April 21, 2009

Mr. Jeffrey Foor
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

Re:      Variable Separate Account ("Registrant")
         AIG SunAmerica Life Assurance Company ("Depositor")
         Polaris Platinum III Variable Annuity
         Form N-4
         File Nos. 333-157199 and 811-03859

Dear Mr. Foor:

         Thank you for your comments today regarding the Initial Registration
Statement on Form N-4 filed on February 2, 2009 as referenced above. We have
considered your comments and provided our responses below.

     1.  Highlights, page 4

              a.  Comment -- Please revise the discussion, under the headings
                  Expenses and Access to Your Money, to reflect the ability of
                  an owner to make withdrawals pursuant to the Free Withdrawal
                  Provision under the contract.

                  Response -- The following disclosure has been added to the
                  Expenses paragraph in the Highlights:

                  "Your contract provides for a free withdrawal amount each
                  year. See FREE WITHDRAWAL PROVISIONS below."

              b.  Comment -- Please reference Appendix C specifically in the
                  cross-reference to the appendix listing state contract
                  availability and state contract variations.

                  Response -- The reference has been revised accordingly.

     2.  Fee Tables, page 5

              a.  Comment -- Footnote 2, which describes the Withdrawal Charge
                  Schedule, should reference the ability to take free
                  withdrawals under the contract .

                  Response -- The following disclosure has been added to
                  Footnote 2:

                  "Your contract provides for a free withdrawal amount each
                  year. See FREE WITHDRAWAL PROVISIONS below."

              b.  Comment -- Please remove "or" from between the two optional
                  death benefits under the Separate Account Annual Expenses
                  section of the table.

                  Response -- The reference to "or" has been removed.

              c.  Comment -- Please revise Footnote 5 to clarify that the
                  Optional Combination HV & Roll-Up Death Benefit has the
                  highest fee of the optional death benefits.

                  Response -- Footnote has been revised as follows:

                  "The Maximum Separate Account Annual Expenses reflect election
                  of the Combination HV & Roll-Up death benefit which has the
                  highest fee of the optional death benefits."

              d.  Comment -- Please update the underlying fund expenses table.

                  Response -- The table and expense examples have been updated.

              e.  Comment -- Please revise Footnote 6 disclosure to use the
                  defined term "Purchase Payments" instead of "Purchase".

                  Response -- This scrivener's error has been corrected.

              f.  Comment -- Please revise Foote 6 and 7 to consistently use the
                  capitalized term Excess Withdrawal.

                  Response -- We have changed all references to reflect the term
                  in lower case.

     3.  Optional Living Benefits, page 21+

              a.  Comment -- At the beginning of this disclosure, please include
                  the name of each of the three living benefits and state
                  clearly that these are guaranteed minimum withdrawal features.

              b.  Comment -- For each of the optional living benefits, please
                  include plain English disclosure as to the purpose of the
                  optional feature. In addition, please add disclosure to
                  clearly distinguish each feature from the other living
                  benefits offered under the contract.

                  Response -- We have added the following disclosure in response
                  to the comments above on page 21:

                  "One of the following optional living benefits, all of which
                  are guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits, is available for
                  election in your contract:

                  MARKETLOCK INCOME PLUS offers guaranteed lifetime income plus
                  the opportunity to lock in the greater of investment gains or
                  an annual Income Credit for up to 5 or 10 years, even after
                  withdrawals begin. The annual 6% Income Credit is reduced but
                  not eliminated in any contract year in which withdrawals up to
                  the maximum are taken, therefore providing a guarantee that
                  income can

                  increase even after starting withdrawals. After the first 10
                  years, the Income Base Evaluation Period may be extended to
                  lock in investment gains on contract anniversaries through age
                  90. In addition, if no withdrawals are taken during the first
                  12 years, on the 12th contract anniversary, the Minimum Income
                  Base is equal to 200% of Eligible Purchase Payments.

                  MARKETLOCK FOR LIFE PLUS offers guaranteed lifetime income
                  plus the opportunity to lock in the greater of investment
                  gains or an annual Income Credit for up to 5 or 10 years, even
                  after withdrawals begin. The annual 6% Income Credit is only
                  available in years that no withdrawals are taken. After the
                  first 10 years, the Income Base Evaluation Period may be
                  extended to lock in investment gains on contract anniversaries
                  through age 90. In addition, if no withdrawals are taken
                  during the first 12 years, on the 12th contract anniversary,
                  the Minimum Income Base is equal to 200% of Eligible Purchase

                  MARKETLOCK FOR LIFE offers guaranteed lifetime income based on
                  the contract's highest anniversary value during the contract's
                  first 5 years. After the first 5 years, the Income Base
                  Evaluation Period may be extended to lock in investment gains
                  on contract anniversaries through age 90."

              c.  Comment - Please consider additional prospectus disclosure
                  describing the relationship between guarantees in connection
                  with the living benefits, or other contract guarantees, and
                  the claims paying ability of the company and its general

                  Response -- The following disclosure has been added to the
                  General Account discussion in the prospectus:

                  "Obligations that are paid of the Company's general account
                  ("General Account") include the interest rate on available
                  Fixed Accounts and amounts owed under your contract for death
                  and/or living benefits which are in excess of contract value.
                  The General Account assets are invested in accordance with
                  applicable state regulation. These assets are exposed to the
                  typical risks normally associated with a portfolio of fixed
                  income securities, namely interest rate, option, liquidity and
                  credit risk. The Company manages its exposure to these risks
                  by, among other things, closely monitoring and matching the
                  duration and cash flows of its assets and liabilities,
                  monitoring or limiting prepayment and extension risk in its
                  portfolio, maintaining a large percentage of its portfolio in
                  highly liquid securities and engaging in a disciplined process
                  of underwriting, reviewing and monitoring credit risk. With
                  respect to the living benefits available in your contract, we
                  also manage interest and market risk through a hedging
                  strategy in the portfolio and we require that those who elect
                  a living benefit allocate their Purchase Payments in
                  accordance with specified investment parameters."

     4.  General

              a.  Comment -- If you intend to rely on the exemption provided by
                  Rule 12h-7 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, please
                  provide a statement to that effect in the prospectus as
                  required by the rule.

                  Response -- Based on established, long standing precedents and
                  interpretations of the Federal Securities laws, the Company,
                  as Depositor for registered separate accounts, does not
                  believe it needs to rely on Rule 12h-7 of the Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934 ("34 Act") as the basis for its exemption
                  from the duty under Section 15(d) of the 34 Act to file
                  reports required by Section 13(a) of the 34 Act ("34 Act
                  Reports") with respect to the variable annuities registered on
                  this Registration Statement pursuant to the Securities Act of
                  1933 ("33 Act"). Should subsequent Staff interpretation or
                  guidance with respect to Rule 12h-7 and its applicability
                  change our analysis of this matter we will make appropriate
                  adjustments to disclosure by supplement to the prospectus
                  pursuant to Rule 497 of 33 Act.

         We will file all revisions and all relevant exhibits and financial
statements in a pre-effective amendment to the registration statement on or
about April 27, 2009, along with an acceleration request asking for
effectiveness on April 30, 2009. As part of the acceleration request, we will
also make the appropriate representations pursuant to the Staff's press release
dated June 24, 2004. If you have any further questions, please contact me at

Very truly yours,

/s/ Manda Ghaferi

Manda Ghaferi
Assistant General Counsel