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                             Washington, D.C. 20549
                                   FORM 10-K
                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1995
        FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM __________ TO __________
        COMMISSION FILE NO. 1-4304
                           COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its Charter)

                   DELAWARE                                      75-0725338
         (State or other jurisdiction                         (I.R.S. Employer
       of incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)
     7800 STEMMONS FREEWAY, DALLAS, TEXAS                           75247
   (Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip Code)
       (Registrant's telephone number, including area code) (214) 689-4300

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                            NAME OF EACH EXCHANGE
              TITLE OF EACH CLASS                            ON WHICH REGISTERED
- -----------------------------------------    --------------------------------------------------
          Common Stock, $5 par value                       New York Stock Exchange

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                                            -----      -----
FORM 10-K.  [     ]
COMMON STOCK, AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1995: COMMON STOCK, $5.00 PAR -- 15,388,351.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                                     PART I


         Commercial Metals Company was incorporated in 1946 in Delaware as a
successor to a secondary metals recycling business in existence since
approximately 1915.  The Company maintains executive offices at 7800 Stemmons
Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75247 (telephone 214/689-4300).  The terms "Company" or
"registrant" as used herein include Commercial Metals Company and its
consolidated subsidiaries.  The Company's fiscal year ends August 31 and all
references to years refer to the fiscal year ended August 31 of that year
unless otherwise noted.

         The Company considers its businesses to be organized into three
segments - (i) Manufacturing, (ii) Recycling and (iii) Marketing and Trading.
For several years prior to 1995, the Company considered a much smaller
Financial Services group to be a fourth business segment.  During 1995 the
activities of this segment were merged into the Marketing and Trading segment
in view of the increased emphasis on supporting the Marketing and Trading
segment's financial functions and cessation of financial services, including
loans, to unrelated third parties.  The Company's activities are primarily
concerned with metals related activities.   Financial information for the last
three fiscal years concerning the segments is incorporated herein by reference
from "Note 13 Business Segments," of the Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements at Part II, Item 8.

         On September 27, 1994, the Company announced that it had entered into
an Agreement to acquire Owen Steel Company, Inc. and affiliated companies
(collectively "Owen") headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina.  This
transaction was completed November 15, 1994.  The Company paid approximately
$50 million, one-half in cash and the balance by issuance of 932,301 shares of
the Company's Common Stock to certain selling shareholders.  The Company also
provided funds for the retirement of approximately $32 million of Owen debt at
the Closing.  The purchase price was increased by approximately $3.2 million,
paid one-half in cash and one-half with 59,410 shares of the Company's Common
Stock in October, 1995, as a result of a post closing net worth adjustment and
may be subject to further post-closing adjustments.  Owen's successor company,
SMI-Owen Steel Company, Inc. and the Owen affiliates, will operate as a part of
the Manufacturing Segment's CMC Steel Group.


         The manufacturing segment is the registrant's dominant and most
rapidly expanding segment in terms of assets employed, capital expenditures,
operating profit and number of employees.  It consists of two entities, the CMC
Steel Group and the Howell Metal Company subsidiary, a manufacturer of copper
tubing.  The Steel Group is by far the more significant entity in this segment
with subsidiaries operating four steel minimills, nineteen steel fabricating
plants, three steel joist manufacturing facilities, three steel fence post
manufacturing plants, six metals recycling plants, two railcar rebuilding
facilities and eight warehouse stores which sell supplies and equipment to the
concrete installation and construction trade.

         The Company endeavors to operate all four minimills at full capacity
in order to minimize product costs.  Increases in capacity and productivity are
continuously emphasized through both operating and capital improvements.  The
steel minimill business is capital intensive with substantial capital
expenditures required on a regular basis to remain competitive as a low cost
producer.  Over the past three fiscal years, approximately $72 million or 57%
of the Company's total capital expenditures have been for minimill projects,
not including the Owen acquisition cost.  This emphasis on productivity
improvements is reflected in increases in tons of steel melted, rolled and
shipped from the minimills during each of the last three years as follows:


                                     1993                     1994                     1995(1)
                                  ----------                ---------                ---------   
         Tons Melted               1,001,000                1,122,000                1,532,000

         Tons Rolled               1,009,000                1,207,000                1,487,000

         Tons Shipped              1,138,000                1,247,000                1,531,000

(1) 1995 includes 283,000 tons melted, 213,000 tons rolled and 225,000 tons
shipped following the Owen minimill acquisition in November, 1994.

         The Company's largest steel minimill, operated by Structural Metals,
Inc. ("SMI Texas") is located at Seguin, Texas, near San Antonio.  SMI Texas
manufactures steel reinforcing bars, angles, rounds, channels, flats, and
special sections used primarily in highways, reinforced concrete structures and
manufacturing.  SMI Texas sells primarily to the construction, service center,
energy, petrochemical, and original equipment manufacturing industries.  Its
primary markets are located in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma although
products are shipped to approximately 30 states and Mexico.  A record 778,000
tons were melted at SMI Texas during 1995.  SMI Texas' rolling mill also set a
new production record of 695,000 tons.

         SMI Steel, Inc. ("SMI Alabama"), a steel minimill in Birmingham,
Alabama, was acquired in 1983.  A substantial program to modernize and improve
productivity at SMI Alabama has followed with approximately $107 million of
capital expenditures from acquisition through 1995.  Installation and start up
of a new direct current electric furnace melt shop was substantially complete
by the beginning of 1995 and resulted in record melt shop production of 470,000
tons.  This project was the largest single capital expenditure in the
registrant's history with a cost of approximately $30 million.  SMI Alabama
manufactures primarily larger size products than SMI Texas such as mid-size
structural including angles, channels, up to eight inch wide flange beams and
special bar quality rounds and flats.  Customers include the construction,
manufacturing, steel warehousing, original equipment manufacturing and
fabricating industries in the primary market areas of Alabama, Georgia,
Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Mississippi.

         The steel minimill acquired in the Owen acquisition in November, 1994
is located at Cayce, near Columbia, South Carolina.  This mill is now known as
SMI Steel South Carolina (SMI South Carolina).  Facilities at SMI South
Carolina are similar but on a generally smaller capacity scale than the SMI
Texas and SMI Alabama mills.  Following the acquisition, several key employees
from the Company's other mill operations assumed management responsibility for
SMI South Carolina, with the bulk of the former Owen work force being retained.
SMI South Carolina manufactures primarily steel reinforcing bars with limited
but increasing production of angles, rounds and squares.  Its primary market
area includes the Southeast and mid-Atlantic area south through Florida and
north into New England.  With the Owen acquisition, the Company also acquired
six rebar and five structural steel fabrication plants and two joist shops
discussed below, which provide an outlet for a portion of SMI South Carolina's

         The SMI Texas, Alabama, and South Carolina mills consist of melt shops
with electric arc furnaces that melt the steel scrap, continuous casting
facilities to shape the molten metal into billets, reheating furnaces, rolling
mills, mechanical cooling beds, finishing facilities and supporting facilities.
The mills utilize both a Company-owned fleet of trucks and private haulers to
transport finished products to customers and Company-owned fabricating shops.
Mill capacity at SMI Texas is approximately 800,000 tons per year.  SMI
Alabama's annual capacity is approximately 500,000 tons and SMI South Carolina
annual capacity is approximately 300,000 tons.

         The primary raw material for SMI Texas, Alabama and South Carolina is
secondary (scrap) ferrous metal purchased primarily from suppliers generally
within a 300 mile radius of each mill.  A portion of the ferrous raw material,
generally less than half, is supplied from Company owned recycling plants.  The

of scrap is believed to be adequate to meet future needs but has historically
been subject to significant price fluctuations.  All three minimills also
consume large amounts of electricity and natural gas, both of which are
believed to be readily available at competitive prices.

         A fourth, much smaller mill has been in operation since 1987 and is
located near Magnolia, Arkansas, ("SMI Arkansas").  No melting facilities are
located at SMI Arkansas since this mill utilizes as its raw material rail
salvaged from abandoned railroads for rerolling and, on occasion, billets from
Company minimills or other suppliers.  The rail or billets are heated in a
reheat furnace and processed on a rolling mill and finished at facilities
similar to, but on a smaller scale, the other mills.  SMI Arkansas' finished
product is primarily metal fence post stock, small diameter reinforcing bar and
sign posts with some high quality round and flat products being rolled.  Fence
post stock is fabricated into metal fence posts at Company owned facilities at
the Magnolia mill site, San Marcos, Texas, and Brigham City, Utah.  Because of
this mill's lack of melting capacity, it is dependent on an adequate supply of
competitively priced billets or used rail, the availability of which fluctuates
with the pace of railroad abandonments, rate of rail replacement by railroads
and demand for used rail from domestic and foreign rail rerolling mills.
Capacity at SMI Arkansas is approximately 150,000 tons per year.

         The Steel Group's processing facilities are engaged in the fabrication
of reinforcing and structural steel, steel warehousing, joist manufacturing,
fence post manufacturing and railcar repair and rebuilding.  Steel fabrication
capacity now exceeds 600,000 tons.  Steel for fabrication may be obtained from
unrelated vendors as well as Company owned mills.  Historically, fabrication
activities have been conducted at various locations in Texas in the cities of
Beaumont, Buda (near Austin), Corpus Christi, Dallas, Houston, San Marcos,
Seguin, Victoria, and Waco, as well as Baton Rouge and Slidell, Louisiana and
Magnolia and Hope, Arkansas.  The Owen acquisition included fabrication
facilities in Cayce, Columbia, and Taylors, South Carolina; Whitehouse,
Florida; Lawrenceville, Georgia; Gastonia, North Carolina and Fredericksburg,
Virginia.  Fabricated steel products are used primarily in the construction of
commercial and non- commercial buildings, industrial plants, power plants,
highways, arenas, stadiums, and dams.  Sales of fabricated steel are generally
made in response to bid solicitation from construction contractors or owners on
a competitive bid basis and less frequently on a negotiated basis.  The former
Owen structural steel operations have historically been active in large
projects such as high rise office towers, stadiums, convention centers,
hospitals and other large jobs.

         Safety Railway Service, with locations in Victoria, Texas, and Tulsa,
Oklahoma, repairs, rebuilds and provides custom maintenance with some
manufacturing of railroad freight cars owned by railroad companies and private
industry.  That work is obtained primarily on a bid and contract basis and may
include maintenance of the cars.  Secondary metals recycling plants in Austin,
Texas, and Cayce, South Carolina, each with two smaller feeder facilities
nearby operate as part of the Steel Group due to the predominance of secondary
ferrous metals sales to the nearby SMI minimills.  These recycling plants have
an aggregate capacity of approximately 350,000 tons.  The joist manufacturing
facility, SMI Joist Company, headquartered in Hope, Arkansas, manufactures
steel joists and decking for roof supports using steel obtained primarily from
the Steel Group's minimills.  SMI Joist expanded operations with the Owen
acquisition, obtaining smaller joist plants in Starke, Florida and Cayce, South
Carolina.  Joist consumers are construction contractors.  Joists are generally
made to order and sales, which may include custom design and fabrication, are
primarily obtained on a competitive bid basis.

         In 1994 the Company consummated a purchase of assets from a seller of
concrete related supplies in Texas.  The purchase expanded the Company's
position in the sale of supplies and sale or rental of equipment to the
concrete installation trade in Texas.  This business operates under the
Shepler's name with warehouse locations in Austin, Beaumont, Conroe, Houston
(2), Pharr, San Antonio and Waco, Texas.  The Owen acquisition added a similar
but smaller operation which emphasizes a broader industrial product supply in
Columbia, South Carolina.

         The copper tube minimill operated by Howell Metal Company is located
in New Market, Virginia.

It manufactures copper water, air conditioning and refrigeration tubing in
straight lengths and coils for use in commercial, industrial and residential
construction.  Its customers, largely equipment manufacturers and wholesale
plumbing supply firms, are located primarily east of the Mississippi river.
High quality copper scrap supplemented occasionally by virgin copper ingot, is
the raw material used in the melting and casting of billets.  The scrap is
readily available subject to rapid price fluctuations generally related to the
price or supply of virgin copper.  A small portion of the scrap is supplied by
the Company's metal recycling yards.  Howell's facilities include melting,
casting, piercing, extruding, drawing, finishing and other departments.
Capacity is approximately 50,000,000 pounds per year.  Demand for copper tube
is dependent mainly on the level of new residential construction and

         No single customer purchases ten percent or more of the manufacturing
segment's production.  The nature of certain stock products sold in the
manufacturing segment are, with the exception of the steel fabrication and
joist jobs, not characteristic of a long lead time order cycle.  Orders for
other stock products are generally filled promptly from inventory or near term
production.  As a result the Company does not believe backlog levels are a
significant factor in evaluating most operations.  Backlog at 1995 year-end was
approximately $229,000,000.  Backlog at 1994 is not comparable due to the
significance of the Owen acquisition during 1995.


         The recycling segment is engaged in processing secondary (scrap)
metals for further recycling into new metal products.  This segment consists of
the Company's 28 metal recycling plants (excluding six such facilities operated
by the CMC Steel Group as a part of the manufacturing segment) and Commercial
Metals Railroad Salvage Company which dismantles and recovers steel rail, track
components and other materials from obsolete or abandoned railroads.

         The Company's metal recycling plants purchase ferrous and nonferrous
secondary or scrap metals, processed and unprocessed, in a variety of forms.
Sources of metals for recycling include manufacturing and industrial plants,
metal fabrication plants, electric utilities, machine shops, factories,
railroads, refineries, shipyards, ordinance depots, demolition businesses,
automobile salvage and wrecking firms.  Numerous small secondary metals
collection firms are also, in the aggregate, major suppliers.

         These plants processed and shipped approximately 1,408,000 tons of
scrap metal during 1995. Ferrous metals comprised the largest tonnage of metals
recycled at approximately 1,200,000 tons, an increase from 1,000,000 the prior
year, followed by approximately 208,000 tons of non-ferrous metals, primarily
aluminum, copper and stainless steel, up from 158,000 the prior year.  The
Company also purchased and sold an additional 185,000 tons of metals processed
by other metal recycling facilities.  With the exception of precious metals,
practically all metals capable of being recycled are processed by these plants.

         The metal recycling plants generally consist of an office and
warehouse building equipped with specialized equipment for processing both
ferrous and nonferrous metal.  Most of the larger plants are equipped with
scales, shears, baling presses, briquetting machines, conveyors and magnetic
separators.  Two locations have extensive equipment for mechanically processing
large quantities of insulated wire to segregate metallic content.  All ferrous
processing centers are equipped with either presses, shredders or hydraulic
shears, locomotive and crawler cranes and railway tracks to facilitate shipping
and receiving.  The segment operates four large shredding machines capable of
pulverizing obsolete automobiles or other ferrous metal scrap.  Two additional
shredders are operated by the manufacturing segment.  A typical recycling plant
includes several acres of land used for receiving, sorting, processing and
storage of metals.  Several recycling plants devote a small portion of their
site or a nearby location for display and sales of metal products considered
reusable for their original purpose.

         Recycled metals are sold to steel mills and foundries, aluminum sheet
and ingot manufacturers, brass and bronze ingot makers, copper refineries and
mills, secondary lead smelters, specialty steel mills, high temperature alloy
manufacturers and other consumers.  Sales of material processed through the
Company's recycling plants are coordinated through the recycling segment's
office in Dallas.  Export sales are negotiated through the Company's network of
foreign offices as well as the Dallas office.

         Railroad materials, primarily steel rail, are obtained by Commercial
Metals Railroad Salvage Company from dismantling work it performs on abandoned
rail lines acquired from railroads.  Business is largely dependent on the pace
of Interstate Commerce Commission approval of railroad abandonments.  Used rail
may be sold for relaying as usable track, rerolling, primarily by the Steel
Group's SMI Arkansas operation, or melting by steel mills.

         No single source of material or customer of the recycling segment
represents a material part of purchases or revenues.  The recycling segment
competes with other secondary processors and primary nonferrous metals
producers, both domestic and foreign, for sales of nonferrous materials.
Consumers of nonferrous scrap metals often have the capability to utilize
primary or "virgin" ingot processed by mining companies interchangeably with
secondary metals.  The prices for nonferrous scrap metals are normally closely
related to but generally less than, the prices of the primary or "virgin" metal
producers.  Ferrous scrap is the primary raw material for electric arc furnaces
such as those operated by the Company's steel minimills.   Relatively high
prices and the need for low residual elements in the melting process have
recently caused some minimills to supplement purchases of scrap metal with
direct reduced iron and pig iron for certain product lines.


         The marketing and trading segment buys and sells primary and secondary
metals and other commodities and products through a network of trading offices
located around the globe.  Steel, nonferrous metals, specialty metals,
chemicals, industrial minerals, ores, concentrates, ferroalloys, and other
basic industrial materials are purchased primarily from producers in domestic
and foreign markets.  On occasion these materials are purchased from trading
companies or industrial consumers with surplus supplies.  Long-term contracts,
spot market purchases and trading or barter transactions are all utilized to
obtain materials.  A large portion of these transactions involve fabricated
semi-finished or finished product.

         Customers for these materials include industrial concerns such as the
steel, nonferrous metals, metal fabrication, chemical, refractory and
transportation sectors.  Sales are generally made directly to consumers through
and with coordination of offices in Dallas; New York; Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey; Los Angeles; Hurstville near Sydney, Australia; Singapore;  Zug,
Switzerland; Hong Kong and Tokyo.  During the year the Company combined its
Enterprise Metal Corporation operations in Great Neck, New York, with
Commonwealth Metal Corporation and closed Enterprise.  The Company also
maintains representative offices in Bangkok, Sao Paulo, Seoul,  and Beijing, as
well as agents in  other significant international markets.  These offices form
a network for the exchange of information on the materials marketed by the
Company as well as servicing sources of supply and purchasers.  In most
transactions the Company acts as principal and often as a marketing
representative.  The Company  utilizes agents when appropriate and occasionally
acts as broker.  The Company participates in transactions in practically all
major markets of the world where trade by American-owned companies is

         This segment focuses on the marketing of physical products as
contrasted to traders of commodity futures contracts who frequently do not take
delivery of the commodity.  Sophisticated global communications and the
development of easily accessible, although not always accurate, quoted market
prices for many

commodity related products has resulted in the Company emphasizing creative
service functions for both sellers and buyers.  Actual physical market pricing
and trend information, as contrasted with sometimes more speculative metal
exchange market information, technical information and assistance, financing,
transportation and shipping (including chartering of vessels), storage,
insurance, hedging and the ability to consolidate smaller purchases and sales
into larger, more cost efficient transactions are examples of the services
offered.  The Company attempts to limit its exposure to price fluctuations by
offsetting purchases with concurrent sales and entering into foreign exchange
contracts as hedges of trade receivables and payables denominated in foreign
currencies.  The Company does not, as a matter of policy, speculate on changes
in the commodity markets and hedges only firm commitments not anticipated
transactions.  During the past year over 1.1 million tons of steel products
were sold by the marketing and trading segment.  Continuing economic weakness
and instability in eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
restricted sales activity in those markets but increased the availability of
steel and other metal products.  The 1995 year saw sales continue to increase
in Australia, Japan, South Korea and parts of Southeast Asia.  The Australian
operations just-in-time steel warehousing business for steel imports continued
to expand.

         During the year CMC Finanz AG ("Finanz"), a wholly owned foreign
financial services subsidiary terminated offering loans and other financial
services to third parties unrelated to the marketing and trading segment's
activities.  Finanz, located in Zug, Switzerland, was established subject to
the Swiss banking law in 1984 and had previously been the core of the Company's
financial services segment.  With the termination of third party loans the
Company has eliminated this activity as a business segment.  In the future,
Finanz will emphasize services related to financing international transactions
for the Company's international operations.


         The Company's steel manufacturing, steel fabricating, and copper tube
manufacturing businesses compete with regional, national and foreign
manufacturers and fabricators of steel and copper.  Price, quality and service
are the primary methods of competition.  The Company does not produce a
significant percentage of the total national output of these products compared
with its competitors but is considered a substantial supplier in the markets
near its facilities.  The large job structural steel capacity and expertise
obtained in the Owen acquisition should enable the Company to compete
throughout the United States for large structural steel projects.

         The Company believes the recycling segment is among the largest
entities recycling nonferrous secondary metals and is also a major regional
processor of ferrous scrap.   The secondary metals business is subject to
cyclical fluctuations depending upon the availability and price of unprocessed
scrap metal and the demand in steel and nonferrous metals consuming industries.

         All phases of the Company's marketing and trading business are highly
competitive.  Many of the marketing and trading segment's products are standard
commodity items.  The principal elements of competition are price, quality,
reliability, financial strength, and additional services.  This segment
competes with other domestic and foreign trading companies, some of which are
larger and may have access to greater financial resources or be able to pursue
business without regard for the laws and regulations governing the conduct of
corporations subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.  The Company
also competes with industrial consumers who purchase directly from suppliers
and importers and manufacturers of semi-finished ferrous and nonferrous

                             ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS

         Compliance with environmental laws and regulations is a significant
factor in the Company's business.  The Company is subject to local, state,
federal and supranational environmental laws and regulations concerning, among
other matters, solid waste disposal, air emissions, waste and stormwater
effluent and disposal and employee health.  The Company's manufacturing and
recycling operations produce significant amounts of by-products, some of which
are handled as industrial waste or hazardous waste.  For example, the electric
arc furnace ("EAF") dust generated by the Company's minimills is classified as
a hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because of lead,
cadmium and chromium content and requires special handling and recycling for
recovery of zinc or disposal.  Additionally the Company's scrap metal recycling
facilities operate six shredders for which the primary feed materials are
automobile hulks and obsolete household appliances.  Approximately twenty
percent (20%) of the weight of an automobile hulk consists of material
(shredder fluff) which remains after the segregation of ferrous and saleable
non-ferrous metals.  Federal environmental regulations require shredder fluff
to pass a toxic leaching test to avoid classification as a hazardous waste.
The Company endeavors to have hazardous contaminants removed from the feed
material prior to shredding and as a result the Company believes the shredder
fluff generated is properly not considered a hazardous waste.  Should the laws,
regulations or testing methods change with regard to EAF dust processing or
shredder fluff disposal, the Company may incur additional significant
expenditures.  To date, the Company has not experienced difficulty in
contracting for recycling of EAF dust or disposing of shredder fluff in
municipal or private landfills.

         The Company may also be required from time to time to clean up or take
certain remediation action with regard to sites formerly used in connection
with its operations.  Furthermore, the Company may be required to pay for a
portion of the costs of clean up or remediation at sites the Company never
owned or on which it never operated if it is found to have arranged for
treatment or disposal of hazardous substances on the sites.  See Item 3. Legal
Proceedings.  The Company has been named a potentially responsible party (PRP)
at several Superfund sites because the EPA contends that the Company and other
PRP scrap dealers are liable for the cleanup of those sites solely as a result
of having sold scrap metal to unrelated manufacturers for recycling as a raw
material in the manufacture of new products.  The Company's position is that an
arms length sale of valuable scrap metal for use as a raw material in a
manufacturing process over which the Company exercises no control cannot,
contrary to EPA's assertion, constitute "an arrangement for disposal or
treatment of hazardous substances" within the meaning of federal law.  If the
EPA's position is consistently upheld by the courts and no clarification or
amendment of the law is provided by legislative bodies, the Company believes
the possible liability arising from the sale of secondary metals would reduce
recycling rates for metals and other recyclable materials in general.  In
particular, the Company believes that sellers of secondary or recycled metals
could be at material disadvantage compared to sellers of "virgin" ingot from
mining operations because the EPA's position apparently excludes suppliers of
virgin metals from liability for sales of those materials to the same
manufacturers for use, often interchangeably, in the same manufacturing
process.  The Company believes this result is contrary to public policy
objectives and federal and state legislation encouraging recycling and
promoting the use of recycled materials.

         New federal, state and local laws, regulations and changing
interpretations, together with uncertainty regarding adequate control levels,
testing and sampling procedures, new pollution control technology and cost
benefit analysis based on market conditions are all factors which impact the
Company's future expenditures to comply with environmental requirements.  It is
not possible to predict the total amount of capital expenditures or increases
in operating costs or other expenses or whether such costs can be passed on to
customers through product price increases.  During 1995, the Company incurred
environmental costs including disposal, permit, license fees, tests, studies,
remediation, consultant fees and environmental personnel expense of
approximately $9.3 million.  The Company believes that it is in material
compliance with currently applicable environmental laws and regulations and
does not anticipate material capital expenditures for new environmental control
facilities during 1996.


         As of October, 1995, the Company had approximately 6,400 employees.
Approximately 5,000 were employed by the manufacturing segment, 1,100 by the
recycling segment, 230 by the marketing and trading segment, 36 in general
corporate management and administration with 25 employees providing service
functions for divisions and subsidiaries.  Production employees at one metals
recycling plant are represented by a union for collective bargaining.  The
Company believes that its labor relations are generally good.


         The SMI Texas steel minimill is located on approximately 554 acres of
land owned by the Company.  Facilities including buildings occupying
approximately 663,000 square feet, are used for manufacturing, storage, office
and related uses.  SMI Alabama's steel mill in Birmingham is located on
approximately 35 acres with buildings occupying approximately 435,000 square
feet used for manufacturing, storage, office and related use. The SMI South
Carolina mill in Cayce, South Carolina is located on approximately 112 acres,
all owned, with building occupying approximately 350,000 square feet.  The SMI
Arkansas facility at Magnolia is located on approximately 104 acres with
buildings occupying approximately 136,000 square feet.  Approximately 30 acres
of the Alabama mill property and all Arkansas mill property is leased in
conjunction with revenue bond financing and may be purchased by the Company at
the termination of the leases for a nominal sum.  The steel fabricating
operations including the fabrication plants, fence post and joist operations
own approximately 740 acres of land and lease approximately 50 acres of land at
various locations in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Utah, South Carolina, Florida,
Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina.  Howell Metal owns approximately 21 acres
of land with buildings occupying about 228,000 square feet in New Market,

         The Company's recycling plants occupy in the aggregate approximately
355 acres owned by the Company located at Austin, Beaumont, Dallas, Galveston,
Houston, Lubbock, Odessa, Victoria and Vinton, all in Texas; as well as the
Jacksonville, Lake City, Orlando, and Tampa, Florida; Chattanooga, Tennessee;
Springfield, Missouri; and Burlington, North Carolina plants.  It leases the
real estate at Clute, Corpus Christi, Laredo and Midland, Texas; Ocala, Port
Sutton (Tampa) and Casselberry, Florida; Shreveport, Louisiana, and East Ridge,
Tennessee.  The smaller of two locations at Beaumont and Victoria, Texas, are
leased.  The Fort Worth recycling plant is partially owned and partially

         The corporate headquarters, all domestic marketing and trading offices
and all foreign offices occupy leased premises.

         The leases on the leased properties described above will expire on
various dates within the next ten years.  Several of the leases have renewal
options and the Company has had little difficulty in renewing such leases as
they expire.  The minimum annual rental obligation of the Company for real
estate operating leases in effect at August 31, 1995, to be paid during fiscal
1996 is approximately $2,883,000.  The Company also leases a portion of the
equipment used in its plants.  The minimum annual rental obligation of the
Company for equipment operating leases in effect at August 31, 1995, to be paid
during fiscal 1996, is approximately $1,514,000.


         As of August 31, 1995, the Company or its affiliates has received
notices from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or state
agency with similar responsibility that the Company and numerous other parties
are considered potentially responsible parties (a PRP) and may be obligated

the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
(CERCLA) or similar state statute to pay for the cost of remedial
investigation, feasibility studies and ultimately remediation to correct
alleged releases of hazardous substances at eleven locations.  The Company is
contesting or intends to contest its designation as a PRP with regard to
several of the sites.  The locations, none of which involve real estate ever
owned or on which operations were conducted by the Company, are commonly
referred to by the EPA or state agency as the Peak Oil Site (Tampa, FL), the
Metcoa Site (Pulaski, PA), the NL Industries/Taracorp Site (Granite City, IL),
the Sapp Battery Site (Cottondale, Florida), the Interstate Lead Company
("ILCO") Site (Leeds, Alabama), the Poly-Cycle Industries Site (Techula, Texas)
and the Taylor Road Site (Tampa, Florida), the Jensen Drive Site (Houston, TX),
the Houston Lead Site (Houston, TX), the SoGreen/Parramore Site (Tifton, GA)
and the Stoller Site (Jericho, SC).  The Company has periodically received
information requests with regard to other sites which are apparently under
consideration by the EPA as existing or potential CERCLA clean-up sites.  It is
not known if any demand will ultimately be made against the Company as a result
of those inquiries.

         The EPA has notified the Company and other alleged PRPs that under
Sec. 106 of CERCLA it could be subject to a maximum penalty fine of $25,000 per
day and the imposition of treble damages if they refused to clean up the Peak
Oil, Metcoa, Sapp Battery, NL/Taracorp, Parramore and Stoller sites as ordered
by the EPA.  The Company is presently participating in a PRP organization at
the Peak Oil, Sapp Battery, SoGreen/Parramore and Stoller sites, although
reserving the right to contest its PRP status, and does not believe that the
EPA will pursue any fine against it so long as it continues to participate in
the PRP groups.  The Company is contesting its designation as a PRP at the
Metcoa and NL/Taracorp sites and believes it has adequate defenses to any
attempt by the EPA to impose fines in those matters.  In addition, the Company
and 25 other defendants were sued in April, 1990, (United States of America v.
Marvin Pesses, et al., U.S. District Court, W. Dist. Penn.) by the EPA under
Sec. 107 of CERCLA to recover past and future response costs incurred by the
EPA at the Metcoa Site.  The EPA contends that the Company and other PRP scrap
dealers are liable for the cleanup because they sold scrap metal for raw
material in the manufacture of new products.  The manufacturing process
employed by the buyer of the scrap metals resulted in the release of
contaminants at the site of the buyer's operation.  The Company's position is
that arms-length sales of valuable scrap metal for use as a raw material in a
manufacturing process over which the Company exercises no control cannot,
contrary to the EPA's assertion, constitute "an arrangement for disposal or
treatment of hazardous substances" within the meaning of CERCLA.  The District
Court has granted EPA's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the issue and
ruled that Defendants are deemed to be "responsible parties" within the meaning
of 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9607(a).  The Company and defendants are considering options
to appeal the ruling.  On July 20, 1993, EPA issued a second order under Sec.
106 of CERCLA for the excavation, removal and treatment, or disposal of dust,
soil and debris containing hazardous substances at the Metcoa Site.  The
Company, along with other recipients of the letter, agreed to do some but not
all of the work requested by the order.  In particular, the Company along with
other recipients of the letter, declined to handle any cleanup of radioactive
materials at the Site.  The Company's position is that it has no obligation to
clean up any of the radioactive material under the Third Circuit law set forth
in United States v. Alcan Aluminum Corp., 964 F.2d 252 (3d Cir. 1992) because
it did not send any radioactive materials to the Site.  The district court has
scheduled the case for trial on the issues of joint and several liability and
allocation of damages in calendar year 1996.

         An adverse ruling in the Metcoa Site litigation and similar cases, if
ultimately upheld, could have a significant adverse effect on companies, such
as the Company, that have historically recycled metals by purchasing and
preparing scrap metals for resale to manufactures for use as a supplement to or
in lieu of virgin metals in manufacturing processes.  The impact of an adverse
ruling would, in the opinion of the Company, result in a reduction of recycling
rates for metals and other recyclable materials and be contrary to public
policy objectives in federal and state legislation encouraging recycling and
the use of recycled materials.

         In November, 1993, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC")
entered an Order (the

"FERC Order") affirming in part and reversing in part a 1989 decision and
proposed order of a administrative law judge affirming in part, reversing in
part and remanding for further consideration a Remedial order issued in 1986 by
the Office of Hearings and Appeals of the Department of Energy to RFB
Petroleum, Inc. (RFB) and CMC Oil Company (CMC Oil), a wholly-owned subsidiary
of the Company.  The FERC Order finds CMC Oil liable for alleged overcharges
constituting violations of crude oil reseller regulations arising from the
purchase and sale of crude oil in alleged joint ventures between CMC Oil and
RFB totaling approximately $1,330,000 plus interest from their occurrence
(December, 1977, to January, 1979) to present as calculated under the
Department of Energy's interest rate policy.  Utilizing that interest
calculation, interest accrued through August, 1995, is estimated to be
approximately $5,700,000.  In January, 1994, CMC Oil filed a complaint in
United States District for the Southern District of Texas seeking judicial
review to have enforcement of the FERC Order enjoined.  The government filed a
counterclaim seeking enforcement of the FERC Order.  Motions for Summary
Judgment were filed by both parties.  On November 21, 1994, the District Court
denied CMC Oil's Motion and granted government's cross motion.  On November 22,
1994, the Court entered a Final Order for restitution by CMC Oil of
$1,330,399.17 plus interest to date of judgment as provided in the Order and
post judgment interest thereafter at 6.48% per annum.  CMC Oil appealed the
judgment to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  On
November 3, 1995, the Court of Appeals entered Judgment affirming the District
Court's decision.  CMC Oil is evaluating its options, including the possibility
of a petition for rehearing or certiorari.  CMC Oil, which has been inactive
since 1985, accrued the liability for the judgment on its books during 1995.
CMC Oil does not have sufficient assets to satisfy the judgment.  No claim has
been asserted against the Company in connection with the CMC Oil litigation.
The Company will vigorously contest liability should any such claim be

         While the Company is unable to estimate the ultimate dollar amount of
exposure to loss in connection with the above-described environmental
litigation, government proceedings, and disputes that could result in
additional litigation, some of which may have a material impact on earnings and
cash flows for a particular quarter, it is the opinion of the Company's
management that the outcome of the suits and proceedings mentioned, and other
miscellaneous litigation and proceedings now pending, will not have a material
adverse effect on the business or the  consolidated financial position of the


         Not Applicable.

                                    PART II


         The table below summarizes the high and low sales prices reported on
the New York Stock Exchange for the Company's common stock and cash dividends
paid for the past two fiscal years.

                                       Price Range
         1995                        of Common Stock                      
         Fiscal                   ----------------------                 Cash    
         Quarter                  High               Low               Dividends             
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1st                      29 1/8           24 3/8                   12c.
         2nd                      27               23 3/8                   12c.
         3rd                      27 3/4           24 1/2                   12c.
         4th                      29               26 1/4                   12c.

                                       Price Range
         1994                        of Common Stock                       
         Fiscal                   ----------------------                 Cash              
         Quarter                  High               Low               Dividends              
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1st                      $  30            $  25 7/8                   10c.
         2nd                         28 3/4           26                       12c.
         3rd                         29               21                       12c.
         4th                         27               21                       12c.

         On November 22, 1993, the Company declared a four-for-three stock
split in the form of a 33 1/3% stock dividend on the Company's common stock
payable December 27, 1993 to shareholders of record December 6, 1993.  All
share and per share data have been adjusted for the stock split.

         Since August 3, 1982 the Company's common stock has been listed and
traded on the New York Stock Exchange.  Prior to that date and since 1959 the
Company's common stock was traded on the American Stock Exchange.  The number
of shareholders of record of the registrant's common stock at November 15,
1995, was approximately 2,217.


         The table below sets forth a summary of selected consolidated
financial information of the Company for the periods indicated:

                                                  FOR THE YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                    1995        1994        1993        1992             1991  
                                  --------     ------     -------     -------          --------
                                      (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)
Net Sales                       2,107,426   1,657,810   1,558,349     1,156,203      1,150,075

Net Earnings                       38,208      26,170      21,661        12,510         12,015

Net Income Per Share                 2.52        1.75        1.46           .87            .84

Total Assets                      748,103     604,877     541,961       515,738        460,757

Long-term Debt                    158,004      72,061      76,737        87,221         45,547

Cash Dividend Per Share               .48         .46         .39           .39            .39



(in millions except share data)

                                                   Year ended August 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          1995             1994             1993
Revenues                                 $ 2,117         $ 1,666          $ 1,569
Net earnings                                38.2            26.2             21.7
Cash flow                                   76.6            61.7             53.6
International sales                          508             587              694
      As % of total                           24%             35%              45%
LIFO effect on net earnings                 (8.4)           (6.2)              .1
      Per share                             (.56)           (.42)             .01
LIFO reserve                                34.3            21.3             11.7
      % of inventory on LIFO                  86%             78%              65%

Significant events affecting the Company this year:

- -        All time record annual revenues, earnings, earnings per share and cash

- -        Steel Group reported record tons melted, rolled and shipped and
         Recycling had its second best earnings year ever.

- -        LIFO effect decreased net earnings $8.4 million.

- -        Acquisition of Owen Steel Company in November 1994 expanded our
         presence in the Southeast.

- -        Sold $100 million of investment grade notes in the initial entry into
         the long-term public debt market.

- -        Judgment against CMC Oil Company rendered, accrued and appealed.


Revenues and operating profit by business segment are shown in the following

(in millions)                                      Year ended August 31,
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      1995             1994             1993
  Manufacturing                      $ 913            $ 598            $ 487
  Recycling                            511              342              290
  Marketing and Trading                749              758              818
  Financial Services                     -                3                4
Operating profit (loss):
  Manufacturing                       54.4             37.7             32.5
  Recycling                           11.3              5.0               .6
  Marketing and Trading               17.8             13.5             14.3
  Financial Services                     -              1.7              1.8


The Manufacturing segment includes the CMC Steel Group and Howell Metal Company.

         On November 15, 1994, the Company completed its acquisition of Owen
Steel Company, Inc. and related entities (SMI-Owen) headquartered in Columbia,
South Carolina. The purchase price was approximately $50 million (payable
one-half each in cash and common stock), subject to adjustments based upon the
net worth of SMI-Owen and other factors. The Company also retired $32 million
of Owen Steel Company, Inc. debt at closing. The acquisition was accounted for
under the purchase method of accounting.

         SMI-Owen operates a minimill and associated steel fabrication, joist
and recycling plants in the southeastern United States. The SMI-Owen minimill
(SMI South Carolina) has 350,000 tons per year melting capacity and 300,000
tons of rolling capacity. The SMI-Owen fabrication operations include six rebar
fabrication shops, five structural fabrication shops, two joist plants and one
construction supply company. SMI-Owen also processes approximately 155,000 tons
per year of scrap metals at three locations.

         Propelled by nonresidential private construction and public
construction, particularly highway work, the Manufacturing segment achieved
record revenues and record operating profit.

         Steel Group revenues were $840 million, an increase of 54% over last
year. Operating profits increased 47% to $49.9 million with a 29% increase in
tonnage shipped and a 19% increase in average prices. These record results were
realized in spite of startup costs and initial losses at SMI-Owen and a pre-tax
LIFO charge of $4.8 million.

         The four mills produced record shipments of 1.5 million tons and
operating profits increased 43%. SMI Texas had a record year and SMI Birmingham
achieved excellent performance from its new melt shop. SMI Arkansas also had a
good year. SMI South Carolina incurred a slight loss before allocation of
intercompany interest.

         The steel fabrication companies shipped 564,000 tons representing a
62% increase. Operating profits rose notwithstanding a combined first year loss
at the SMI-Owen fabricating plants.

         Copper Tube Division operating profit increased 18% even though
business was impacted by weaker single family housing construction and some
industry overproduction of copper water tube. Shipments were up 9% approaching
50 million pounds.


The Recycling segment (excludes six recycling plants in the CMC Steel Group),
buoyed by a resounding second quarter, reported a 127% increase in operating
profit compared to last year. At mid-year many product prices were at their
highest levels since the robust period of the late 1980's. The second half of
the year saw price declines but demand for steel scrap, copper, brass and
aluminum remained strong with the usual volatility. The overall rise in prices
resulted in a pre-tax LIFO charge of $3.8 million.

         Ferrous shipments were about 1.2 million tons, an increase of 10% over
the previous year. Nonferrous tonnage processed and shipped was 208,000 tons,
up 32%. Good export demand augmented the domestic markets.

         In August 1995, the Company acquired the operating assets of a small
secondary metals operation in South Texas with two locations in Corpus Christi
and one in Laredo. The Corpus Christi equipment will be combined with the
Company's present location in Corpus Christi and the Company will continue
operations at the Laredo location. The acquisition was not significant to the
consolidated Company.
Marketing and Trading

Operating profit (excluding financial services income) increased 8% on constant
revenue with the prior year. Demand for nonferrous semis, primary metals,
secondary metals and industrial raw materials remained strong, offsetting lower
steel sales volume mainly due to the continued weak Chinese import market.
Inter-Asia trading was active including exports from China. The weak U.S.
dollar and strengthening local demand made sourcing in parts of Europe
difficult and caused an increase in local general and administrative expenses.
The segment had a pre-tax LIFO charge of $3.0 million. The operations of
Enterprise Metal Corporation were consolidated into Commonwealth Metal

Financial Services

During 1995 the Financial Services segment was merged with the Marketing and
Trading segment in recognition of its greater emphasis on supporting internal
Treasury activities instead of third party lending.


Interest expense increased from $9.3 million in 1994 to $15.2 million in 1995.
The principal cause was increased borrowing related to the financing of the
Owen Steel Company acquisition.

         As more fully discussed under Contingencies, CMC Oil Company, a
subsidiary of the Company, incurred a litigation accrual in connection with
alleged overcharges for crude oil sales dating back to the 1970's.


The favorable operating outlook for fiscal 1996 is based on a continuation of
internal operating improvements, particularly at the SMI-Owen companies.

         The market outlook is predicated on moderate growth in the U.S., a
deep recession in Mexico, a sluggish European economy, a slight improvement in
Japan, some pickup in China and fair demand in the rest of the Pacific Rim.
The global decline in interest rates since May should be beneficial. The U.S.
manufacturing sector appears to be rebounding again while business investment
is healthy. Residential construction may be weaker over the next year although
apartment building will probably take up some of the slack. Commercial and
industrial construction should continue to improve and public construction will
be steady. Regionally the Southwest and Southeast should achieve a good
business level.

         The steel market will be relatively firm. Nonferrous metals always are
volatile but are expected to trend toward the lower end of recent trading
ranges. A key will be steel and nonferrous metal consumption in Japan. Ferrous
scrap prices should gyrate at high levels. The second half of fiscal 1996
should be stronger than the first.

1994 COMPARED TO 1993



Steel Group revenues for 1994 were a record $545 million, 27% higher than last
year. Tons shipped were up 15%. The record revenues were fueled by strong
demand and a 10% increase in selling prices. Operating profits for 1994 were
$34 million, up 33% over a year ago despite the Birmingham melt shop startup,
higher raw material inventory costs and a pre-tax LIFO charge of $6.1 million.

         Steel mill shipments were 1.25 million tons, an increase of nearly 10%
over last year. Operating profits were up 28% over last year due to the strong
performance of SMI-Texas and SMI-Arkansas. SMI-Birmingham operating profits
were lower because of the startup of the new melt shop.

         Steel fabrication revenues and shipments were up over last year by 48%
and 23%, respectively. Operating profits increased 70% compared to a year ago.
In September 1993 we acquired the assets of Shepler's, gaining additional
locations to complement our concrete related product warehouse business. In
June 1994, the division purchased substantially all the assets of CS&W of Utah,
Inc. in Brigham City, Utah, a small steel fence post manufacturing and
marketing operation.

         Copper Tube Division shipments were 4% higher than a year ago,
however, selling prices declined 9% from last year due to slower residential
housing starts and some overproduction in the copper water tube industry.
Operating profit was lower than a year ago.


Operations in the Recycling segment improved significantly over last year's
modest results. Revenues for fiscal 1994 were up 18% over last year and tonnage
processed and shipped was up 15%. Operating profits for fiscal 1994 were $5
million despite a LIFO charge of $2.4 million (pre-tax). Last year operating
profits were $600 thousand.

         Demand for steel scrap was strong during most of the fiscal year.
Prices were strong during the first half of the year, but fell dramatically
during the third quarter before rebounding in the fourth quarter to near the
year's high. Tonnage processed and shipped was up 17% over last year.

         Nonferrous prices were weak during the first half of the year, but
moved steadily higher during the last half due to brisk demand and generally
tight supplies. Tonnage processed and shipped was 9% higher than a year ago.

         In April 1994, the Secondary Metals Processing Division purchased
substantially all the operating assets of Proler International Corp.'s scrap
processing facility at Vinton, Texas near El Paso. The Vinton facility shredder
is the fifth shredder CMC operates in its thirty recycling facilities. In
August 1994, the Secondary Metals Processing Division purchased the working
assets of Tri-State Recycling Corp.'s scrap metal processing facility in
Jacksonville, Florida. These transactions, either individually or in the
aggregate were not significant to the consolidated company.

Marketing and Trading

Operating profit for the Marketing and Trading segment was 6% lower than last
year, primarily attributable to a 24% decline in our global steel shipments.
Revenues from steel products were 19% lower. The International Division's
record steel shipments in fiscal 1993, the major portion of which went to
China, was not sustained in fiscal 1994 due to weaker steel markets overseas.
Shipments and revenues from nonferrous semis improved significantly, however,
including imports into North America. Industrial raw materials shipments and
revenues were relatively unchanged.

Financial Services

Revenues were 25% lower than last year, but operating profit was only 3% lower.
There was a further shifting in emphasis toward bolstering intercompany
transaction financing and away from third party financings. Profits were aided
by increasing U.S. dollar interest rates. Letter of credit commission income
declined, reflecting lower business volume in the Marketing and Trading
segment, as well as a decrease in fee income from the closure of our portfolio
management department. Operating expenses were lower due to a reduction in


The increase in corporate administrative expenses during fiscal 1994 was due
primarily to increased legal expenses and to lower inter-division allocations.
In addition, there was a $1.3 million credit for interest income last year
which did not recur in fiscal 1994.


Cash flow from operations (before changes in operating assets and liabilities)
for fiscal 1995 was an all time high for the Company. Record Company earnings
and increased depreciation expense in the Manufacturing and Recycling segments
generated record cash flow with some offset due to higher interest expense at
the Corporate level.

         Cash flow from operating activities was used to fund increases in
inventory levels primarily in the Steel Group and at Cometals, Inc. With the
phasing out of third party loans from CMC Finanz, the decrease in financial
services loans and advances also provided cash flow. Accruals for litigation
and general increases in business activity caused increases in accounts
payable, accrued expenses and income taxes.

         The acquisition of Owen Steel Company, Inc. consumed approximately $25
million of cash. Investments in property, plant and equipment (net of Owen)
were approximately $39.3 million.

         The proceeds from the sale of $100 million of unsecured long-term
notes in conjunction with a decrease in temporary investments funded the Owen
acquisition and allowed the Company to retire its commercial paper and
short-term notes payable. The long-term notes also refinanced $60 million of
interim acquisition financing. With the winding down of activities of
CMC Finanz, most financial services notes payable were paid.

         Net working capital was $266 million as of August 31, 1995 compared to
$175 million last year. The current ratio was 2.0 compared to 1.6 last year.

         The Company's sources of short-term funds include a commercial paper
program of $30 million. The Company's commercial paper is rated in the second
highest category by both Standard & Poor's Corporation (A-2) and Fitch Investors
Service, Inc. (F-2). Formal bank credit lines are maintained equal to 100% of
the amount of all commercial paper outstanding.

         The Company has a shelf registration on file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission for an additional $50 million of medium term notes. The
notes can be issued over the next two years. The Company's $100 million
long-term notes issued in July 1995 are rated investment grade by Standard
& Poor's Corporation and Fitch Investors Service, Inc.  (BBB+) and by Moody's
Investors Service (Baa2).

         The Company has a two year, $30 million unsecured revolving credit and
term loan facility with a group of five banks. The final maturity date of this
credit facility can be extended annually for successive additional one-year
periods by mutual agreement.

         The Company has numerous informal credit facilities available from
domestic and international banks. These credit facilities are priced at
banker's acceptance rates or on a cost of funds basis.

         Management believes it has adequate capital resources available from
internally generated funds, treasury shares and from the short-term and
long-term capital markets to meet anticipated working capital needs, planned
capital expenditures, dividend payments to shareholders and to take advantage
of new opportunities requiring capital.
         Capital investments in property, plant and equipment were $39 million
in 1995 compared to $48 million the prior year. This excludes the property,
plant and equipment valued at $52 million acquired from Owen Steel Company,Inc.
Capital spending for fiscal 1996 is projected at $61 million of which $44
million will be invested in steel manufacturing, $2 million in copper tube, $13
million in recycling and $2 million in other operations. These expenditures are
expected to be funded from internally generated funds.

         Total capitalization was $480 million at the end of fiscal 1995. The
ratio of long-term debt to capitalization was 33%, up from 22% last year as a
result of the $100 million long-term notes. Stockholders' equity was $303
million or $19.72 per share. The Board of Directors has authorized the
repurchase of the Company's common stock although none was purchased during
1995. On August 31, 1995, 763,000 treasury shares were held by the Company.
There were 15.4 million shares outstanding at year end.


In the ordinary course of conducting its business, the Company becomes involved
in litigation, administrative proceedings and governmental investigations,
including environmental matters.

         The Company's origin and one of its core businesses for over three
quarters of a century has been metals recycling. In the present era of
conservation of natural resources and ecological concerns, the Company has a
continuing commitment to sound ecological and business conduct. Certain laws
and governmental regulations regarding environmental concerns, however well
intentioned, are presently at odds with goals of greater recycling and expose
the Company and the secondary metals recycling industry to potentially
significant risks. Such exposures are causing the industry to shrink, leaving
fewer but more well financed operators as survivors to face the challenge.

         The Company believes that secondary metals that are recycled are
commodities that are neither discarded nor disposed. They are diverted from the
solid waste streams because of their inherent value. These materials are
purchased and sold in public and private markets and commodities exchanges
every day around the world. They have been identified, purchased, sorted,
processed and sold in accordance with carefully established industry

         Environmental agencies at various federal and state levels would
classify certain secondary metals as hazardous substances and confuse the sale
of valuable secondary metals with arrangements to treat or dispose of hazardous
substances, thereby subjecting recyclers to material remediation costs for
sites contaminated by unrelated and now defunct manufacturers. Taken to
extreme, such liability schemes could cripple the recycling industry and
undermine any national goal of material conservation. Enforcement,
interpretation and litigation involving these laws and regulations are not well

         The Company has received notices from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) or equivalent state agency that it is considered a
potentially responsible party (PRP) at eleven sites, none owned by the Company,
and may be obligated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) or similar state statute to
conduct remedial investigation, feasibility studies, remediation and/or removal
of alleged releases of hazardous substances or to reimburse the EPA for such
activities. The Company is involved in litigation or administrative proceedings
with regard to several of these sites in which the Company is contesting, or at
the appropriate time may contest its PRP designation. In addition, the Company
has received information requests with regard to other sites which may be under
consideration by the EPA as potential CERCLA sites.

         Some of these environmental matters or other proceedings may result in
fines, penalties or judgments being assessed against the Company which, from
time to time, may have a material impact on earnings and cash flows for a
particular quarter. While the Company is unable to estimate precisely the
ultimate dollar amount of exposure to loss in connection with the
above-referenced matters, it makes accruals as warranted. It is the opinion of
the Company's management that the outcome of these proceedings, individually or
in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse effect on the business or
consolidated financial position of the Company.

         In fiscal 1995, the Company incurred environmental expenses of
approximately $9.3 million. This included costs of offsite disposal, staff
environmental personnel at various divisions, permit and license fees, accruals
and payments for studies, tests, assessment and remediation, consultant fees
and various other expenses. The Company estimates that more than $1.4 million
of its capital expenditures for fiscal 1995 are related to costs associated
with environmental compliance. The nature and timing of these environmental
costs is such that it is not practical for the Company to estimate their
magnitude in future periods.

         On November 22, 1994, the United States District Court for the
Southern District of Texas granted the federal government's motion for summary
judgment and entered a Final Order in the principal amount of $1.3 million
against CMC Oil Company, a subsidiary of the Company. The claim involves
liability for overcharges by an alleged partner of CMC Oil Company for crude oil
sales during the late 1970's. With interest, the judgment is approximately $7.0
million and this has been fully accrued in the financial statements of CMC Oil
Company. CMC Oil Company has appealed the Order.


Quarterly cash dividends have been paid in each of the past 31 consecutive
years. The annual dividend in 1995 was 48 cents a share paid at the rate of 12
cents each quarter.

(in thousands, except share data)

                                                    Year ended August 31,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         1995                1994                     1993
  Net sales                          $ 2,107,426         $ 1,657,810             $   1,558,349
  Other revenues                           9,353               8,424                    10,157
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       2,116,779           1,666,234                 1,568,506
Costs and expenses:
  Cost of goods sold                   1,892,540           1,504,566                 1,424,707
  Selling, general and
   administrative expenses               133,058             103,547                    92,679
  Interest expense                        15,246               9,271                     9,397
  Employees' pension and profit
   sharing plans                          11,277               7,943                     6,662
  Litigation accrual                       6,650                   -                         -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       2,058,771           1,625,327                 1,533,445
Earnings before income taxes              58,008              40,907                    35,061
Income taxes                              19,800              14,737                    13,400
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings                         $    38,208         $    26,170             $      21,661
Net earnings per share                     $2.52               $1.75                     $1.46

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data)

                                                                  August 31,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           1995                 1994

Current assets:

     Cash and temporary investments                    $    21,018          $    38,269
     Accounts receivable (less allowance for
      collection losses of $4,743 and $3,528)              268,657              228,035
     Financial services loans and advances                       -               19,560
     Inventories                                           208,114              133,748
     Other                                                  36,316               26,473
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total current assets                               534,105              446,085

Other assets                                                 4,259                1,984

Property, plant and equipment:
     Land                                                   16,629               10,747
     Buildings                                              40,178               32,367
     Equipment                                             372,644              304,977
     Leasehold improvements                                 16,972               15,585
     Construction in process                                10,282                6,880
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           456,705              370,556
     Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       (246,966)            (213,748)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           209,739              156,808
                                                       $   748,103          $   604,877


                                                                     August 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            1995                  1994

Current liabilities:
     Commercial paper                                 $          -           $   20,000
     Notes payable                                               -               21,000
     Financial services notes payable                        5,189               50,912
     Accounts payable                                      107,906               84,644
     Other payables and accrued expenses                   137,933               85,220
     Income taxes payable                                    3,246                4,338
     Current maturities of long-term debt                   14,108                4,852
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total current liabilities                       268,382              270,966
Deferred income taxes                                       18,553               19,077
Long-term debt                                             158,004               72,061
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity:
     Capital stock:
           Preferred stock
           Common stock, par value $5.00 per share:
               authorized 40,000,000 shares;
               issued 16,132,583 shares; outstanding
               15,369,592 and 14,275,007 shares             80,663               80,663
Additional paid-in capital                                  11,946                1,019
     Retained earnings                                     223,994              192,997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           316,603              274,679
     Less treasury stock 762,991 and 1,857,576
      shares at cost                                       (13,439)             (31,906)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           303,164              242,773
                                                      $    748,103           $  604,877

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands)

                                                                                  August 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      1995          1994            1993
     Net earnings                                                  $  38,208      $ 26,170       $  21,661
           Adjustments to earnings not requiring cash:
                  Depreciation and amortization                       38,134        30,143          27,361
                  Provision for losses on receivables                  1,084         1,258           1,998
                  Deferred income taxes                                 (524)        4,304           2,281
                  Other                                                 (268)         (209)            331
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cash flows from operations before changes in
           operating assets and liabilities                           76,634        61,666          53,632
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities net of
      effect of Owen acquisition:
                  Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable           6,652       (65,906)         (1,259)
                  Decrease (increase) in financial services
                   loans and advances                                 19,560        16,208           9,400
                  Decrease (increase) in inventories                 (39,804)        2,853         (30,388)
                  Decrease (increase) in other assets                 (5,635)       (9,014)          2,672
                  Increase (decrease) in accounts payable,
                        accrued expenses,  and income taxes           15,472         4,998          24,431
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities                              72,879        10,805          58,488

     Acquisition of Owen net of cash acquired                        (24,769)            -               -
     Temporary investments                                            19,174         9,485           7,307
     Purchases of property, plant and equipment                      (39,311)      (48,152)        (37,613)
     Sales of property, plant and equipment                              993           733           1,288
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Used by Investing Activities                                (43,913)      (37,934)        (29,018)
     Commercial paper - net change                                   (20,000)       20,000               -
     Notes payable - net change                                      (21,000)       21,000               -
     Financial services notes payable                                (45,723)        9,909         (10,895)
     New long-term debt                                              160,000             -               -
     Refinance long-term debt of acquisition                         (32,000)            -               -
     Payments on long-term debt                                      (64,801)       (4,648)        (12,911)
     Stock issued under stock option, purchase, and
      bonus plans                                                      2,337         4,347           5,630
     Tax benefits related to stock option plan                         1,355           661           1,661
     Treasury stock acquired                                               -       (17,120)              -
     Dividends paid                                                   (7,211)       (6,705)         (5,635)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Financing Activities                     (27,043)       27,444         (22,150)
Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                  1,923           315           7,320
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                       19,095        18,780          11,460
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                          $  21,018      $ 19,095       $  18,780

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data)

                                                    Common stock                                     Treasury stock
                                              ----------------------   Additional              ---------------------------
                                              Number of                 paid-in    Retained     Number of
                                               shares       Amount      capital    earnings      shares          Amount
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, September 1, 1992                    12,100,064  $  60,500  $  2,560   $ 173,839      (1,434,058)    $  (24,795)
     Net earnings                                                                  21,661
     Cash dividends -  $.39 per share                                              (5,635)
     Treasury stock acquired                                                                            -              -
     Stock issued under stock option,                                                                                  
           purchase and bonus plans                                      (302)                    394,607          5,932
     Tax benefits related to stock
      option plan                                                       1,661
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, August 31, 1993                      12,100,064     60,500     3,919     189,865      (1,039,451)       (18,863)
     Net earnings                                                                  26,170
     Cash dividends -  $.46 per share                                              (6,705)
     Stock split, four-for-three               4,032,519     20,163    (3,830)    (16,333)       (346,318)             -
     Treasury stock acquired                                                                     (748,100)       (17,120)
     Stock issued under stock option,
           purchase and bonus plans                                       269                     276,293          4,077
     Tax benefits related to stock
      option plan                                                         661
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, August 31, 1994                      16,132,583     80,663     1,019     192,997      (1,857,576)       (31,906)
Net earnings                                                                       38,208
     Cash dividends -  $.48 per share                                              (7,211)
     Treasury stock acquired                                                                            -              -
     Treasury stock issued for
           acquisition of Owen                                          8,710                     932,301         16,345
     Stock issued under stock option,
           purchase and bonus plans                                       862                     162,284          2,122
Tax benefits related to stock option plan                               1,355
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, August 31, 1995                      16,132,583  $  80,663  $ 11,946    $223,994        (762,991)    $  (13,439)

See notes to consolidated financial statements.



The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and
its subsidiaries. All material intercompany transactions and balances are
eliminated in consolidation.

Revenue Recognition

Sales are recognized when title to inventory passes to the customer based on
customary industry practice.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Inventory cost for
almost all domestic inventories is determined by the last-in, first-out (LIFO)
method; cost of international and other domestic inventories is determined by
the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost and is depreciated at annual
rates based upon the estimated useful lives of the assets using substantially
the straight-line method. Provision for amortization of leasehold improvements
is made at annual rates based upon the estimated useful lives of the assets or
terms of the leases, whichever is shorter.

Startup Costs

Startup costs associated with the acquisition and expansion of manufacturing
and recycling facilities are expensed as incurred.

Income Taxes

Deferred income taxes are provided for temporary differences between financial
and tax reporting. The principal differences are described in Note 6. Benefits
from tax credits are reflected currently in earnings.

Foreign Currency

The functional and the reporting currency of a majority of the Company's
international subsidiaries is the United States dollar. There are no significant
translation adjustments to be reported as a separate component of stockholders'

         Gain or loss on foreign currency exchange contracts designated as
hedges is deferred and recognized upon settlement of the related trade
receivable or payable.

Cash Flows

For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the Company considers investments
that are short-term (generally with original maturities of three months or
less) and highly liquid to be cash equivalents. Temporary investments include
highly liquid instruments with longer original maturity dates.

         Cash and cash equivalents and temporary investments at  August 31 were
as follows (in thousands):

                                         1995             1994           1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents             $ 21,018        $ 19,095        $ 18,780
Temporary investments
   (at lower of cost or market)              -          19,174          28,659
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      $ 21,018        $ 38,269        $ 47,439


Certain reclassifications have been made in the 1994 and 1993 financial
statements to conform to the classifications used in the current year.


On November 15, 1994, the Company acquired all the outstanding common stock of
three privately owned companies Owen Steel Company, Inc. and two affiliated
corporations, Owen Miscellaneous Metals,Inc. and South Carolina Steel
Corporation (all three combined referred to as "Owen"). Owen operated a steel
minimill in Columbia, South Carolina and related fabrication plants in Florida,
Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

         The Company paid approximately $50 million consisting of $25 million
in cash and the issuance of 932,301 shares of treasury stock, valued at $26.875
per share. The Company also provided funds for the retirement of approximately
$32 million of Owen debt at the closing. The transaction is accounted for by
the purchase method of accounting and resulted in no goodwill. Results of
operations of Owen are included in the statement of earnings since acquisition

         At August 31, 1995, approximately $9 million of the acquisition price
was maintained in an escrow account, subject to final determination of the net
worth of Owen at the closing date and certain other post-closing adjustments.
These adjustments may affect the ultimate purchase price and the allocation of
fair value to assets and liabilities.

         The following unaudited pro forma statements of earnings have been
derived from historical financial statements of the Company and Owen. The
information is adjusted to give effect to the acquisition of Owen by the
Company as if it had occurred  at the beginning of the period presented. These
supplemental statements of earnings are presented for informational purposes
only and do not purport to be indicative of the results of operations that
actually would have occurred if the acquisition had been consummated as of
those dates.
Proforma information (unaudited):

(in thousands except share data)

                                         1995                 1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                           $   2,194,055        $   1,924,635
Net income                                38,594               10,565
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings per share                 $        2.55        $        0.67


Before reduction of LIFO reserves of $34,255,000 and $21,298,000 at August 31,
1995 and 1994, respectively, inventories valued under the first-in, first-out
method approximated replacement cost.

         At August 31, 1995 and 1994, 86% and 78%, respectively, of total
inventories were valued at LIFO. The remainder of inventories, valued at FIFO,
consist mainly of international back-to-back sales, in-transit to customers.


Periodically, the Company is active in the commercial paper market with a
program which permits borrowings up to $30,000,000. It is the Company's policy
to maintain formal bank credit lines equal to 100% of the amount of all
commercial paper outstanding.

         The Company has numerous informal credit facilities available from
domestic and international banks. These credit facilities are priced at
banker's acceptance rates or on a cost of funds basis. No compensating balances
or commitment fees are required under these credit facilities.

         On July 26, 1995 the Company sold $100 million of investment grade,
unsecured notes with a coupon rate of 7.20% in its initial entry into the
long-term public debt market. After netting the proceeds of an interest rate
hedge closed simultaneously with the pricing of the bonds, the effective
interest rate is 7.04%. The shelf registration also included $50 million of
securities in the form of medium term notes that can be issued over the next
two years.

         On November 23, 1993, the Company arranged a 2 year, $30 million
unsecured revolving credit loan facility with a group of five banks. The final
maturity date of this credit facility can be extended annually for successive
additional one year periods by mutual agreement. The agreement provides for
borrowing in United States dollars indexed to the prime rate, to the United
States certificate of deposit rate, or to the offshore dollar interbank market
rate. A commitment fee of .225% per annum is payable on the unused credit line.
No compensating balances are required.

         Long-term debt and amounts due within one year as of August 31, 1995,
are as follows (in thousands):

                                Amount            Current        Long-term
                              outstanding        maturities        debt
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.20% notes due 2005           $100,000           $     -       $100,000
8.49% notes due 2001             42,857             7,143         50,000
8.75% note due 1999              14,999             4,286         19,285
Other                               148             2,679          2,827
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               $158,004          $ 14,108       $172,112

All interest is payable semiannually. The 7.20% notes are due in July 2005. The
8.49% notes provide for annual principal repayments beginning on December 1,
1995; all other notes are payable semiannually.

         Certain of the note agreements include various covenants. The most
restrictive of these requires maintenance of consolidated net current assets of
$75,000,000 and net worth (as defined) of $150,000,000. At August 31, 1995,
approximately $144,000,000 of retained earnings was available for cash
dividends under these covenants.

         The aggregate amounts of all long-term debt maturities for the five
years following August 31, 1995, are (in thousands): 1996 - $14,108; 1997 -
$11,498; 1998 - $11,480; 1999 - $11,457; 2000 - $9,284.

         Interest expense is comprised of the following (in thousands):

                                       Year ended August 31,
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              1995             1994               1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt              $  9,105        $  5,521           $  7,259
Financial services debt        1,364           1,953              1,799
Commercial paper                 516             321                178
Notes payable                  4,261           1,476                161
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            $ 15,246        $  9,271           $  9,397

Interest of $149,000, $1,176,000, and $411,000 was capitalized in the cost of
property, plant and equipment constructed in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.
Interest of $12,641,000, $10,453,000, and $10,524,000 was paid in 1995, 1994
and 1993 respectively.


Management believes that the historical financial statement presentation is the
most useful for displaying the Company's financial position. However, generally
accepted accounting principles require disclosure of an estimate of the fair
value of the Company's financial instruments as of year end. These estimated
fair values disregard management intentions concerning these instruments and do
not represent liquidation proceeds or settlement amounts currently available to
the Company. Differences between historical presentation and estimated fair
values can occur for many reasons including taxes, commissions, prepayment
penalties, make-whole provisions and other restrictions as well as the inherent
limitations in any estimation technique. Because of this management believes
that this information may be of limited usefulness in understanding the Company
and minimal value in comparability between companies.

         Due to near-term maturities, allowances for  collection losses,
investment grade ratings and security provided, the following financial
instruments' carrying amounts are considered equivalent to fair value:

         - Cash and temporary investments

         - Financial services loans and advances

         - Commercial paper

         - Notes payable

         - Financial services notes payable
The Company's long-term debt is both publicly and privately held. Fair value
was determined for private debt by discounting future cash flows at current
market yields and for public debt at indicated market values.

(in thousands)
- -------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt                1995              1994
- -------------------------------------------------------
Carrying Amount            $  172,112         $ 76,913
Estimated Fair Value       $  174,950         $ 80,606

The notional amount of foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at year
end was $42,600,000. The fair value of these contracts effective as hedges is
not significant. The fair value of all outstanding letters of credit is not

         The Company does not have significant off-balance-sheet risk from
financial instruments. It enters into foreign exchange contracts as hedges of
trade receivables and payables denominated in currencies other than the
functional currency. Effects of changes in currency rates are therefore
minimized. As a matter of Company policy, foreign exchange contracts are used
only to hedge firm commitments, not anticipated transactions.

         The Company maintains both corporate and divisional credit
departments. Limits are set for customers and countries. Letters of credit
issued or confirmed through sound financial institutions are obtained to
further ensure prompt payment in accordance with terms of sale; generally,
collateral is not required. At August 31, 1995, $30,049,000 of accounts
receivable were backed by these bankers acceptances.

         In the normal course of its marketing activities, the Company
transacts business with substantially all sectors of the metals industry.
Customers are internationally dispersed, cover the spectrum of manufacturing
and distribution, deal with various types and grades of metal, and have a
variety of end markets in which they sell. The Company's historical experience
in collection of accounts receivable falls within the recorded allowances. Due
to these factors, no additional credit risk beyond amounts provided for
collection losses is believed inherent in the Company's accounts receivable.


The provisions for income taxes include the following
(in thousands):

                                           Year ended August 31,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             1995                  1994                1993
    United States          $ 17,816              $  8,165           $  8,827
    Foreign                     615                   402              1,028
    State and local           1,893                 1,866              1,264
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             20,324                10,433             11,119
Deferred                       (524)                4,304              2,281
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           $ 19,800              $ 14,737          $  13,400

Taxes of $21,000,000, $14,736,000, and $7,511,000 were paid in 1995, 1994 and
1993, respectively.

         Deferred taxes arise from temporary differences between the tax basis
of an asset or liability and its reported amount in the financial statements.
The sources and tax effects of these differences are (in thousands):

                                              August 31,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                        1995            1994
U.S. taxes provided on foreign 
  income and foreign taxes           $ 11,532       $   10,589
Tax on difference between tax
  and book depreciation                17,260            9,228
Net operating losses                   (6,692)              --
Alternative minimum tax credit         (1,713)              --
Other accruals                         (1,606)              -- 
Other                                    (228)            (740)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                $ 18,553       $   19,077

As noted above the Company provides United States taxes on unremitted foreign
earnings. Such earnings have been reinvested in the foreign operations except
for dividends of $6,062,000.

         The Company's effective tax rates were 34.1% in 1995, 36% in 1994, and
38.2% in 1993. Reconciliations of the United States statutory rates to the
effective rates are  as follows:

                                  Year ended August 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------
                              1995        1994        1993
Statutory rate               35.0%       35.0%       35.0%
Tax credits                   (.5)        (.5)        (.5)
State and local taxes         2.1         2.9         2.1
Other                        (2.5)       (1.4)        1.6
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Effective tax rate           34.1%       36.0%       38.2%

During 1995, the Company resolved all issues for its returns through 1992. The
settlement amount was negligible and as a result the Company credited income
tax expense $1,350,000 during 1995. This is reflected in Other in the table
above.  The Company acquired Owen Steel Company,Inc. and subsidiaries in a tax
free merger transaction during 1995. As a result of this transaction, there are
$19 million of net operating losses and $1.7 million of alternative minimum tax
credits that were recorded as deferred tax assets under purchase accounting.
These assets will be reduced as tax expense is
recognized in future periods. The net operating losses consist of $4 million
and $15 million that are due to expire in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The $1.7
million alternative minimum tax credit is available indefinitely.


Stock Purchase Plan

Substantially all employees may participate in the Company's employee stock
purchase plan. The Directors have authorized the annual purchase of up to 200
shares at a discount of 25% from the stock's price. Annual activity of the
stock purchase plan was as follows:

                                    1995        1994       1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares available                   426,021
Shares outstanding                 146,710
     Price per share                $18.41
Shares purchased                   107,110     122,607     133,053
     Price per share              $  19.94    $  14.06    $  13.42

Stock Option Plans

In 1979, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Key Employees
Restricted Stock Bonus Plan (the Plan), under which shares of common stock were
awarded to certain key employees of the Company. Under the terms of the Plan,
the shares are issued in the name of the employee and placed in escrow for a
five-year vesting period, with the employee receiving all cash dividends and
having the right to vote such shares held in escrow. In October 1989, the
Company awarded 260,337 shares and recorded deferred noncash compensation of
$4,029,000, representing the fair market value of the common stock at the date
of the stock award. The deferred compensation is being amortized over the
five-year vesting period, with $96,848, $654,000, and $488,000 in 1995, 1994
and 1993, respectively, charged to operations. Employees with 1,232 and 7,265
nonvested shares forfeited their shares during 1994 and 1993, respectively.
These shares were returned to the Company. In October, 1994 230,505 shares were
issued under the Plan. The Plan terminated on January 30, 1990, except as to
awards outstanding .

         The 1986 Stock Incentive Plan (Incentive Plan) was approved in
November 1986 by the Board of Directors. Under the Incentive Plan, stock
options and stock appreciation rights may be awarded to full-time salaried
employees, including directors, of the Company. The option price for both the
stock  options and the stock rights will not be less than the fair market value
of the Company's stock at the date of grant and are exercisable two years from
date of grant.  The Incentive Plan also provides for issuance of common stock
to eligible employees as performance awards for achievement of specified

         Annual activity of the stock incentive plan is as follows:

                                                    1995          1994       1993      
Shares available                                    667,697                            
Shares outstanding                                1,430,293                            
     Price per share                          $8.72 - 27.61                            
Shares exercisable                                  860,253                            
Shares granted                                      293,000     287,369     372,595    
     Price per share                                 $24.50      $27.61      $20.21    
Shares exercised                                    126,843     160,497     494,365    
     Average price per share                         $16.61      $13.72      $12.47    
Shares forfeited                                      8,646      12,319      24,812    

Preferred Stock

Preferred stock has a par value of $1.00 a share, with 2,000,000 shares
authorized. It may be issued in series, and the shares of each series shall
have such rights and preferences as fixed by the Board of Directors when
authorizing the issuance of that particular series. There are no shares of
preferred stock outstanding.


Substantially all employees of the Company and its subsidiaries are covered by
profit sharing or savings plans.  Effective May 1, 1994, the Company's two
profit sharing plans were amended to add 401(k) deferred compensation options.
Contributions, which are discretionary, to all plans were $10,801,000,
$6,999,000, and $6,097,000 for 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively. One
subsidiary maintains a defined benefit pension plan that covers substantially
all its employees.  Benefits are based on an employee's average monthly
earnings and years of service. The contribution required for 1995 is not
significant. Financial statement pension expense (income) and related balance
sheet and funded status are not significant.


The Company has no significant postretirement obligations other than pensions
(see note 8). The Company's historical costs for postemployment benefits have
not been significant and are not expected to be in the future.


Minimum rental commitments payable by the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries for noncancelable operating leases in effect at August 31, 1995,
are as follows for the  fiscal periods specified (in thousands):

                            Equipment                Estate
- ------------------------------------------------------------
1996                       $   1,514              $   2,883
1997                             917                  2,237
1998                             686                  1,904
1999                             257                  1,773
2000 and thereafter               96                  3,532
- ------------------------------------------------------------
                           $   3,470              $  12,329

Total rental expense was $7,953,000, $6,086,000, and $5,994,000 in 1995, 1994
and 1993, respectively.
         In the ordinary course of conducting its business, the Company becomes
involved in litigation, administrative proceedings and governmental
investigations, including environmental matters.

         The Company has received notices from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) or equivalent state agency that it is considered a
potentially responsible party (PRP) at eleven sites, none owned by the Company,
and may be obligated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) or similar state statute to
conduct remedial investigations, feasibility studies, remediation and/or
removal of alleged releases of hazardous substances or to reimburse the EPA for
such activities. The Company is involved in litigation or administrative
proceedings with regard to several of these sites in which the Company is
contesting, or at the appropriate time may contest, its PRP designation. In
addition, the Company has received information requests with regard to other
sites which may be under consideration by the EPA as potential CERCLA sites.

         Some of these environmental matters or other proceedings may result in
fines, penalties or judgments being assessed against the Company which, from
time to time, may have a material impact on earnings for a particular quarter.
While the Company is unable to estimate precisely the ultimate dollar amount of
exposure to loss in connection with the above-referenced matters, it makes
accruals as warranted. It is the opinion of the Company's management that the
outcome of these proceedings, individually or in the aggregate, will not have a
material adverse effect on the business or consolidated financial position of
the Company.

         On November 22, 1994, the United States District Court for the
Southern District of Texas granted the federal government's motion for summary
judgment and entered a Final Order in the principal amount of $1.3 million
against CMC Oil Company, a subsidiary of the Company. The claim involves
liability for overcharges by an alleged partner of CMC Oil Company for crude
oil sales during the late 1970's. With interest, the judgment is approximately
$7.0 million and this has been fully accrued in the financial statements of
CMC Oil Company. CMC Oil Company has appealed the Order.


Earnings per share are computed on the basis of the weighted average number of
shares of common stock and common stock equivalents outstanding during the
year. Common stock equivalents resulting from the stock option and purchase
plans do not cause a significant dilutive effect. The shares used in the
calculation of earnings per share were 15,151,072, 14,956,479, and 14,820,832
in 1995, 1994 and 1993 respectively.


(in thousands)                                          August 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              1995                     1994
Salaries, wages and commissions            $ 30,213                 $ 18,882
Advance billings on contracts                13,590                        -
Pension and profit sharing                    9,758                    7,988
Insurance                                     9,193                    6,843
Accrual for contract losses                   8,066                        -
Environmental                                 7,634                    3,955
Litigation accrual                            6,650                        -
Freight                                       5,625                    4,849
Taxes other than income taxes                 5,335                    3,430
Interest                                      3,592                    2,733
Other accrued expenses                       38,277                   36,540
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           $137,933                 $ 85,220


Summarized data for the Company's international operations (principally in
Europe and the Far East) are as follows  (in thousands):

                                                     Year ended August 31,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             1995            1994            1993
Revenues-unaffiliated customers          $  376,332       $ 478,012       $ 591,681
Operating profit                         $   10,051       $   8,683       $  11,003
Identifiable assets                      $   88,711       $ 139,668       $ 132,417

Export sales from the Company's United States operations are as follows (in

                                    Year ended August 31,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                       1995                  1994               1993
Far East           $   42,439            $   36,686        $   21,805
Canada and Mexico      42,698                34,621            42,086
Other                   6,074                 6,660             4,208
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Total              $   91,211            $   77,967        $   68,099

The Company operates in three business segments, as indicated below. During
1995 the Financial Services segment was merged with the Marketing and Trading
segment in recognition of its greater emphasis on supporting internal treasury
activities instead of third party lending.

Intersegment sales generally are priced at prevailing market prices. Certain
corporate administrative expenses are allocated to segments based upon the
nature of the expense.

                                                                   Marketing       Financial                    and
1995 (in thousands)                  Manufacturing    Recycling    and Trading     Services    Corporate     eliminations 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues - unaffiliated customers     $   900,922   $   483,428   $   732,419                $        10     $        -   
Intersegment revenues                      11,817        27,707        16,806                                   (56,330)   
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Total revenues              912,739       511,135       749,225                         10        (56,330)   
Operating profit (loss)                    54,417        11,337        17,751                    (10,251)                  
Interest expense                                                                                                          
    Earnings before income taxes                                                                                          
Depreciation and amortization              28,847         8,524           635                        128                  
Capital expenditures                       24,689        14,103           431                         88                  
Identifiable assets                   $   452,145   $   111,119   $   165,692                $    19,147     $        -   

1994 (in thousands)                                                                                                       
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues - unaffiliated customers     $   592,958   $   319,468   $   751,027  $     2,747   $        34     $        -   
Intersegment revenues                       5,317        22,782         6,895                                   (34,994)    
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total revenues                        598,275       342,250       757,922        2,747            34        (34,994)   
Operating profit (loss)                    37,670         4,998        13,507        1,731*       (9,681)                  
Interest expense                                                                                                          
    Earnings before income taxes                                                                                          
Depreciation and amortization              22,382         7,003           655                        103                  
Capital expenditures                       37,203        10,181           519                        249                  
Identifiable assets                   $   281,471   $    97,924   $   154,102  $    62,003   $     9,377     $        -   

1993 (in thousands)                                                                                                       
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues - unaffiliated customers     $   482,076   $   264,580   $   816,901  $     3,661   $     1,288     $        -   
Intersegment revenues                       5,334        25,592         1,018                                   (31,944)   
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Total revenues              487,410       290,172       817,919        3,661         1,288        (31,944)   
Operating profit (loss)                    32,536           603        14,271        1,790*       (6,541)                  
Interest expense                                                                                                          
    Earnings before income taxes                                                                                          
Depreciation and amortization              19,193         7,392           688                         88                  
Capital expenditures                       31,945         4,798           577                        293                  
Identifiable assets                   $   234,005   $    77,723   $   140,760  $    64,174   $    25,299     $        -   

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------         
Revenues - unaffiliated customers                            $ 2,116,779    
Intersegment revenues                                                      
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------         
              Total revenues                                   2,116,779   
Operating profit (loss)                                           73,254   
Interest expense                                                 (15,246)  
    Earnings before income taxes                                  58,008   
Depreciation and amortization                                     38,134   
Capital expenditures                                              39,311   
Identifiable assets                                          $   748,103   
1994 (in thousands)                                                        
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Revenues - unaffiliated customers                            $ 1,666,234   
Intersegment revenues                                                      
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    Total revenues                                             1,666,234   
Operating profit (loss)                                           48,225   
Interest expense                                                  (7,318)* 
    Earnings before income taxes                                  40,907   
Depreciation and amortization                                     30,143   
Capital expenditures                                              48,152   
Identifiable assets                                          $   604,877   
1993 (in thousands)                                                        
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Revenues - unaffiliated customers                            $ 1,568,506   
Intersegment revenues                                                      
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
              Total revenues                                   1,568,506   
Operating profit (loss)                                           42,659   
Interest expense                                                  (7,598)* 
    Earnings before income taxes                                  35,061   
Depreciation and amortization                                     27,361   
Capital expenditures                                              37,613   
Identifiable assets                                          $   541,961   

*  Interest expense of the financial services segment has been included in
   operating profit in the amounts of $1,953 in 1994, and $1,799 in 1993.


Summarized quarterly financial data for 1995, 1994 and 1993 are as follows (in
thousands except per share data):

                                      Three Months Ended 1995
                      Nov. 30         Feb. 28       May 31          Aug. 31
Net sales            $ 411,434      $ 530,907     $ 572,520       $ 592,565
Gross profit            45,751         58,204        60,370          50,561
Net earnings             6,372         10,277        11,371          10,188
Net earnings per share     .44            .67           .73             .66

                                     Three Months Ended 1994
                       Nov. 30       Feb. 28        May 31         Aug. 31
Net sales            $ 380,016      $ 389,913     $ 440,649       $ 447,232
Gross profit            36,606         32,830        40,916          42,892
Net earnings             5,723          4,272         7,145           9,030
Net earnings per share     .38            .28           .48             .63

                                     Three Months Ended 1993
                       Nov. 30       Feb. 28        May 31        Aug. 31
Net sales            $ 324,380      $ 411,712     $ 435,041       $ 387,216
Gross profit            30,471         33,628        35,619          33,924
Net earnings             2,854          4,846         6,452           7,509
Net earnings per share     .20            .33           .43             .50

The quantities and costs used in calculating cost of goods sold on a quarterly
basis include estimates of the annual LIFO effect. The actual effect cannot be
known until the year-end physical inventory is completed and quantity and price
indices are developed. The quarterly cost of goods sold above includes such
estimates. Fourth quarter 1995 and 1994 net earnings decreased $5,195,000 and
$3,084,000, respectively, after the final determination of quantities and
prices was made.

         As discussed in footnote 6, there are credits to income tax expense of
$1,350,000 ($1,000,000 in the first quarter and $350,000 in the fourth quarter)
resulting from the favorable resolution of tax issues with the Internal Revenue
Service for years audited.

         As discussed in footnote 10, CMC Oil Company recorded a nonrecurring
net charge of $4.1 million in the first quarter as a litigation accrual.


Board of Directors and Stockholders
Commercial Metals Company
Dallas, Texas

We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Commercial Metals Company
and subsidiaries at August 31, 1995 and 1994 and the related consolidated
statements of earnings, stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended August 31, 1995.  These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

         We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

         In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of Commercial Metals Company
and subsidiaries at August 31,1995 and 1994, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
August 31, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


Dallas, Texas
October 18, 1995

         No event reportable herein took place.

                                    PART III


         Certain of the information required in response to this Item with
regard to directors is incorporated herein by reference from the registrant's
Definitive Proxy Statement for the annual meeting of shareholders to be held
January 25, 1996, which will be filed no later than 120 days after the close of
the Registrant's fiscal year.  The following is a listing of employees believed
to be considered "Executive Officers" of the registrant as defined under Rule
3b-7 as of August 31, 1995:

NAME                              CURRENT TITLE & POSITION                   AGE               OFFICER SINCE
- ----                              ------------------------                   ---               -------------
Lawrence A. Engels               Vice President, Treasurer and                62                    1977
                                 Chief Financial Officer

Hugh M. Ghormley                 Executive Vice President                     66                    1981
                                 CMC Steel Group

Harry J. Heinkele                President, Secondary Metals                  63                    1981
                                 Processing Division

A. Leo Howell                    Vice President; President and                74                    1977
                                 Treasurer - Howell Metal Company;
                                 Director and Chairman of the
                                 Executive Committee

William B. Larson                Controller                                   42                    1995

Murray R. McClean                Vice President and                           47                    1995
                                 President, International Division

Stanley A. Rabin                 President and Chief Executive                57                    1974
                                 Officer; Director


Bert Romberg                     Senior Vice President                        65                    1968

Marvin Selig                     President, CMC Steel Group;                  72                    1968

Clyde P. Selig                   Executive Vice President,                    63                    1981
                                 CMC Steel Group

David M. Sudbury                 Vice President, Secretary and                50                    1976
                                 General Counsel

         The Executive Officers are employed by the Board of Directors of the
registrant or the respective subsidiary usually at its first meeting after the
registrant's Annual Shareholders Meeting and continue to serve for terms set
from time to time by the registrant's Board of Directors in its discretion.

         All of the Executive Officers of the Company have served in the
positions indicated above or in positions of similar responsibility for more
than five years except for Messrs. Larson and McClean.  Mr. Larson was employed
by the Company in June, 1991 as Assistant Controller.  For five years prior to
June, 1991, he had been employed by and was a partner when he left Deloitte &
Touche LLP.  Mr. McClean has been employed by the Company's subsidiary CMC
(Australia) Pty. Limited since 1984.  In September, 1993, he assumed the
function of President of the International Division of the Company.  Director
and Executive Officer Marvin Selig is the brother of Executive Officer Clyde P.
Selig.  There are no other family relationships among the officers of the
registrant or among the Executive Officers and Directors.


         Information required in response to this Item is incorporated herein
by reference from the Registrant's Definitive Proxy Statement for the annual
meeting of shareholders to be held January 25, 1996, which will be filed no
later than 120 days after the close of the Registrant's fiscal year.


         The information required in response to this Item is incorporated
herein by reference from the Registrant's Definitive Proxy Statement for the
annual meeting of shareholders to be held January 25, 1996, which will be filed
no later than 120 days after the close of the Registrant's fiscal year.


         To the extent applicable, information required in response to this
Item is incorporated herein by reference from the Registrant's Definitive Proxy
Statement for the annual meeting of shareholders to be held January 25, 1996,
which will be filed no later than 120 days after the close of the Registrant's
fiscal year.

                                    PART IV


         (a)     The following documents are filed as a part of this report:

2.  Commercial Metals Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statement

  Independent Auditors' Report as to Schedules
  Valuation and qualifying accounts (Schedule VIII)

  All other schedules have been omitted because they are not applicable, are
not required, or the required information is shown in the financial statements
or notes thereto.

3.  The following is a list of the Exhibits and Index required to be filed by
Item 601 of Regulation S-K:

  (3)(i) Restated Certificate of Incorporation (Filed as Exhibit (3)(i)
               to the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
               August 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

  (3)(i)a - Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated February 1, 1994   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E1

  (3)(i)b - Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated February 17, 1995  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E2

  (3)(ii) By-Laws (Filed as Exhibit (3)(ii) to the Company's
               Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1993
               and incorporated hereby by reference).

  (4)  Indenture between the Company and Chase Manhattan Bank
  dated as of July 31, 1995 (Filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's
  Registration Statement No. 33-60809 on July 18, 1995 and
  incorporated herein by reference).

  (11)   Calculation of primary and fully diluted earnings per share  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E3

  (21)   Subsidiaries of Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E4

  (23)   Independent Auditors' consent to incorporation by reference into
  previously filed Registration Statements No. 033-61073 and No. 033-61075 on
  Form S-8 of report dated October 18, 1995 accompanying the
  consolidated financial statements of Commercial Metals Company and
  Subsidiaries for the year ended August 31, 1995   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E5

  (27)   Financial Data Schedule  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E6

   (b)   Reports on Form 8-K.

   No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last quarter covered by this



         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 the Registrant has caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY

                                                   /s/ Stanley A. Rabin 
                                           By:     Stanley A. Rabin
                                                   President and
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

                                                   Date:    November 20, 1995

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

/s/ Albert A. Eisenstat                                     /s/ Dorothy G. Owen
- --------------------------------------                      --------------------------------------
Albert A. Eisenstat, November 20, 1995                      Dorothy G. Owen, Novemer 20, 1995
Director                                                    Director

/s/ Moses Feldman                                           /s/ Charles B. Peterson               
- --------------------------------------                      --------------------------------------
Moses Feldman, November 20, 1995                            Charles B. Peterson, November 20, 1995
Director                                                    Director

/s/ Laurence E. Hirsch                                      /s/ Stanley A. Rabin                  
- --------------------------------------                      --------------------------------------
Laurence E. Hirsch, November 20, 1995                       Stanley A. Rabin, November 20, 1995
Director                                                    President, Chief Executive Officer
                                                            and Director
/s/ A. Leo Howell
- --------------------------------------                      /s/ Marvin Selig
A. Leo Howell, November 20, 1995                            --------------------------------------
Vice President and Director                                 Marvin Selig, November 20, 1995
                                                            President - Steel Group
/s/ Walter F. Kammann                                       and Director
- --------------------------------------                                  
Walter F. Kammann, November 20, 1995                        /s/ Lawrence A. Engels
Director                                                    --------------------------------------
                                                            Lawrence A. Engels, November 20, 1995
/s/ Ralph E. Loewenberg                                     Vice President and
- --------------------------------------                      Chief Financial Officer
Ralph E. Loewenberg, November 20, 1995
Director                                                    /s/ William B. Larson                 
                                                            William B. Larson November 20, 1995


To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
 Commercial Metals Company
Dallas, Texas

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Commercial Metals
Company as of August 31, 1995 and 1994, and for each of the three years in the
period ended August 31, 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated October
18, 1995 which is included herein. Our audits also included the consolidated
financial statement schedule of Commercial Metals Company listed in Item 14. 
This consolidated financial statement schedule is the responsibility of the
Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our
audits.  In our opinion, such consolidated financial statement schedule, when
considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as
a whole, present fairly in all material respects the information set forth


Deloitte & Touche LLP
Dallas, Texas
October 18, 1995


                                 SCHEDULE  VIII



                   YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1995, 1994 AND 1993

                                ( In thousands )

Allowance for collection
losses deducted from notes
and accounts receivable:

                          Charged to    Charged    Deductions
                Balance,  profit and   to other      from      Balance
               beginning   loss or     accounts    reserves      end
    Year        of year     income      ( A )       ( B )      of year 
  --------    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
    1993        $2,500      $1,998       $192       $1,473      $3,217

    1994         3,217       1,258        275        1,222       3,528

    1995*       $3,724      $1,084       $611         $676      $4,743

* Includes opening balance of $196 from the acquisition
  of the Owen Companies in November 1994.

( A )  Recoveries of accounts written off.

( B )  Write-off of uncollectible accounts.

                              INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit No.                        Description
- -----------                       -------------
  (3)(i) Restated Certificate of Incorporation (Filed as Exhibit (3)(i)
               to the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
               August 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

  (3)(i)a - Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated February 1, 1994   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E1

  (3)(i)b - Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated February 17, 1995  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E2

  (3)(ii) By-Laws (Filed as Exhibit (3)(ii) to the Company's
               Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1993
               and incorporated hereby by reference).

  (4)  Indenture between the Company and Chase Manhattan Bank
  dated as of July 31, 1995 (Filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's
  Registration Statement No. 33-60809 on July 18, 1995 and
  incorporated herein by reference).

  (11)   Calculation of primary and fully diluted earnings per share  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E3

  (21)   Subsidiaries of Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E4

  (23)   Independent Auditors' consent to incorporation by reference into
  previously filed Registration Statements No. 033-61073 and No. 033-61075 on
  Form S-8 of report dated October 18, 1995 accompanying the
  consolidated financial statements of Commercial Metals Company and
  Subsidiaries for the year ended August 31, 1995   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E5

  (27)   Financial Data Schedule  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   E6