Exhibit 10.27

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

                                                               FEBRUARY 28, 2006

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned ("MAKER", whether one or more) hereby
promises to pay to the order of FAGEN, INC. ("HOLDER") at its offices in Granite
Falls, Minnesota or such other address as Holder shall desire, the principal sum
not to exceed ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000), or such lesser sum as shall
become due hereunder, together with interest thereon accruing at the Applicable
Rate, adjusted each time and as of the date the Applicable Rate changes, without
notice to Maker (which notice is hereby expressly waived by Maker).

     Interest shall commence to accrue on the date funds are advanced under that
certain Loan Agreement between Maker and Holder dated FEBRUARY 28, 2006 (the
"LOAN AGREEMENT"), and shall continue until the Maturity Date. Maker shall make
payments of interest on this Promissory Note on the first day of the beginning
of every calendar quarter, commencing upon the payment commencement date set
forth under the Loan Agreement, and payments of principal in such amounts and at
such times as determined under the Loan Agreement. The remaining outstanding
principal balance and all accrued but unpaid interest shall become due and
payable on the Maturity Date.

     Any required payment on this Promissory Note which is not paid when due
shall be subject to a late payment charge of five percent (5%) of the amount of
such overdue amount. Interest on a required payment which is not paid when due
shall thereafter accrue at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum or, if
less, the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law (the "Default

     The obligations evidenced by this Promissory Note are secured pursuant to
the provisions of the documents described below and as they may be amended or
supplemented from time to time:

     The Security Documents (as such term is defined in the Loan Agreement).

     At the option of the Holder hereof, the entire unpaid principal plus
accrued interest shall become immediately due and payable, after expiration of
any grace period provided in the Loan Documents, upon the occurrence or
existence of any of the following events or conditions: (a) any payment required
hereunder is not paid when due; (b) default in the performance of any covenant,
obligation, warranty or provision contained in the Loan Documents; (c) any
warranty, representation, financial information or statement of the Maker is
determined to be false in any material respect; (d) an Event of Default; (e)
determination by the Holder that a material adverse change has occurred in the
financial condition of the Maker; (f) dissolution, termination of existence,
insolvency, business failure, the filing of a petition for the appointment of a
receiver or the appointment of a receiver for all or a part of any part of the
property of the Maker; (g) commencement of any proceedings under any bankruptcy
or insolvency laws by or against the

Maker; or (h) anytime the Holder believes, in the Holder's sole discretion, that
the prospect of payment of this Promissory Note is impaired or the Holder
otherwise deems itself insecure.

     Maker and any endorsers hereby severally waive presentment, protest and
demand, notice of protest, demand, dishonor and nonpayment of this Promissory
Note. Maker expressly agrees that this Promissory Note, or any payment
hereunder, may be extended from time to time without notice and without in any
way affecting the liability of the Maker and endorsers hereof.

     No waiver of any payment or other right under this Promissory Note or any
related agreement shall operate as a waiver of any other payment or right. No
delay on the part of the Holder hereof in exercising any right hereunder shall
operate as a waiver of that right or any other right under this Promissory Note.
The Holder shall be entitled to recover costs of collection of this Promissory
Note, including, to the extent allowed by law, reasonable attorneys' fees.

     If any one or more provisions of this Promissory Note shall, in whole or in
part, or if any one or more provisions of this Promissory Note operates or would
operate to invalidate this Promissory Note, then said provisions or provision
shall be deemed null and void, but shall not affect any other provision of this
Note and the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected, prejudiced or
disturbed thereby. The rules of construction and the definitions set forth in
the Loan Agreement shall also apply to this Note. Unless otherwise defined
herein, capitalized terms used in this Note shall have the meanings ascribed in
the Loan Agreement.

     Time is of the essence of this Promissory Note and of the performance of
all obligations hereunder.

     This Promissory Note is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Minnesota.

     This Promissory Note shall be binding upon Maker and its successors and
assigns and inure to the benefit of Holder and its successors and assigns.

     DATED as of the date first set forth above.

                                        RED TRAIL ENERGY, LLC

                                        By: /s/ Ambrose R Hoff
                                        Name: Ambrose R Hoff
                                        Title: President