SECOND AMENDMENT

THIS SECOND AMENDMENT (the "amendment") is made and entered into as of the
17th day of September, 2004, by and between STERLING PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP,
corporation ("Tenant").


A.    Landlord and Tenant are parties to that certain lease dated March 15,
      2000, which lease has been previously amended by instrument dated November
      2, 2000 and that certain First Amendment dated August 25, 2003
      (collectively, the "Lease"). Pursuant to the Lease, Landlord has leased to
      Tenant space currently containing approximately 2,206 rentable square feet
      (the "Original Premises") described as Suite No. 1050 on the 10th floor of
      the building located at 5949 Sherry Lane, Dallas, Texas 75225, and
      commonly known as Sterling Plaza (the "Building").

B.    Tenant has requested that additional space containing approximately 939
      rentable square feet described as Suite No. 1040 on the 10th floor of the
      Building shown on Exhibit A hereto (the "Expansion Space") be added to the
      Original Premises and that the Lease be appropriately amended and Landlord
      is willing to do the same on the following terms and conditions.

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals which by this
reference are incorporated herein, the mutual covenants and conditions contained
herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows:

1.    EXPANSION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Effective as of the Expansion Effective Date
      (defined below), the Premises, as defined in the Lease, is increased from
      2,206 rentable square feet on the 10th floor to 3,145 rentable square feet
      on the 10th floor by the addition of the Expansion Space, and from and
      after the Expansion Effective Date, the Original Premises and the
      Expansion Space, collectively, shall be deemed the Premises, as defined in
      the Lease. The Term for the Expansion Space shall commence on the
      Expansion Effective Date and end on the Extended Termination Date. The
      Expansion Space is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Lease
      except as expressly modified herein and except that Tenant shall not be
      entitled to receive any allowances, abatements or other financial
      concessions granted with respect to the Original Premises unless such
      concessions are expressly provided for herein with respect to the
      Expansion Space.

      1.01. The "Expansion Effective Date" shall be the later to occur of (i)
            October 1, 2004 ("Target Expansion Effective Date"), and (ii) the
            date upon which the Landlord Work (as defined in the Work Letter
            attached as EXHIBIT B hereto) in the Expansion Space has been
            substantially completed; provided, however, that if Landlord shall
            be delayed in substantially completing the Landlord Work in the
            Expansion Space as a result of the occurrence of a Tenant Delay
            (defined below), then, for purposes of determining the Expansion
            Effective Date, the date of substantial completion shall be deemed
            to be the day that said Landlord Work would have been substantially
            completed absent any such Tenant Delay(s). A "Tenant Delay" means
            any act or omission of Tenant or its agents, employees, vendors or
            contractors that actually delays substantial completion of the
            Landlord Work, including, without limitation, the following:

            a.    Tenant's failure to furnish information or approvals within
                  any time period specified in the Lease or this Amendment,
                  including the failure to prepare or approve preliminary or
                  final plans by any applicable due date;

            b.    Tenant's selection of equipment or materials that have long
                  lead times after first being informed by Landlord that the
                  selection may result in a delay;


            c.    Changes requested or made by Tenant to previously approved
                  plans and specifications;

            d.    The performance of work in the Expansion Space by Tenant or
                  Tenant's contractor(s) during the performance of the Landlord
                  Work; or

            e.    If the performance of any portion of the Landlord Work depends
                  on the prior or simultaneous performance of work by Tenant, a
                  delay by Tenant or Tenant's contractor(s) in the completion of
                  such work.

            The Expansion Space shall be deemed to be substantially completed on
            the date that Landlord reasonably determines that all Landlord Work
            has been performed (or would have been performed absent any Tenant
            Delays), other than any details of construction, mechanical
            adjustment or any other matter, the noncompletion of which does not
            materially interfere with Tenant's use of the Expansion Space. The
            adjustment of the Expansion Effective Date and, accordingly, the
            postponement of Tenant's obligation to pay Rent on the Expansion
            Space shall be Tenant's sole remedy and shall constitute full
            settlement of all claims that Tenant might otherwise have against
            Landlord by reason of the Expansion Space not being ready for
            occupancy by Tenant on the Target Expansion Effective Date. The
            actual Expansion Effective Date shall be set forth in a confirmation
            letter to be prepared by Landlord.

      1.02. In addition to the postponement, if any, of the Expansion Effective
            Date as a result of the applicability of Section 1.01. of this
            Amendment, the Expansion Effective Date shall be delayed to the
            extent that Landlord fails to deliver possession of the Expansion
            Space for any other reason (other than Tenant Delays by Tenant),
            including but not limited to, holding over by prior occupants. Any
            such delay in the Expansion Effective Date shall not subject
            Landlord to any liability for any loss or damage resulting
            therefrom. If the Expansion Effective Date is delayed, the
            Termination Date under the Lease shall not be similarly extended.

2.    BASE RENT. In addition to Tenant's obligation to pay Base Rent for the
      Original Premises, Tenant shall pay Landlord Base Rent for the Expansion
      Space as follows:

    PERIOD                         FOOT                     MONTHLY BASE RENT
- ------------------------  ----------------------            -----------------
Expansion Effective Date
- -April 30, 2008                $  23.50                       $    1,838.88

      All such Base Rent shall be payable by Tenant in accordance with the terms
      of the Lease.

3.    ADDITIONAL SECURITY DEPOSIT. Upon Tenant's execution hereof, Tenant shall
      pay Landlord the sum of $1,838.88 which is added to and becomes part of
      the Security Deposit, if any, held by Landlord as provided under Section
      VI of the Lease as security for payment of Rent and the performance of the
      other terms and conditions of the Lease by Tenant. Accordingly,
      simultaneous with the execution hereof, the Security Deposit is increased
      from $4,228.17 to $6,067.05.

4.    TENANT'S PRO RATA SHARE. For the period commencing with the Expansion
      Effective Date and ending on the Termination Date, Tenant's Pro Rata Share
      for the Expansion Space is 0.3102%.

5.    EXPENSES AND TAXES. For the period commencing with the Expansion Effective
      Date and ending on the Termination Date, Tenant shall pay for Tenant's Pro
      Rata Share of Expenses and Taxes applicable to the Expansion Space in
      accordance with the terms of the Lease, provided, however, during such
      period, the Base Year for the computation of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of
      Expenses and Taxes applicable to the Expansion Space is 2004.


      6.01. CONDITION OF EXPANSION SPACE. Tenant has inspected the Expansion
            Space and agrees to accept the same "as is" without any agreements,
            representations, understandings or obligations on the part of
            Landlord to perform any alterations,


            repairs or improvements, except as may be expressly provided
            otherwise in this Amendment.

            perform improvements to the Expansion Space in accordance with the
            Work Letter attached hereto as Exhibit B.

7.    EARLY ACCESS TO EXPANSION SPACE. If Tenant is permitted to take possession
      of the Expansion Space before the Expansion Effective Date, such
      possession shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Lease and
      this Amendment and Tenant shall pay Base Rent and Additional Rent
      applicable to the Expansion Space to Landlord for each day of possession
      prior to the Expansion Effective Date. However, except for the cost of
      services requested by Tenant (e.g. freight elevator usage), Tenant shall
      not be required to pay Rent for the Expansion Space for any days of
      possession before the Expansion Effective Date during which Tenant, with
      the approval of Landlord, is in possession of the Expansion Space for the
      sole purpose of performing improvements or installing furniture, equipment
      or other personal property.

8.    OTHER PERTINENT PROVISIONS. Landlord and Tenant agree that, effective as
      of the date of this Amendment (unless different effective date(s) is/are
      specifically referenced in this Section), the Lease shall be amended in
      the following additional respects:

      8.01  Section A, of Article I, "Parking" of Exhibit E, "Additional
            Provisions" of the Lease is hereby amended and modified by deleting
            the phrase "six (6) parking permits" wherever it appears within the
            section and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "nine (9)
            parking permits".


      9.01. This Amendment and the attached exhibits, which are hereby
            incorporated into and made a part of this Amendment, set forth the
            entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters set
            forth herein. There have been no additional oral or written
            representations or agreements. Under no circumstances shall Tenant
            be entitled to any Rent abatement, improvement allowance, leasehold
            improvements, or other work to the Premises, or any similar economic
            incentives that may have been provided Tenant in connection with
            entering into the Lease, unless specifically set forth in this
            Amendment. Tenant agrees that neither Tenant nor its agents or any
            other parties acting on behalf of Tenant shall disclose any matters
            set forth in this Amendment or disseminate or distribute any
            information concerning the terms, details or conditions hereof to
            any person, firm or entity without obtaining the express written
            consent of Landlord.

      9.02. Except as herein modified or amended, the provisions, conditions and
            terms of the Lease shall remain unchanged and in full force and

      9.03. In the case of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Lease
            and this Amendment, the provisions of this Amendment shall govern
            and control.

      9.04. Submission of this Amendment by Landlord is not an offer to enter
            into this Amendment but rather is a solicitation for such an offer
            by Tenant. Landlord shall not be bound by this Amendment until
            Landlord has executed and delivered the same to Tenant.

      9.05. The capitalized terms used in this Amendment shall have the same
            definitions as set forth in the Lease to the extent that such
            capitalized terms are defined therein and not redefined in this

      9.06. Tenant hereby represents to Landlord that Tenant has dealt with no
            broker, other than Jon White ("Broker") in connection with this
            Amendment. Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord, its
            trustees, members, principals, beneficiaries, partners, officers,
            directors, employees, mortgagee(s) and agents, and the respective
            principals and members of any such agents (collectively, the
            "Landlord Related Parties") harmless from all claims of any brokers,
            other than Broker, claiming to have represented Tenant in connection
            with this Amendment. Landlord hereby represents to Tenant that
            Landlord has dealt with no broker in connection with this Amendment.
            Landlord agrees to indemnify and hold Tenant, its trustees, members,
            principals, beneficiaries, partners, officers, directors, employees,


            agents, and the respective principals and members of any such agents
            (collectively, the "Tenant Related Parties") harmless from all
            claims of any brokers claiming to have represented Landlord in
            connection with this Amendment.

      9.07. Each signatory of this Amendment represents hereby that he or she
            has the authority to execute and deliver the same on behalf of the
            party hereto for which such signatory is acting.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have duly executed this Amendment
as of the day and year first above written.


                                     STERLING PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A
                                     DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, DOING
                                     BUSINESS IN TEXAS AS DALLAS STERLING
                                     PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                     By: TX-Sterling Plaza Limited Partnership,
                                         a Delaware limited partnership, its
                                         general partner

                                         By: TX-Sterling Plaza GP, L.L.C., a
                                             Delaware limited liability company,
                                             its general partner

                                             By: Equity Office Management,
                                                 L.L.C., a Delaware limited
                                                 liability company, its
                                                 non-member manager

                                                 By: /s/ Brad Fricks
                                                 Name:  Brad Fricks

                                                 Title: Vice President - Leasing


                                     DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC. A NORTH CAROLINA

                                     BY: /s/ David L. Turney
                                     NAME:  David L. Turney

                                     TITLE: CEO


                                   EXHIBIT A

                                EXPANSION SPACE

                                  [FLOOR PLAN]


                                   EXHIBIT B

                                  WORK LETTER

      This Exhibit is attached to and made a part of the Amendment by and
between STERLING PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership,
("Landlord"), and DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC. a North Carolina corporation
("Tenant") for space in the building located at 5949 Sherry Lane, Dallas, Texas
75225, and commonly known as Sterling Plaza (the "Building").

As used in this Work Letter, the "Premises" shall be deemed to mean the
Expansion Space, as defined in the attached Amendment.

1.    This Work Letter shall set forth the obligations of Landlord and Tenant
      with respect to the improvements to be performed in the Premises for
      Tenant's use. All improvements described in this Work Letter to be
      constructed in and upon the Premises by Landlord are hereinafter referred
      to as the "Landlord Work." It is agreed that construction of the Landlord
      Work and all costs associated with relocating the existing tenant from the
      Premises will be completed at Tenant's sole cost and expense, subject to
      the Allowance (as defined below). Landlord shall enter into a direct
      contract for the Landlord Work with a general contractor selected by
      Landlord. In addition, Landlord shall have the right to select and/or
      approve of any subcontractors used in connection with the Landlord Work.

2.    Tenant shall be solely responsible for the timely preparation and
      submission to Landlord of the final architectural, electrical and
      mechanical construction drawings, plans and specifications (called
      "Plans") necessary to construct the Landlord Work, which plans shall be
      subject to approval by Landlord and Landlord's architect and engineers and
      shall comply with their requirements to avoid aesthetic or other conflicts
      with the design and function of the balance of the Building. Tenant shall
      be responsible for all elements of the design of Tenant's plans
      (including, without limitation, compliance with law, functionality of
      design, the structural integrity of the design, the configuration of the
      Premises and the placement of Tenant's furniture, appliances and
      equipment), and Landlord's approval of Tenant's plans shall in no event
      relieve Tenant of the responsibility for such design. If requested by
      Tenant, Landlord's architect will prepare the Plans necessary for such
      construction at Tenant's cost. Whether or not the layout and Plans are
      prepared with the help (in whole or in part) of Landlord's architect,
      Tenant agrees to remain solely responsible for the timely preparation and
      submission of the Plans and for all elements of the design of such Plans
      and for all costs related thereto. Tenant has assured itself by direct
      communication with the architect and engineers (Landlord's or its own, as
      the case may be) that the final approved Plans can be delivered to
      Landlord on or before September 10, 2004 (the "Plans Due Date"), provided
      that Tenant promptly furnishes complete information concerning its
      requirements to said architect and engineers as and when requested by
      them. Tenant covenants and agrees to cause said final, approved Plans to
      be delivered to Landlord on or before said Plans Due Date and to devote
      such time as may be necessary in consultation with said architect and
      engineers to enable them to complete and submit the Plans within the
      required time limit. Time is of the essence in respect of preparation and
      submission of Plans by Tenant. If the Plans are not fully completed and
      approved by the Plans Due Date, Tenant shall be responsible for one day of
      Tenant Delay (as defined in the Amendment to which this Exhibit is
      attached) for each day during the period beginning on the day following
      the Plans Due Date and ending on the date completed Plans are approved.
      (The word "architect" as used in this Exhibit shall include an interior
      designer or space planner.)

3.    If Landlord's estimate and/or the actual cost of construction shall exceed
      the Allowance, Landlord, prior to commencing any construction of Landlord
      Work, shall submit to Tenant a written estimate setting forth the
      anticipated cost of the Landlord Work, including but not limited to labor
      and materials, contractor's fees and permit fees. Within 3 Business Days
      thereafter, Tenant shall either notify Landlord in writing of its approval
      of the cost estimate, or specify its objections thereto and any desired
      changes to the proposed Landlord Work. If Tenant notifies Landlord of such
      objections and desired changes, Tenant shall work with Landlord to reach a
      mutually acceptable alternative cost estimate.

4.    If Landlord's estimate and/or the actual cost of construction shall exceed
      the Allowance,


      if any (such amounts exceeding the Allowance being herein referred to as
      the "Excess Costs"), Tenant shall pay to Landlord such Excess Costs, plus
      any applicable state sales or use tax thereon, upon demand. The statements
      of costs submitted to Landlord by Landlord's contractors shall be
      conclusive for purposes of determining the actual cost of the items
      described therein. The amounts payable by Tenant hereunder constitute Rent
      payable pursuant to the Lease, and the failure to timely pay same
      constitutes an event of default under the Lease.

5.    If Tenant shall request any change, addition or alteration in any of the
      Plans after approval by Landlord, Landlord shall have such revisions to
      the drawings prepared, and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost
      thereof, plus any applicable state sales or use tax thereon, upon demand.
      Promptly upon completion of the revisions, Landlord shall notify Tenant in
      writing of the increased cost which will be chargeable to Tenant by reason
      of such change, addition or deletion. Tenant, within one Business Day,
      shall notify Landlord in writing whether it desires to proceed with such
      change, addition or deletion. In the absence of such written
      authorization, Landlord shall have the option to continue work on the
      Premises disregarding the requested change, addition or alteration, or
      Landlord may elect to discontinue work on the Premises until it receives
      notice of Tenant's decision, in which event Tenant shall be responsible
      for any Tenant Delay in completion of the Premises resulting therefrom. If
      such revisions result in a higher estimate of the cost of construction
      and/or higher actual construction costs which exceed the Allowance, such
      increased estimate or costs shall be deemed Excess Costs pursuant to
      Paragraph 4 hereof and Tenant shall pay such Excess Costs, plus any
      applicable state sales or use tax thereon, upon demand.

6.    Following approval of the Plans and the payment by Tenant of the required
      portion of the Excess Costs, if any, Landlord shall cause the Landlord
      Work to be constructed substantially in accordance with the approved
      Plans. Landlord shall notify Tenant of substantial completion of the
      Landlord Work.

7.    Landlord, provided Tenant is not in default, agrees to provide Tenant with
      an allowance (the "Allowance") in an amount not to exceed $7,042.50 (i.e.,
      $7.50 per rentable square foot of the Premises) to be applied toward the
      cost of the Landlord Work in the Premises. If the Allowance shall not be
      sufficient to complete the Landlord Work, Tenant shall pay the Excess
      Costs, plus any applicable state sales or use tax thereon, as prescribed
      in Paragraph 4 above. Any portion of the Allowance which exceeds the cost
      of the Landlord Work or is otherwise remaining after December 31, 2004,
      shall accrue to the sole benefit of Landlord, it being agreed that Tenant
      shall not be entitled to any credit, offset, abatement or payment with
      respect thereto. Landlord shall be entitled to deduct from the Allowance a
      construction management fee for Landlord's oversight of the Landlord Work
      in an amount equal to 3% of the total cost of the Landlord Work.

8.    Tenant acknowledges that the Landlord Work may be performed by Landlord in
      the Premises during Building Service Hours. Landlord and Tenant agree to
      cooperate with each other in order to enable the Landlord Work to be
      performed in a timely manner and with as little inconvenience to the
      operation of Tenant's business as is reasonably possible. Notwithstanding
      anything herein to the contrary, any delay in the completion of the
      Landlord Work or inconvenience suffered by Tenant during the performance
      of the Landlord Work shall not subject Landlord to any liability for any
      loss or damage resulting therefrom or entitle Tenant to any credit,
      abatement or adjustment of Rent or other sums payable under the Lease.

9.    This Exhibit shall not be deemed applicable to any additional space added
      to the Premises at any time or from time to time, whether by any options
      under the Lease or otherwise, or to any portion of the original Premises
      or any additions to the Premises in the event of a renewal or extension of
      the original Term of the Lease, whether by any options under the Lease or
      otherwise, unless expressly so provided in the Lease or any amendment or
      supplement to the Lease.

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