The following financial statements, pro forma financial information
and exhibits are filed as an amendment to Form 8-K filed on or about October
14, 1996.

(a)      Financial statements of the business acquired, prepared pursuant to
Rule 3.05 of Regulation S-X and provided to Swisher International, Inc. by
Professional Carpet Systems, Inc.

Item                                                                                    Page
- ----                                                                                    ----
Audited Financial Statements of Surface Doctor

    Report of Blackwell, Poole & Company, Certified Public Accountants                   1
    Statements of Net Assets - December 31, 1995 and 1994                                2-3
    Statements of Operations - Years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994                    4
    Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994                    5
    Notes to Financial Statements                                                        6-9

Unaudited Interim Financial Statements of Surface Doctor

    Statements of Net Assets - July 31, 1996                                             10
    Statements of Income - Seven months ended July 31, 1996 and 1995                     11
    Statements of Cash Flows - Seven months ended July 31, 1996 and 1995                 12

(b) Pro forma financial information required pursuant to Article 11 of Regulation S-X:

    Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Income - Year Ended
    October 31, 1995                                                                     13

    Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Income - Nine months
    Ended July 31, 1996                                                                  14

    Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements                           15

         The Unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of income for
    the year ended October 31, 1995 and nine months ended July 31, 1996, give
    the effect the acquisition of Surface Doctor by Swisher International, Inc.
    as if the acquisition, accounted for as a purchase, had occurred on November
    1, 1994.  The pro forma information is based on historical financial
    statements Surface Doctor and Swisher International, Inc. after giving
    effect to the proposed transactions using the purchase method of accounting
    and the assumptions and adjustments in the accompanying notes to the pro
    forma financial statements. 

         The pro forma statements have been prepared by Swisher International, 
    Inc. based upon the financial statements of Surface Doctor (filed with this
    report under Item 7(a)) which have been provided by Professional Carpet
    Systems, Inc.  These pro forma statements may not be indicative of the
    results that actually would have occurred if the combinations had been in
    effect on the dates indicated or which may be obtained in the future.  The
    pro forma financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
    audited financial statements and notes of Surface Doctor and the audited
    statements of Swisher International, Inc.   


                          Independent Auditor's Report

The Board of Directors
Professional Carpet Systems, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia

   We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets of Surface Doctor
(as described  in Note 1) as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the related
statements of operations and cash flows for the years then ended.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Surface Doctor's management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audits.

   As discussed in Note 1, Surface Doctor is a part of Professional Carpet
Systems, Inc. and affiliated companies and has no separate legal status or

   We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

   In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of Surface Doctor as of
December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the results of its operations and its cash
flows for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.

                                           /s/ BLACKWELL, POOLE & COMPANY

                                           Blackwell, Poole & Company
                                           Certified Public Accountants

    October 8, 1996

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                            STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS
                           DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994


                                                December       December
                                                31, 1995       31, 1994
                                               -----------    -----------
Current Assets                                                
     Accounts Receivable, Less Allowance                      
        for Doubtful Accounts of $22,900                      
        and $16,210 for 1995 and 1994          $    93,769    $    85,747
     Notes Receivable, Less Allowance for                     
        Doubtful Notes of $20,000 and $6,715                  
        for 1995 and 1994 (Notes 3 and 4)           48,996         98,834
     Inventory (Note 2)                             74,831         55,005
     Prepaid Expenses                               20,238         13,203
                                               -----------    -----------
Total Current Assets                               237,834        252,789
Property and Equipment, net (Notes 2 and 5)        109,246        107,938
Other Assets                                                  
     Notes Receivable, Less Allowance for                     
        Doubtful Notes of $20,472 and $4,000                  
        for 1995 and 1994 (Notes 3 and 4)           51,248         47,986
     Other                                          12,126          9,710
                                               -----------    -----------

Total Other Assets                                  63,374         57,696
                                               -----------    -----------
                                               $   410,454    $   418,423
                                               ===========    ===========

                 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

                           LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

                                                 December      December
                                                 31, 1995      31, 1994
                                               ------------   -----------
Current Liabilities                                           
     Accounts Payable                          $     27,747   $   106,450
     Accrued Expenses                                 9,131        16,105
     Advertising Fund (Note 2)                       15,201         1,584
                                               ------------   -----------
Total Current Liabilities                            52,079       124,139
Deferred Revenue (Note 6)                            58,495        54,170
Net Assets                                          299,880       240,114
                                               ------------   -----------
                                               $    410,454   $   418,423
                                               =============  ===========

                 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                     YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994

                                                 December        December
                                                 31, 1995        31, 1994
                                               ------------    ------------
      Franchise Fees (Note 2)                  $    920,603   $     695,175
      Royalties                                     133,490          21,283
      Supply Sales                                  507,739         101,091
      Service Revenues                              335,373         465,977
                                               ------------   -------------

Total Revenues                                    1,897,205       1,283,526
Costs and Expenses                                                
      Costs of Revenues (Note 2)                    645,093         466,011
      Selling, General and Administrative                         
         Expenses (Note 2)                        1,034,864         951,393
                                               ------------   -------------
Total Costs and Expenses                          1,679,957       1,417,404
                                               ------------   -------------
Operating Income (Loss)                             217,248        (133,878)
Other Income                                         11,072           1,247
                                               ------------   -------------
Net Income (Loss)                              $    228,320   $    (132,631)
                                               ============   =============

                 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                     YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994

                                                 December       December
                                                 31, 1995       31, 1994
                                               ------------   -------------
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           
Net Income (Loss)                              $    228,320   $    (132,631)
Adjustment to Reconcile Net Income                                 
   to Cash Provided by Operating                                   
       Depreciation and Amortization                 29,203          15,719
       Provision for Bad Debts                       68,080          28,628
       Changes in Current Assets and                               
          Current Liabilities:                                     
             Accounts Receivable                    (41,345)       (103,660)
             Inventories                            (19,826)        (55,005)
             Prepaid Expenses                        (7,035)          1,025
             Accounts Payable                       (78,703)        106,301
             Advertising Fund                        13,617           1,584
             Accrued Expenses                        (6,974)         16,105
             Deferred Revenue                         4,325          53,170
                                               ------------   -------------
CASH PROVIDED BY (USED FOR)                                        
  OPERATING ACTIVITIES                              189,662         (68,764)
                                               ------------   -------------
INVESTING ACTIVITIES:                                              
      Capital Expenditures                          (30,218)       (123,565)
      Increase in Other Assets                       (2,709)         (9,239)
      Net Decrease (Increase) in                                   
         Notes Receivable                            11,819        (157,535)
                                               ------------   -------------
CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES                  (21,108)       (290,339)
                                               ------------   -------------
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                               
      Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets        (168,554)        359,103
                                               ------------   -------------
CASH PROVIDED BY (USED FOR)                                        
   FINANCING ACTIVITIES                            (168,554)        359,103
                                               ------------   -------------
NET CHANGE IN CASH                                     -               -
CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR                                -               -
                                               ------------   -------------
CASH, END OF YEAR                              $       -      $        -
                                               ============   =============

                 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.       Business

            Surface Doctor ("SD") is a division of the affiliated companies
         Professional Carpet Systems, Inc. ("PCS"), First American Operations,
         Inc. ("FAO") and Old Dixie Supply Company ("ODS").  SD has no separate
         legal status or existence.  SD operates and franchises a resurfacing
         process.  SD specializes in resurfacing appliances, counter tops and
         fixtures.  The SD franchisees may market these services, based on
         designated marketing areas throughout the world, to the apartment
         industry, hotels, homeowners and commercial customers.

            Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing these
         financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
         principles.  Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported
         amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosures of contingent
         assets and liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses.
         Actual results could vary from the estimates that were used.

            SD was sold to Swisher International, Inc. effective July 1, 1996.

2.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


            The accompanying financial statements include the accounts of SD as
         described above.  Revenues and direct costs are recorded based on
         actual amounts.  Selling, general and administrative expenses were
         allocated based on best estimates available.


            Inventories are valued at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out)
         or market.


            Property and equipment are stated at cost.  Depreciation and
         amortization are computed over the estimated useful lives of the
         assets on a straight-line basis for financial reporting and
         accelerated methods for income tax purposes.  Expenditures for
         maintenance, repairs, renewals, and betterments that do not materially
         prolong the useful lives of the assets are expensed as incurred during
         the year.

            The estimated useful lives for each class of property and equipment
         are as follows:

                 Vehicles                                  5  years
                 Equipment                                 7  years
                 Leasehold Improvements                    Term of Lease

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

2.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)


            Franchise sales are recognized when SD has performed all material
         services and obligations of the franchise contract, which generally
         coincides with the completion of all training by the franchisee.
         Certain franchise sales have been deferred until SD has substantially
         performed all of its obligations under the franchise agreement.
         Royalty fees are recognized as revenue as the fees are earned.
         Service revenues from SD owned operations are recognized when the
         services are performed.

            SD recognizes interest income when payments are received.  SD
         reports change in present value of the expected future cash flows
         related to impaired notes receivable as an increase or decrease in bad
         debt expense.


            SD franchises are required to contribute a fixed monthly amount for
         local, regional and national advertising to a fund that is maintained
         and accounted for by SD.  The funds are disbursed by SD at its


            PCS and FAO elected to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal
         Revenue Code.  Accordingly, taxable income of the SD divisions of PCS
         and FAO are taxable to the stockholder who is responsible for payment
         of taxes thereon.

            Effective January 1, 1995, ODS elected to be taxed under Subchapter
         S of the Internal Revenue Code.  The election was approved by the
         Internal Revenue Service in 1994; therefore, no deferred income taxes
         were provided for the year ended December 31, 1994.  Taxable income of
         the SD division of ODS for the year ended December 31, 1995, is
         taxable to the stockholder who is responsible for payment of taxes


            Included in selling, general and administrative expenses for the
         years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994 are management charges from
         PCS, FAO and ODS.  These charges represent allocation of corporate
         expenses which are based on various allocation methods.

            Management believes that the above allocations are reasonable and
         result in costs that are not materially different from those which
         would have been incurred on a stand alone basis.

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

2.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)


            Financial instruments which potentially subject SD to
         concentrations of credit risk consist principally of accounts
         receivable and notes receivable.  Accounts receivable credit risks are
         limited due to the large number of customers comprising SD's customer
         base and their dispersion across many different geographic areas.
         Notes receivable credit risks are limited due to SD requiring
         collateral and substantial down payments.

3.       Notes Receivable

            SD has notes receivable from its franchises that were issued in
         conjunction with the sales of the individual franchises.  These notes
         are due in years ranging from 1996 to 2002 and bear interest at rates
         ranging from 8% to 12%.  The notes are primarily collateralized by all
         right, title, and interest in the franchise granted, the proceeds upon
         any sale of the franchise and all accounts receivable of the franchise
         company.  Notes receivable amounted to $140,716 and $157,535, less an
         allowance for doubtful notes of $40,472 and $10,715 at December 31,
         1995 and 1994, respectively.

4.       Impaired Notes Receivable

            As of December 31, 1995 and 1994, the recorded investment in
         impaired notes receivable was $29,700, and $5,000 (with allowances for
         doubtful notes of $29,700 and $5,000) respectively.  Following is a
         summary of the activity in the allowance for doubtful notes accounts:

                                               December            December    
                                               31, 1995            31, 1994    
                                            ---------------    --------------- 
         Balance Beginning of Year          $        10,715    $         -     
         Additions Charged to Operations             34,757             10,715 
         Write-Offs                                  (5,000)             -     
                                            ---------------    --------------- 
         Balance End of Year                $        40,472    $        10,715 
                                            ===============    =============== 

                                                      SURFACE DOCTOR
                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

5.       Property and Equipment

            Property and equipment consisted of the following

                                               December           December    
                                               31, 1995           31, 1994    
                                            --------------     --------------  
         Vehicles                           $       74,678     $       74,678  
         Equipment                                  64,926             48,588  
         Leasehold Improvements                     23,029              9,149 
         Less accumulated depreciation                                         
            and amortization                       (53,387)           (24,477) 
                                            --------------     --------------  
                                            $      109,246     $      107,938  
                                            ==============     ==============  

6.       Deferred Revenue

            Deferred revenue at December 31, 1995 and 1994 represents certain
         franchise sales that have been deferred until SD has substantially
         performed all of its obligations under the franchise agreement.

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                            STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
                                JUNE 30, 1996

Current Assets

           Accounts Receivable, Less Allowance for Doubtful
                Accounts of $31,747                                                           $         120,543
           Notes Receivable, Less Allowance for Doubtful
                Notes of  $4,000                                                                         21,000
           Inventories                                                                                   83,426
           Prepaid Expenses                                                                              40,504

Total Current Assets                                                                                    265,473

Property and Equipment, Net                                                                              93,243

Other Assets
           Notes Receivable, Less Allowance for Doubtful
               Notes of $10,903                                                                          58,784
           Other                                                                                         15,616

Total Other Assets                                                                                       74,400

                                                                                              $         433,116

Current Liabilities

           Accounts Payable                                                                   $         159,281
           Accrued Expenses                                                                               5,877
           Advertising Fund                                                                              27,468

Total Current Liabilities                                                                               192,626

Deferred Revenue                                                                                        116,215

Net Assets                                                                                              124,275

                                                                                              $         433,116

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                                  Six Months Ended          Seven Months Ended
                                                                    June 30, 1996             July 31, 1995
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

            Franchise Fees                                       $           270,970        $           575,810
            Royalties                                                         88,105                     66,608
            Supply Sales                                                     318,155                    271,491
            Service Revenues                                                 159,968                    190,096
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------
Total Revenues                                                               837,198                  1,104,005

Costs and Expenses

            Costs of Revenues                                                320,683                    379,411
            Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                     402,475                    584,362
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

Total Costs and Expenses                                                     723,158                    963,773
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

Operating Income                                                             114,040                    140,232

Other Income                                                                   7,963                      8,381
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

Net Income                                                       $           122,003        $           148,613
                                                                 ===================        ===================

                                 SURFACE DOCTOR
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                  Six Months Ended          Seven Months Ended 
                                                                    June 30, 1996              July 31, 1995                        
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

Net Income                                                       $           122,003        $           148,614
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Cash
   Provided by Operating Activities:
       Depreciation and Amortization                                          17,477                     14,882
       Provision for Bad Debts                                                23,208                     30,629
       Changes in Current Assets and Current
                  Accounts Receivable                                        (44,220)                   (36,769)
                  Inventories                                                 (8,595)                   (51,465)
                  Prepaid Expenses                                           (20,265)                      (783)
                  Accounts Payable                                           131,534                     (9,029)
                  Advertising Fund                                            12,267                     13,837
                  Accrued Expenses                                            (3,254)                    (3,617)
                  Deferred Revenue                                            57,720                     28,515
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                        287,875                    134,814
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------


       Capital Expenditures                                                   (1,300)                    (1,008)
       Increase in Other Assets                                               (3,665)                        -
       Net Decrease in Notes Receivable                                       14,698                     45,369
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

CASH PROVIDED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                          9,733                     44,361
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------


       Decrease in Net Assets                                               (297,608)                  (179,175)
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

CASH USED FOR FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                          (297,608)                  (179,175)
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

DECREASE IN CASH                                                                  -                          -
CASH, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                                                         -                          -
                                                                 -------------------        -------------------

CASH, END OF PERIOD                                              $                -         $                -
                                                                 ===================        ===================
