DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION

                            AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS

Approved by the Board of Directors of Dell Computer Corporation (the
"Corporation") and effective on the ratification by the Stockholders of the
Corporation of associated amendments to the Corporation's Certificate of
Incorporation at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders held June 19, 1991.

Article II: Stockholders

1.       Article II Section 1 of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in
         its entirety with the following:

                 Section 1.  Place of Meetings.  All meetings of the
         stockholders shall be held the principal office of the Corporation,
         or, if the meeting is called by the Chairman of the Board, or by a
         majority of the Board of Directors, at the principal office of the
         Corporation or at such other place within or without the State of
         Delaware as shall be specified or fixed in the notices or waivers of
         notice thereof.

2.       Article II Section 4 of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in
         its entirety with the following:

                 Section 4.  Special Meetings.  Unless otherwise provided in
         the Certificate of Incorporation, special meetings of the stockholders
         for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the Chairman
         of the Board (if any), or by a majority of the Board of Directors, and
         shall be called by the Chief Executive Officer, the President or the
         Secretary upon the written request therefor, stating the purpose or
         purposes of the meeting, delivered to such officer, signed by the
         holders of at least fifty percent (50%) of the issued and outstanding
         stock entitled to vote at such meeting.

3.       Article II Section 12 of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in
         its entirety with the following:

                 Section 12.  Action Without Meeting.  Any action required or
         permitted to be taken by the stockholders of the Corporation must be
         effected at a duly called annual or special meeting of such holders
         and may not be effected by any consent in writing by such holders.

Article III: Board of Directors

4.       Article III Section 6 of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in
         its entirety with the following:

                 Section 6.  Special Meetings.  Special Meetings of the Board
         of Directors may be called by the Chairman of the Board (if any), or,
         on the written request of any two directors, by the Secretary, in each
         case upon the giving of personal, written, telephone, telegraphic, or  
         facsimile notice to each director.  Such notice, or any waiver thereof
         pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 hereof, need not state the purpose
         or purposes of such meeting, except as may otherwise be required by
         law or provided for in the Certificate of Incorporation or these

5.       Article III Section 7 of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in
         its entirety with the following:

                 Section 7.  Removal.  Any director or the entire Board of
         Directors may be removed, but only for cause, by a vote of the holders
         of a majority of the shares then issued and outstanding.  Cause shall
         mean willful and gross misconduct by the director that is materially
         adverse to the best interests of the Corporation, as determined
         conclusively by a majority of the disinterested directors of the

6.       Article III of the Bylaws shall be amended by adding Section 12 as

                 Section 12.  Nomination of Directors; Stockholder Business at
         Annual Meetings. Subject to the rights of holders of any class or
         series of stock having a preference over the Common Stock as to
         dividends or upon liquidation, nominations for the election of
         Directors may be made by the Board of Directors or any Nominating
         Committee appointed by the Board of Directors or by any stockholder
         entitled to vote in the election of Directors generally.  However, any
         stockholder generally entitled to vote in the election of Directors
         may nominate one or more persons for election as  Directors at a
         meeting only if written notice of such stockholder's intent to make
         such nomination or nominations has been given, either by personal
         delivery or by United States mail, postage prepaid, to the Secretary
         of the Corporation not later than (i) with respect to an election to
         be held at an annual meeting of stockholders, 60 days in advance of
         such meeting, and (ii) with respect to an election to be held at a
         special meeting of stockholders for the election of Directors, the
         close of business on the seventh day following the date on which
         notice of such meeting is first given to stockholders.  Each such
         notice shall set forth: (a) the name and address of the stockholder
         who intends to make the nomination and of the person or persons to be
         nominated; (b) a representation that the stockholder is a holder of
         record of stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at such meeting
         and intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate
         the person or persons specified in the notice; (c) a description of
         all arrangements or understandings between the stockholder, each
         nominee or any other person or persons (naming such person or persons)
         pursuant to which the nomination or nominations are to be made by the
         stockholder; (d) such

         other information regarding each nominee proposed by such stockholder
         as would be required to be included in a proxy statement filed
         pursuant to the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
         had the nominee been nominated, or intended to be nominated, by the
         Board of Directors; and (e) the consent of each nominee to serve as a
         Director of the Corporation if so elected.  At the request of the
         Board of Directors any person nominated by the Board of Directors for
         election as a Director shall furnish to the Secretary of the
         Corporation that information required to be set forth in a
         stockholder's notice of nomination which pertains to the nominee.  No
         person shall be eligible for election as a Director of the Corporation
         unless nominated in accordance with the procedures set forth herein.
         A majority of the Board of Directors may reject any nomination by a
         stockholder not timely made or otherwise not in accordance with the
         terms of this Section 12.  If a majority of the Board of Directors
         reasonably determines that the information provided in a stockholder's
         notice does not satisfy the informational requirements of this Section
         12 in any material respect, the Secretary of the Corporation shall
         promptly notify such stockholder of the deficiency in writing.  The
         stockholder shall have an opportunity to cure the deficiency by
         providing additional information to the Secretary within such period
         of time, not to exceed ten days from the date such deficiency notice
         is given to the stockholder, as a majority of the Board of Directors
         shall reasonably determine. If the deficiency is not cured within such
         period, or if a majority of the Board of Directors reasonably
         determines that the additional information provided by the
         stockholder, together with the information previously provided, does
         not satisfy the requirements of this Section 12 in any material
         respect, then a majority of the Board of Directors may reject such
         stockholder's nomination.  The Secretary of the Corporation shall
         notify a stockholder in writing whether the stockholder's nomination
         has been made in accordance with the time and information requirements
         of this Section 12.

                 At an annual meeting of the stockholders, only such business
         shall be conducted as shall have been brought before the meeting (a)
         by or at the direction of the chairman of the meeting or (b) by any
         stockholder of the Corporation who complies with the notice procedures
         set forth in this Section 12.  For business to be properly brought
         before an annual meeting by a stockholder, the stockholder must have
         given timely notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the
         Corporation.  To be timely, a stockholder's notice must be delivered
         to or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the
         Corporation not less than 60 days prior to the meeting;  provided,
         however that in the event that less than 70 days notice or prior
         public disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or made to
         stockholders, notice by the stockholder to be timely must be received
         not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the
         earlier of the day on which such notice of the date of the annual
         meeting was mailed or such public disclosure was made.  A
         stockholder's notice to the Secretary shall set forth as to each
         matter the stockholder proposes to bring before the annual meeting (a)
         a brief description of the business desired to be brought before the
         annual meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the
         annual meeting, (b) the name and address, as they appear on the
         Corporation's books, of the stockholder proposing such business, (c)
         the class and number of shares of the

         Corporation which are beneficially owned by the stockholder and (d)
         any material direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise of
         the stockholder or its affiliates or  associates in such business.
         The Board of Directors may reject any stockholder proposal not timely
         made in accordance with this Section 12.  If the Board of Directors
         determines that the information provided in a stockholder's notice
         does not satisfy the informational requirements hereof, the Secretary
         of the Corporation shall promptly notify such stockholder of the
         deficiency in the notice.  The stockholder shall then have an
         opportunity to cure the deficiency by providing additional information
         to the Secretary within such period of time, not to exceed ten days
         from the date such deficiency notice is given to the stockholder, as
         the Board of Directors shall determine.  If the deficiency is not
         cured within such period, or if the Board of Directors determines that
         the additional information provided by the stockholder, together with
         the information previously provided, does not satisfy the requirements
         of this Section 12, then the Board of Directors may reject such
         stockholder's proposal.  The Secretary of the Corporation shall notify
         a stockholder in writing whether the stockholder's proposal has been
         made in accordance with the time and information requirements hereof.

                 This provision shall not prevent the consideration and
         approval or disapproval at an annual meeting of reports of officers,
         directors and committees of the Board of Directors, but in connection
         therewith no new business shall be acted upon at any such meeting
         unless stated, filed and received as herein provided.  Notwithstanding
         anything in these bylaws to the contrary, no business shall be
         conducted at an annual meeting except in accordance with procedures
         set forth in this Section 12.

7.       Article IX of the Bylaws shall be deleted and replaced in its entirety
         with the following:

                                   Article IX


                 The Board of Directors is hereby expressly authorized to
         adopt, amend or repeal the bylaws of the Corporation or adopt new
         bylaws, without any action on the part of the stockholders, by the
         vote of a majority of the directors; provided, however, that no such
         adoption, amendment, or repeal shall be valid with respect to bylaw
         provisions which have been adopted, amended, or repealed by the
         stockholders; and further provided, that bylaws adopted or amended by
         the Directors and any powers thereby conferred may be amended,
         altered, or repealed by the stockholders.  Notwithstanding the
         foregoing and anything in these bylaws to the contrary, Article II
         Section 1, Article II Section 4, Article II Section 12, Article III
         Section 6, Article III Section 7, Article III Section 12 and Article
         IX of these bylaws shall not be amended, repealed, altered or added to
         by the stockholders, and no provision inconsistent therewith shall be
         adopted by the stockholders without the affirmative vote of the
         holders of at least 66 2/3 % of the Corporation's voting stock issued
         and outstanding.
