March 18, 2005


Abby Adams, Esq.
Office of Mergers and Acquisitions
Division of Corporate Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549-0303

               SCHEDULE TO-T/13E-3 FILED FEBRUARY 16, 2005

               SCHEDULE TO-T/13E-3 FILED FEBRUARY 16, 2005

               SCHEDULES TO-T/13E-3 FILED FEBRUARY 16, 2005

               SCHEDULE TO-T/13E-3 FILED FEBRUARY 16, 2005

               SCHEDULE TO-T/13E-3 FILED FEBRUARY 16, 2005

Dear Ms. Adams:

         On behalf of AIMCO Properties, L.P. ("AIMCO OP"), we are responding to
the Staff's comment letter, dated March 3, 2005, regarding the Tender Offer
Statements and Rule 13e-3 Transaction Statements on Schedule TO referred to
above. As we discussed, we are providing supplementally AIMCO OP's response
letter to the Staff's comments and a blackline copy of the Offer to Purchase and
Letter of Transmittal for National Property Investors III ("NPI III"), which

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March 18, 2005
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have been marked to show changes against the version previously filed, as well
as a blackline copy of the changed pages of the Offers to Purchase for Davidson
Income Real Estate, L.P. and Fox Strategic Housing Income Partners. For your
convenience in reviewing those sections of the NPI III Offer to Purchase that
have been moved to different areas of the document, we are also providing a
blackline showing those sections in the same order they appeared in the version
previously filed. As requested, we have set forth below each of the Staff's
comments and AIMCO OP's response to each comment.


     1.   We note that two of the offers are for less than all units
          outstanding, such as the offer for Fox Strategic Housing Income
          Partners. You have indicated that Item 10 of Schedule TO is not
          applicable with respect to this offer. As the offer is for less than
          all the units outstanding, revise to provide the bidders' financial
          information as required by Item 10 (to the extent you have not done
          so) or tell us why this information is not material. Note that when
          financial information is incorporated by reference, you must include
          the information required by Item 1010(c) of Regulation M-A in the
          document disseminated to unit holders.

          RESPONSE: We note the Staff's comment and respectfully submit that,
          pursuant to Instruction 2 of Item 10 of Schedule TO, the requested
          information is not considered material because the consideration
          offered consists solely of cash, the offers are not subject to any
          financing condition, and the offeror is a public reporting company
          that files reports electronically on EDGAR.



     2.   Revise to provide the legend required by Rule 13e-3(e)(1)(iii).

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

     3.   In any future dissemination of this offer document, and in future Rule
          13e-3 filings, please be certain to provide the "Special Factors"
          disclosure required by Rule 13e-3(e)(1)(ii) in the front of the
          disclosure document.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment,
          and AIMCO OP undertakes to provide the required disclosure in future
          Rule 13e-3 filings.

Risk Factors, page 4

     Our Offer Price May Not Represent Fair Market Value for Your Units, page 4

     4.   Revise the heading of this risk factor to clarify the risk discussed
          in the corresponding text. As the filing persons have provided
          fairness determinations with respect to this offer price, you should
          revise this risk factor to avoid the implication that you are
          disclaiming liability for the filing persons' fairness determinations.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

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     Continuation of Partnership; No Time Frame Regarding Sale of Property,
     page 5

     5.   Please revise your disclosure to discuss in greater detail and
          quantify, if practicable, the "changes in the local rental markets,
          the potential for appreciation in the value of a property and the tax
          consequences to [limited partners] on a sale of property" that the
          bidders believe weigh against the sale of any properties at this time.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment
          to discuss in greater detail the factors the general partner
          considered in determining that a sale of the partnership's properties
          would not be advantageous at the current time.

Terms of the Offer; Expiration Date, page 8

     6.   Revise to clarify when payment will be made for tendered units and
          clarify how this date differs from the effective date of the transfer
          of ownership interests. For example, you state that you will pay for
          the tendered units promptly upon expiration of the offer. Tell us how
          many days after termination of the offer this payment will be made. We
          note that the transfer of partnership interests will not be effective
          until the first day of the calendar quarter in which the offer
          expires. Clarify how the payment date and transfer date correspond, if
          at all, or confirm that payment for tendered units will take place
          without respect to the date the actual transfer of ownership occurs in
          the partnership records. Finally, please clarify how the transfers
          will take place on the first date of the calendar quarter in which the
          offer expires. It appears that any transfer of units would be made
          retroactive to the beginning of the current quarter.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment
          to clarify that AIMCO OP intends to pay for tendered units that have
          been accepted for payment as promptly as practicable, which it expects
          will be within three business days after expiration of the offer, and
          to clarify that payment for tendered units will take place without
          respect to the date that the actual transfer of ownership will be

Acceptance for Payment and Payment for Units, page 8

     7.   In the last paragraph of this section you reserve the right to
          transfer or assign the right to purchase tendered units to one or more
          of your affiliates. Please be aware that any persons or entities to
          whom you transfer or assign such right must be included as a bidder in
          the offer. Each such person or entity added as a bidder (and possibly
          as a Schedule 13E-3 filing person) must independently satisfy the
          disclosure, dissemination and timing requirements of the tender offer
          and going private rules.

          RESPONSE: We note the Staff's comment and confirm supplementally to
          the Staff that if AIMCO OP assigns its right to purchase the tendered
          units to one or more of its affiliates, such affiliates must comply
          with the requirements of the tender offer and going-private rules.

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Extension of the Tender Period; Termination; Amendment; No Subsequent Offering
Period, page 13

     8.   We note the reference to governmental approvals required to consummate
          the offer. We are unable to locate disclosure regarding required
          governmental approvals on which you have conditioned the offer. Revise
          to provide this disclosure or eliminate this reference.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to delete this reference in
          response to this comment.

     9.   Revise the disclosure on page 13 to clarify that, if the offer is
          extended, you will issue a press release or other public announcement
          by 9 a.m. on the following business day, as required by Rule 14e-1(d).
          The current disclosure states that you may do so.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Valuation of Units, page 18

     10.  On page 18 you disclose that the court appointed appraiser determined
          the value of the partnership properties "in 2003." We note that the
          appraisal indicates the fair value of each of the properties as of May
          28, 2003 and May 14, 2003. Revise to disclose the date of the
          appraiser's report. We note that you filed these reports, as well as
          an appraisal of a third unit held by the partnership as exhibits to
          your Schedule TO/13E-3. Revise to provide the reports as exhibits and
          revise page 27 to clarify that the reports are available on EDGAR as
          well. Also, it appears that you should discuss when the third property
          was sold, to whom (an affiliate or unrelated party?), how it compared
          to the prior valuation, and how this impacts the valuation amount or
          otherwise affects the partnership asset valuation. We note from page
          48 that the property was sold on January 15, 2004 for a gross sale
          price of $14,825,000. We note from the appraisal filed as an exhibit
          to your November 7, 2003 Schedule TO/13E-3, as amended, that the
          property was appraised at $12,600,000.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.
          In addition, AIMCO OP will revise the Schedules TO/13E-3 for each of
          the offers to provide the appraisal reports as exhibits. We
          supplementally advise the Staff that the sale price of the property
          has not impacted the current partnership asset valuation.

     11.  In addition, tell us when the general partner, who is controlled by
          you, first determined to sell this property and the circumstances
          surrounding that decision and transaction. In doing so, tell us when
          the contract of sale was entered into and when it was executed. We
          note that your prior offer expired on December 30, 2003, and this
          property was sold on January 14, 2004. We also note that a Form 8-K
          was filed with respect to this transaction on January 30, 2004.
          Finally, we note from page 48 that you recognized gain from the sale
          in the quarter ended September 30, 2003. It appears that you were
          aware of this pending sale at the time of that offer and had a duty to
          disclose this fact and/or amend the tender offer and related documents
          to address the fact as a material change, as required by Rule
          14d-3(b)(1), Rule 13e-3(d)(2) and Rule 14d-9(c)(1). Please provide us
          your detailed analysis regarding your compliance with the disclosure
          requirements in this regard. In addition, tell us how the proceeds
          from that sale were used and/or distributed and revise the current
          offer to disclose this information. For example, we assume from the
          distributions disclosed on page 49 that at least some portion of the
          proceeds were distributed to unit holders. Was the entire $12 million
          gain distributed to unit holders? When did the distributions take
          place? Did those who

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          tendered in the tender offer (and whose units were accepted by you in
          the offer) have a right to receive the distribution?

          As noted in our introductory comment, revise the remaining offers in
          accord with our comment, where applicable. For example, we note from
          page 46 of the Fox Strategic Housing Income offer that one of the two
          properties held by that partnership was sold on December 16, 2003 for
          gross proceeds of $10,100,000. We note that this property had been
          appraised at $9.4 million by AAA in connection with the litigation. We
          note that the general partner filed a Form 8-K reporting the
          transaction on December 16, 2003, that you amended the Schedule
          TO/13E-3 on December 17, 2003 and that the offer expired December 30,
          2003; however, we are unable to locate any disclosure related to the
          sale or proposed sale in the initial offer document or any subsequent

          RESPONSE: A contract relating to the sale of the third property
          (Summerwalk) was entered into as of November 7, 2003, at a purchase
          price of $15,200,000. The contract was amended, as of November 25,
          2003, to extend the purchaser's inspection period from December 1,
          2003 to December 15, 2003 and to set the closing date at January 13,
          2004. The contract was amended again on December 15, 2003, to further
          extend the inspection period to December 17, 2003. On December 17,
          2003, the purchaser terminated the contract. By amendment, dated
          December 18, 2003, the contract was reinstated with a reduced purchase
          price of $14,825,000. Effective as of January 12, 2004, an amendment
          changed the closing date to January 15, 2004, the date on which the
          sale actually closed.

          AIMCO OP, which controls the general partner, was aware of the
          proposed sale of the property before the prior tender offer expired on
          December 30, 2003. The proposed sale was not deemed material to
          investors because of the probability that the sale would not
          ultimately close. As noted above, the contract was terminated at one
          point. In addition, the proposed sale was not deemed material in the
          context of the offering document, which included disclosure that:

                    o    the independent appraiser determined that the
                         Summerwalk property had a value of $12,600,000 as of
                         May 28, 2003;

                    o    AIMCO OP did not base its offer price on any third
                         party valuation or the appraisal, nor did it derive the
                         offer price from any arms-length negotiation;

                    o    if the properties were sold at prices equal to their
                         appraised value, limited partners would have received a
                         liquidating distribution of $365.80 per unit,
                         significantly in excess of the offer price of $153.85
                         per unit; and

                    o    limited partners might receive more value if they
                         retained their units until the partnership is
                         liquidated; if the partnership's property were sold in
                         the future and the net proceeds were distributed to the
                         limited partners, the amount of such distribution might
                         exceed AIMCO OP's offer price.

          After the property was sold, the partnership deducted from the gross
          purchase price amounts needed to repay the mortgage encumbering the
          property (including a prepayment penalty) and a loan made by the
          general partner, to pay closing costs, a broker's commission, and

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          prorations, and to establish a reserve for contingencies. With the
          remaining net proceeds from the sale, on February 4, 2004, the
          partnership distributed approximately $8,159,000 to limited partners
          ($169.80 per unit). Limited partners who sold units in the offer that
          expired December 30, 2003 did not receive this distribution. The
          disclosure has been revised in the current offer to disclose the sale
          of the property and the distribution that was paid with the net
          proceeds. The disclosure will also be revised in the other offers in
          accordance with the Staff's comment, where applicable.

          We supplementally advise the Staff that AIMCO OP has confirmed that
          any pending property sales or any definitive plans to sell a property
          that is owned by any of the partnerships that are the subject of the
          current offers have been disclosed in the current offering documents,
          and that it will undertake to amend the offer documents if there is a
          material change with respect to a property sale.

     12.  Revise to clarify the nature of the "prepayment penalties" that you
          subtracted from the appraised value in determining the consideration
          for this offer and the liquidation value of the units (page 28) and
          explain why it is appropriate to subtract these penalties.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.
          We supplementally advise the Staff that, because AIMCO OP determined
          its offer price based on estimated liquidation proceeds in the event
          of a liquidation of the partnership, AIMCO OP deducted from its
          estimate of the partnership's aggregate gross property value the
          partnership's liabilities and certain other costs, including the
          estimated prepayment penalties associated with the mortgage
          indebtedness secured by the partnership's properties, to determine the
          partnership's net equity value.

     13.  We note footnote (1) to the table on page 19. Revise the chart and
          disclosure on page 19 to clarify whether you have disclosed the
          highest tender offer price anyone has offered to date, or you have
          disclosed the highest price you have offered to pay in a tender offer
          to date.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to clarify that the
          information reflects the highest tender offer price in any tender
          offers between 2002 and 2004 known to the general partner, including
          offers by third parties.

     14.  What consideration have you given to disclosing the prices you have
          offered for partnership units in tender offers prior to the most
          recent two year period? It appears that this information could be
          material to investors.

          RESPONSE: AIMCO OP has disclosed prior tender offer prices for the
          most recent three-year period, from 2002 through 2004. AIMCO OP
          decided against disclosing prices from the offers it made prior to
          2002 because it believes that such prices would not provide a
          meaningful comparison for investors. The facts and circumstances that
          affect pricing have changed over time. For example, for National
          Property Investors III (as well as most of the other partnerships that
          are the subject of the current offers), the partnership no longer owns
          all of the properties that it owned prior to 2002. As a result, AIMCO
          OP believes that the prices from the offers it made prior to 2002 do
          not provide a meaningful comparison to current offer prices, and are
          therefore not material to investors.

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     15.  Clarify why you selected these two third-party sources (Direct
          Investment Spectrum and American Partnership Board). For example, do
          you consider these to be the most comprehensive sources of this
          information? Where other offers refer only to one third party source
          of trade price information, such as the offer for units of Fox
          Strategic Housing Income Partners, clarify why only one source is

          RESPONSE: We supplementally advise the Staff that AIMCO OP has
          disclosed pricing information only from Direct Investments Spectrum
          and the American Partnership Board because these are the only
          third-party sources of information regarding secondary market sales
          that AIMCO OP is aware of. In the offer for Fox Strategic Housing
          Income Partners, information from the American Partnership Board was
          not disclosed because the American Partnership Board did not report
          information for this partnership for the relevant period, and this
          fact is disclosed in the offer.

Background and Reasons for the Offer, page 38

     16.  Here you state that you purchased 659 units in the offer you commenced
          in November 2003. In your final amendment to the Schedule TO, which
          was filed January 12, 2004 in connection with that offer, you
          indicated that 573 units were validly tendered in the offer. Please

          RESPONSE: We supplementally advise the Staff that the 659 units
          reported in the offer was a clerical error. Units acquired subsequent
          to the November 2003 offer were inadvertently included. We have
          revised the disclosure to report the correct number of units acquired
          in the November 2003 offer, as reported in AIMCO OP's final amendment
          to the Schedule TO, and have separately disclosed the number of units
          acquired subsequent to the November 2003 offer. We have also made
          corresponding revisions to the offers for each of the other
          partnerships, where applicable.

Position of the General Partner of Your Partnership with Respect to the Offer,
page 39

     17.  Each filing person must provide a fairness determination with respect
          to each group of unaffiliated security holders - those unaffiliated
          unit holders who tender into the offer and those who do not. Revise to
          clarify that the each filing person has done so, or revise to provide
          this information. The current disclosure on pages 39 and 41 appear to
          address one fairness determination with respect to all unaffiliated
          security holders.

          RESPONSE: We respectfully submit to the Staff that each offer provides
          a fairness determination with respect to each group of unaffiliated
          security holders - unaffiliated limited partners who do not tender
          units in the offer and unaffiliated limited partners who do tender
          units in the offer. Please refer to the disclosure on page 40 of the
          Offer to Purchase for NPI III. In addition, each of the filing persons
          has provided a fairness determination with respect to each group of
          unaffiliated security holders. Each offer discloses that each of the
          AIMCO Entities (defined in the "Summary Term Sheet" as AIMCO OP,
          Apartment Investment and Management Company and AIMCO-GP, Inc.)
          believes that the offer price and the structure of the transaction are
          fair to the unaffiliated limited partners based on the information and
          factors considered by the general partner of the partnership, and that
          each of the AIMCO Entities expressly adopts the analysis, and the
          factors underlying such analysis, of the general

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          partner of the partnership. Please refer to the disclosure on page 41
          of the Offer to Purchase for NPI III.

     18.  Generally, the factors outlined in instruction 2 to Item 1014 are
          considered relevant in assessing the fairness of the consideration to
          be received in a going private transaction. To the extent any of the
          listed factors was not deemed relevant in the context of this
          transaction, or was given little weight, this in itself may be an
          important part of the decision-making process that should be explained
          for unit holders. In this regard, please revise the general partner's
          fairness determination to clarify the general partner's consideration
          of each factor listed in Instruction 2 to Item 1014. For example, it
          is unclear from the discussion on pages 57-58 whether the general
          partner considered current and historical market prices, purchase
          prices paid in recent purchases or other firm offers. It is also
          unclear what consideration the general partner gave to the appraisal
          or the valuation performed by the bidders. If a factor was not
          considered because the factor did not exist (such as where there are a
          lack of firm offers), then revise to clarify. See Q&A No. 20 in
          Exchange Act Release No. 17719 (April 13, 1981). Where an Item 1014
          factor indicates a higher value than the offer price, such as
          liquidation value, then revise to clarify how the fairness
          determination was made despite this factor.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to clarify the general
          partner's consideration of the offer prices paid in prior tender
          offers in the most recent three-year period. We have also revised the
          disclosure to clarify that, although the general partner did consider
          prices on the secondary market from 2002 through November 2004 (the
          most recent date for which information was available), it did not
          consider current or historical market prices because there is no
          public market for limited partnership units. We note that the general
          partner's consideration of net book value and the absence of other
          firm offers is discussed under "Special Factors -- Position of the
          General Partner of Your Partnership With Respect to The Offer--Factors
          in Favor of Fairness Determination." We also note that the general
          partner's consideration of historical prices on the secondary market,
          the independent appraisal in 2003 and AIMCO OP's valuation is
          discussed under "Special Factors -- Position of the General Partner of
          Your Partnership With Respect to The Offer--Factors Not in Favor of
          Fairness Determination." Where an Item 1014 factor, such as
          liquidation value, indicated a higher value than the offer price, we
          have revised the disclosure to clarify how it affected the fairness

     19.  On page 40 you disclose a countervailing factor that the offer price
          "does not take into account any increases in property income that [the
          partnership] may realize in the near future." Clarify "near future"
          and whether the partnership has a current expectation of increased
          revenue in that time frame.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to clarify that our offer
          price does not reflect future prospects and does not ascribe any value
          to potential future improvements in the operating performance or fair
          market value of the partnership's properties.

     20.  Please revise to provide additional information about the operation of
          this business so that it is clear why going concern value is not
          relevant here. In addition, you state that "going concern value
          typically reflects independent value for the goodwill of a business as
          a going concern, over and above its asset value, however, those facts
          are not present here." This disclosure is unclear and appears to
          inaccurately describe going concern value.

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          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to clarify that the general
          partner does not believe that there is a distinction between
          liquidation value and going concern value for income-producing
          properties such as these, where the likely sale price in the event of
          liquidation is expected to be equal to the "going concern value" of
          the property.

     21.  Revise to clarify how the general partner found the offer to be
          procedurally fair despite the absence of the procedural safeguards
          discussed in Item 1014 of Regulation M-A. See Q&A No. 21 in Exchange
          Act Release No. 17719 (April 13, 1981).

          RESPONSE: We note the Staff's comment and respectfully submit that the
          offer discloses that, in determining the procedural fairness of the
          offer, the general partner took into account the absence of the
          procedural safeguards set forth in Item 1014(c)-(e), but determined
          that the offer was procedurally fair based on certain other factors,
          such as the opportunity of limited partners to make an individual
          decision as to whether or not to tender in the offer and the fact that
          limited partners can evaluate our offer price by comparing it to the
          net liquidation proceeds per unit derived from the independent
          appraiser's property valuation.

     22.  Revise to further clarify why the general partner is not able to make
          a recommendation with respect to whether unit holders should tender
          into the offer. The factors cited here are typically present with
          respect to any tender offer or investment decision.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure to clarify that, while the
          general partner believes that the terms of our offer are fair, it is
          not able to make a recommendation because, as a subsidiary of AIMCO
          OP, it has a conflict of interest.

Source of Funds, page 49

     23.  We note the disclosure here that you "intend to make concurrent offers
          to acquire interest in approximately 7 other limited partnerships. If
          all such offers were fully subscribed for cash, we would be required
          to pay approximately $33.4 million for all such units." Please revise
          this section to address the fact that you have made 8 additional
          tender offers (and to reflect any additional current tender offers not
          included in the reference line in this letter), In doing so, disclose
          the total cash consideration to be paid if all were fully subscribed.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Letter of Transmittal

     24.  In the second full paragraph on page 5 you state that the party
          signing the letter of transmittal appoints purchaser as its proxy with
          respect to "Units tendered by him or her and accepted for payment by
          the Purchaser." In the third sentence of this paragraph, you state,
          "Such appointment will be effective upon receipt of the Letter of
          Transmittal. " The sentences following this statement imply this fact
          also. As you know, the proxy cannot be effective until payment has
          been made. Please clarify this paragraph.

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

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     25.  Please revise your offers to specifically indicate the number of
          limited partnership units sought in each offer, as required by Item
          1004(a)(1)(i) of Regulation M-A. We note that your current disclosure
          indicates that you are "offering to purchase limited partnership
          units" but does not specify the number of units sought. We also note
          the discussion on the cover page that the limited partnership
          "prohibits any transfer of an interest if such transfer, together with
          all other transfers during the preceding 12 months, would cause 50% or
          more of the total interest in capital and profits of your partnership
          to be transferred within such 12-month period," and, in light of this,
          you may prorate the tendered units so that you will accept the maximum
          number without violating this agreement. In addition to clarifying the
          number of units sought in each offer, revise to clarify how you will
          be able to determine the number of units that you may purchase while
          the offer is open, in light of the fact that others may transfer
          partnership interests within this 12 month period that are unrelated
          to this offer. We note that you control the general partner of the

          RESPONSE: We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

     26.  In light of the above, tell us how many days after the expiration of
          the offer you intend to pay for or return tendered units. We note the
          disclosure on page 10 regarding possible delays due to proration.

          RESPONSE: We supplementally advise the Staff that AIMCO OP intends to
          pay for or return tendered units as promptly as practicable, which it
          expects will be within three business days after expiration of the


     27.  Please clarify (i) in what capacity Fox Capital Management Corporation
          is filing the Schedules TO-T/13E-3 and 14D-9 and (ii) the relationship
          between Fox Capital Management and Fox Partners IV and II. It is our
          understanding that, with respect to all of the above-referenced
          offers, the general partner has been included as a filing person on
          the Schedule TO-T/13E-3. In these two offers, Fox Capital Management
          Corporation is a filing person on the Schedule TO-T/13E-3; however,
          the Schedule 14D-9 indicates that Fox Partners IV and Fox Partners II
          are the general partners, respectively. We note that in each of these
          two offers, each Fox entity has signed the Schedule 14D-9. In your
          response, please provide your analysis regarding whether Fox Partners
          IV and II should be a filing person on the Schedule TO-T/13E-3 and
          provide the disclosure required by that form, such as the fairness

          RESPONSE: In response to this comment, we believe it would be helpful
          to provide an overview of the ownership structure for Century
          Properties Growth Fund XXII ("CPGF XXII") and Century Properties Fund
          XIX ("CPF XIX"). Fox Partners IV is the general partner of CPGF XXII,
          and Fox Capital Management Corporation ("FCMC") is the managing
          general partner of Fox Partners IV . Fox Partners II is the general
          partner of CPF XIX, and FCMC is the managing general partner of Fox
          Partners II. Fox Partners IV, Fox Partners II and FCMC are all
          affiliates of AIMCO OP. Accordingly, FCMC filed the Schedules
          TO-T/13E-3 in its capacity as the managing general partner of the
          general partner of each of

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          CPGF XXII and CPF XIX, and as an affiliate of AIMCO OP. We will amend
          the Schedules TO-T/13E-3 to add Fox Partners II as a filing person for
          CPF XIX and to add Fox Partners IV as a filing person for CPGF XXII.

                                              Very truly yours,

                                              /s/ JONATHAN KO

                                              Jonathan Ko

cc:  Martha Long - Apartment Investment & Management Company
     Miles Cortez, Esq. - Apartment Investment & Management Company
     Joseph Coco, Esq. - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
     Jonathan Friedman, Esq. - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP