
        John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company hereby ????? to the
dissolution, liquidation, winding up and distribution of the ????? of AEJH 1986
Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, AEJH 1987 Limited
Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, and AEJH 1989 Limited Partnership,
a Delaware limited partnership (collectively, the "Partnership"), pursuant to
that certain agreement regarding Liquidation and Winding Up of Certain
Partnerships dated as of April 15, 1996 by and between John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance and Alexander Energy Company and pursuant to Section 2 of that
certain Agreement and Consent dated as of April 15, 1996 by and among Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce, as Agent, CIBC Inc., as Collateral Agent and Lender,
and Alexander Energy Corporation.

        EXECUTED effective as of April 15, 1996.

                                           JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE

                                           By:  /s/ Eugene T. Hodge Jr.
                                           Name:      Eugene T. Hodge Jr.
                                           Title:     Investment Officer