purposes of this Agreement,
shall mean termination by action of the Board in its reasonable  discretion
because of Executive's:

             (i) Willful  refusal  without proper cause to perform (other than
by reason of  physical  or  mental  disability  or  death)  the  duties  set
forth in this Agreement or delegated from time to time in writing by the Board,
which remains uncorrected for 30 days following written notice to Executive by
the Board; or


             (ii) Gross negligence,  self dealing or willful  misconduct of
Executive in connection  with the  performance of his duties  hereunder,
including,  without limitation,  misappropriation of funds or property of ARC or
its subsidiaries or affiliates, securing or attempting to secure personally any
profit in connection with any  transaction  entered  into on  behalf  of ARC or
its  subsidiaries  or affiliates, or any willful act or gross negligence having
the effect of injuring the reputation, business or business relationships of ARC
or its subsidiaries or affiliates; or

             (iii) fraud, dishonesty or misappropriation of ARC business and
assets that harms the business of ARC or its subsidiaries or affiliates; or

             (iv) habitual insobriety, abuse of alcohol, abuse of prescription
drugs, or use of illegal drugs; or

             (v) engaging in any criminal activity involving moral turpitude; or

             (vi)  indictment or being held for trial in  connection  with a
misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony; or

             (vii)  conviction  of a felony or entry into a guilty plea that
negatively reflects on Executive's fitness to perform the duties or harms the
reputation or business or ARC or its subsidiaries or affiliates; or

             (viii) any material  breach of any covenants  under this Agreement
or other material  policy of ARC,  other than under  clauses  (i)  through
(vii) of this Section 11(c) which remains  uncorrected for 30 days following
written notice to Executive by the Board.


        (d) TERMINATION BY ARC WITHOUT CAUSE. Upon written notice to Executive,
ARC may terminate this Agreement at any time without any Cause or reason

        (e)  TERMINATION BY EXECUTIVE WITH GOOD REASON.  Upon written notice to
ARC of any of the  following  "Good  Reasons," and the failure of ARC to correct
the reduction,  change  or breach  within  30 days  after  receipt  of such
notice, Executive may terminate this Agreement after the occurrence of

             (i) a material  change by ARC in the nature of Executive's  title,
duties, authorities and responsibilities set forth in this Agreement without
Executive's express written consent; or

             (ii) a reduction in the nature of Executive's  compensation  as
established under this  Agreement,  other than as  expressly  permitted  in this
Agreement, without Executive's express written consent; or

             (iii) a material breach by ARC of any material  sections of this
Agreement, other than as set forth in subsections (i) or (iii) of this Section
11(e); or

             (iv) a change of Control, as defined in Section 11(g), as a result
of which Executive  is not  offered  the same or  comparable  position  in the
surviving company,  or is offered  such  position  but within  twelve  (12)
months  after Executive  accepts such position,  Executive's  employment is
terminated  either without cause or for a Good Reason  described in subsections
(i)or (ii) of this Section  11(e)  or in  subsection  (iii)  as to the
employment  agreement  then applicable to Executive.


prior written  notice to ARC,  Executive may terminate  this Agreement and
resign from Executive's employment hereunder without any Good Reason.

        (g) CHANGE OF CONTROL.

             (i) For purposes of this Agreement, "Change of Control" shall mean:

                  (A) ARC merges or consolidates with any other  corporation
(other than one of ARC's  subsidiaries),  as a result of which ARC is not the
surviving company, or the shares of ARC voting stock outstanding immediately
after such transaction do not constitute,  become exchanged for or converted
into, more than 50% of the Voting Shares of the merged or consolidated company
(as defined below);

                  (B) ARC sells or otherwise  transfers  or disposes of all or
substantially all of its assets;

                  (C) Any third  person or entity  shall  become  the
Beneficial  Owner, as defined  by Rule  13(d)-3  under the  Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  in one transaction or a series of related  transactions  within
any 12 month period, of at least 50% of the Voting Shares of ARC's then
outstanding voting securities.

             (ii)  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Voting  Shares"  shall
mean the combined  voting  securities  entitled to vote in the election of
directors of a corporation, including ARC, or the merged, consolidated or
surviving company, if other than ARC.


        (a) BASIC  BENEFITS.  Upon the  expiration or termination of this
Agreement for any reason,  and subject to the provisions of Section 12(e),
Executive will be entitled to: (i) payment for all Base Salary and unused
vacation  accrued and prorated,  but unpaid,  as of the effective date of
termination,  (ii) payment, when due,  of any earned but unpaid  Incentive
Bonus for the  preceding  fiscal year, (iii) any unreimbursed business expenses
authorized by this Agreement, and (iv)  continuation  of any benefits under
Section 6(a) as required by applicable law, (v) such rights as then exist with
respect to then vested  stock  options, restricted stock or other rights under
similar plans.

If this  Agreement and  Executive's  employment  hereunder is terminated by ARC
for Cause pursuant to Section 11(c), or by Executive without Good Reason
pursuant to Section 11(f),  Executive  shall not be entitled to any  additional
payments or benefits hereunder.

GOOD REASON. If this Agreement and Executive's  employment hereunder is
terminated by ARC without Cause pursuant to Section 11(d),  or by Executive for
Good Reason as defined in Section 11(e), subject to Executive's  compliance with
the provisions of Section 15 below,  Executive shall receive the following
additional payments or benefits:

             (i) Executive's  then Base Salary for the remaining term of this
Agreement, paid as and when due as if this Agreement had not been terminated;

             (ii) Continuation of coverage and premium payments by ARC under
ARC's group insurance  programs for Executive and his eligible  family members
under Section


6(a) if this Agreement had not been  terminated,  and  thereafter  under Section
6(b) in accordance with the provisions of such Section;

             (iii)  Continuation  of  the  Special  Benefits  under  Section  7
of  this Agreement, if this Agreement had not been terminated; and

             (iv) All unvested stock options, restricted stock or similar rights
granted to Executive shall  accelerate and become vested and exercisable
immediately as of the effective date of termination.

this Agreement and  Executive's  employment  hereunder is terminated  under
Sections 11(a) or (b) by reason of  Executive's  death or by reason of being
Permanently Disabled,  Executive or his family shall be entitled to the
additional  benefits described in Section 12(c)(ii) above.

        (e) PARACHUTE  PAYMENTS.  In the event that the severance,  acceleration
of stock  options and other  benefits  provided for in this  Agreement or
otherwise payable to Executive (i) constitute  "parachute  payments" within the
meaning of Section 280G (as it may be amended or replaced) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or replaced  (the "Code") and (ii) but for this
Section  12(e), would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 (as
it may be amended or replaced) of the Code (the "Excise Tax"), then Executive's
benefits hereunder shall be either:

             (i) provided to Executive in full; or

             (ii) provided to Executive only as to such lesser extent which
would result in no portion of such benefits being subject to the Excise Tax,
whichever of the foregoing


amounts,  taking into  account the  applicable  federal,  state and local income
taxes and the Excise Tax,  results in the receipt by  Executive  on an after-tax
basis,  of the  greatest  amount of benefits,  notwithstanding  that all or some
portion of such  benefits  may be taxable  under the Excise Tax.  Unless ARC and
Executive  otherwise  agree in writing,  any  determination  required under this
Section  12(e)  shall be made in  writing  in good  faith by ARC `s  independent
public accountants (the "Accountants").  In the event of a reduction in benefits
hereunder,  Executive shall be given the choice of which benefits to reduce. For
purposes  of  making  the  calculations  required  by this  Section  12(e),  the
Accountants  may  make  reasonable  assumptions  and  approximations  concerning
applicable  taxes  and  may  rely  on  reasonable,  good  faith  interpretations
concerning the  application of the Code. ARC and Executive  shall furnish to the
Accountants  such  information  and documents as the  Accountants may reasonably
request in order to make a  determination  under this Section  12(e).  ARC shall
bear all costs the  Accountants  may  reasonably  incur in  connection  with any
calculations contemplated by this Section 12(e).


        (a) ARBITRATION.  In consideration of Executive's  employment with ARC,
its promise to arbitrate all employment-related  disputes and Executive's
receipt of the  compensation  paid to  Executive  by ARC,  at  present  and in
the  future, Executive agrees that any and all controversies, claims, or
disputes with anyone (including ARC and any employee, officer, director,
shareholder or benefit plan of ARC in their capacity as such or otherwise)
arising out of,  relating to, or resulting  from  Executive's  employment  with
ARC or the  termination  of that employment with ARC, including any provision of
this Agreement, shall be subject to binding  arbitration  under the arbitration
rules set forth in the California Code of Civil Procedure  section 1280 through
1294.2,  including section 1283.05 collectively  (the  "Rules")  and pursuant to
California  law.  Disputes  which Executive  agrees to arbitrate,  and hereby
agrees to waive any


right to a trial by jury,  include  without  limitation,  any common law claims,
statutory  claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans
With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination In Employment Act of 1967,
the Older Workers  Benefit  Protection  Act, the California  Fair Employment And
Housing  Act, the  California  Labor Code  (except for workers  compensation  or
unemployment  insurance claims), or ERISA, claims of harassment,  discrimination
or wrongful  termination and any other  statutory  claims under state or federal

        (b) PROCEDURE.  Any arbitration  will be administered by JAMS and a
neutral arbitrator  will be  selected  in a manner  consistent  with its  rules
for the resolution of employment disputes. The arbitrator shall have the power
to decide any  motions  brought by any party to the  arbitration,  including
motions  for summary judgment and/or adjudication and motions to dismiss and
demurrers, prior to any  arbitration  hearing.  The arbitrator  shall have the
power to award any remedies,  including attorneys' fees and costs,  available
under applicable law. ARC will pay for any administrative or hearing fees
charged by the arbitrator or JAMS  except  that  Executive  shall pay the first
$200.00 of any  filing  fees associated  with any  arbitration  Executive
initiates.  The  arbitrator  shall administer and conduct any arbitration in a
manner consistent with the Rules. To the  extent  that the JAMS  rules  for the
resolution  of  employment  disputes conflict with the Rules,  the Rules shall
take  precedence.  The decision of the arbitrator shall be in writing.

        (c) REMEDY. Except as provided by the Rules and this Agreement,
arbitration shall be the sole,  exclusive  and final remedy for any dispute
between ARC and Executive.  Accordingly, except as provided for by the Rules and
this Agreement, neither ARC nor  Executive  will be permitted  to pursue court
action  regarding claims that are subject to arbitration. Notwithstanding, the
arbitrator will not have the authority to disregard or refuse to enforce any


lawful ARC policy,  and the arbitrator shall not order or require ARC to adopt a
policy not otherwise required by law which ARC has not adopted.

        (d) AVAILABILITY OF INJUNCTIVE  RELIEF.  In addition to the right under
the Rules to petition the court for  provisional  relief,  ARC may also petition
the court for  injunctive  relief,  notwithstanding  any provision in this
Agreement requiring  arbitration,  where  ARC  alleges  or  claims  a  violation
of  this Agreement,  or any separate  agreement between Executive and ARC
regarding trade secrets, confidential information or non-solicitation,  or
California Labor Code ss.2870. No bond shall be required of ARC. Executive
understands and agrees that any  breach or  threatened  breach  of this
Agreement  or of any such  separate agreement will cause irreparable injury to
ARC or its subsidiaries or affiliates and that money  damages  will not  provide
an  adequate  remedy  therefore,  and Executive hereby consents to the issuance
of an injunction.  In the event either Party seeks injunctive relief, the
prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees
related thereto.

        (e) ADMINISTRATIVE  RELIEF. This Agreement does not prohibit Executive
from pursuing an administrative  claim with a local, state or federal
administrative body such as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the
Equal Employment Opportunity  Commission or the Workers' Compensation Board.
This Agreement does, however, preclude Executive from pursuing court action
regarding any such claim.

        (f) VOLUNTARY NATURE OF AGREEMENT.  Executive  acknowledges and agrees
that he is  executing  this  Agreement  voluntarily  and  without any duress or
undue influence by ARC or anyone else.  Executive further acknowledges and
agrees that he has carefully read this Agreement, that he has asked any
questions needed for him to understand the terms,  consequences and binding
effect of this Agreement, and that he fully  understands this


Agreement,  including  that HE IS WAIVING  HIS RIGHT TO A JURY  TRIAL.  Finally,
Executive  acknowledges  that he has been  provided an  opportunity  to seek the
advice of an attorney of his choice before signing this Agreement.


     This  Agreement  shall be  governed by and  construed  and  interpreted  in
accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard to California
conflict of laws principles.

     15. RELEASE

     In exchange for the benefits and other  consideration  under this Agreement
to which Executive  would not otherwise be entitled,  Executive shall enter into
and execute a release  substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A
(the  "Release")  upon his  termination  of  employment.  Unless the  Release is
executed by Executive  and  delivered  to ARC within  thirty (30) days after the
termination of Executive's employment with ARC, Executive shall receive only the
basic severance  benefits  provided under Section 12(a) of this Agreement and no
additional  benefits under Section 12 or the extended health insurance  coverage
under Section 6 (b) of this Agreement.

     16. NOTICES

     Any  notices  or  other  communications  desired  or  required  under  this
Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the Party making the same, and shall be
deemed  delivered when personally  delivered or on the second business day after
the same is sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid,  addressed as
follows (or to such other address as may be designated by like written notice):


     If to Executive:       At the last residential address known by ARC

     If to ARC:             American Reprographics Company
                            700 North Central Avenue, Suite 550
                            Glendale, CA 91203
                            Attn.: Chief Operating Officer


     In the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes or is declared by
a court of competent  jurisdiction  to be illegal,  unenforceable  or void, this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said provision.


     Except as  otherwise  specifically  provided  herein,  neither  Party shall
assign this Agreement or any rights  hereunder  without the consent of the other
Party, and any attempted or purported  assignment  without such consent shall be
void;  provided  that  Executive's  consent  under this  Agreement  shall not be
required hereby for any of the transactions  involving a Change of Control. This
Agreement  shall  otherwise  bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto
and their respective successors,  assigns, heirs, legatees, devisees, executors,
administrators and legal representatives.


     This Agreement  contains the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes
all prior or contemporaneous  negotiations,  correspondence,  understandings and
agreements  between the Parties  regarding the subject matter of this Agreement.
Any prior employment agreement,  bonus agreement or other compensation agreement
between Executive and ARC or any predecessor,


subsidiary or affiliate of ARC, is hereby  terminated on and as of the Effective
Date.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by
both Parties.

     20. WAIVER

     If either Party waives any breach of any provisions of this  Agreement,  he
or it shall not thereby be deemed to have  waived any  preceding  or  succeeding
breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement.



      This  Agreement  may be executed in  counterparts,  each of which shall be
deemed an original,  but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the
date first hereinabove set forth.

a Delaware corporation

By:     /s/ K. Suriyakumar                      /s/ S. Chandramohan
        ___________________________             ________________________________
        Kumarakulasingam Suriyakumar            Sathiyamurthy Chandramohan
Title:  Chief Operating Officer                 Address: 1946 Lamp Post Lane
                                                        La Canada, CA 91011


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                RELEASE AGREEMENT

     I understand that my position with American  Reprographics  Company ("ARC")
terminated  effective  _______________  (the "Separation  Date"). ARC has agreed
that if I choose  to sign this  Agreement,  ARC will pay me  severance  benefits
(minus the standard  withholdings  and deductions)  pursuant to the terms of the
Executive  Employment  Agreement  entered  into on  __________  __, 2004 between
myself and ARC (the "Severance Benefits). I understand that I am not entitled to
the  Severance  Benefits  unless I sign this  Agreement.  I  understand  that in
addition to the Severance Benefits, ARC will pay me all of my accrued salary and
vacation, to which I am entitled by law.

     In  consideration  for the  Severance  Benefits I am  receiving  under this
Agreement,  I agree not to use or disclose any of ARC's proprietary  information
without  written  authorization  from ARC,  to  immediately  return all  Company
property and documents  (including all  embodiments of proprietary  information)
and all copies  thereof in my possession or control,  and to release ARC and its
officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees,  shareholders, and affiliates
from  any and  all  claims,  debts,  liabilities,  demands,  causes  of  action,
attorneys' fees, damages, or obligations of every kind and nature,  whether they
are  known  or  unknown,  arising  at any time  prior  to the  date I sign  this
Agreement. This general release includes, but is not limited to: all federal and
state  statutory and common law claims,  claims  related to my employment or the
termination  of my employment or related to breach of contract,  tort,  wrongful
termination,  discrimination,  wages  or  benefits,  or  claims  for any form of
compensation.  This  release is not intended to release any


claims  I  have  or  may  have  against  any of the  released  parties  for  (a)
indemnification as a director,  officer, agent or employee under applicable law,
charter  document or agreement,  (b) severance  and other  termination  benefits
under my employment  agreement and any related written documents,  (c) health or
other insurance  benefits based on claims already submitted or which are covered
claims  properly  submitted  in the future,  (d) vested  rights  under  pension,
retirement  or  other  benefit  plans,  or (e) in  respect  of  events,  acts or
omissions occurring after the date of this Release Agreement.

     In releasing  claims unknown to me at present,  I am waiving all rights and
benefits under Section 1542 of the  California  Civil Code, and any law or legal
principle of similar effect in any jurisdiction:


     I acknowledge that I am knowingly and voluntarily waiving and releasing any
rights I may have under the  federal Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act of
1967, as amended ("ADEA").  I also acknowledge that the consideration  given for
the waiver in the above paragraph is in addition to anything of value to which I
was already  entitled.  I have been advised by this writing,  as required by the
ADEA that:  (a) my waiver and  release do not apply to any claims that may arise
after my signing of this Agreement;  (b) I should consult with an attorney prior
to  executing  this  release,  (c) I have  twenty-one  (21) days within which to
consider this release (although I may choose to voluntarily execute this release
earlier);  (d) I have seven (7) days  following the execution of this release to
revoke the Agreement;  (e) this Agreement will not be effective until the eighth
day after  this  Agreement  has been  signed  both by me and by ARC


("Effective  Date");  and I will not be paid any of the Severance Benefits until
this Agreement has become effective.

     This Agreement constitutes the complete,  final and exclusive embodiment of
the entire agreement between ARC and me with regard to the subject matter hereof
I am not relying on any promise or  representation  by ARC that is not expressly
stated  herein.  This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both
me and a duly  authorized  officer  of ARC.  I accept and agree to the terms and
conditions stated above:

a Delaware corporation

By:                                              _______________________________
        ___________________________              Sathiyamurthy Chandramohan
Title:  ___________________________                      _______________________
